Apple Valley Eagle Invitational 2004

Apple Valley, MN

Boys Varsity 5k

Eagle Invitational Varsity Boys 5000M

Apple Valley High School

Sept. 25, 2004

Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.

Results also available for varsity girls


  1   Edina                    58    2    3    9   21   23   54  108   16:53.6      55.3
  2   Eden Prairie             59    5    6    7   17   24   35        16:58.0      40.7
  3   Burnsville              104    1    4   27   31   41   88   95   17:10.6    1:34.9
  4   Ames (Iowa)             122   13   16   26   29   38   40   58   17:24.2      50.0
  5   Eastview                166   15   30   33   39   49   59   60   17:38.1      52.8
  6   Sioux Falls Lincoln     177   12   14   45   51   55   63   69   17:33.6    1:09.1
  7   Rochester John Marsha   186   11   25   37   46   67   72  109   17:41.5    1:33.2
  8   Apple Valley            218   10   43   44   56   65   68   74   17:47.1    1:28.3
  9   Eagan                   312   20   57   70   80   85   97  110   18:17.4    1:32.4
 10   Jamestown               341   32   66   76   81   86   99        18:27.6    1:11.2
 11   White Bear Lake         356   22   53   79  100  102  103  119   18:25.7    1:41.0
 12   Minneapolis South       371   42   77   78   82   92  114  126   18:34.8    1:07.0
 13   Bowman                  378   19   50   87  105  117             18:32.1    2:17.7
 14   Rochester Mayo          395   34   47   83  115  116  120  134   18:39.4    1:39.8
 15   Robbinsdale Armstrong   407   28   84   96   98  101  128        18:41.5    1:25.5
 16   Shakopee                415   36   48   64  123  144  145  147   18:52.1    2:52.5
 17   Rochester Century       422   61   62   71  107  121             18:43.4    1:25.9
 18   Fargo (ND) North        467   18   73  113  130  133  138        19:01.9    2:58.4
 19   St.Michael-Albertvill   483    8   89   94  143  149             19:21.9    4:46.7
 20   Robbinsdale Cooper      517   75   90  104  111  137  142  146   19:14.6    1:45.2
 21   St. Paul Harding        553   52  106  127  132  136  148  150   19:29.0    2:17.4
 22   Academy of HolyAngels   582   93  118  122  124  125  131  139   19:32.0      48.1
 23   Duluth Central          607   91  112  129  135  140  141        19:47.2    1:31.8



1. Edina
    2  T C Lumbar, 10              16:27.3  
    3  Nick Bock, 11               16:31.7  
    9  Tom Burke, 10               16:47.9  
   21  Josh Dejung, 11             17:18.8  
   23  James Lantz, 11             17:22.6  
   54  Matt Olson, 9               18:02.7  
  108  Kyle Zickert, 11            19:11.7  
Time = 1:24:28.0     Places = 58

2. Eden Prairie
    5  Ryan Little, 10             16:44.3  
    6  Zach Cory, 12               16:46.7  
    7  Devin Cory, 11              16:47.0  
   17  Jackson Wiley, 10           17:07.1  
   24  Jamie McMahon, 12           17:25.0  
   35  Sam Harvey, 11              17:46.7  
Time = 1:24:49.9     Places = 59

3. Burnsville
    1  Rob Finnerty, 9             16:14.4  
    4  Mike Finnerty, 12           16:36.7  
   27  Jacob Ripplemeyer, 11       17:32.4  
   31  Chip Sandahl, 10            17:40.5  
   41  Matt Coffey, 12             17:49.2  
   88  Andrew Kachelmeyer, 12      18:54.2  
   95  Eric Braam, 12              18:58.4  
Time = 1:25:53.1     Places = 104

4. Ames (Iowa)
   13  Mat Clark, 12               16:57.8  
   16  John Gilarski, 12           17:05.4  
   26  Andy Feller, 11             17:31.3  
   29  Jordan Funkhouser, 12       17:38.6  
   38  Brandon Long, 11            17:47.8  
   40  Luke Lowry, 12              17:49.0  
   58  Brandon Gill, 12            18:05.4  
Time = 1:27:00.7     Places = 122

5. Eastview
   15  Seth Rosvold, 11            17:03.6  
   30  David Pachuta, 10           17:39.8  
   33  Phil Caucutt, 11            17:42.7  
   39  Andy Bocchi, 12             17:48.2  
   49  Bryan Balfanz, 12           17:56.3  
   59  Marty Maloney, 9            18:08.0  
   60  Matt Jesse, 12              18:09.9  
Time = 1:28:10.4     Places = 166

6. Sioux Falls Lincoln
   12  Thomas Madut, 12            16:53.9  
   14  Austin VandeBerg, 11        16:58.1  
   45  Peter Oien, 12              17:52.3  
   51  Holden Rasmussen, 11        18:00.7  
   55  Matt Braithwaite, 10        18:03.0  
   63  Sam Steinberger, 12         18:13.5  
   69  Chace Anderson, 12          18:28.5  
Time = 1:27:47.7     Places = 177

7. Rochester John Marsha
   11  Seyfu Hassan, 12            16:52.8  
   25  Kevin Langlie, 12           17:28.2  
   37  Abdullahi Mohammed, 12      17:47.3  
   46  Sean Suter, 11              17:53.2  
   67  Tanner Prestegard, 11       18:25.9  
   72  Tim Johnson, 11             18:31.5  
  109  Hussein Hassan, 11          19:12.5  
Time = 1:28:27.3     Places = 186

8. Apple Valley
   10  Greg Dowe, 12               16:51.3  
   43  Ryan Freese, 12             17:49.9  
   44  Justin Hosman, 12           17:51.3  
   56  Nathan Metzger, 11          18:03.3  
   65  Chad Lilja, 12              18:19.5  
   68  Eric Ice, 12                18:27.1  
   74  Spencer Vadner, 9           18:34.0  
Time = 1:28:55.1     Places = 218

9. Eagan
   20  Brett Wingad, 12            17:18.1  
   57  Bobby Vyvyan, 10            18:04.3  
   70  Andy Thomas, 11             18:29.7  
   80  Jonathan Seaberg, 11        18:44.5  
   85  Luke Garrison, 12           18:50.5  
   97  Michael Zorich, 12          19:00.4  
  110  Ben Anderson, 10            19:14.1  
Time = 1:31:27.0     Places = 312

10. Jamestown
   32  James McMillan, 11          17:41.7  
   66  Aaron Motacek, 9            18:19.9  
   76  Brandon Dale, 10            18:38.4  
   81  Justin Slusser, 8           18:45.2  
   86  Jordan Slusser, 8           18:52.9  
   99  Lief Rasmussen, 11          19:01.3  
Time = 1:32:17.9     Places = 341

11. White Bear Lake
   22  Nate Henry, 12              17:21.1  
   53  Adam Larson, 11             18:02.0  
   79  Jake Brunsvold, 11          18:41.7  
  100  Matt Hendricks, 10          19:01.5  
  102  Ryen Birkinbine, 9          19:02.1  
  103  Andy Carlson, 9             19:02.6  
  119  Mark Gallivan, 12           19:34.8  
Time = 1:32:08.2     Places = 356

12. Minneapolis South
   42  Harrison Richards, 11       17:49.6  
   77  Dan Foley, 12               18:40.6  
   78  Anthony Johannes, 12        18:40.8  
   82  Michal Fiabane, 11          18:46.2  
   92  Parker von Sternberg, 10    18:56.6  
  114  Tyler Smith, 10             19:23.1  
  126  James Locke, 9              19:46.8  
Time = 1:32:53.7     Places = 371

13. Bowman
   19  Beau Harder, 11             17:13.0  
   50  Nathan McGee, 9             17:56.9  
   87  Bryant Miller, 11           18:53.1  
  105  Jeremiah Harder, 8          19:07.0  
  117  Brian Moser, 10             19:30.6  
Time = 1:32:40.4     Places = 378

14. Rochester Mayo
   34  Brendan Sherman, 12         17:45.7  
   47  Peter Hoffman, 11           17:54.5  
   83  Josh Erwin, 11              18:46.8  
  115  Ben Kroll, 12               19:24.7  
  116  Jeff Schuler, 11            19:25.4  
  120  Alex Bolton, 11             19:35.2  
  134  Garrett Johnson, 11         20:16.1  
Time = 1:33:17.0     Places = 395

15. Robbinsdale Armstrong
   28  Tom Brenner, 12             17:36.4  
   84  Kaleb Johnson, 11           18:50.1  
   96  Matt Koktan, 12             18:58.6  
   98  Chris Marshall, 11          19:00.6  
  101  Matt Clasen, 11             19:01.9  
  128  Adam Berkland, 12           19:49.1  
Time = 1:33:27.5     Places = 407

16. Shakopee
   36  Josh Myers, 10              17:46.9  
   48  Brian Sames, 12             17:56.1  
   64  Luke Sames, 9               18:15.6  
  123  Josh Lyons, 10              19:42.4  
  144  Chris Thorsen, 7            20:39.4  
  145  Spencer Lindholm, 10        20:59.9  
  147  David Rynda, 12             21:19.6  
Time = 1:34:20.2     Places = 415

17. Rochester Century
   61  Nick Thompson, 11           18:10.1  
   62  Kevin Pollock, 11           18:10.4  
   71  Owen Wade, 11               18:30.9  
  107  Skyler Harms, 10            19:09.5  
  121  Joseph Weinmann, 12         19:36.0  
Time = 1:33:36.7     Places = 422

18. Fargo (ND) North
   18  Mark Landman, 12            17:10.7  
   73  Riak Akon, 10               18:33.8  
  113  Sean Walsh, 12              19:17.5  
  130  Chad Hamann, 9              19:58.4  
  133  Ben Reile, 12               20:09.0  
  138  Asher Smith, 11             20:22.3  
Time = 1:35:09.2     Places = 467

19. St.Michael-Albertvill
    8  Dan Greeno, 11              16:47.4  
   89  Jeremy Kuhn, 10             18:54.9  
   94  Sam Greeno, 9               18:58.2  
  143  Mike Thorn, 11              20:35.0  
  149  Dylan Royseth, 11           21:34.1  
Time = 1:36:49.5     Places = 483

20. Robbinsdale Cooper
   75  Scott Smith, 12             18:35.9  
   90  Jerett Knoblock, 10         18:55.3  
  104  Jesse McCaffrey, 12         19:05.4  
  111  Joe Davitt, 10              19:15.2  
  137  Brad Johnson, 8             20:21.0  
  142  Leland Abide, 10            20:30.8  
  146  Brad Repinski, 10           21:05.3  
Time = 1:36:12.8     Places = 517

21. St. Paul Harding
   52  Daniel Anderson, 12         18:01.8  
  106  Peter Schmitt, 11           19:08.6  
  127  A J. Owens, 10              19:48.1  
  132  Brandon Dickerson, 10       20:07.4  
  136  Steven Holley, 10           20:19.2  
  148  Robert Joshua, 10           21:28.7  
  150  Daniel Grittner, 11         21:43.9  
Time = 1:37:25.0     Places = 553

22. Academy of HolyAngels
   93  Conor Merrigan, 12          18:57.7  
  118  Henry Kuhnen, 12            19:34.2  
  122  Jay Benson, 11              19:38.7  
  124  Ryan VanSlyke, 9            19:43.5  
  125  Nate Phillips, 12           19:45.8  
  131  Ryan Holley, 10             20:01.7  
  139  Blake Bauer, 11             20:24.0  
Time = 1:37:39.8     Places = 582

23. Duluth Central
   91  Greg Trachte, 12            18:55.7  
  112  Joe Fisketti, 10            19:16.5  
  129  John Bradshaw, 11           19:58.0  
  135  Matt Schumacher, 9          20:18.6  
  140  Dan Kerfeld, 12             20:27.4  
  141  Joe VonRuedent, 9           20:27.7  
Time = 1:38:56.0     Places = 607

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

	Place	Score	Name	Grade	Time	Team
	1	1	Rob Finnerty	9	16:14.4	Burnsville
	2	2	T C Lumbar	10	16:27.3	Edina
	3	3	Nick Bock	11	16:31.7	Edina
	4	4	Mike Finnerty	12	16:36.7	Burnsville
	5	5	Ryan Little	10	16:44.3	Eden Prairie
	6	6	Zach Cory	12	16:46.7	Eden Prairie
	7	7	Devin Cory	11	16:47.0	Eden Prairie
	8	8	Dan Greeno	11	16:47.4	St.Michael-Albertvill
	9	9	Tom Burke	10	16:47.9	Edina
	10	10	Greg Dowe	12	16:51.3	Apple Valley
	11	11	Seyfu Hassan	12	16:52.8	Rochester John Marsha
	12	12	Thomas Madut	12	16:53.9	Sioux Falls Lincoln
	13	13	Mat Clark	12	16:57.8	Ames (Iowa)
	14	14	Austin VandeBerg	11	16:58.1	Sioux Falls Lincoln
	15	15	Seth Rosvold	11	17:03.6	Eastview
	16	16	John Gilarski	12	17:05.4	Ames (Iowa)
	17	17	Jackson Wiley	10	17:07.1	Eden Prairie
	18	18	Mark Landman	12	17:10.7	Fargo (ND) North
	19	19	Beau Harder	11	17:13.0	Bowman
	20	20	Brett Wingad	12	17:18.1	Eagan
	21	21	Josh Dejung	11	17:18.8	Edina
	22	22	Nate Henry	12	17:21.1	White Bear Lake
	23	23	James Lantz	11	17:22.6	Edina
	24	24	Jamie McMahon	12	17:25.0	Eden Prairie
	25	25	Kevin Langlie	12	17:28.2	Rochester John Marsha
	26	26	Andy Feller	11	17:31.3	Ames (Iowa)
	27	27	Jacob Ripplemeyer	11	17:32.4	Burnsville
	28	28	Tom Brenner	12	17:36.4	Robbinsdale Armstrong
	29	29	Jordan Funkhouser	12	17:38.6	Ames (Iowa)
	30	30	David Pachuta	10	17:39.8	Eastview
	31	31	Chip Sandahl	10	17:40.5	Burnsville
	32	32	James McMillan	11	17:41.7	Jamestown
	33	33	Phil Caucutt	11	17:42.7	Eastview
	34	34	Brendan Sherman	12	17:45.7	Rochester Mayo
	35	35	Sam Harvey	11	17:46.7	Eden Prairie
	36	36	Josh Myers	10	17:46.9	Shakopee
	37	37	Abdullahi Mohammed	12	17:47.3	Rochester John Marsha
	38	38	Brandon Long	11	17:47.8	Ames (Iowa)
	39	39	Andy Bocchi	12	17:48.2	Eastview
	40	40	Luke Lowry	12	17:49.0	Ames (Iowa)
	41	41	Matt Coffey	12	17:49.2	Burnsville
	42	42	Harrison Richards	11	17:49.6	Minneapolis South
	43	43	Ryan Freese	12	17:49.9	Apple Valley
	44	44	Justin Hosman	12	17:51.3	Apple Valley
	45	45	Peter Oien	12	17:52.3	Sioux Falls Lincoln
	46	46	Sean Suter	11	17:53.2	Rochester John Marsha
	47	47	Peter Hoffman	11	17:54.5	Rochester Mayo
	48	48	Brian Sames	12	17:56.1	Shakopee
	49	49	Bryan Balfanz	12	17:56.3	Eastview
	50	50	Nathan McGee	9	17:56.9	Bowman
	51	51	Holden Rasmussen	11	18:00.7	Sioux Falls Lincoln
	52	52	Daniel Anderson	12	18:01.8	St. Paul Harding
	53	53	Adam Larson	11	18:02.0	White Bear Lake
	54	54	Matt Olson	9	18:02.7	Edina
	55	55	Matt Braithwaite	10	18:03.0	Sioux Falls Lincoln
	56	56	Nathan Metzger	11	18:03.3	Apple Valley
	57	57	Bobby Vyvyan	10	18:04.3	Eagan
	58	58	Brandon Gill	12	18:05.4	Ames (Iowa)
	59	59	Marty Maloney	9	18:08.0	Eastview
	60	60	Matt Jesse	12	18:09.9	Eastview
	61	61	Nick Thompson	11	18:10.1	Rochester Century
	62	62	Kevin Pollock	11	18:10.4	Rochester Century
	63	63	Sam Steinberger	12	18:13.5	Sioux Falls Lincoln
	64	64	Luke Sames	9	18:15.6	Shakopee
	65	65	Chad Lilja	12	18:19.5	Apple Valley
	66	66	Aaron Motacek	9	18:19.9	Jamestown
	67	67	Tanner Prestegard	11	18:25.9	Rochester John Marsha
	68	68	Eric Ice	12	18:27.1	Apple Valley
	69	69	Chace Anderson	12	18:28.5	Sioux Falls Lincoln
	70	70	Andy Thomas	11	18:29.7	Eagan
	71	71	Owen Wade	11	18:30.9	Rochester Century
	72	72	Tim Johnson	11	18:31.5	Rochester John Marsha
	73	73	Riak Akon	10	18:33.8	Fargo (ND) North
	74	74	Spencer Vadner	9	18:34.0	Apple Valley
	75	75	Scott Smith	12	18:35.9	Robbinsdale Cooper
	76	76	Brandon Dale	10	18:38.4	Jamestown
	77	77	Dan Foley	12	18:40.6	Minneapolis South
	78	78	Anthony Johannes	12	18:40.8	Minneapolis South
	79	79	Jake Brunsvold	11	18:41.7	White Bear Lake
	80	80	Jonathan Seaberg	11	18:44.5	Eagan
	81	81	Justin Slusser	8	18:45.2	Jamestown
	82	82	Michal Fiabane	11	18:46.2	Minneapolis South
	83	83	Josh Erwin	11	18:46.8	Rochester Mayo
	84	84	Kaleb Johnson	11	18:50.1	Robbinsdale Armstrong
	85	85	Luke Garrison	12	18:50.5	Eagan
	86	86	Jordan Slusser	8	18:52.9	Jamestown
	87	87	Bryant Miller	11	18:53.1	Bowman
	88	88	Andrew Kachelmeyer	12	18:54.2	Burnsville
	89	89	Jeremy Kuhn	10	18:54.9	St.Michael-Albertvill
	90	90	Jerett Knoblock	10	18:55.3	Robbinsdale Cooper
	91	91	Greg Trachte	12	18:55.7	Duluth Central
	92	92	Parker von Sternberg	10	18:56.6	Minneapolis South
	93	93	Conor Merrigan	12	18:57.7	Academy of HolyAngels
	94	94	Sam Greeno	9	18:58.2	St.Michael-Albertvill
	95	95	Eric Braam	12	18:58.4	Burnsville
	96	96	Matt Koktan	12	18:58.6	Robbinsdale Armstrong
	97	97	Michael Zorich	12	19:00.4	Eagan
	98	98	Chris Marshall	11	19:00.6	Robbinsdale Armstrong
	99	99	Lief Rasmussen	11	19:01.3	Jamestown
	100	100	Matt Hendricks	10	19:01.5	White Bear Lake
	101	101	Matt Clasen	11	19:01.9	Robbinsdale Armstrong
	102	102	Ryen Birkinbine	9	19:02.1	White Bear Lake
	103	103	Andy Carlson	9	19:02.6	White Bear Lake
	104	104	Jesse McCaffrey	12	19:05.4	Robbinsdale Cooper
	105	105	Jeremiah Harder	8	19:07.0	Bowman
	106	106	Peter Schmitt	11	19:08.6	St. Paul Harding
	107	107	Skyler Harms	10	19:09.5	Rochester Century
	108	108	Kyle Zickert	11	19:11.7	Edina
	109	109	Hussein Hassan	11	19:12.5	Rochester John Marsha
	110	110	Ben Anderson	10	19:14.1	Eagan
	111	111	Joe Davitt	10	19:15.2	Robbinsdale Cooper
	112	112	Joe Fisketti	10	19:16.5	Duluth Central
	113	113	Sean Walsh	12	19:17.5	Fargo (ND) North
	114	114	Tyler Smith	10	19:23.1	Minneapolis South
	115	115	Ben Kroll	12	19:24.7	Rochester Mayo
	116	116	Jeff Schuler	11	19:25.4	Rochester Mayo
	117	117	Brian Moser	10	19:30.6	Bowman
	118	118	Henry Kuhnen	12	19:34.2	Academy of HolyAngels
	119	119	Mark Gallivan	12	19:34.8	White Bear Lake
	120	120	Alex Bolton	11	19:35.2	Rochester Mayo
	121	121	Joseph Weinmann	12	19:36.0	Rochester Century
	122	122	Jay Benson	11	19:38.7	Academy of HolyAngels
	123	123	Josh Lyons	10	19:42.4	Shakopee
	124	124	Ryan VanSlyke	9	19:43.5	Academy of HolyAngels
	125	125	Nate Phillips	12	19:45.8	Academy of HolyAngels
	126	126	James Locke	9	19:46.8	Minneapolis South
	127	127	A J. Owens	10	19:48.1	St. Paul Harding
	128	128	Adam Berkland	12	19:49.1	Robbinsdale Armstrong
	129		Charlie Lemerande	11	19:56.6	Laona
	130	129	John Bradshaw	11	19:58.0	Duluth Central
	131	130	Chad Hamann	9	19:58.4	Fargo (ND) North
	132	131	Ryan Holley	10	20:01.7	Academy of HolyAngels
	133	132	Brandon Dickerson	10	20:07.4	St. Paul Harding
	134	133	Ben Reile	12	20:09.0	Fargo (ND) North
	135	134	Garrett Johnson	11	20:16.1	Rochester Mayo
	136	135	Matt Schumacher	9	20:18.6	Duluth Central
	137	136	Steven Holley	10	20:19.2	St. Paul Harding
	138	137	Brad Johnson	8	20:21.0	Robbinsdale Cooper
	139	138	Asher Smith	11	20:22.3	Fargo (ND) North
	140	139	Blake Bauer	11	20:24.0	Academy of HolyAngels
	141	140	Dan Kerfeld	12	20:27.4	Duluth Central
	142	141	Joe VonRuedent	9	20:27.7	Duluth Central
	143	142	Leland Abide	10	20:30.8	Robbinsdale Cooper
	144	143	Mike Thorn	11	20:35.0	St.Michael-Albertvill
	145	144	Chris Thorsen	7	20:39.4	Shakopee
	146	145	Spencer Lindholm	10	20:59.9	Shakopee
	147	146	Brad Repinski	10	21:05.3	Robbinsdale Cooper
	148	147	David Rynda	12	21:19.6	Shakopee
	149		Andy Bradle	11	21:24.7	Laona
	150	148	Robert Joshua	10	21:28.7	St. Paul Harding
	151	149	Dylan Royseth	11	21:34.1	St.Michael-Albertvill
	152	150	Daniel Grittner	11	21:43.9	St. Paul Harding