Eagle Invitational Junior High Boys 3200m
Apple Valley High School
Sept. 25, 2004
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM
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Results also available for varsity boys
1 Ames (Iowa) 60 3 6 14 15 22 23 27 12:17.9 1:12.2
2 Edina 70 5 9 10 21 25 30 33 12:24.0 1:07.0
3 Rosemount 98 7 8 12 35 36 42 50 12:32.0 1:14.6
4 Eagan 113 2 17 29 31 34 47 58 12:40.2 1:40.1
5 Robbinsdale Armstrong 117 1 4 11 39 62 73 12:32.9 2:41.8
6 Apple Valley 130 13 16 18 37 46 49 71 12:54.4 1:03.2
7 Jamestown 178 20 24 38 45 51 13:15.0 51.4
8 Minneapolis South 211 26 40 44 48 53 54 72 13:26.4 48.6
9 St.Michael-Albertvill 214 19 41 43 55 56 74 76 13:27.2 1:10.1
10 Rochester Mayo 265 28 32 63 64 78 85 13:52.5 2:01.8
11 Bowman 327 52 61 66 69 79 80 84 14:16.8 1:26.3
12 Burnsville 334 57 59 60 77 81 86 87 14:27.5 1:43.3
13 Math & Science Acad 345 65 67 68 70 75 82 83 14:19.6 28.2
St. Paul Harding
Rochester Century
1. Ames (Iowa)
3 Sam Bird, 9 11:38.8
6 Tyler Clark, 9 11:54.4
14 Bobby Hunter, 9 12:31.0
15 Ben Feller, 9 12:34.3
22 Mark Gilarski, 9 12:50.9
23 John McClelland, 9 12:53.0
27 Zach Wayne, 9 13:00.1
Time = 1:01:29.2 Places = 60
2. Edina
5 Eli Krieter, 8 11:48.9
9 Gavin LeClaire, 8 12:03.9
10 B J Porter, 9 12:20.8
21 Mat Clark, 8 12:50.8
25 Dominick Rosario, 9 12:55.9
30 Matt Briggs, 9 13:03.1
33 Luke Anderson, 8 13:06.6
Time = 1:02:00.0 Places = 70
3. Rosemount
7 Stan Drutowski, 9 11:55.2
8 Michael Giluson, 9 12:01.6
12 Josh Marek, 9 12:23.8
35 Tristan Pitre, 9 13:09.5
36 Matt Thooft, 9 13:09.7
42 Bubba Kavanagh, 9 13:25.1
50 Matt Matuseski, 9 13:40.4
Time = 1:02:39.6 Places = 98
4. Eagan
2 Mark Sinclair, 9 11:28.5
17 Bobby Dorn, 9 12:36.5
29 Mike Reynolds, 9 13:02.3
31 Tristan Craig, 9 13:05.0
34 John Altendahl, 9 13:08.5
47 Nate Berkopec, 9 13:35.5
58 Eric Schmidt, 9 13:54.3
Time = 1:03:20.7 Places = 113
5. Robbinsdale Armstrong
1 Emmu Wakai, 7 11:20.2
4 Brad Lester, 9 11:39.4
11 Charlie Lapham, 9 12:22.2
39 Christian Labissoniere, 9 13:20.9
62 Andy Clasen, 9 14:02.0
73 Brandon Johnson, 9 14:21.8
Time = 1:02:44.5 Places = 117
6. Apple Valley
13 Nick Freese, 9 12:30.1
16 Joe Giebel, 9 12:35.6
18 Justin Radde, 9 12:37.7
37 Nick Metzger, 9 13:15.4
46 Evan Gonzo, 9 13:33.2
49 Marc Landes, 9 13:38.2
71 Josh Smith, 9 14:20.2
Time = 1:04:31.8 Places = 130
7. Jamestown
20 Ben Larson, 8 12:49.9
24 Spencer Kamoni, 7 12:55.7
38 Sean Redmann, 9 13:16.2
45 Bryce Olson, 9 13:31.7
51 Matt Nygren, 9 13:41.3
Time = 1:06:14.6 Places = 178
8. Minneapolis South
26 Justin Richards, 9 12:57.1
40 Alex Ciecielski, 7 13:21.7
44 Alex Lewison, 9 13:30.6
48 Ben Donovan, 9 13:36.9
53 Joe Donovan, 9 13:45.6
54 Norris Wang, 9 13:48.4
72 Michael Peterson, 9 14:21.4
Time = 1:07:11.7 Places = 211
9. St.Michael-Albertvill
19 David Christenson, 8 12:41.7
41 Lucas Nelson, 9 13:24.1
43 David Arlt, 8 13:28.8
55 Josh Miller, 9 13:49.8
56 Matt Frank, 9 13:51.8
74 Carl Salonek, 8 14:28.8
76 Alex Johnson, 9 14:37.0
Time = 1:07:16.0 Places = 214
10. Rochester Mayo
28 Keaton Wendroth, 7 13:01.9
32 Jon Schuler, 9 13:05.4
63 Will Hoffman, 11 14:04.0
64 Jackson Becker, 8 14:07.9
78 Clay Thomas, 8 15:03.6
85 Joe Lund, 8 16:04.8
Time = 1:09:22.6 Places = 265
11. Bowman
52 Matt Woodley, 9 13:42.5
61 Dallas Breen, 7 13:59.3
66 Devin Krinke, 9 14:15.2
69 Brennan Dyk, 8 14:18.2
79 Garrett Wilke, 9 15:08.8
80 Derek Korczak, 9 15:26.5
84 Andrew Bartholmy, 7 15:42.9
Time = 1:11:23.8 Places = 327
12. Burnsville
57 Jimmy O'Donnell, 8 13:52.5
59 Tyler Webb, 8 13:55.0
60 Eddie Maloney, 9 13:55.4
77 Harrison Okan, 8 14:58.9
81 Dan Michelson, 8 15:35.7
86 Brandon Allford, 9 17:19.4
87 Christopher Zellman, 9 17:25.0
Time = 1:12:17.2 Places = 334
13. Math & Science Acad
65 Tanner Lee, 8 14:08.3
67 Erik Gryska, 9 14:15.7
68 Caleb Williams, 7 14:18.1
70 Chris Reick, 9 14:19.3
75 Joe Opseth, 8 14:36.5
82 Sam Speckhard, 8 15:36.8
83 Cory Hannula, 7 15:37.6
Time = 1:11:37.7 Places = 345
Place Score Name Grade Time Team
1 1 Emmu Wakai 7 11:20.2 Robbinsdale Armstrong
2 2 Mark Sinclair 9 11:28.5 Eagan
3 3 Sam Bird 9 11:38.8 Ames (Iowa)
4 4 Brad Lester 9 11:39.4 Robbinsdale Armstrong
5 5 Eli Krieter 8 11:48.9 Edina
6 6 Tyler Clark 9 11:54.4 Ames (Iowa)
7 7 Stan Drutowski 9 11:55.2 Rosemount
8 8 Michael Giluson 9 12:01.6 Rosemount
9 9 Gavin LeClaire 8 12:03.9 Edina
10 10 B J Porter 9 12:20.8 Edina
11 11 Charlie Lapham 9 12:22.2 Robbinsdale Armstrong
12 12 Josh Marek 9 12:23.8 Rosemount
13 13 Nick Freese 9 12:30.1 Apple Valley
14 14 Bobby Hunter 9 12:31.0 Ames (Iowa)
15 15 Ben Feller 9 12:34.3 Ames (Iowa)
16 16 Joe Giebel 9 12:35.6 Apple Valley
17 17 Bobby Dorn 9 12:36.5 Eagan
18 18 Justin Radde 9 12:37.7 Apple Valley
19 19 David Christenson 8 12:41.7 St.Michael-Albertvill
20 20 Ben Larson 8 12:49.9 Jamestown
21 21 Mat Clark 8 12:50.8 Edina
22 22 Mark Gilarski 9 12:50.9 Ames (Iowa)
23 23 John McClelland 9 12:53.0 Ames (Iowa)
24 24 Spencer Kamoni 7 12:55.7 Jamestown
25 25 Dominick Rosario 9 12:55.9 Edina
26 26 Justin Richards 9 12:57.1 Minneapolis South
27 27 Zach Wayne 9 13:00.1 Ames (Iowa)
28 28 Keaton Wendroth 7 13:01.9 Rochester Mayo
29 29 Mike Reynolds 9 13:02.3 Eagan
30 Chan Liebman 9 13:02.6 Ames (Iowa)
31 30 Matt Briggs 9 13:03.1 Edina
32 31 Tristan Craig 9 13:05.0 Eagan
33 32 Jon Schuler 9 13:05.4 Rochester Mayo
34 David Hickok 9 13:05.7 Ames (Iowa)
35 33 Luke Anderson 8 13:06.6 Edina
36 34 John Altendahl 9 13:08.5 Eagan
37 35 Tristan Pitre 9 13:09.5 Rosemount
38 36 Matt Thooft 9 13:09.7 Rosemount
39 Patrick Snell 9 13:10.5 Ames (Iowa)
40 37 Nick Metzger 9 13:15.4 Apple Valley
41 38 Sean Redmann 9 13:16.2 Jamestown
42 Riley Wendt 9 13:17.9 Ames (Iowa)
43 39 Christian Labissoniere 9 13:20.9 Robbinsdale Armstrong
44 40 Alex Ciecielski 7 13:21.7 Minneapolis South
45 41 Lucas Nelson 9 13:24.1 St.Michael-Albertvill
46 42 Bubba Kavanagh 9 13:25.1 Rosemount
47 43 David Arlt 8 13:28.8 St.Michael-Albertvill
48 Brock Hetfield 9 13:29.9 Laona
49 44 Alex Lewison 9 13:30.6 Minneapolis South
50 45 Bryce Olson 9 13:31.7 Jamestown
51 46 Evan Gonzo 9 13:33.2 Apple Valley
52 47 Nate Berkopec 9 13:35.5 Eagan
53 David Masterman 8 13:36.0 Edina
54 Lucas Bauer 9 13:36.3 Ames (Iowa)
55 48 Ben Donovan 9 13:36.9 Minneapolis South
56 49 Marc Landes 9 13:38.2 Apple Valley
57 50 Matt Matuseski 9 13:40.4 Rosemount
58 51 Matt Nygren 9 13:41.3 Jamestown
59 52 Matt Woodley 9 13:42.5 Bowman
60 Robert Fletcher 7 13:42.9 Edina
61 Paul Lucke 9 13:43.3 Edina
62 53 Joe Donovan 9 13:45.6 Minneapolis South
63 54 Norris Wang 9 13:48.4 Minneapolis South
64 55 Josh Miller 9 13:49.8 St.Michael-Albertvill
65 Matt Carlson 8 13:50.1 Edina
66 Andrew Makredes 9 13:50.7 Edina
67 56 Matt Frank 9 13:51.8 St.Michael-Albertvill
68 57 Jimmy O'Donnell 8 13:52.5 Burnsville
69 Bob Knauer 9 13:54.1 Rochester Century
70 58 Eric Schmidt 9 13:54.3 Eagan
71 Paul Moensch 9 13:54.7 Eagan
72 59 Tyler Webb 8 13:55.0 Burnsville
73 60 Eddie Maloney 9 13:55.4 Burnsville
74 61 Dallas Breen 7 13:59.3 Bowman
75 Justin Maeck 9 14:00.4 Rosemount
76 62 Andy Clasen 9 14:02.0 Robbinsdale Armstrong
77 63 Will Hoffman 11 14:04.0 Rochester Mayo
78 Tommy Dolan 7 14:05.4 Edina
79 64 Jackson Becker 8 14:07.9 Rochester Mayo
80 65 Tanner Lee 8 14:08.3 Math & Science Acad
81 66 Devin Krinke 9 14:15.2 Bowman
82 67 Erik Gryska 9 14:15.7 Math & Science Acad
83 68 Caleb Williams 7 14:18.1 Math & Science Acad
84 69 Brennan Dyk 8 14:18.2 Bowman
85 70 Chris Reick 9 14:19.3 Math & Science Acad
86 71 Josh Smith 9 14:20.2 Apple Valley
87 72 Michael Peterson 9 14:21.4 Minneapolis South
88 73 Brandon Johnson 9 14:21.8 Robbinsdale Armstrong
89 Bryan Perkins 8 14:22.0 Edina
90 Clayton Kocina 9 14:22.5 Apple Valley
91 Danny Todd 7 14:25.7 Edina
92 74 Carl Salonek 8 14:28.8 St.Michael-Albertvill
93 Matthew Huppert 7 14:34.7 Edina
94 75 Joe Opseth 8 14:36.5 Math & Science Acad
95 76 Alex Johnson 9 14:37.0 St.Michael-Albertvill
96 Andy Ouellette 9 14:43.0 Laona
97 Jimmy Johnson 9 14:56.3 Minneapolis South
98 77 Harrison Okan 8 14:58.9 Burnsville
99 Eric Derus 9 15:01.4 St.Michael-Albertvill
100 Kyle Salonek 7 15:02.0 St.Michael-Albertvill
101 78 Clay Thomas 8 15:03.6 Rochester Mayo
102 Tyler Neville 8 15:07.5 Shakopee
103 79 Garrett Wilke 9 15:08.8 Bowman
104 Alex Duncan 9 15:09.4 Minneapolis South
105 Josh Lilja 9 15:24.1 Apple Valley
106 Alex Gillach 9 15:26.1 St.Michael-Albertvill
107 80 Derek Korczak 9 15:26.5 Bowman
108 81 Dan Michelson 8 15:35.7 Burnsville
109 82 Sam Speckhard 8 15:36.8 Math & Science Acad
110 83 Cory Hannula 7 15:37.6 Math & Science Acad
111 84 Andrew Bartholmy 7 15:42.9 Bowman
112 Zachary Johnson 9 15:48.1 Apple Valley
113 Brian Nguyen 9 15:51.9 Apple Valley
114 George Hutt 9 15:58.1 Math & Science Acad
115 Bryan Gustafson 8 15:59.7 Shakopee
116 Geoffrey Gillmor 9 16:03.5 Minneapolis South
117 85 Joe Lund 8 16:04.8 Rochester Mayo
118 Ryan Rognrud 8 16:09.2 Shakopee
119 Alex Miller 8 16:17.8 Math & Science Acad
120 Mark Maki 9 16:30.9 Eagan
121 Mike Linden 9 16:31.6 Apple Valley
122 Ben Peltier 8 16:35.1 St.Michael-Albertvill
123 Craig Kimani 9 16:46.4 Rosemount
124 Robert Lehman 8 16:48.2 Edina
125 Connor Wade 9 16:58.3 Rochester Century
126 Eugene Sturm 9 17:11.4 Rosemount
127 Brian Tangren 9 17:12.9 Edina
128 86 Brandon Allford 9 17:19.4 Burnsville
129 87 Christopher Zellman 9 17:25.0 Burnsville
130 Derek Krohn 9 17:25.6 St. Paul Harding
131 Lance Keck 12 17:40.5 Math & Science Acad
132 Jared Kavinsky 9 18:02.4 Burnsville
133 Matt Kock 8 18:03.0 Laona
134 Nick Welter 8 18:04.9 St.Michael-Albertvill
135 Adam Klemenhagen 9 18:05.8 Rosemount
136 Nate Clay 7 18:20.6 Shakopee
137 Brenden Cohen 9 18:21.0 Math & Science Acad
138 Nigel Anton 9 18:26.8 Minneapolis South
139 Paden Mooney 9 18:44.8 Burnsville
140 Wayne Held 9 18:46.9 Burnsville
141 Richard Constable 9 19:22.3 Math & Science Acad
142 Connor Pogose 7 19:31.1 St. Paul Harding