Eagle Invitational Girls C race
Apple Valley High School
Sep. 22, 2015
Sunny, 70's
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM
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Last updated Sep. 26 2015 5:19 PM
team scores
1 Edina 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14:21.5 0:48.9
2 Fargo (Nd) North 52 8 9 10 11 14 15:01.0 0:53.3
3 Lakeville South 73 12 13 15 16 17 16:05.4 2:31.4
Incomplete Teams:
1. Edina
1 Megan Sieve 7 13:53.7
2 Claire Wagner 8 14:08.3
3 Delaney Drefs 8 14:21.8
4 Evie Hage 7 14:40.7
5 Grace Burnside 8 14:42.6
6 Gretchen Lobben 8 14:42.8
7 Emma Rodeghier 7 14:45.1
Total Time = 1:11:47.2 Total Places = 15
2. Fargo (Nd) North
8 Isabelle Puhl 7 14:45.7
9 Addison Watson 7 14:45.7
10 Gabby Kramer 8 14:51.8
11 Grace Dorsher 7 15:02.8
14 Mackenzie Kirkpatrick 7 15:38.9
Total Time = 1:15:05.0 Total Places = 52
3. Lakeville South
12 Maddy Worden 8 15:20.9
13 Mallory Slattery 8 15:28.7
15 Makenna Johnson 8 15:47.1
16 Larissa Ernst 8 15:58.0
17 Karley Henson 9 17:52.3
Total Time = 1:20:27.0 Total Places = 73
Girls 2 mile run
PL Tm Pl Name YR Time Team
1 1 Megan Sieve 7 13:53.7 Edina
2 2 Claire Wagner 8 14:08.3 Edina
3 3 Delaney Drefs 8 14:21.8 Edina
4 4 Evie Hage 7 14:40.7 Edina
5 5 Grace Burnside 8 14:42.6 Edina
6 6 Gretchen Lobben 8 14:42.8 Edina
7 7 Emma Rodeghier 7 14:45.1 Edina
8 8 Isabelle Puhl 7 14:45.7 Fargo (Nd) North
9 9 Addison Watson 7 14:45.7 Fargo (Nd) North
10 10 Gabby Kramer 8 14:51.8 Fargo (Nd) North
11 11 Grace Dorsher 7 15:02.8 Fargo (Nd) North
12 Mia Lee 7 15:07.9 Edina
13 Natalie Pfeifer 8 15:09.0 Edina
14 12 Maddy Worden 8 15:20.9 Lakeville South
15 13 Mallory Slattery 8 15:28.7 Lakeville South
16 Anna Romain 8 15:29.5 Edina
17 Emily Rogers 8 15:31.7 Edina
18 Sophia Tabor 7 15:34.0 Edina
19 14 Mackenzie Kirkpatrick 7 15:38.9 Fargo (Nd) North
20 15 Makenna Johnson 8 15:47.1 Lakeville South
21 Sofia Carlson 8 15:54.8 Edina
22 16 Larissa Ernst 8 15:58.0 Lakeville South
23 Maggie Yuhas 8 16:19.1 Edina
24 Margaret Healy 7 16:23.1 Edina
25 Sasha Lessin-Burns 7 16:37.4 Edina
26 Anna Heirigs 8 16:54.1 Edina
27 Anne Cepak 7 17:18.0 Edina
28 Rori Curti 8 17:43.4 Edina
29 Suzanne Wandrei 8 17:51.9 Edina
30 17 Karley Henson 9 17:52.3 Lakeville South
31 Sarah Ruschy 8 17:56.3 Edina
32 Rachael Hunter 7 18:43.8 Edina
33 Eliese LaTour 7 18:55.9 Edina
34 Ingrid Anderson 8 20:19.3 Edina
35 Lauren Hovelsrud 7 20:27.3 Edina
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