Stephen Geffre

Auggies move up two spots in latest regional ranking


MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.-- The Augsburg College men's track and field team is ranked No. 6 in the latest U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association regional ranking of the outdoor track and field season. Augsburg moved up three spots from last week's No. 9 ranking.

Augsburg is one of seven MIAC schools to be ranked by the USTFCCA. Hamline is ranked No. 1, St. Thomas No. 3, St. John's No. 4, Gustavus No. 5, Concordia No. 7, and St. Olaf No. 10. 

The Auggies will compete in the Macalester College Twilight Meet in St. Paul Wednesday evening, before heading to Des Moines, Iowa this weekend to participate in the Drake University Relays.  

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