UPDATED: MilesplitKY Bluegrass Showdown Current Standings

The inaugural MilesplitKY Bluegrass Showdown is coming up on 5/11/2024 at George Rogers Clark High School in Winchester, KY!  We will be inviting the 8 top boys and girls teams in Kentucky (regardless of class, based on 20-deep virtual meet calculations) to this meet, and then accept (in order of state ranking) enough At-Large competitors to put 24 in each event.  We will use the same schedule as the State meet.  This will allow teams to simulate the State meet, either for their entire team, or for select individuals and relays.  You can use it for that purpose, or just to test your athletes and/or stack your relays against the best that Kentucky has to offer.

Milesplit below is the list of team and individual standings.  Check it out to see if you qualify as a team, or have individuals and relays that qualify.  April 27th was the the last day for posting qualifying marks.  The entry deadline is Wednesday, May 1st.  Check out the meet page at https://ky.milesplit.com/meets/584921-milesplit-bluegrass-showdown-2024 for more information.

Milesplit will have a preview podcast, introductions for the athletes in the fast heat, spectators on the homestretch for the distance events, custom medals, and more!