Apple Valley Eagle Invitational 2010

Apple Valley, MN

Meet Information


DATE:  Saturday, September 25, 2010

   9:45 a.m.  Girls J.V. Race  4000 Meters
  10:25 a.m.  Boys J.V. Race  5000 Meters
  11:05 a.m.  Girls Varsity Race  4000 Meters
  11:35 a.m.  Boys Varsity Race  5000 Meters
  12:05 p.m.  Boys Ninth Race  3200 Meters
  12:15 p.m.  Girls “C” Race  3200 Meters
  12:45 p.m.  Awards

SITE:   Apple Valley High School
        14450 Hayes Road
        Apple Valley, MN 55124
        952-431-8205 FAX: 952-431-8282
        V.M. for Rollie Greeno: 651-683-6969 # 93335

DIRECTIONS: Exit from I-35W at Burnsville Center (Co. Rd. 42) and go East on Co. Rd. 42 to Hayes
Road (approximately 3 miles). Go North on Hayes Road to the high school. Or exit from
I-35E at Cedar Avenue and go South to 140th. St. and go West to Hayes Road
(approximately 3 blocks). Go South to the high school.

ENTRY FEE: $40.00 per varsity team or $80.00 for boys and girls. Send to Athletic Director at AVHS.

ENTRIES:   Varsity-------7 per team with first 5 scoring.
           J.V. and “C” Races-----------Unlimited with first 5 scoring.
           NInth----------Unlimited with first 5 scoring. Limited to 7-9 graders only.

COURSE:    Mostly flat, grass. Must cross asphalt paths and roads. We wear 1/2" spikes.

AWARDS:   Team---------- Boys and Girls Varsity--1st. place plaque
          Individual------Boys and Girls J.V.--Ribbons 1-25
          Boys and Girls Varsity--Plaques 1-10; Medals 11-30
          Boys Ninth and Girls “C”--Ribbons 1-15

CHAMPIONS: 2009:  Girls Varsity--Eden Prairie
   		  Boys Varsity--Eden Prairie