Workout Wednesday: Farmington Is Building Confidence

Workout Wednesday is coming to Minnesota this fall. For the first episode, we got a chance to visit Farmington High School for a tough, endurance-building (and hopefully confidence-building) workout.

The Workout

-One Mile @ Threshold Pace

-400m @ under Race Pace (4 reps, 2 min rest)

-One Mile @ Threshold Pace

-200m Hill Sprints (4 reps, walkdown rest)

-Weightroom (Front Squats, Landmine Press, Planet Smashers)

Full Interviews

Adam Lippold (Head Coach)

Lisa Lippold (Head Coach)

Lauren Peterson (Pre-workout)

Caden Speikers (Pre-workout)

Amanda Schilling (Assistant Coach)

Scott Meier (Strength Coach)

Anna Fenske (Post-workout)

Trevor Lavigne (Post-workout)