MSHSL Section 3AA Championships Boys
Valleywood Golf Course
Oct. 24, 2013
Cloudy, slight breeze, 40's
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM
Varsity Boys 5k Run
Pl Pts Name Time Team
1 1 Obsa Ali, 12 16:19.0 Richfield
2 2 Ali Ahmed, 12 16:24.3 Burnsville
3 3 Faysal Mahmoud, 11 16:24.6 Burnsville
4 4 Alex Berhe, 11 16:30.3 Rosemount
5 5 Trenton Galloway, 10 16:30.7 Prior Lake
6 6 Grant Udelhofen, 11 16:33.7 Apple Valley
7 7 Matt Rosen, 12 16:37.2 Bloomington Jefferson
8 8 Anthony Dupont, 11 16:43.0 Henry Sibley
9 9 Ben Garrison, 11 16:44.2 Prior Lake
10 10 Ryan Condon, 12 16:46.7 Rosemount
11 11 Alex Liu, 12 16:47.2 Henry Sibley
12 12 Cody Sedbrook, 12 16:50.2 Rosemount
13 13 Evan Bonneson, 12 16:52.0 Park Cottage Grove
14 14 Clayton Smith, 11 16:55.9 Rosemount
15 15 Sam Ivanecky, 11 16:57.0 Rosemount
16 16 Ryan Brumm, 11 16:57.1 Rosemount
17 17 Josh Podpeskar, 12 17:01.9 Eagan
18 18 Colin Dwyer, 9 17:03.3 Prior Lake
19 19 Mitch Brown, 12 17:05.5 Burnsville
20 20 Aaron Schwietz, 11 17:07.7 St Thomas Academy
21 21 Joey Beran, 12 17:08.3 Eastview
22 22 Dan Podpeskar, 12 17:09.0 Eagan
23 23 Collin Kern, 10 17:09.3 Bloomington Kennedy
24 24 Joe Dill, 9 17:09.4 Henry Sibley
25 25 Shawn Doherty, 11 17:11.5 Prior Lake
26 26 Dillon Wong, 10 17:13.5 Burnsville
27 27 Tanner Leighton, 11 17:15.3 Eastview
28 28 Aman Bird, 8 17:15.3 St Thomas Academy
29 29 Tyler Roberts, 12 17:20.4 Apple Valley
30 30 Will Ramsey, 11 17:23.0 St Thomas Academy
31 31 Nathan Blichfeldt, 9 17:24.1 Burnsville
32 32 Nathan Libra, 12 17:26.2 Richfield
33 33 Sam Karlson, 11 17:26.6 Rosemount
34 34 Ethan Hemmelman, 12 17:31.9 South St Paul
35 35 Tyler Schonewill, 12 17:32.1 Burnsville
36 36 Eddie Carlson, 10 17:32.5 South St Paul
37 37 Jake Beaudet, 12 17:33.6 Richfield
38 38 Luke Tansey, 12 17:34.6 Apple Valley
39 39 Thomas Lamb, 12 17:35.1 St Thomas Academy
40 40 Andrew Erickson, 11 17:35.6 Eastview
41 41 Tim Ekblad, 10 17:40.2 Henry Sibley
42 42 Bailey LaChance, 11 17:40.2 Eagan
43 43 Liam Tyler, 12 17:41.2 Apple Valley
44 44 Nick Polaczyck, 11 17:41.9 St Thomas Academy
45 45 Noah Halloran, 10 17:42.3 Apple Valley
46 46 Robert Tobroxen, 12 17:45.5 Apple Valley
47 47 Sam Porter, 12 17:45.9 Burnsville
48 48 George McGivern, 10 17:49.7 Eagan
49 49 Tim Killian, 12 17:51.1 Richfield
50 50 Bryce Hill, 10 17:52.4 Bloomington Kennedy
51 51 Tommy Jaakola, 11 17:54.2 Eagan
52 52 Abdi Adan, 12 17:54.8 Henry Sibley
53 53 Jeremy Trogstad, 11 17:55.0 Eastview
54 54 Jeremy Conners, 12 17:56.3 St Thomas Academy
55 55 Charlie McIntrye, 10 17:59.3 Prior Lake
56 56 Daniel Lanoue, 11 18:03.9 Bloomington Kennedy
57 57 Kyle Schnichels, 11 18:04.5 Academy of HolyAngels
58 58 Andrew Carter, 11 18:05.0 Apple Valley
59 59 Ben Murphy, 11 18:05.8 Bloomington Kennedy
60 60 Jack Ryan, 12 18:06.3 St Thomas Academy
61 61 Brett Jones, 12 18:07.2 Eastview
62 62 Ryan Kropp, 10 18:07.3 South St Paul
63 63 Nic Freemark, 9 18:07.9 Bloomington Jefferson
64 64 Jacob Larson, 11 18:11.1 Bloomington Kennedy
65 65 Ricky Peterson, 12 18:13.9 Henry Sibley
66 66 Adam Babcock, 12 18:14.9 Prior Lake
67 67 Will Frost, 9 18:15.5 Bloomington Jefferson
68 68 Will Larsen, 12 18:16.5 Henry Sibley
69 69 Kyle Mohr, 12 18:17.2 Park Cottage Grove
70 70 Spencer Bergen, 11 18:20.9 Richfield
71 71 Connor Gabbert, 12 18:21.4 Park Cottage Grove
72 72 Dillon Kurila, 11 18:23.5 Eastview
73 73 Ryan Tolkinen, 11 18:25.5 Park Cottage Grove
74 74 Matt Hofmann, 11 18:26.9 Eagan
75 75 Liam Hoppe, 9 18:27.3 Richfield
76 76 Eric Thompson, 11 18:29.3 Eastview
77 77 Scott Burazin, 9 18:36.4 Park Cottage Grove
78 78 Garrett Bembeneck, 12 18:39.6 Prior Lake
79 79 Trent Lewis, 12 18:40.3 South St Paul
80 80 Robal Yebyo, 11 18:40.7 South St Paul
81 81 Jacob Rupp, 11 18:41.2 Eagan
82 82 Tavis Pugh, 10 18:41.6 South St Paul
83 83 Tom Eichlersmith, 12 18:42.8 Academy of HolyAngels
84 84 Ben Nygaard, 12 18:45.8 Richfield
85 85 James Gunderson, 11 18:46.8 Bloomington Jefferson
86 86 Paul Paczkowski, 11 18:48.1 Bloomington Jefferson
87 87 Danny Colburn, 12 18:49.9 South St Paul
88 88 Opiew Omot, 11 18:53.5 Park Cottage Grove
89 89 Shane Farrell, 11 18:54.7 Academy of HolyAngels
90 90 Pietro Pelliconi, 12 19:03.9 Bloomington Jefferson
91 91 Josh Williamson, 10 19:10.6 Park Cottage Grove
92 92 William Curoe, 11 19:11.2 Academy of HolyAngels
93 93 Jacob Nelson, 10 19:12.2 Academy of HolyAngels
94 94 Jack Davies, 12 19:12.8 Academy of HolyAngels
95 95 Joe Kern, 12 19:15.2 Bloomington Kennedy
96 96 Kyle Nordstrom, 11 19:20.3 Simley
97 97 Andrew Heil, 12 19:20.7 Academy of HolyAngels
98 98 Brad Miller, 11 19:22.8 Bloomington Jefferson
99 99 Michael Greene, 12 19:28.1 Simley
100 100 Ebenezer Ojo, 9 19:32.2 Simley
101 101 Blake Scheffknecht, 11 19:33.9 Simley
102 102 Jakob Myers, 8 19:37.3 Simley
103 103 Derek Opthof, 11 19:43.4 Bloomington Kennedy
104 104 Noah Myers, 11 19:45.8 Simley
105 105 James Royce, 8 19:48.6 Simley
1 Rosemount 55 4 10 12 14 15 16 33 16:48.1 0:26.8
2 Burnsville 81 2 3 19 26 31 35 47 16:54.4 0:59.9
3 Prior Lake 112 5 9 18 25 55 66 78 17:05.8 1:28.6
4 Henry Sibley 136 8 11 24 41 52 65 68 17:15.0 1:11.9
5* Apple Valley 161 6 29 38 43 45 46 58 17:22.5 1:08.7
6* St Thomas Academy 161 20 28 30 39 44 54 60 17:24.6 0:34.2
7 Eagan 180 17 22 42 48 51 74 81 17:31.0 0:52.4
8 Richfield 189 1 32 37 49 70 75 84 17:30.2 2:02.0
9 Eastview 202 21 27 40 53 61 72 76 17:36.3 0:59.0
10 Bloomington Kennedy 252 23 50 56 59 64 95 103 17:52.5 1:01.8
11 South St Paul 291 34 36 62 79 80 82 87 18:06.6 1:08.8
12 Park Cottage Grove 303 13 69 71 73 77 88 91 18:06.5 1:44.4
13 Bloomington Jefferson 308 7 63 67 85 86 90 98 18:07.1 2:11.0
14 Academy of HolyAngels 414 57 83 89 92 93 94 97 18:49.1 1:07.8
15 Simley 498 96 99 100 101 102 104 105 19:30.4 0:17.0
1. Rosemount
4 Alex Berhe, 11 16:30.3
10 Ryan Condon, 12 16:46.7
12 Cody Sedbrook, 12 16:50.2
14 Clayton Smith, 11 16:55.9
15 Sam Ivanecky, 11 16:57.0
16 Ryan Brumm, 11 16:57.1
33 Sam Karlson, 11 17:26.6
Total Time = 1:24:00.1 Total Places = 55
2. Burnsville
2 Ali Ahmed, 12 16:24.3
3 Faysal Mahmoud, 11 16:24.6
19 Mitch Brown, 12 17:05.5
26 Dillon Wong, 10 17:13.5
31 Nathan Blichfeldt, 9 17:24.1
35 Tyler Schonewill, 12 17:32.1
47 Sam Porter, 12 17:45.9
Total Time = 1:24:32.0 Total Places = 81
3. Prior Lake
5 Trenton Galloway, 10 16:30.7
9 Ben Garrison, 11 16:44.2
18 Colin Dwyer, 9 17:03.3
25 Shawn Doherty, 11 17:11.5
55 Charlie McIntrye, 10 17:59.3
66 Adam Babcock, 12 18:14.9
78 Garrett Bembeneck, 12 18:39.6
Total Time = 1:25:29.0 Total Places = 112
4. Henry Sibley
8 Anthony Dupont, 11 16:43.0
11 Alex Liu, 12 16:47.2
24 Joe Dill, 9 17:09.4
41 Tim Ekblad, 10 17:40.2
52 Abdi Adan, 12 17:54.8
65 Ricky Peterson, 12 18:13.9
68 Will Larsen, 12 18:16.5
Total Time = 1:26:14.6 Total Places = 136
5*. Apple Valley
6 Grant Udelhofen, 11 16:33.7
29 Tyler Roberts, 12 17:20.4
38 Luke Tansey, 12 17:34.6
43 Liam Tyler, 12 17:41.2
45 Noah Halloran, 10 17:42.3
46 Robert Tobroxen, 12 17:45.5
58 Andrew Carter, 11 18:05.0
Total Time = 1:26:52.2 Total Places = 161
6*. St Thomas Academy
20 Aaron Schwietz, 11 17:07.7
28 Aman Bird, 8 17:15.3
30 Will Ramsey, 11 17:23.0
39 Thomas Lamb, 12 17:35.1
44 Nick Polaczyck, 11 17:41.9
54 Jeremy Conners, 12 17:56.3
60 Jack Ryan, 12 18:06.3
Total Time = 1:27:03.0 Total Places = 161
7. Eagan
17 Josh Podpeskar, 12 17:01.9
22 Dan Podpeskar, 12 17:09.0
42 Bailey LaChance, 11 17:40.2
48 George McGivern, 10 17:49.7
51 Tommy Jaakola, 11 17:54.2
74 Matt Hofmann, 11 18:26.9
81 Jacob Rupp, 11 18:41.2
Total Time = 1:27:35.0 Total Places = 180
8. Richfield
1 Obsa Ali, 12 16:19.0
32 Nathan Libra, 12 17:26.2
37 Jake Beaudet, 12 17:33.6
49 Tim Killian, 12 17:51.1
70 Spencer Bergen, 11 18:20.9
75 Liam Hoppe, 9 18:27.3
84 Ben Nygaard, 12 18:45.8
Total Time = 1:27:30.8 Total Places = 189
9. Eastview
21 Joey Beran, 12 17:08.3
27 Tanner Leighton, 11 17:15.3
40 Andrew Erickson, 11 17:35.6
53 Jeremy Trogstad, 11 17:55.0
61 Brett Jones, 12 18:07.2
72 Dillon Kurila, 11 18:23.5
76 Eric Thompson, 11 18:29.3
Total Time = 1:28:01.4 Total Places = 202
10. Bloomington Kennedy
23 Collin Kern, 10 17:09.3
50 Bryce Hill, 10 17:52.4
56 Daniel Lanoue, 11 18:03.9
59 Ben Murphy, 11 18:05.8
64 Jacob Larson, 11 18:11.1
95 Joe Kern, 12 19:15.2
103 Derek Opthof, 11 19:43.4
Total Time = 1:29:22.5 Total Places = 252
11. South St Paul
34 Ethan Hemmelman, 12 17:31.9
36 Eddie Carlson, 10 17:32.5
62 Ryan Kropp, 10 18:07.3
79 Trent Lewis, 12 18:40.3
80 Robal Yebyo, 11 18:40.7
82 Tavis Pugh, 10 18:41.6
87 Danny Colburn, 12 18:49.9
Total Time = 1:30:32.7 Total Places = 291
12. Park Cottage Grove
13 Evan Bonneson, 12 16:52.0
69 Kyle Mohr, 12 18:17.2
71 Connor Gabbert, 12 18:21.4
73 Ryan Tolkinen, 11 18:25.5
77 Scott Burazin, 9 18:36.4
88 Opiew Omot, 11 18:53.5
91 Josh Williamson, 10 19:10.6
Total Time = 1:30:32.5 Total Places = 303
13. Bloomington Jefferson
7 Matt Rosen, 12 16:37.2
63 Nic Freemark, 9 18:07.9
67 Will Frost, 9 18:15.5
85 James Gunderson, 11 18:46.8
86 Paul Paczkowski, 11 18:48.1
90 Pietro Pelliconi, 12 19:03.9
98 Brad Miller, 11 19:22.8
Total Time = 1:30:35.5 Total Places = 308
14. Academy of HolyAngels
57 Kyle Schnichels, 11 18:04.5
83 Tom Eichlersmith, 12 18:42.8
89 Shane Farrell, 11 18:54.7
92 William Curoe, 11 19:11.2
93 Jacob Nelson, 10 19:12.2
94 Jack Davies, 12 19:12.8
97 Andrew Heil, 12 19:20.7
Total Time = 1:34:05.4 Total Places = 414
15. Simley
96 Kyle Nordstrom, 11 19:20.3
99 Michael Greene, 12 19:28.1
100 Ebenezer Ojo, 9 19:32.2
101 Blake Scheffknecht, 11 19:33.9
102 Jakob Myers, 8 19:37.3
104 Noah Myers, 11 19:45.8
105 James Royce, 8 19:48.6
Total Time = 1:37:31.8 Total Places = 498