MSHSL Section 8A Girls 4000M
Oct. 28, 2004
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Results also available for boys
1 Crosby-Ironton 32 1 2 8 9 12 15 28 17:29.4 1:13.8
2 Lake Park-Audubon 67 6 10 14 16 21 18:03.5 1:00.5
3 East Grand Forks 69 4 5 18 20 22 30 31 18:00.9 1:04.7
4 Deer River/Northland 140 7 25 29 39 40 45 55 18:53.2 2:12.5
5 Sebeka/Menahga 142 23 24 26 34 35 38 44 18:50.5 42.5
6 Pequot Lakes 144 11 17 36 37 43 46 51 18:58.4 1:59.5
7 Warroad 146 3 27 33 41 42 47 52 18:59.9 2:38.3
8 Lake of the Woods/Rr 161 13 19 32 48 49 50 54 19:30.0 2:42.4
9 Trek North 283 53 56 57 58 59 24:39.3 5:53.5
Pine River-Backus
Park Rapids
1. Crosby-Ironton
1 Kim Beaman 16:48.4
2 Andrea Borden 17:03.6
8 Stacey Gustafson 17:40.5
9 Danielle Thiegault 17:52.0
12 Reese Harris 18:02.2
15 Molly Nixon 18:14.3
28 Angel Adams 18:52.3
Time = 1:27:26.7 Places = 32
2. Lake Park-Audubon
6 Nora Ulmer 17:25.8
10 Nicole Warling 17:56.9
14 Paige Jenson 18:12.5
16 Alysha Warling 18:16.0
21 Elizabeth Warling 18:26.3
Time = 1:30:17.5 Places = 67
3. East Grand Forks
4 Amanda Wickersham 17:23.0
5 Anna Hagen 17:25.4
18 Rachel Wickersham 18:22.8
20 Ashley Ranten 18:25.6
22 Norah Green 18:27.7
30 Natalie Green 18:59.2
31 Shayla Perkeweicz 19:02.6
Time = 1:30:04.5 Places = 69
4. Deer River/Northland
7 Holly Belgum 17:34.6
25 Ariel Helling 18:36.7
29 Marisa Hare 18:54.1
39 Lindsay Brustad 19:33.1
40 Tara Hagen 19:47.1
45 Lulu Seelye 20:13.1
55 Corrine Neurerer 22:46.8
Time = 1:34:25.6 Places = 140
5. Sebeka/Menahga
23 Emily Houle 18:32.2
24 Kathryn Houle 18:34.7
26 Betsy Olson 18:38.4
34 Becca Kilbourne 19:12.5
35 Ashley Braith 19:14.7
38 Beth Olson 19:23.2
44 Katrina Isaacson 20:04.7
Time = 1:34:12.5 Places = 142
6. Pequot Lakes
11 Madison Engen 17:59.6
17 Christy Peterson 18:17.0
36 Lavra Janowiec 19:17.0
37 Toni Gammello 19:19.2
43 Carcia Braren 19:59.1
46 Jacki Doty 20:15.7
51 Cassie Price 22:05.1
Time = 1:34:51.9 Places = 144
7. Warroad
3 Samantha Laznicka 17:17.6
27 Billye Alelson 18:47.7
33 Kristine Heppner 19:07.2
41 Lisa Mattson 19:51.0
42 Emily Cole 19:55.9
47 Rachel Battles 20:16.9
52 Brittany Ryba 22:06.5
Time = 1:34:59.4 Places = 146
8. Lake of the Woods/Rr
13 Madie Heinrich 18:11.9
19 Shantelle Davidson 18:25.1
32 Jessie Beagler 19:06.4
48 Brenley Anderson 20:52.3
49 Jennie Bengler 20:54.3
50 Lacy Holen 21:41.1
54 Karlie Eaton 22:13.9
Time = 1:37:30.0 Places = 161
9. Trek North
53 Megan Conlon 22:12.2
56 Skyla Knudson 22:49.2
57 Katie Houg 22:50.2
58 Emily Therous 27:19.2
59 Emily Papke-Larson 28:05.7
Time = 2:03:16.5 Places = 283
1 1 Kim Beaman 16:48.4 Crosby-Ironton
2 Ashley Prososki 16:52.2 Pine River-Backus
3 Ali Dostal 16:53.9 Roseau
4 2 Andrea Borden 17:03.6 Crosby-Ironton
5 Courtney Sterling 17:12.5 Frazee
6 3 Samantha Laznicka 17:17.6 Warroad
7 Molly Nustad 17:19.5 Hawley/Ulen-Hitterdal
8 4 Amanda Wickersham 17:23.0 East Grand Forks
9 5 Anna Hagen 17:25.4 East Grand Forks
10 6 Nora Ulmer 17:25.8 Lake Park-Audubon
11 Sam Abraham 17:34.2 Bagley/Fosston
12 7 Holly Belgum 17:34.6 Deer River/Northland
13 8 Stacey Gustafson 17:40.5 Crosby-Ironton
14 9 Danielle Thiegault 17:52.0 Crosby-Ironton
15 10 Nicole Warling 17:56.9 Lake Park-Audubon
16 11 Madison Engen 17:59.6 Pequot Lakes
17 12 Reese Harris 18:02.2 Crosby-Ironton
18 13 Madie Heinrich 18:11.9 Lake of the Woods/Rr
19 14 Paige Jenson 18:12.5 Lake Park-Audubon
20 Jen Hensel 18:13.7 Frazee
21 15 Molly Nixon 18:14.3 Crosby-Ironton
22 16 Alysha Warling 18:16.0 Lake Park-Audubon
23 17 Christy Peterson 18:17.0 Pequot Lakes
24 18 Rachel Wickersham 18:22.8 East Grand Forks
25 19 Shantelle Davidson 18:25.1 Lake of the Woods/Rr
26 20 Ashley Ranten 18:25.6 East Grand Forks
27 21 Elizabeth Warling 18:26.3 Lake Park-Audubon
28 22 Norah Green 18:27.7 East Grand Forks
29 23 Emily Houle 18:32.2 Sebeka/Menahga
30 24 Kathryn Houle 18:34.7 Sebeka/Menahga
31 25 Ariel Helling 18:36.7 Deer River/Northland
32 26 Betsy Olson 18:38.4 Sebeka/Menahga
33 27 Billye Alelson 18:47.7 Warroad
34 28 Angel Adams 18:52.3 Crosby-Ironton
35 29 Marisa Hare 18:54.1 Deer River/Northland
36 30 Natalie Green 18:59.2 East Grand Forks
37 Mollie Heelberg 19:00.4 Pine River-Backus
38 31 Shayla Perkeweicz 19:02.6 East Grand Forks
39 32 Jessie Beagler 19:06.4 Lake of the Woods/Rr
40 33 Kristine Heppner 19:07.2 Warroad
41 34 Becca Kilbourne 19:12.5 Sebeka/Menahga
42 Saara Balkberg 19:13.2 Pine River-Backus
43 35 Ashley Braith 19:14.7 Sebeka/Menahga
44 36 Lavra Janowiec 19:17.0 Pequot Lakes
45 Jessica Christofferson 19:18.5 Park Rapids
46 37 Toni Gammello 19:19.2 Pequot Lakes
47 38 Beth Olson 19:23.2 Sebeka/Menahga
48 Rhonda Schoeszler 19:25.3 Diilworth-Glyndon-Fel
49 39 Lindsay Brustad 19:33.1 Deer River/Northland
50 40 Tara Hagen 19:47.1 Deer River/Northland
51 Kassie Ward 19:50.1 Pine River-Backus
52 41 Lisa Mattson 19:51.0 Warroad
53 42 Emily Cole 19:55.9 Warroad
54 43 Carcia Braren 19:59.1 Pequot Lakes
55 44 Katrina Isaacson 20:04.7 Sebeka/Menahga
56 45 Lulu Seelye 20:13.1 Deer River/Northland
57 46 Jacki Doty 20:15.7 Pequot Lakes
58 47 Rachel Battles 20:16.9 Warroad
59 Krystal Koehnen 20:38.3 Frazee
60 Kayla Skalsky 20:48.0 Diilworth-Glyndon-Fel
61 48 Brenley Anderson 20:52.3 Lake of the Woods/Rr
62 49 Jennie Bengler 20:54.3 Lake of the Woods/Rr
63 Angeline 21:34.5 Bagley/Fosston
64 50 Lacy Holen 21:41.1 Lake of the Woods/Rr
65 Kayla Bergee 21:50.6 Diilworth-Glyndon-Fel
66 51 Cassie Price 22:05.1 Pequot Lakes
67 52 Brittany Ryba 22:06.5 Warroad
68 53 Megan Conlon 22:12.2 Trek North
69 Meckenzie 22:12.6 Bagley/Fosston
70 54 Karlie Eaton 22:13.9 Lake of the Woods/Rr
71 Stephanie LaCoursiere 22:32.8 Park Rapids
72 55 Corrine Neurerer 22:46.8 Deer River/Northland
73 56 Skyla Knudson 22:49.2 Trek North
74 57 Katie Houg 22:50.2 Trek North
75 58 Emily Therous 27:19.2 Trek North
76 59 Emily Papke-Larson 28:05.7 Trek North