MSHSL Section 7A Finals 2012

Duluth, MN

Final Results

Licensed to MSHSL - 7A Championship Meet
                                        Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 6/5/2012 09:30 AM
              Section 7A Track and Field Championships - 6/1/2012              
                          Griggs Field - UM - Duluth                           
Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash
     Section: % 12.60  6/3/2011    Alyson Glumac, Esko                         
                12.86  QUAL
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims        Wind H#
  1 Shofner, Breanna          10 Internationa             12.90q        NWI  2 
  2 Cossalter, Dallas         11 Esko                     13.20q        NWI  2 
  3 Myrdal, Lacey             12 TwoHarbors               13.32q        NWI  2 
  4 Zafft, Molly              12 CookCty                  13.39q        NWI  1 
  4 Katoski, Angela           12 MarshallDuluth           13.39q        NWI  1 
  6 Fynboh, Leann              9 TwoHarbors               13.42q        NWI  1 
  7 Michels, Abby             10 SilverBay                13.47q        NWI  1 
  8 Scholler, Jaci            10 Internationa             13.58q        NWI  2 
  9 Mae Dick, Alexandra        9 EastCentral              13.61         NWI  2 
 10 Hanson, Baylee             8 Eveleth-Gilb             13.63         NWI  2 
 11 Beth, Giles               11 Greenway Nas             13.70         NWI  1 
 12 Haley, Tiandra             9 Bigfork                  13.71         NWI  1 
 13 Larson, Hannah             9 Mesabi East              14.03         NWI  1 
 14 Cunningham, Morgan        12 Virginia                 14.31         NWI  2 
Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash
     Section: % 12.60  6/3/2011    Alyson Glumac, Esko                         
                12.86  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals              Wind Points
  1 Shofner, Breanna    10 Internationa             12.89         1.1   10  
  2 Cossalter, Dallas   11 Esko                     13.13         1.1    8  
  3 Myrdal, Lacey       12 TwoHarbors               13.19         1.1    6  
  4 Zafft, Molly        12 CookCty                  13.39         1.1    5  
  5 Katoski, Angela     12 MarshallDuluth           13.40         1.1    4  
  6 Fynboh, Leann        9 TwoHarbors               13.44         1.1    3  
  7 Scholler, Jaci      10 Internationa             13.59         1.1    2  
  8 Michels, Abby       10 SilverBay                13.77         1.1    1  
Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash
     Section: % 10.88  1995        Erik Hanson, Mesabi East                    
                11.32  QUAL
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims        Wind H#
  1 Paynotta, David           12 HinckFin                 11.11qQUAL    NWI  1 
  2 Sella, Mitchell           11 Virginia                 11.56q        NWI  1 
  3 Stackpool, Cade           11 Virginia                 11.66q        NWI  2 
  4 Reinertsen, Max           12 Esko                     11.67q        NWI  2 
  5 Warren, Peter             11 CookCty                  11.68q        NWI  2 
  6 Christensen, Drew         10 TwoHarbors               11.77q        NWI  1 
  7 Argir, Jeremy             12 Chisholm                 11.79q        NWI  2 
  8 House, Tyler              12 Internationa             11.88q        NWI  1 
  9 Gelhar, Daniel            12 McGregor                 11.89         NWI  2 
 10 Panetti, Holden           12 SilverBay                11.98         NWI  1 
 11 Gassert, Christopher      12 MooseLkWillRiv           12.09         NWI  1 
 12 Adams, Zach               12 Greenway Nas             12.10         NWI  2 
 13 Campbell, Austin          10 Chisholm                 12.20         NWI  2 
 14 Ortloff, Eric              9 Deer River/N             12.53         NWI  1 
Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash
     Section: % 10.88  1995        Erik Hanson, Mesabi East                    
                11.32  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals              Wind Points
  1 Paynotta, David     12 HinckFin                 11.13 QUAL    1.3   10  
  2 Stackpool, Cade     11 Virginia                 11.36         1.3    8  
  3 Sella, Mitchell     11 Virginia                 11.54         1.3    6  
  4 Warren, Peter       11 CookCty                  11.68         1.3    5  
  5 Reinertsen, Max     12 Esko                     11.71         1.3    4  
  6 Argir, Jeremy       12 Chisholm                 11.73         1.3    3  
  7 Christensen, Drew   10 TwoHarbors               11.76         1.3    2  
  8 House, Tyler        12 Internationa             11.80         1.3    1  
Event 3  Girls 200 Meter Dash
     Section: % 25.24  1981        Behrendt, Rush City                         
                26.31  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals              Wind H# Points
  1 Shofner, Breanna    10 Internationa             26.42         1.7  2   10  
  2 Mika, Ladoux        12 Greenway Nas             26.73         1.7  2    8  
  3 Katoski, Angela     12 MarshallDuluth           26.95         1.6  1    6  
  4 Zafft, Molly        12 CookCty                  26.98         1.7  2    5  
  5 Allen, Aimee        10 Mesabi East              27.01         1.7  2    4  
  6 Rengo, Olivia        8 Esko                     27.27         1.7  2    3  
  7 Kruger, Kelly        9 Proctor                  27.41         1.6  1    2  
  8 Lundgren, Emily     12 Aitken                   28.05         1.7  2    1  
  9 Kelley, Kaitlyn      8 Wrenshall                28.21         1.7  2 
 10 Haley, Tiandra       9 Bigfork                  28.39         1.6  1 
 11 Jade, Waldvogel     11 Greenway Nas             28.57         1.6  1 
 12 Dahle, Madeline      8 Internationa             28.58         1.6  1 
 13 Wimmer, Cassie       9 Wrenshall                29.06         1.6  1 
Event 4  Boys 200 Meter Dash
     Section: % 22.03  1995        Adam Freed, Marshall                        
                22.93  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals              Wind H# Points
  1 Disterhaupt, Jake   11 MooseLkWillRiv           22.43 QUAL    1.9  2   10  
  2 Paynotta, David     12 HinckFin                 22.60 QUAL    1.9  2    8  
  3 Schreiner, Ben      12 Chisholm                 22.68 QUAL    1.9  2    6  
  4 Sella, Mitchell     11 Virginia                 22.75 QUAL    1.9  2    5  
  5 DeLuca, Frank       10 Proctor                  22.92 QUAL    1.9  2    4  
  6 Mudek, Riley        11 Esko                     23.34         1.9  2    3  
  7 Warren, Peter       11 CookCty                  23.88         1.9  2    2  
  8 Stackpool, Cade     11 Virginia                 23.91         1.8  1    1  
  9 Gelhar, Daniel      12 McGregor                 23.93         1.9  2 
  9 Day, Stephen        10 Eveleth-Gilb             23.93         1.8  1 
 11 Weston, Chris       11 Eveleth-Gilb             24.14         1.8  1 
 12 Argir, Jeremy       12 Chisholm                 24.30         1.8  1 
 13 Hinstala, Brandt    10 Esko                     24.60         1.8  1 
 14 Campbell, Austin    10 Chisholm                 24.62         1.8  1 
Event 5  Girls 400 Meter Dash
     Section: % 58.44  1990        Behrendt - Wilson, Rush City - Silver Bay   
                59.22  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        H# Points
  1 Mika, Ladoux        12 Greenway Nas           1:00.34                   2   10  
  2 Lundgren, Emily     12 Aitken                 1:00.40                   2    8  
  3 Allen, Aimee        10 Mesabi East            1:01.78                   2    6  
  4 Shelerud, Kate      12 Esko                   1:03.46                   2    5  
  5 Johnson, Taylor      8 Lakeview Chr           1:03.75                   2    4  
  6 Johnson, Hayley     10 MooseLkWillRiv         1:03.87                   2    3  
  7 Haedtke, Kassie     10 Proctor                1:04.03                   1    2  
  8 Michels, Abby       10 SilverBay              1:04.18                   2    1  
  9 Bushey, Jaelyn       7 Barnum                 1:04.80                   1 
 10 Perushek, McKenzie   7 Eveleth-Gilb           1:05.06                   1 
 11 Bianco, Erin         7 Ely                    1:05.85                   1 
 12 Kostiuk, Abby        8 Internationa           1:05.92                   1 
 13 Terrio, Amy         11 Eveleth-Gilb           1:07.22                   1 
 -- Kelley, Kaitlyn      8 Wrenshall                   DQ                   2 
Event 6  Boys 400 Meter Dash
     Section: % 48.45  1996        Adam Freed, Marshall                        
                50.41  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        H# Points
  1 Cisar, Josh         12 MooseLkWillRiv           49.87 QUAL              2   10  
  2 Mudek, Riley        11 Esko                     50.37 QUAL              2    8  
  3 Baker, Casey        12 Mesabi East              51.38                   2    6  
  4 Weston, Chris       11 Eveleth-Gilb             51.80                   2    5  
  5 Schreiner, Ben      12 Chisholm                 52.74                   2    4  
  6 Thorstenson, Dakot  12 Proctor                  52.82                   2    3  
  7 Jacobs, Riley       10 Crosby-Iront             53.89                   2    2  
  8 Gutierrez, Joey     12 MarshallDuluth           54.07                   1    1  
  9 Miller, Matt        12 HinckFin                 54.79                   2 
 10 Griffith, Marco     11 Internationa             55.86                   1 
 11 Kinzer, Alec        11 Aitken                   56.07                   1 
 12 Talley, Mitch       11 Cromwell                 56.21                   1 
 13 Oconnor, Matt       11 Wrenshall                56.66                   1 
 14 Kalb, Evan          10 Mesabi East              56.88                   1 
Event 7  Girls 800 Meter Run
     Section: % 2:18.89  1999        Allison Brabec, Moose Lake / Willow Rive  
                2:20.49  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Ekman, Sammi        12 Mesabi East            2:21.61                    10  
  2 Schultz, Brianna     9 HinckFin               2:22.67                     8  
  3 Blom, Emma          11 South Ridge            2:26.00                     6  
  4 Swanson, Lizzy      10 EastCentral            2:26.86                     5  
  5 Cahoon, Allie       10 Cromwell               2:27.54                     4  
  6 Larva, Stacey       10 Floodwood              2:29.33                     3  
  7 Kleinschmidt, Ann    9 MarshallDuluth         2:30.16                     2  
  8 Perterson, Lauren    9 Crosby-Iront           2:30.21                     1  
  9 Twite, Laruen       10 Virginia               2:36.06                  
 10 Hutar, Rachel        9 Cromwell               2:37.31                  
 11 Seipke, Abigale      8 TwoHarbors             2:37.78                  
 -- Anderson, Maggie     9 Bigfork                     DQ                  
Event 8  Boys 800 Meter Run
     Section: % 1:57.27  5/31/2002   Sam Anderson, CrosbyIronto                
                1:59.16  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Moonen, Ben         11 MooseLkWillRiv         1:58.38 QUAL               10  
  2 Blood, Kyle         11 SilverBay              1:58.95 QUAL                8  
  3 Wagner, Michael     12 Eveleth-Gilb           2:06.33                     6  
  4 Maki, Bennet        12 Mesabi East            2:07.12                     5  
  5 Spartz, Jake        12 Deer River/N           2:07.14                     4  
  6 Johnson, Joey       11 Esko                   2:08.69                     3  
  7 Patrick, Riley      12 Crosby-Iront           2:09.69                     2  
  8 Fulton, Matt        11 Proctor                2:10.61                     1  
  9 LeTourneau, Jeremi  11 HinckFin               2:11.26                  
 10 Johnson, Sam        12 MarshallDuluth         2:12.38                  
 11 Jesme, Ben          12 Ely                    2:12.83                  
 12 Wilson, Ty          12 Virginia               2:12.86                  
 13 Kausch, Parker      12 TwoHarbors             2:22.07                  
 14 Heiman, Mark        10 Ely                    2:22.56                  
Event 9  Girls 1600 Meter Run
     Section: % 5:01.18  1991        Moulton, Rush City                        
                5:13.76  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Otis, Gracelynn      8 South Ridge            5:17.22                    10  
  2 Kiminski, Kailee     9 Esko                   5:26.68                     8  
  3 Westendorf, Briana  10 Proctor                5:28.17                     6  
  4 Kleinschmidt, Ann    9 MarshallDuluth         5:33.71                     5  
  5 Goshey, Samantha    11 Crosby-Iront           5:36.30                     4  
  6 Whiting, Abbey       8 Mesabi East            5:36.55                     3  
  7 Hafdahl, Emma       10 Virginia               5:38.04                     2  
  8 Schreiner, Marina    8 TwoHarbors             5:38.53                     1  
  9 Erickson, Lexi       7 Internationa           5:38.73                  
 10 Stockman, Margaret   8 Crosby-Iront           5:39.52                  
 11 Buffetta, Mya        7 Mountain Iro           5:39.78                  
 12 Fox, Erika           7 Carlton                5:41.37                  
 13 Tekippe, Nicole      8 MooseLkWillRiv         5:42.61                  
 14 Hodena, Paige       10 HinckFin               5:56.47                  
Event 10  Boys 1600 Meter Run
     Section: % 4:17.24  1975        Berknew, Ely                              
                4:26.67  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Welch, Matt         11 Proctor                4:22.79 QUAL               10  
  2 Benish, Romeo       12 Proctor                4:32.28                     8  
  3 Johnson, Sam        12 MarshallDuluth         4:40.84                     6  
  4 LeTourneau, Jeremi  11 HinckFin               4:42.16                     5  
  5 Carlton, Isaac      10 Crosby-Iront           4:47.28                     4  
  6 Richards, Zachary   12 South Ridge            4:49.23                     3  
  7 Hanson, Ben         11 Esko                   4:49.93                     2  
  8 Wagner, Michael     12 Eveleth-Gilb           4:50.98                     1  
  9 Smith, Zach         10 Proctor                4:51.37                  
 10 Mattinen, Ben        8 Esko                   4:54.18                  
 11 Muhich, Matt        11 Eveleth-Gilb           4:55.60                  
 12 Bostrom, Aaron      12 Crosby-Iront           4:57.97                  
 13 Prigge, Seth         8 Ely                    5:02.49                  
 14 Johnson, Drew       12 Mesabi East            5:08.00                  
Event 11  Girls 3200 Meter Run
     Section: % 11:06.04  6/4/2004    Melissa Engelmeier, Hermantown           
                11:21.38  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Otis, Gracelynn      8 South Ridge           11:51.50                    10  
  2 Dahl Holm, Lindsey  12 Carlton               11:51.96                     8  
  3 Knutson, Kallyn     11 Esko                  11:52.76                     6  
  4 Ellyssa, Peterson    7 Greenway Nas          12:12.43                     5  
  5 Prushek, September  12 Crosby-Iront          12:15.56                     4  
  6 Erickson, Lexi       7 Internationa          12:16.78                     3  
  7 Bianco, Amy         11 Ely                   12:17.93                     2  
  8 Gawboy, Jasmine      7 South Ridge           12:26.64                     1  
  9 Madden, Janna       11 Barnum                12:27.27                  
 10 Schreiner, Marina    8 TwoHarbors            12:31.59                  
 11 Oraskovich, Brooke  11 Proctor               12:35.33                  
 12 Kulas, Karlie        7 Esko                  12:36.60                  
 13 Fox, Erika           7 Carlton               12:37.16                  
 14 Myers, Hannah        9 Deer River/N          12:51.50                  
Event 12  Boys 3200 Meter Run
     Section: % 9:33.54  1976        Palmquist, Chisholm                       
                9:43.31  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Welch, Matt         11 Proctor                9:46.19                    10  
  2 Benish, Romeo       12 Proctor               10:02.82                     8  
  3 Severson, Jude      10 Crosby-Iront          10:07.00                     6  
  4 Lindquist, Jackson  12 Esko                  10:18.32                     5  
  5 Smith, Zach         10 Proctor               10:25.68                     4  
  6 Goodwin, Jacob      12 Crosby-Iront          10:25.98                     3  
  7 Rengo, Matt         10 Esko                  10:40.21                     2  
  8 Radtke, Brian       12 Mesabi East           10:42.46                     1  
  9 Carlton, Seth       12 Crosby-Iront          10:42.89                  
 10 Koenig, Nick        10 Cromwell              10:54.44                  
 11 Rodriguez, Daniel   10 Eveleth-Gilb          10:55.88                  
 12 Mattinen, Ben        8 Esko                  11:06.98                  
 13 Rebholz, Alex       10 Virginia              11:21.69                  
 14 Becicka, Wyatt       9 Virginia              11:35.53                  
Event 13  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
     Section: % 15.19  1995        Gina Perich, Esko                           
                16.05  QUAL
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims        Wind H#
  1 Westendorf, Micayla       12 Proctor                  16.12q        NWI  1 
  2 Fentem, Hailey            10 Internationa             16.93q        NWI  2 
  3 Olson, Alyssa              9 Eveleth-Gilb             16.94q        NWI  2 
  4 Wielinski, Maddie         12 TwoHarbors               17.54q        NWI  1 
  5 Sophia, Newman            10 Greenway Nas             17.55q        NWI  1 
  6 Olson, Erika              11 Esko                     17.78q        NWI  1 
  7 Stokes Cerkvenik, Sophie   9 Virginia                 17.83q        NWI  2 
  8 Bisel, Amanda             12 Esko                     18.05q        NWI  1 
  9 Anderson, Amanda          12 TwoHarbors               18.11         NWI  2 
 10 Foreman, Jessie            8 Internationa             18.15         NWI  2 
 11 Mattison, Holly           10 MooseLkWillRiv           18.30         NWI  1 
 12 Enich, Molly              10 Chisholm                 18.48         NWI  2 
 13 Anderson, Mikhaela        10 Cromwell                 18.92         NWI  1 
 -- Owen, Lexi                10 Internationa                DQ         NWI  2 
Event 13  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
     Section: % 15.19  1995        Gina Perich, Esko                           
                16.05  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals              Wind Points
  1 Westendorf, Micayl  12 Proctor                  16.25         1.1   10  
  2 Fentem, Hailey      10 Internationa             16.53         1.1    8  
  3 Olson, Alyssa        9 Eveleth-Gilb             16.94         1.1    6  
  4 Stokes Cerkvenik,    9 Virginia                 17.40         1.1    5  
  5 Wielinski, Maddie   12 TwoHarbors               17.51         1.1    4  
  6 Olson, Erika        11 Esko                     17.72         1.1    3  
  7 Bisel, Amanda       12 Esko                     18.03         1.1    2  
  8 Sophia, Newman      10 Greenway Nas             20.08         1.1    1  
Event 14  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
     Section: % 14.70  1981        Carpenter, Remer                            
                15.63  QUAL
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims        Wind H#
  1 Pender, Michael           11 MooseLkWillRiv           16.11q        NWI  1 
  2 Scott, Mikey              12 HinckFin                 16.57q        NWI  1 
  3 Voss, Anders              12 Proctor                  16.72q        NWI  2 
  4 Tucker, Jacob             10 Esko                     16.99q        NWI  2 
  5 Bauer, Derek              10 Carlton                  17.17q        NWI  1 
  6 Skoglund, Paul            10 Internationa             17.61q        NWI  1 
  7 Gunderson, Steven         11 EastCentral              17.75q        NWI  2 
  8 Thewis, Kevin             12 TwoHarbors               18.42q        NWI  1 
  9 Wood, Zach                11 Eveleth-Gilb             18.53         NWI  2 
 10 Cormican, Kyle            11 Bigfork                  19.23         NWI  2 
 11 Day, Stephen              10 Eveleth-Gilb             19.30         NWI  2 
 12 Perkins, Jordan           10 Deer River/N             20.05         NWI  1 
 13 Vogt, Kyle                12 Crosby-Iront             20.22         NWI  1 
Event 14  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
     Section: % 14.70  1981        Carpenter, Remer                            
                15.63  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals              Wind Points
  1 Pender, Michael     11 MooseLkWillRiv           16.04         1.2   10  
  2 Tucker, Jacob       10 Esko                     16.37         1.2    8  
  3 Voss, Anders        12 Proctor                  16.66         1.2    6  
  4 Bauer, Derek        10 Carlton                  17.15         1.2    5  
  5 Scott, Mikey        12 HinckFin                 17.16         1.2    4  
  6 Gunderson, Steven   11 EastCentral              17.67         1.2    3  
  7 Thewis, Kevin       12 TwoHarbors               17.76         1.2    2  
  8 Skoglund, Paul      10 Internationa             19.19         1.2    1  
Event 15  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
     Section: % 43.50  1995        Gina Perich, Esko                           
                46.55  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        H# Points
  1 Lilly, Caitlin      12 Esko                     47.20                   2   10  
  2 Sundstrom, Megan    10 Proctor                  47.44                   2    8  
  3 Schramm, Brooke     11 Esko                     47.57                   2    6  
  4 Gonsorowski, Ava     7 Esko                     49.93                   2    5  
  5 McCulloch, Elyssa    9 Mountain Iro             49.99                   2    4  
  6 West, Megan         11 Mesabi East              50.49                   2    3  
  7 Ribich, Anna         8 Mesabi East              50.58                   1    2  
  8 Owen, Lexi          10 Internationa             50.60                   2    1  
  9 Stokes Cerkvenik,    9 Virginia                 50.72                   1 
 10 Filipiak, Madison    9 Internationa             51.77                   1 
 11 Miller, Sienna      12 Crosby-Iront             52.20                   2 
 12 Mickelson, Kendra   10 McGregor                 53.13                   1 
 13 Race, Hannah        10 MooseLkWillRiv           53.84                   1 
 14 Jennings, Jordan     8 EastCentral              55.10                   1 
Event 16  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
     Section: % 39.04  1982        Dens, Carlton                               
                40.53  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        H# Points
  1 Anselmo, Tony       12 Bigfork                  41.42                   2   10  
  2 Rueger, Chase       12 HinckFin                 41.61                   2    8  
  3 Pender, Michael     11 MooseLkWillRiv           42.19                   2    6  
  4 Martinson, John     10 Eveleth-Gilb             42.92                   2    5  
  5 Thewis, Kevin       12 TwoHarbors               43.14                   2    4  
  6 Lovdahl, Zac        11 Bigfork                  43.66                   2    3  
  7 Welch, Jacob         9 Proctor                  43.70                   1    2  
  8 Malone, Josh        12 SilverBay                44.33                   1    1  
  9 Meloche, Paul        9 Mesabi East              44.51                   1 
 10 Wood, Zach          11 Eveleth-Gilb             44.64                   2 
 11 Tucker, Jacob       10 Esko                     45.42                   1 
 12 Drotts, Kevin       11 Deer River/N             45.66                   1 
 13 Gunderson, Steven   11 EastCentral              45.76                   2 
 14 Staven, Alex        11 Greenway Nas             45.79                   1 
Event 17  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
     Section: % 50.28  6/4/2004    Hermantown, Hermantown                      
                       Ludwig              , Leonard             , Moser,
                51.01  QUAL
    School                                         Finals                        Points
  1 Esko  'A'                                       50.91 QUAL               10  
     1) Shady, Marisa 11                2) Shady, Erika 10                
     3) Cossalter, Dallas 11            4) Bandelin, Stephanie 12         
     5) Schramm, Brooke 11              6) Olson, Erika 11                
  2 International Falls  'A'                        51.60                     8  
     1) Scholler, Jaci 10               2) Butler, Valandre 7             
     3) Owen, Lexi 10                   4) Shofner, Breanna 10            
  3 Two Harbors  'A'                                51.94                     6  
     1) Fynboh, Leann 9                 2) Keranen, Krista 10             
     3) Juenemann, Jessie 8             4) Myrdal, Lacey 12               
  4 South Ridge  'A'                                52.54                     5  
     1) Hall, Anna 8                    2) Fremling, Maija 12             
     3) Alfredson, Breena 11            4) Harmston, Rachel 11            
  5 Cromwell  'A'                                   53.05                     4  
     1) Cahoon, Allie 10                2) Gibbs, Bailey 8                
     3) Anderson, Kiiera 8              4) Cahoon, Makayleigh 12          
  6 Greenway Nashwauk Keewatin*  'A'                53.54                     3  
     1) Danni, Bruns 12                 2) Beth, Giles 11                 
     3) Jade, Waldvogel 11              4) Mika, Ladoux 12                
  7 Eveleth-Gilbert  'A'                            53.61                     2  
     1) Poderzay, Maryssa 12            2) Polizzi, Alex 9                
     3) Klander, Krystal 9              4) Hanson, Baylee 8               
  8 Proctor  'A'                                    55.27                     1  
     1) Hjerpe, Kortney 11              2) DeLuca, Chiara 8               
     3) Vezina, Ashley 12               4) Peterson, Jenna 11             
Event 18  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
     Section: % 43.68  6/4/2004    Hermantown, Hermantown                      
                       N Holt, D Jago                , M Sumbs, K Schmidt
                44.43  QUAL
    School                                         Finals                        H# Points
  1 Hinkley-Finlayson  'A'                          45.07                   2   10  
     1) Scott, Mikey 12                 2) Rueger, Chase 12               
     3) Davis, Dalton 12                4) Paynotta, David 12             
  2 Esko  'A'                                       45.18                   2    8  
     1) Mudek, Riley 11                 2) Reinertsen, Max 12             
     3) Peterson, Sean 12               4) Leon, Hunter 12                
     5) Lindquist, Jackson 12           6) Hinstala, Brandt 10            
  3 Proctor  'A'                                    45.45                   2    6  
     1) Greene, Alex 11                 2) DeLuca, Frank 10               
     3) Thorstenson, Dakota 12          4) Welch, Jacob 9                 
  4 Two Harbors  'A'                                46.39                   2    5  
     1) Craig, Nathan 12                2) McGregor, Tyler 12             
     3) Myrdal, Lee 12                  4) Christensen, Drew 10           
  5 International Falls  'A'                        46.45                   2    4  
     1) Hallin, Cody 10                 2) Janttie, Nick 11               
     3) Griffith, Marco 11              4) House, Tyler 12                
  6 Moose Lake/Willow River*  'A'                   46.62                   1    3  
     1) Gassert, Christopher 12         2) Coil, Isaac 11                 
     3) Gassert, Michael 11             4) Evenson, Jon 10                
  7 Chisholm  'A'                                   46.77                   2    2  
  8 Virginia  'A'                                   47.17                   1    1  
     1) Koch, Sam 8                     2) Strong, Neil 9                 
     3) Davis, Parker 9                 4) Skadsem, Cole 11               
  9 Greenway Nashwauk Keewatin*  'A'                47.20                   1 
     1) German, Luke 12                 2) Webb, Scott 12                 
     3) Lefeve, Ben 10                  4) Adams, Zach 12                 
Event 19  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
     Section: % 1:45.84  1987        , Eveleth-Gilbert                         
                1:47.26  QUAL
    School                                         Finals                        Points
  1 Esko  'A'                                     1:46.02 QUAL               10  
     1) Lilly, Caitlin 12               2) Rengo, Olivia 8                
     3) Shady, Erika 10                 4) Shady, Marisa 11               
     5) Spehar, Suntina 8               6) Pearson, Delany                
  2 Greenway Nashwauk Keewatin*  'A'              1:48.04                     8  
     1) Jade, Waldvogel 11              2) Beth, Giles 11                 
     3) Sophia, Newman 10               4) Danni, Bruns 12                
     5) Steph, Jamsa 12                 6) Mika, Ladoux 12                
  3 Proctor  'A'                                  1:49.64                     6  
     1) Sundstrom, Megan 10             2) Kruger, Kelly 9                
     3) Westendorf, Micayla 12          4) Vezina, Ashley 12              
  4 South Ridge  'A'                              1:50.74                     5  
     1) Hall, Anna 8                    2) Alfredson, Breena 11           
     3) Harmston, Rachel 11             4) Blom, Emma 11                  
  5 International Falls  'A'                      1:51.89                     4  
     1) Kostiuk, Abby 8                 2) Filipiak, Madison 9            
     3) Dahle, Madeline 8               4) Scholler, Jaci 10              
  6 Cromwell  'A'                                 1:54.82                     3  
     1) Gibbs, Bailey 8                 2) Aho, Kaisa 9                   
     3) Anderson, Kiiera 8              4) Cahoon, Makayleigh 12          
  7 Chisholm  'A'                                 1:56.12                     2  
     1) Nehiba, Katie 12                2) Dormanen, Rainie 8             
     3) Smart, Megan 10                 4) Dormanen, Cheyenne 10          
  8 Hinkley-Finlayson  'A'                        1:56.70                     1  
     1) Schultz, Brianna 9              2) Dahlberg, Katie 12             
     3) Erickson, Olivia 11             4) Dunkley, Cassidy 11            
Event 20  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
     Section: % 1:29.93  6/4/2004    Hermantown, Hermantown                    
                         D Jago                , K Schmidt, N Holt, M Sumbs
                1:32.13  QUAL
    School                                         Finals                        H# Points
  1 Moose Lake/Willow River*  'A'                 1:31.61 QUAL              2   10  
     1) Pender, Michael 11              2) Coil, Isaac 11                 
     3) Disterhaupt, Jake 11            4) Cisar, Josh 12                 
  2 Virginia  'A'                                 1:33.34                   2    8  
     1) Falkowski, Chris 12             2) Stackpool, Cade 11             
     3) Strong, Neil 9                  4) Sella, Mitchell 11             
  3 Two Harbors  'A'                              1:35.52                   2    6  
     1) Myrdal, Lee 12                  2) McGregor, Tyler 12             
     3) Craig, Nathan 12                4) Christensen, Drew 10           
  4 Crosby-Ironton  'A'                           1:36.03                   2    5  
     1) Skjeveland, Mitch 12            2) Goodwin, Will 10               
     3) Jacobs, Riley 10                4) Hudrlik, Daniel 9              
  5 Esko  'A'                                     1:36.11                   2    4  
     1) Bisel, Ben 11                   2) Hinstala, Brandt 10            
     3) Burggraff, Noah 12              4) Peterson, Sean 12              
  6 Greenway Nashwauk Keewatin*  'A'              1:38.44                   1    3  
     1) German, Luke 12                 2) Webb, Scott 12                 
     3) Lefeve, Ben 10                  4) Adams, Zach 12                 
  7 Eveleth-Gilbert  'A'                          1:38.67                   2    2  
     1) Day, Stephen 10                 2) Erickson, Austin 8             
     3) Gritzmacher, Tory 12            4) Martinson, John 10             
  8 Cromwell  'A'                                 1:40.22                   1    1  
     1) Johnson, Austin 12              2) Talley, Mitch 11               
     3) Garcia, Max 12                  4) Couture, Joe 11                
  9 Silver Bay  'A'                               1:41.35                   1 
     1) Panetti, Holden 12              2) Oltman, Tzaddik 12             
     3) Fischer, Michael 8              4) Blood, Kyle 11                 
Event 21  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
     Section: % 4:04.82  6/3/2004    Hermantown, Hermantown                    
                         C Bockovich, K Leonard, L Tafs, R Ludwig          
                4:05.57  QUAL
    School                                         Finals                        Points
  1 Esko  'A'                                     4:08.31                    10  
     1) Shady, Marisa 11                2) Shelerud, Kate 12              
     3) Rengo, Olivia 8                 4) Lilly, Caitlin 12              
     5) Gonsorowski, Ava 7              6) Bisel, Amanda 12               
  2 Mesabi East  'A'                              4:09.76                     8  
     1) Ekman, Sammi 12                 2) Whiting, Abbey 8               
     3) West, Megan 11                  4) Allen, Aimee 10                
  3 Proctor  'A'                                  4:25.12                     6  
     1) Sundstrom, Megan 10             2) Westendorf, Micayla 12         
     3) Westendorf, Briana 10           4) Haedtke, Kassie 10             
  4 Two Harbors  'A'                              4:25.45                     5  
     1) Keranen, Krista 10              2) Fynboh, Leann 9                
     3) Juenemann, Jessie 8             4) Myrdal, Lacey 12               
  5 Cromwell  'A'                                 4:27.55                     4  
     1) Cahoon, Allie 10                2) Hakamaki, Andrea 8             
     3) Gibbs, Bailey 8                 4) Cahoon, Olivia 8               
  6 South Ridge  'A'                              4:29.77                     3  
     1) Harmston, Rachel 11             2) Joyal, Taylor 10               
     3) Blom, Emma 11                   4) Fremling, Maija 12             
  7 Ely  'A'                                      4:41.74                     2  
     1) Bianco, Erin 7                  2) Maidl, McKenzie 10             
     3) Buckmaster, Jenna 11            4) Bianco, Amy 11                 
 -- International Falls  'A'                           DQ                  
     1) Dahle, Madeline 8               2) Auran, Amy 10                  
     3) Herzig, Claire 7                4) Kostiuk, Abby 8                
Event 22  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
     Section: % 3:27.74  1977        , Chisago Lakes                           
                3:29.75  QUAL
    School                                         Finals                        Points
  1 Moose Lake/Willow River*  'A'                 3:30.96                    10  
     1) Coil, Isaac 11                  2) Disterhaupt, Jake 11           
     3) Cisar, Josh 12                  4) Moonen, Ben 11                 
  2 Proctor  'A'                                  3:31.93                     8  
     1) DeLuca, Frank 10                2) Thorstenson, Dakota 12         
     3) Welch, Matt 11                  4) Welch, Jacob 9                 
  3 Eveleth-Gilbert  'A'                          3:33.84                     6  
     1) Wood, Zach 11                   2) Muhich, Matt 11                
     3) Martinson, John 10              4) Weston, Chris 11               
  4 Mesabi East  'A'                              3:36.50                     5  
     1) Johnson, Drew 12                2) Johnson, Sam 10                
     3) Larson, Garret 12               4) Baker, Casey 12                
  5 Crosby-Ironton  'A'                           3:37.61                     4  
     1) Skjeveland, Mitch 12            2) Goodwin, Will 10               
     3) Jacobs, Riley 10                4) Hudrlik, Daniel 9              
  6 Two Harbors  'A'                              3:38.78                     3  
     1) Thewis, Kevin 12                2) Myrdal, Lee 12                 
     3) Craig, Nathan 12                4) Kausch, Parker 12              
  7 Marshall School, Duluth  'A'                  3:43.40                     2  
     1) Goltz, John 12                  2) Stephan, Jeremy 9              
     3) Gutierrez, Joey 12              4) Johnson, Sam 12                
  8 International Falls  'A'                      3:46.99                     1  
     1) House, Tyler 12                 2) Pumper, Jason 11               
     3) Piekarski, Jake 10              4) Griffith, Marco 11             
Event 23  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
     Section: % 9:41.20  6/3/2005    Esko, Esko                                
                         M Juntunen, K Knutson, N Granholm, A Nelson       
                9:44.56  QUAL
    School                                         Finals                        Points
  1 Mesabi East  'A'                              9:44.32 QUAL               10  
     1) Ekman, Sammi 12                 2) Whiting, Abbey 8               
     3) Erie, Emma                      4) West, Megan 11                 
  2 Esko  'A'                                     9:44.33 QUAL                8  
     1) Knutson, Kallyn 11              2) Shelerud, Kate 12              
     3) Shady, Erika 10                 4) Kiminski, Kailee 9             
     5) Kulas, Karlie 7                 6) Anderson, Hillary              
  3 Moose Lake/Willow River*  'A'                10:16.52                     6  
     1) Louzek, Mackenzi 8              2) Radel, Kayla 10                
     3) Radel, Haley 10                 4) Johnson, Hayley 10             
  4 Virginia  'A'                                10:17.60                     5  
     1) Twite, Laruen 10                2) Hafdahl, Emma 10               
     3) Kjerland, Cayenne 11            4) Maronick-Alberts, Danica 7     
  5 Greenway Nashwauk Keewatin*  'A'             10:20.92                     4  
     1) Maria, Herriges 11              2) Amy, Trunt 11                  
     3) Sam, Friend 10                  4) Ellyssa, Peterson 7            
  6 Cromwell  'A'                                10:31.89                     3  
     1) Hakamaki, Andrea 8              2) Collman, Ann 11                
     3) Wester, Marlene 12              4) Hutar, Rachel 9                
  7 East Central  'A'                            10:45.21                     2  
     1) Carlson, Charity 12             2) VanErp, Avery 9                
     3) Beckman, Bailey 10              4) Swanson, Lizzy 10              
  8 International Falls  'A'                     10:46.23                     1  
     1) Foss, Rachel 11                 2) Granrud, Lindsey 10            
     3) Harms, Amber 11                 4) Auran, Amy 10                  
Event 24  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
     Section: % 8:16.63  6/1/2007    Esko, Esko                                
                         B Lindquist, S Gaskell, C Marquis, K Rengo        
                8:16.89  QUAL
    School                                         Finals                        Points
  1 Mesabi East  'A'                              8:12.53%QUAL             
     1) Johnson, Sam 10                 2) Johnson, Drew 12               
     3) Radtke, Dan                     4) Baker, Casey 12                
  2 Virginia  'A'                                 8:18.07                  
     1) Falkowski, Chris 12             2) Becicka, Wyatt 9               
     3) Holmes, Simon 11                4) Wilson, Ty 12                  
  3 Esko  'A'                                     8:19.34                  
     1) Anderson, Brock 11              2) Hanson, Ben 11                 
     3) Johnson, Joey 11                4) Lindquist, Jackson 12          
  4 Two Harbors  'A'                              8:42.36                  
     1) Horoshak, Jon 12                2) Hebl, Eli 10                   
     3) Schubert, Micaiah 12            4) Kausch, Parker 12              
  5 Cromwell  'A'                                 9:00.56                  
     1) Koenig, Nick 10                 2) Hutar, Jared 11                
     3) Pfisthner, Austin 9             4) Talley, Mitch 11               
  6 Wrenshall  'A'                                9:05.63                  
     1) Duncan, Derek 11                2) Shelton, Dustin 10             
     3) Virginia, Masen 8               4) Virginia, Marcus 10            
  7 Ely  'A'                                      9:24.85                  
     1) Heiman, Mark 10                 2) Jesme, Ben 12                  
     3) Lah, Ian 12                     4) Dalberg, Jonah 11              
 -- Crosby-Ironton  'A'                                DQ                  
     1) Skjeveland, Mitch 12            2) Severson, Jude 10              
     3) Goodwin, Jacob 12               4) Stokman, John 10               
Event 25  Girls High Jump
     Section: %  5-09  5/31/2002   Amber Vaneps, Deer River                    
              5-03.00  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Alfredson, Breena   11 South Ridge            5-01.00                    10  
  2 Tesser, Bridget     10 Proctor                4-11.00                     8  
  3 Rajala, Sophia       9 Deer River/N          J4-11.00                     6  
  4 Dahl Holm, Lindsey  12 Carlton               J4-11.00                     5  
  5 Fentem, Hailey      10 Internationa           4-09.00                     4  
  6 Hlavka, Madison      9 Barnum                J4-09.00                     3  
  7 McCulloch, Elyssa    9 Mountain Iro          J4-09.00                     2  
  8 Spehar, Suntina      8 Esko                   4-07.00                     0.5
  8 Steph, Jamsa        12 Greenway Nas           4-07.00                     0.5
 10 Lax, Ashley         10 TwoHarbors            J4-07.00                  
 11 Bergstedt, Megan    12 Esko                   4-05.00                  
 -- Wickstrom, Caitlyn   9 Wrenshall                   NH                  
 -- Stokes Cerkvenik,    9 Virginia                    NH                  
Event 26  Boys High Jump
     Section: %  6-07  1977        Trost, Silver Bay                           
              6-03.00  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Rueger, Chase       12 HinckFin               6-01.00                    10  
  2 Bisel, Ben          11 Esko                  J6-01.00                     8  
  3 Disterhaupt, Jake   11 MooseLkWillRiv         5-11.00                     5.5
  3 Culbert, Jaustin     8 Chisholm               5-11.00                     5.5
  5 Bubb, Klaeton       12 Esko                  J5-11.00                     4  
  6 Stackpool, Cade     11 Virginia               5-09.00                     3  
  7 Hudrlik, Daniel      9 Crosby-Iront          J5-09.00                     2  
  8 Wood, Zach          11 Eveleth-Gilb           5-07.00                     1  
  9 Woodwick, Taylor    12 SilverBay             J5-07.00                  
  9 Prouty, Logan       11 Proctor               J5-07.00                  
 11 Webb, Scott         12 Greenway Nas           5-05.00                  
 11 Pumper, Jason       11 Internationa           5-05.00                  
 13 Lysaker, Shannon     9 TwoHarbors             5-03.00                  
 13 Pederson, Kyle      11 South Ridge            5-03.00                  
Event 27  Girls Pole Vault
     Section: % 10-03  5/31/2002   Breanna Caywood, Esko                       
             10-02.00  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Shady, Erika        10 Esko                   9-06.00                    10  
  2 Dunkley, Cassidy    11 HinckFin               8-06.00                     8  
  3 Schramm, Brooke     11 Esko                  J8-06.00                     6  
  4 Larae, Karjala      11 Greenway Nas           8-00.00                     4  
  4 Kaldahl, Hannah     11 Proctor                8-00.00                     4  
  4 Auran, Amy          10 Internationa           8-00.00                     4  
  7 Sammi, Bruns        12 Greenway Nas          J8-00.00                     2  
  8 Erickson, Olivia    11 HinckFin               7-06.00                 .333333
  8 Hafdahl, Emma       10 Virginia               7-06.00                 .333333
  8 Sam, Friend         10 Greenway Nas           7-06.00                 .333333
 11 Velishek, Donna     11 Deer River/N          J7-06.00                  
 12 Sella, Aili         10 Virginia               7-00.00                  
Event 28  Boys Pole Vault
     Section: % 14-07  5/30/2008   Raphy Gelo, Internl Fall                    
             13-06.00  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Drotts, Kevin       11 Deer River/N          12-06.00                    10  
  2 Engel, Josh         11 Greenway Nas         J12-06.00                     8  
  3 Askey, Kyle         12 Internationa         J12-06.00                     6  
  4 Lenzen, Michael     12 HinckFin              11-06.00                     5  
  5 MacKay, Cade        11 Internationa         J11-06.00                     4  
  6 Greene, Alex        11 Proctor              J11-06.00                     3  
  7 Melicher, Reed       9 Eveleth-Gilb          11-00.00                     2  
  8 Tvedt, Kory         11 Esko                  10-06.00                     1  
  9 Ettestad, Jakob     10 Internationa         J10-06.00                  
  9 Prouty, Stephan     12 Proctor              J10-06.00                  
 11 McMonigal, Austin   12 HinckFin              10-00.00                  
 11 German, Jacob        9 Greenway Nas          10-00.00                  
 11 Rueger, Chase       12 HinckFin              10-00.00                  
 14 Johnson, Gavin      12 Proctor                9-06.00                  
Event 29  Girls Long Jump
     Section: % 18-05.50  1995        Gina Perich, Esko                        
                17-00.00  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals              Wind Points
  1 Allen, Aimee        10 Mesabi East           16-03.00         1.5   10  
  2 Miller, Sienna      12 Crosby-Iront          15-07.50         1.4    8  
  3 Lilly, Caitlin      12 Esko                  15-06.00         1.5    6  
  4 Mika, Ladoux        12 Greenway Nas          15-05.50         1.4    5  
  5 Harmston, Rachel    11 South Ridge          J15-05.50         1.6    4  
  6 Cunningham, Morgan  12 Virginia              15-03.50         1.3    3  
  7 Myrdal, Lacey       12 TwoHarbors            15-02.50         NWI    2  
  8 Fentem, Hailey      10 Internationa          14-10.50         NWI    1  
  9 Lahmann, Lindy      10 Aitken                14-06.00         NWI 
  9 Schramm, Brooke     11 Esko                  14-06.00         NWI 
 11 Hoit, Sarah-Anne    11 EastCentral           14-00.00         NWI 
 12 Nelson, Kalynda     11 HinckFin              13-07.00         NWI 
 13 Laveau, Shana        8 Wrenshall             13-05.50         NWI 
 14 Mattison, Holly     10 MooseLkWillRiv        13-01.50         NWI 
Event 30  Boys Long Jump
     Section: % 22-01.50  1996        Adam Freed, Marshall                     
                20-09.00  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals              Wind Points
  1 Reinertsen, Max     12 Esko                  21-02.00 QUAL    1.2   10  
  2 Paynotta, David     12 HinckFin              20-11.00 QUAL    1.3    8  
  3 Miklausich, Eric    12 MarshallDuluth        20-07.00         1.2    6  
  4 Evenson, Jon        10 MooseLkWillRiv        19-02.00         1.1    5  
  5 Lovdahl, Zac        11 Bigfork               18-10.50         1.2    4  
  6 Anselmo, Tony       12 Bigfork              J18-10.50         1.3    3  
  7 Peterson, Sean      12 Esko                  18-09.00         1.3    2  
  8 Falkowski, Chris    12 Virginia              18-03.50         1.1    1  
  9 Drotts, Kevin       11 Deer River/N         J18-03.50         NWI 
 10 Hudrlik, Daniel      9 Crosby-Iront          18-00.50         NWI 
 11 Peterson, Elias     12 Aitken                17-05.50         NWI 
 12 Panetti, Holden     12 SilverBay             17-02.00         NWI 
 13 Adams, Zach         12 Greenway Nas          17-00.00         NWI 
 14 Gelhar, Daniel      12 McGregor              16-05.50         NWI 
Event 31  Girls Triple Jump
     Section: % 36-11.25  6/3/2005    Anna Sather, Proctor                     
                35-06.00  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals              Wind Points
  1 Miller, Sienna      12 Crosby-Iront          33-10.00         1.1   10  
  2 Bergstedt, Megan    12 Esko                  32-07.50         1.1    8  
  3 Sundstrom, Megan    10 Proctor               31-11.50         1.1    6  
  4 Stansberry, Ashley  11 Crosby-Iront          31-05.00         NWI    5  
  5 Howell, Charity     10 Mesabi East          J31-05.00         1.3    4  
  6 Scholler, Jaci      10 Internationa          31-02.00         NWI    3  
  7 Steph, Jamsa        12 Greenway Nas          31-00.50         1.0    2  
  8 King, Taylor         9 Eveleth-Gilb          30-02.50         NWI    1  
  9 Bandelin, Stephani  12 Esko                  30-00.50         NWI 
 10 Filipiak, Madison    9 Internationa          29-05.00         NWI 
 11 Lax, Ashley         10 TwoHarbors            28-10.50         NWI 
 12 Bukowski, Lucy      12 TwoHarbors            28-07.00         NWI 
 13 Fanning, Alexia      8 MooseLkWillRiv        27-11.50         NWI 
 14 Hutar, Rachel        9 Cromwell              26-10.50         NWI 
Event 32  Boys Triple Jump
     Section: % 44-09.50  5/30/2008   Kenny Schofield, Cot/Che/Coo/Orr         
                43-01.00  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals              Wind Points
  1 Miklausich, Eric    12 MarshallDuluth        44-04.50 QUAL    1.2   10  
  2 Reinertsen, Max     12 Esko                  43-09.00 QUAL    1.1    8  
  3 Cisar, Josh         12 MooseLkWillRiv        41-04.00         1.3    6  
  4 Heiman, Mark        10 Ely                   41-00.00         1.1    5  
  5 Peterson, Colton    10 South Ridge           40-06.50         1.2    4  
  6 Anselmo, Tony       12 Bigfork               39-06.00         NWI    3  
  7 Coil, Isaac         11 MooseLkWillRiv        39-05.50         NWI    2  
  8 House, Tyler        12 Internationa          39-04.50         NWI    1  
  9 Miller, Matt        12 HinckFin              38-05.00         NWI 
 10 Drotts, Kevin       11 Deer River/N          37-06.00         NWI 
 11 Woodwick, Taylor    12 SilverBay             37-04.00         NWI 
 12 Pumper, Jason       11 Internationa          36-06.50         NWI 
 13 Billings, Shane     12 SilverBay             36-03.00         NWI 
 14 Chiu, Marc           9 LakeChrAcad           34-09.50         NWI 
Event 33  Girls Discus Throw
     Section: % 137-10  1984        Beth Mattson, Greenway                     
                123-01  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 McGregor, Stephani  12 TwoHarbors           118-02.00                    10  
  2 Olson, Savanah       9 Internationa         109-05.00                     8  
  3 Stroozas, Madisen   11 TwoHarbors           104-04.00                     6  
  4 Nelson, Lanae       12 HinckFin             102-06.00                     5  
  5 Peterson, Kaley     12 TwoHarbors           101-04.00                     4  
  6 Swenson, Bailey     11 Crosby-Iront         101-01.00                     3  
  7 Suhonen, Samantha   10 Cromwell              98-10.00                     2  
  8 Burcar, Maria       12 Wrenshall             97-10.00                     1  
  9 Hudrlik, Vanessa    11 Crosby-Iront          90-00.00                  
 10 Tessa, Wright       12 Greenway Nas          89-02.00                  
 11 Kraines, Chelsie    12 South Ridge           87-02.00                  
 12 Beckman, Katie      11 Esko                  87-01.00                  
 13 Maki, Danielle      12 Deer River/N          81-06.00                  
 14 Vezina, Jordan      11 Bigfork               68-05.00                  
Event 34  Boys Discus Throw
     Section: % 175-10  6/3/2010    Shawn Johnson, EvelGilb                    
                149-04  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Johnson, Austin     12 Cromwell             141-01.00                    10  
  2 Anderson, Andrew    10 Bigfork              135-05.00                     8  
  3 Geiselman, Joe      12 Virginia             132-03.00                     6  
  4 German, Luke        12 Greenway Nas         126-04.00                     5  
  5 Cavallin, Dustin    12 TwoHarbors           124-09.00                     4  
  6 Hill, Kyle          11 Eveleth-Gilb         122-07.00                     3  
  7 Youngberg, Brady    10 Barnum               121-05.00                     2  
  8 Denzler, Tyler      11 Esko                 119-01.00                     1  
  9 Strukel, Austin     12 Virginia             116-00.00                  
 10 Watson, Hawken      12 Bigfork              114-09.00                  
 11 Skelton, Zac         9 Mesabi East          110-11.00                  
 12 Wilkie, Dylan       12 McGregor             106-08.00                  
 13 Billings, Shane     12 SilverBay            106-06.00                  
 14 Orbeck, Evan        12 McGregor              88-09.00                  
Event 35  Girls Shot Put
     Section: % 39-09.50  1994        Misty Bahr, International Falls          
                38-09.00  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Jade, Chastan        9 Greenway Nas          39-00.00 QUAL               10  
  2 Tessa, Wright       12 Greenway Nas          38-07.25                     8  
  3 Olson, Savanah       9 Internationa          36-03.00                     6  
  4 Kraines, Chelsie    12 South Ridge           33-03.50                     5  
  5 Cross, Casey         9 TwoHarbors            32-11.75                     4  
  6 McGregor, Stephani  12 TwoHarbors            32-10.00                     3  
  7 Sam, German         12 Greenway Nas          32-07.00                     2  
  8 Vezina, Jordan      11 Bigfork               32-06.75                     1  
  9 Ostman, Kathy       11 Mountain Iro          32-00.00                  
 10 Peterson, Kaley     12 TwoHarbors            31-09.50                  
 11 Burcar, Maria       12 Wrenshall             30-08.50                  
 12 Berg-Collman, Jess  10 CookCty               28-03.00                  
 13 Mainville, Daron    10 Barnum                27-09.00                  
 14 Salo, Hailey        10 Esko                  27-08.00                  
Event 36  Boys Shot Put
     Section: % 60-09.50  5/30/2008   Michael Spampinato, EvelethGilbe         
                51-01.00  QUAL
    Name              Year School                  Finals                        Points
  1 Carlstrom, Chris    11 HinckFin              48-07.75                    10  
  2 Geiselman, Joe      12 Virginia              48-07.25                     8  
  3 Fischer, Baruch     12 SilverBay             45-06.25                     6  
  4 Janttie, Nick       11 Internationa          43-11.75                     5  
  5 Romsaas, Ben        12 Virginia              43-09.25                     4  
  6 Porter, Keegan      12 Bigfork               43-08.75                     3  
  7 Watson, Hawken      12 Bigfork               43-07.75                     2  
  8 Smith, Micky        12 TwoHarbors            42-06.50                     1  
  9 Orbeck, Evan        12 McGregor              41-07.50                  
 10 Masters, Brandon    11 Eveleth-Gilb          40-10.50                  
 11 Alm, Noah           12 TwoHarbors            40-05.75                  
 12 Oliver, Josh        11 Cromwell              39-06.50                  
 13 Butterfield, AJ     12 Greenway Nas          38-05.75                  
 14 Serre, Than         11 MarshallDuluth        37-04.25                  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Esko                       124.50     2) International Falls        73   
    3) Greenway Nashwauk Keewatin  72.83     4) Mesabi East                60   
    5) Proctor                     59        5) South Ridge                59   
    7) Two Harbors                 54        8) Crosby-Ironton             35   
    9) Hinkley-Finlayson           22.33    10) Cromwell                   20   
   11) Marshall School, Duluth     17       12) Virginia                   15.33
   13) Carlton*                    13       14) Cook County                10   
   15) Aitken                       9       15) Moose Lake/Willow River*    9   
   15) Eveleth-Gilbert              9       18) East Central                7   
   19) Deer River/Northland War E   6       19) Mountain Iron-Buhl          6   
   21) Lakeview Christian Academy   4       21) Ely                         4   
   23) Floodwood                    3       23) Barnum                      3   
   25) Silver Bay                   2       25) Chisholm                    2   
   27) Bigfork                      1       27) Wrenshall                   1   
                    Men - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Moose Lake/Willow River*    87.50     2) Esko                       81   
    3) Hinkley-Finlayson           78        4) Proctor                    73   
    5) Virginia                    51        6) Bigfork                    36   
    7) Eveleth-Gilbert             31        8) Crosby-Ironton             28   
    9) Two Harbors                 27       10) Marshall School, Duluth    25   
   11) International Falls         23       12) Chisholm                   20.50
   13) Mesabi East                 17       14) Greenway Nashwauk Keewati  16   
   15) Silver Bay                  15       16) Deer River/Northland War   14   
   17) Cromwell                    11       18) Cook County                 7   
   18) South Ridge                  7       20) Ely                         5   
   20) Carlton*                     5       22) East Central                3   
   23) Barnum                       2