Fr. Otto Weber Invite 2016

Collegeville, MN

JH Boys

Fr Otto Weber Cross Country Invitational Junior High

Saint John's Prep

Sep. 29, 2016

Sunny, 66 degrees
Results by Craig Yotter

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  1 St Cloud Apollo          39    1    2    8   13   15   24   31    15:05    2:08
  2 Rush City                80    6    9   18   19   28   29   30    16:20    3:00
  3 Royalton                 84    5   14   16   17   32   43         16:26    3:25
  4 Holdingford             105    3   21   23   25   33   34   37    17:09    4:17
  5 Maple Lake              112    7   12   20   35   38   42         17:51    5:52
  6 Braham                  113    4   11   22   36   40              17:56    6:40
  7 Hinckley-Finlayson      143   10   26   27   39   41              18:58    6:17

Incomplete Teams: Watertown-Mayer, Pillager, Saint John's Prep, Osakis
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. St Cloud Apollo
    1  Ethan Logeman, 8           14:02  
    2  Sam Brewer, 8              14:05  
    8  Kallen Hanzsek-Brill, 7    15:15  
   13  Malcolm Snowberg, 7        15:54  
   15  Brandon Zimmer, 7          16:09  
   24  Greyson Zenner, 8          17:40  
   31  Josh Meixell, 7            18:22  
Total Time = 1:15:25     Total Places = 39

2. Rush City
    6  Luke Widenstrom, 8         15:02  
    9  Karl Meissner, 7           15:29  
   18  Nick Medina, 7             16:32  
   19  Joey Papke, 7              16:34  
   28  Kyle Bjork, 8              18:02  
   29  Dalton Paul, 7             18:07  
   30  Mason Nordrum, 7           18:17  
Total Time = 1:21:39     Total Places = 80

3. Royalton
    5  Dakota Walberg, 8          15:02  
   14  Chris Ramirez, 8           16:06  
   16  Thomas Klisch, 7           16:16  
   17  Nathan Kolbo, 8            16:19  
   32  Bradley Fernelius, 7       18:27  
   43  Ryan Poster, 7             26:17  
Total Time = 1:22:10     Total Places = 84

4. Holdingford
    3  Christopher Harris, 8      14:32  
   21  Cade Clear, 8              17:00  
   23  Logan Sobania, 8           17:38  
   25  Blake Kolles, 7            17:42  
   33  Carter Buchta, 8           18:49  
   34  Jordan Demark, 7           19:02  
   37  Connor Mokhtary, 7         20:34  
Total Time = 1:25:41     Total Places = 105

5. Maple Lake
    7  Tristen Aasen, 7           15:12  
   12  Logan Carlson, 8           15:53  
   20  Noah Wetch, 7              16:48  
   35  Nathan Rasset, 7           20:16  
   38  Riley Severson, 7          21:04  
   42  Elijah Elsenpeter, 7       24:35  
Total Time = 1:29:13     Total Places = 112

6. Braham
    4  Kevin Laman, 8             14:42  
   11  Jacob Kern, 8              15:41  
   22  Garrett Engberg, 8         17:37  
   36  Shane Lund, 8              20:18  
   40  Cody Hansen, 8             21:22  
Total Time = 1:29:40     Total Places = 113

7. Hinckley-Finlayson
   10  Brody Houston, 7           15:38  
   26  Cory Nelson, 8             17:56  
   27  Garrett Hosna, 7           17:57  
   39  Luke Chapman               21:21  
   41  Isaac Puetz, 8             21:54  
Total Time = 1:34:46     Total Places = 143
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1        Brently Boogaard, 8        13:58    Osakis               
    2     1  Ethan Logeman, 8           14:02    St Cloud Apollo      
    3     2  Sam Brewer, 8              14:05    St Cloud Apollo      
    4     3  Christopher Harris, 8      14:32    Holdingford          
    5     4  Kevin Laman, 8             14:42    Braham               
    6     5  Dakota Walberg, 8          15:02    Royalton             
    7     6  Luke Widenstrom, 8         15:02    Rush City            
    8        Corey Bimberg, 8           15:08    Watertown-Mayer      
    9     7  Tristen Aasen, 7           15:12    Maple Lake           
   10     8  Kallen Hanzsek-Brill, 7    15:15    St Cloud Apollo      
   11     9  Karl Meissner, 7           15:29    Rush City            
   12    10  Brody Houston, 7           15:38    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   13        Logan Grove, 8             15:40    Osakis               
   14    11  Jacob Kern, 8              15:41    Braham               
   15        Garrett Olson, 7           15:50    Pillager             
   16    12  Logan Carlson, 8           15:53    Maple Lake           
   17    13  Malcolm Snowberg, 7        15:54    St Cloud Apollo      
   18        Jacob Oscarson, 7          15:55    Watertown-Mayer      
   19    14  Chris Ramirez, 8           16:06    Royalton             
   20    15  Brandon Zimmer, 7          16:09    St Cloud Apollo      
   21    16  Thomas Klisch, 7           16:16    Royalton             
   22    17  Nathan Kolbo, 8            16:19    Royalton             
   23    18  Nick Medina, 7             16:32    Rush City            
   24    19  Joey Papke, 7              16:34    Rush City            
   25    20  Noah Wetch, 7              16:48    Maple Lake           
   26        Matthew Bolton, 7          16:50    Saint John's Prep    
   27    21  Cade Clear, 8              17:00    Holdingford          
   28        George Vedder, 6           17:03    Saint John's Prep    
   29        Mitchell Burns, 8          17:18    Watertown-Mayer      
   30    22  Garrett Engberg, 8         17:37    Braham               
   31    23  Logan Sobania, 8           17:38    Holdingford          
   32    24  Greyson Zenner, 8          17:40    St Cloud Apollo      
   33    25  Blake Kolles, 7            17:42    Holdingford          
   34    26  Cory Nelson, 8             17:56    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   35    27  Garrett Hosna, 7           17:57    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   36    28  Kyle Bjork, 8              18:02    Rush City            
   37    29  Dalton Paul, 7             18:07    Rush City            
   38    30  Mason Nordrum, 7           18:17    Rush City            
   39    31  Josh Meixell, 7            18:22    St Cloud Apollo      
   40    32  Bradley Fernelius, 7       18:27    Royalton             
   41    33  Carter Buchta, 8           18:49    Holdingford          
   42    34  Jordan Demark, 7           19:02    Holdingford          
   43        Thomas Vanacker, 7         19:04    Osakis               
   44        Luke Macdonald, 8          19:18    Rush City            
   45        Oscar Cheeley, 6           19:46    Saint John's Prep    
   46    35  Nathan Rasset, 7           20:16    Maple Lake           
   47    36  Shane Lund, 8              20:18    Braham               
   48    37  Connor Mokhtary, 7         20:34    Holdingford          
   49    38  Riley Severson, 7          21:04    Maple Lake           
   50        Patrick Thayer, 7          21:09    St Cloud Apollo      
   51    39  Luke Chapman               21:21    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   52    40  Cody Hansen, 8             21:22    Braham               
   53    41  Isaac Puetz, 8             21:54    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   54        Matthew Fiedler, 8         22:00    Holdingford          
   55        Garrett Kostreba, 7        22:27    Holdingford          
   56        Xander Posch, 8            22:51    Holdingford          
   57    42  Elijah Elsenpeter, 7       24:35    Maple Lake           
   58    43  Ryan Poster, 7             26:17    Royalton             
   59        Ethan Gilbertson, 9        26:29    Pillager             

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