Pierz Pioneer Stampede Boys Varsity
Pierz Golf Course
Sep. 16, 2013
Sunny, light breeze, 64
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM
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1 Crosby-Ironton 72 3 4 13 15 37 90 17:31.1 1:30.2
2 St Cloud Cathedral 93 1 16 18 27 31 33 51 17:40.0 1:58.1
3 Mora 94 8 19 20 22 25 26 17:50.2 0:44.7
4* LongPrairie-GreyEagle 172 2 17 30 49 74 79 18:09.9 2:37.7
5* Little Falls 172 5 10 34 53 70 87 88 18:12.5 2:07.7
6 Brainerd 181 12 36 38 45 50 18:21.6 1:12.5
7 Albany 185 9 21 35 57 63 69 85 18:20.9 1:47.0
8 Benilde-St Margaret's 198 6 7 56 58 71 77 84 18:18.5 2:04.6
9 St Cloud Tech 215 11 24 43 54 83 86 89 18:32.7 2:14.7
10 Annandale 224 32 41 44 46 61 68 80 18:39.2 0:47.1
11 Pine City 243 14 23 64 67 75 81 91 18:40.2 1:43.7
12 Foley 256 29 40 55 59 73 78 18:47.0 1:07.0
13 Maple Lake 278 39 52 60 62 65 66 76 18:55.4 0:39.2
14 Milaca 338 28 42 82 92 94 97 19:34.9 2:30.7
15 Braham Area 355 47 48 72 93 95 96 19:42.0 2:25.4
Incomplete Teams: Royalton, St Cloud Christian, Hinckley-Finlayson, Zimmerman
Pierz, Maranatha Christian
1. Crosby-Ironton
3 Jude Severson, 12 16:57.5
4 Will Goodwin, 12 16:57.8
13 Isaac Carlton, 12 17:32.5
15 John Stokman, 12 17:39.7
37 Gabe Smith, 11 18:27.6
90 Jack Nierenhausen, 10 20:05.4
Total Time = 1:27:35.1 Total Places = 72
2. St Cloud Cathedral
1 Nick Golebiowski, 12 16:20.3
16 Eli Stark-Haws, 11 17:42.0
18 Tyler Johnson, 11 17:52.4
27 Hunter Peterson, 12 18:06.6
31 Mason Halstrom, 10 18:18.4
33 Andy Zetterlund, 12 18:21.1
51 Michael O'Hagan, 11 18:45.0
Total Time = 1:28:19.7 Total Places = 93
3. Mora
8 Noah Moravec, 10 17:19.3
19 John Schwinghamer, 9 17:52.9
20 Alec Sanbeck, 9 17:56.7
22 Sam Johnson, 12 17:58.0
25 Cole Oslin, 10 18:04.0
26 Michael Schwinghamer, 9 18:05.7
Total Time = 1:29:10.9 Total Places = 94
4*. LongPrairie-GreyEagle
2 Derek Warner, 12 16:43.1
17 David Bachmeier, 11 17:45.2
30 Nathan Sheneberger, 12 18:16.6
49 Matthew Jasken, 10 18:43.5
74 Ryan Middendorf, 12 19:20.7
79 Tim Jasken, 12 19:29.5
Total Time = 1:30:49.1 Total Places = 172
5*. Little Falls
5 Tyler Moore, 9 17:09.5
10 Cameron Smith, 12 17:26.3
34 Josh Kapsner, 11 18:22.3
53 Jacob Massmann, 10 18:47.0
70 Daniel Palmer, 10 19:17.1
87 Caden Brose, 10 20:00.0
88 Gunner Kleinschmidt, 10 20:00.4
Total Time = 1:31:02.2 Total Places = 172
6. Brainerd
12 Peder Smith, 10 17:31.4
36 Connor Gunsbury, 11 18:27.2
38 Matt Majerle, 10 18:28.0
45 Luke West, 10 18:37.5
50 Jack White, 12 18:43.9
Total Time = 1:31:48.0 Total Places = 181
7. Albany
9 Kevin Lamb, 11 17:21.5
21 Bailey Jensen, 11 17:57.5
35 Blake Maile, 12 18:24.6
57 Robbie Hare, 12 18:52.2
63 Johnny Beckius, 12 19:08.4
69 Christian Posch, 11 19:15.4
85 Devin Siegle, 10 19:47.9
Total Time = 1:31:44.2 Total Places = 185
8. Benilde-St Margaret's
6 Andy Renier, 12 17:13.4
7 Jay Biwer, 12 17:17.2
56 Dan Lenington, 11 18:50.4
58 Nick Backes, 10 18:53.4
71 Carter Bichler, 12 19:17.9
77 Mack Nevells, 12 19:28.5
84 Gus Swansen, 10 19:46.2
Total Time = 1:31:32.3 Total Places = 198
9. St Cloud Tech
11 Cory Rouw, 11 17:31.0
24 mathias meyer, 10 18:03.2
43 Max Webb, 11 18:35.5
54 carter scheele, 11 18:47.9
83 Norman Statz, 10 19:45.6
86 Noah Webb, 9 19:50.4
89 Jacob Seeman, 12 20:01.6
Total Time = 1:32:43.2 Total Places = 215
10. Annandale
32 Matt Fliegel, 12 18:19.0
41 Jamie Kasper, 10 18:34.9
44 Jeffery Braun, 9 18:35.9
46 Christopher Groth, 8 18:39.8
61 Jordan Diers, 11 19:06.1
68 Eric Gilbertson, 12 19:12.7
80 Levi Neuenschwander, 9 19:32.6
Total Time = 1:33:15.7 Total Places = 224
11. Pine City
14 Easton Foss, 11 17:38.0
23 Noah Adams, 10 18:00.5
64 Jonah Spahr, 11 19:08.8
67 Beau Hunter, 10 19:11.9
75 Eli Grubbs, 9 19:21.6
81 Russ Westeren, 12 19:36.0
91 Nick Stolp, 9 20:35.1
Total Time = 1:33:20.8 Total Places = 243
12. Foley
29 Kyle Metzger, 10 18:13.2
40 Joe Bastian, 10 18:31.6
55 Spencer Elwell, 10 18:49.2
59 Logan Lunde, 12 19:00.5
73 Brandon Tschida, 11 19:20.2
78 Taylor Jurek, 10 19:29.1
Total Time = 1:33:54.7 Total Places = 256
13. Maple Lake
39 Devin Deringer, 10 18:30.1
52 Jackson Willard, 11 18:45.4
60 Andrew Schonessen, 11 19:05.5
62 Ross Hickey, 10 19:06.7
65 Cullen Gallagher, 11 19:09.3
66 Scott Jordan, 11 19:11.1
76 Adam Ruhland, 11 19:21.9
Total Time = 1:34:37.0 Total Places = 278
14. Milaca
28 Cam Sundberg, 12 18:12.0
42 Jon Hall, 8 18:35.3
82 Jake Riebel, 11 19:45.2
92 Zack Korvela, 9 20:39.0
94 Cole Patten, 11 20:42.7
97 mitch garber, 9 22:38.5
Total Time = 1:37:54.2 Total Places = 338
15. Braham Area
47 Connor TenNapel, 12 18:40.8
48 Logan Leavey, 9 18:42.7
72 Thomas Warner, 10 19:18.9
93 Cody Anderson, 10 20:41.1
95 Nick Jones, 10 21:06.2
96 Christian Patterson, 9 21:11.9
Total Time = 1:38:29.7 Total Places = 355
1 1 Nick Golebiowski, 12 16:20.3 St Cloud Cathedral
2 2 Derek Warner, 12 16:43.1 LongPrairie-GreyEagle
3 3 Jude Severson, 12 16:57.5 Crosby-Ironton
4 4 Will Goodwin, 12 16:57.8 Crosby-Ironton
5 5 Tyler Moore, 9 17:09.5 Little Falls
6 6 Andy Renier, 12 17:13.4 Benilde-St Margaret's
7 7 Jay Biwer, 12 17:17.2 Benilde-St Margaret's
8 8 Noah Moravec, 10 17:19.3 Mora
9 9 Kevin Lamb, 11 17:21.5 Albany
10 10 Cameron Smith, 12 17:26.3 Little Falls
11 11 Cory Rouw, 11 17:31.0 St Cloud Tech
12 12 Peder Smith, 10 17:31.4 Brainerd
13 13 Isaac Carlton, 12 17:32.5 Crosby-Ironton
14 14 Easton Foss, 11 17:38.0 Pine City
15 15 John Stokman, 12 17:39.7 Crosby-Ironton
16 16 Eli Stark-Haws, 11 17:42.0 St Cloud Cathedral
17 17 David Bachmeier, 11 17:45.2 LongPrairie-GreyEagle
18 Tremayne Collins, 11 17:47.0 Royalton
19 18 Tyler Johnson, 11 17:52.4 St Cloud Cathedral
20 19 John Schwinghamer, 9 17:52.9 Mora
21 20 Alec Sanbeck, 9 17:56.7 Mora
22 21 Bailey Jensen, 11 17:57.5 Albany
23 22 Sam Johnson, 12 17:58.0 Mora
24 Connor Gagne, 10 17:58.4 Zimmerman
25 23 Noah Adams, 10 18:00.5 Pine City
26 24 mathias meyer, 10 18:03.2 St Cloud Tech
27 25 Cole Oslin, 10 18:04.0 Mora
28 26 Michael Schwinghamer, 9 18:05.7 Mora
29 27 Hunter Peterson, 12 18:06.6 St Cloud Cathedral
30 28 Cam Sundberg, 12 18:12.0 Milaca
31 29 Kyle Metzger, 10 18:13.2 Foley
32 30 Nathan Sheneberger, 12 18:16.6 LongPrairie-GreyEagle
33 31 Mason Halstrom, 10 18:18.4 St Cloud Cathedral
34 32 Matt Fliegel, 12 18:19.0 Annandale
35 33 Andy Zetterlund, 12 18:21.1 St Cloud Cathedral
36 34 Josh Kapsner, 11 18:22.3 Little Falls
37 35 Blake Maile, 12 18:24.6 Albany
38 36 Connor Gunsbury, 11 18:27.2 Brainerd
39 37 Gabe Smith, 11 18:27.6 Crosby-Ironton
40 38 Matt Majerle, 10 18:28.0 Brainerd
41 39 Devin Deringer, 10 18:30.1 Maple Lake
42 40 Joe Bastian, 10 18:31.6 Foley
43 Ben Borash, 10 18:33.3 Royalton
44 41 Jamie Kasper, 10 18:34.9 Annandale
45 42 Jon Hall, 8 18:35.3 Milaca
46 43 Max Webb, 11 18:35.5 St Cloud Tech
47 44 Jeffery Braun, 9 18:35.9 Annandale
48 45 Luke West, 10 18:37.5 Brainerd
49 46 Christopher Groth, 8 18:39.8 Annandale
50 47 Connor TenNapel, 12 18:40.8 Braham Area
51 48 Logan Leavey, 9 18:42.7 Braham Area
52 49 Matthew Jasken, 10 18:43.5 LongPrairie-GreyEagle
53 50 Jack White, 12 18:43.9 Brainerd
54 51 Michael O'Hagan, 11 18:45.0 St Cloud Cathedral
55 52 Jackson Willard, 11 18:45.4 Maple Lake
56 53 Jacob Massmann, 10 18:47.0 Little Falls
57 54 carter scheele, 11 18:47.9 St Cloud Tech
58 55 Spencer Elwell, 10 18:49.2 Foley
59 Johnny Nelson, 12 18:49.8 Hinckley-Finlayson
60 56 Dan Lenington, 11 18:50.4 Benilde-St Margaret's
61 57 Robbie Hare, 12 18:52.2 Albany
62 58 Nick Backes, 10 18:53.4 Benilde-St Margaret's
63 59 Logan Lunde, 12 19:00.5 Foley
64 David Pederson, 12 19:03.0 St Cloud Christian
65 60 Andrew Schonessen, 11 19:05.5 Maple Lake
66 61 Jordan Diers, 11 19:06.1 Annandale
67 62 Ross Hickey, 10 19:06.7 Maple Lake
68 63 Johnny Beckius, 12 19:08.4 Albany
69 64 Jonah Spahr, 11 19:08.8 Pine City
70 65 Cullen Gallagher, 11 19:09.3 Maple Lake
71 66 Scott Jordan, 11 19:11.1 Maple Lake
72 67 Beau Hunter, 10 19:11.9 Pine City
73 68 Eric Gilbertson, 12 19:12.7 Annandale
74 Adrian Johnson, 12 19:14.0 Hinckley-Finlayson
75 69 Christian Posch, 11 19:15.4 Albany
76 70 Daniel Palmer, 10 19:17.1 Little Falls
77 Charlie Watkins, 10 19:17.4 St Cloud Christian
78 71 Carter Bichler, 12 19:17.9 Benilde-St Margaret's
79 72 Thomas Warner, 10 19:18.9 Braham Area
80 73 Brandon Tschida, 11 19:20.2 Foley
81 74 Ryan Middendorf, 12 19:20.7 LongPrairie-GreyEagle
82 Jacob Knutson, 10 19:21.3 St Cloud Christian
83 75 Eli Grubbs, 9 19:21.6 Pine City
84 76 Adam Ruhland, 11 19:21.9 Maple Lake
85 77 Mack Nevells, 12 19:28.5 Benilde-St Margaret's
86 78 Taylor Jurek, 10 19:29.1 Foley
87 79 Tim Jasken, 12 19:29.5 LongPrairie-GreyEagle
88 Jordan Malikowski, 9 19:31.3 Royalton
89 80 Levi Neuenschwander, 9 19:32.6 Annandale
90 81 Russ Westeren, 12 19:36.0 Pine City
91 82 Jake Riebel, 11 19:45.2 Milaca
92 83 Norman Statz, 10 19:45.6 St Cloud Tech
93 84 Gus Swansen, 10 19:46.2 Benilde-St Margaret's
94 85 Devin Siegle, 10 19:47.9 Albany
95 Matt Janson, 10 19:48.6 Pierz
96 86 Noah Webb, 9 19:50.4 St Cloud Tech
97 87 Caden Brose, 10 20:00.0 Little Falls
98 88 Gunner Kleinschmidt, 10 20:00.4 Little Falls
99 89 Jacob Seeman, 12 20:01.6 St Cloud Tech
100 90 Jack Nierenhausen, 10 20:05.4 Crosby-Ironton
101 91 Nick Stolp, 9 20:35.1 Pine City
102 Chase Laxdal, 10 20:36.1 Zimmerman
103 92 Zack Korvela, 9 20:39.0 Milaca
104 Thomas Strusz, 9 20:40.2 Royalton
105 93 Cody Anderson, 10 20:41.1 Braham Area
106 94 Cole Patten, 11 20:42.7 Milaca
107 Andrew Deryter, 7 21:01.7 Maranatha Christian
108 95 Nick Jones, 10 21:06.2 Braham Area
109 Josh DeRuyter, 10 21:08.5 Maranatha Christian
110 96 Christian Patterson, 9 21:11.9 Braham Area
111 97 mitch garber, 9 22:38.5 Milaca
112 Mitchell Czech, 12 22:54.6 Pierz