Fr. Otto Weber Invite 2016

Collegeville, MN

JH Girls

Fr Otto Weber Cross Country Invitational Junior High

Saint Johns Prep

Sep. 29, 2016

Partly Cloudy, 60 degrees
Results by Craig Yotter

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  1 Osakis                   45    1    2   13   14   15   22   23    17:05    2:13
  2 Hinckley-Finlayson       68    4    5   16   18   25   32   33    18:01    3:20
 3* Mille Lacs               72    7    8   10   20   27   28   29    18:12    3:20
 4* Pillager                 72    6   11   12   19   24   36   40    18:13    3:09
  5 Maple Lake               80    3    9   17   21   30   31   34    18:22    4:22
  6 Braham                  175   26   35   37   38   39              23:03    6:09

Incomplete Teams: St Cloud Apollo, Royalton, Rush City, Saint John's Prep, Holdingford

 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Osakis
    1  Grace Oeltjen, 8           15:47  
    2  Destiney Lene, 8           15:52  
   13  Kendra Massmann, 7         17:50  
   14  Anna Wolf, 8               17:52  
   15  Emily Moberg, 7            18:00  
   22  Kerstin Moberg, 7          19:25  
   23  Mackenzie Fiskness, 7      19:37  
Total Time = 1:25:21     Total Places = 45

2. Hinckley-Finlayson
    4  Hallie Rootkie, 8          16:40  
    5  Raechel Painovich, 7       16:41  
   16  Sophie Hodena, 7           18:07  
   18  Carlee Stelter, 7          18:37  
   25  Emily Bradshaw, 7          19:59  
   32  Madelyn Dutcher, 8         20:43  
   33  Emily Klar, 7              20:54  
Total Time = 1:30:04     Total Places = 68

3*. Mille Lacs
    7  Molly Saboo, 7             16:51  
    8  Aiyanna Mitchell, 7        17:07  
   10  Kami Smith, 7              17:29  
   20  Nevaeh Merrill, 6          19:19  
   27  Bella Nayquonabe, 7        20:11  
   28  Braelynn Harrington, 8     20:13  
   29  Amaya Lancrain, 6          20:22  
Total Time = 1:30:57     Total Places = 72

4*. Pillager
    6  Karly Clyne, 7             16:45  
   11  Madelyn Wright, 6          17:32  
   12  Sienna Swanberg, 6         17:32  
   19  Allie Watson, 7            19:19  
   24  Ally Smith, 8              19:54  
   36  Kylee Wilson, 6            21:45  
   40  Claire Hardy, 6            27:40  
Total Time = 1:31:02     Total Places = 72

5. Maple Lake
    3  Sophie Pribyl, 7           16:01  
    9  Grace Praska, 7            17:28  
   17  Emily Weese, 7             18:36  
   21  Eva McClelland, 7          19:21  
   30  Greta Brown, 7             20:23  
   31  Erin Parsons, 7            20:34  
   34  Molly Erickson, 8          20:55  
Total Time = 1:31:49     Total Places = 80

6. Braham
   26  Hannah Kopel, 7            20:09  
   35  Evelyn Bombard, 7          21:35  
   37  Hannah Waknitz, 7          23:03  
   38  Jaeden Klingensmith, 8     24:09  
   39  Madison Stone, 7           26:18  
Total Time = 1:55:14     Total Places = 175
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Grace Oeltjen, 8           15:47    Osakis               
    2     2  Destiney Lene, 8           15:52    Osakis               
    3        Cailey Davidson, 7         15:55    St Cloud Apollo      
    4        Grace Neutz, 8             16:01    Royalton             
    5     3  Sophie Pribyl, 7           16:01    Maple Lake           
    6        Rebecca Lampert, 7         16:28    Holdingford          
    7        Brooke Verkinnes, 7        16:29    St Cloud Apollo      
    8     4  Hallie Rootkie, 8          16:40    Hinckley-Finlayson   
    9     5  Raechel Painovich, 7       16:41    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   10        Lilly Weitzel, 7           16:44    St Cloud Apollo      
   11     6  Karly Clyne, 7             16:45    Pillager             
   12     7  Molly Saboo, 7             16:51    Mille Lacs           
   13        Erin Borash, 7             16:52    Royalton             
   14        Jami Rudolph, 8            17:06    Royalton             
   15     8  Aiyanna Mitchell, 7        17:07    Mille Lacs           
   16     9  Grace Praska, 7            17:28    Maple Lake           
   17    10  Kami Smith, 7              17:29    Mille Lacs           
   18    11  Madelyn Wright, 6          17:32    Pillager             
   19    12  Sienna Swanberg, 6         17:32    Pillager             
   20        Greta Rundquist, 7         17:34    Rush City            
   21        Belle Lee, 6               17:39    Saint John's Prep    
   22    13  Kendra Massmann, 7         17:50    Osakis               
   23    14  Anna Wolf, 8               17:52    Osakis               
   24    15  Emily Moberg, 7            18:00    Osakis               
   25    16  Sophie Hodena, 7           18:07    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   26        Autumn Tenvoorde, 7        18:13    St Cloud Apollo      
   27        Priya Nacey, 7             18:16    Saint John's Prep    
   28    17  Emily Weese, 7             18:36    Maple Lake           
   29    18  Carlee Stelter, 7          18:37    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   30        Sylvia Johnson, 7          19:01    Saint John's Prep    
   31    19  Allie Watson, 7            19:19    Pillager             
   32    20  Nevaeh Merrill, 6          19:19    Mille Lacs           
   33    21  Eva McClelland, 7          19:21    Maple Lake           
   34    22  Kerstin Moberg, 7          19:25    Osakis               
   35    23  Mackenzie Fiskness, 7      19:37    Osakis               
   36    24  Ally Smith, 8              19:54    Pillager             
   37    25  Emily Bradshaw, 7          19:59    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   38    26  Hannah Kopel, 7            20:09    Braham               
   39    27  Bella Nayquonabe, 7        20:11    Mille Lacs           
   40    28  Braelynn Harrington, 8     20:13    Mille Lacs           
   41    29  Amaya Lancrain, 6          20:22    Mille Lacs           
   42    30  Greta Brown, 7             20:23    Maple Lake           
   43    31  Erin Parsons, 7            20:34    Maple Lake           
   44    32  Madelyn Dutcher, 8         20:43    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   45    33  Emily Klar, 7              20:54    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   46    34  Molly Erickson, 8          20:55    Maple Lake           
   47        Samantha Ajax, 6           20:58    Mille Lacs           
   48        Ashley Schmidt, 7          21:03    Rush City            
   49    35  Evelyn Bombard, 7          21:35    Braham               
   50    36  Kylee Wilson, 6            21:45    Pillager             
   51        Killeen Prater, 7          22:11    Hinckley-Finlayson   
   52    37  Hannah Waknitz, 7          23:03    Braham               
   53        Courtenay Oeltjen, 8       23:49    Osakis               
   54    38  Jaeden Klingensmith, 8     24:09    Braham               
   55    39  Madison Stone, 7           26:18    Braham               
   56    40  Claire Hardy, 6            27:40    Pillager             
   57        Claire Carlson, 7          27:58    Maple Lake           
   58        Britney Notsch, 7          32:03    Holdingford          

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