J. A. Curran Invitational 7th & 8th Grades 3200m
Grand Rapids
Sep. 16, 2008
Sunny and Mild
Results by Apple Raceberry Jam
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1 Grand Rapids 22 1 2 4 7 8 9 12 14:18.8 1:48.5
2 Staples Motley 55 3 10 13 14 15 17:10.6 4:49.1
3 Proctor 61 5 6 11 17 22 23 19:01.3 13:37.6
4 Eveleth-Gilbert 94 16 18 19 20 21 21:53.4 3:13.0
Incomplete Teams: Ely, Crowell-Floodwood, Pequot Lakes, Deer River/Northland
McGregor, MooseLk/WillowRiv/Bar, Pillager, Hibbing, AlBrook, Chisholm, Crosby-Ironton
1. Grand Rapids
1 Erin Baker, 7 13:16.3
2 Aspen Anderson, 7 13:56.4
4 Kaya Baker, 8 14:13.1
7 Nikki Frick, 8 15:03.6
8 Madison Reid, 8 15:04.7
9 Jenna Marshall, 8 16:10.1
12 Michaela Salmela, 8 17:00.3
Total Time = 1:11:33.9 Total Places = 22
2. Staples Motley
3 Logan Peterson, 8 14:10.4
10 Alicia Soria, 7 16:46.7
13 Samantha Weyer, 7 17:06.6
14 Haley Carlson, 6 18:49.9
15 Tiffany Amiot, 7 18:59.5
Total Time = 1:25:53.0 Total Places = 55
3. Proctor
5 Sierra Moen, 8 14:46.7
6 Bridget Tesser, 7 14:51.1
11 Lindsey Ziells, 7 16:46.9
17 Shayna Prouty, 7 20:17.6
22 Kathryn Roper, 9 28:24.2
23 Miranda Hanson, 9 28:35.9
Total Time = 1:35:06.3 Total Places = 61
4. Eveleth-Gilbert
16 Shanda Larson, 7 19:38.9
18 Olivia Grummett, 6 21:32.6
19 Bailey Larson, 5 22:36.0
20 Chantel Weddell, 7 22:47.6
21 Justina Ward, 7 22:51.8
Total Time = 1:49:26.8 Total Places = 94
Place Name Grade Time Team
1 Erin Baker 7 13:16.3 Grand Rapids
2 Aspen Anderson 7 13:56.4 Grand Rapids
3 Sarah Neururer 7 14:02.3 Pillager
4 Logan Peterson 8 14:10.4 Staples Motley
5 Korinna Mickelson 7 14:10.7 McGregor
6 Kaya Baker 8 14:13.1 Grand Rapids
7 Jade Massie 7 14:37.8 Pillager
8 Jayde Brien 7 14:41.2 Deer River/Northland
9 Sierra Moen 8 14:46.7 Proctor
10 Bridget Tesser 7 14:51.1 Proctor
11 Nikki Frick 8 15:03.6 Grand Rapids
12 Madison Reid 8 15:04.7 Grand Rapids
13 Stephanie Keinanen 8 15:09.3 MooseLk/WillowRiv/Bar
14 Bridget Standage 8 15:09.8 MooseLk/WillowRiv/Bar
15 Chelsey Bonsante 8 15:36.5 Crosby-Ironton
16 Kristina Blom 7 15:37.4 Crosby-Ironton
17 Kassi Chalupsky 8 15:43.0 Hibbing
18 Olivia Warpula 7 16:02.2 Crowell-Floodwood
19 Jenna Marshall 8 16:10.1 Grand Rapids
20 Jenna Buckmaster 8 16:17.7 Ely
21 Taylor Joyal 7 16:17.9 AlBrook
22 Hannah Nelson 8 16:18.8 Ely
23 Savannah Stone 8 16:19.8 Pequot Lakes
24 Ashley Stanisger 7 16:31.2 Crosby-Ironton
25 Alicia Soria 7 16:46.7 Staples Motley
26 Lindsey Ziells 7 16:46.9 Proctor
27 Emily Warpula 8 17:00.1 Crowell-Floodwood
28 Michaela Salmela 8 17:00.3 Grand Rapids
29 Samantha Weyer 7 17:06.6 Staples Motley
30 Margaret Heggerston 6 17:07.4 Pequot Lakes
31 Amanda Klennert 8 17:07.8 Hibbing
32 Alexandra Crum 8 18:32.9 Chisholm
33 Haley Carlson 6 18:49.9 Staples Motley
34 Kharissa Jacobson 7 18:51.5 Hibbing
35 Tiffany Amiot 7 18:59.5 Staples Motley
36 Shanda Larson 7 19:38.9 Eveleth-Gilbert
37 Evie Provost 7 19:50.1 Pillager
38 Vanessa Perrington 7 20:08.0 Deer River/Northland
39 Shayna Prouty 7 20:17.6 Proctor
40 Lilia Fremling 6 21:09.9 AlBrook
41 Olivia Grummett 6 21:32.6 Eveleth-Gilbert
42 Cheryl Dittoe 7 21:48.9 McGregor
43 Bailey Larson 5 22:36.0 Eveleth-Gilbert
44 Chantel Weddell 7 22:47.6 Eveleth-Gilbert
45 Justina Ward 7 22:51.8 Eveleth-Gilbert
46 Alyssa Young 6 22:57.6 Pequot Lakes
47 Mina Hubert 6 24:57.3 AlBrook
48 Kathryn Roper 9 28:24.2 Proctor
49 Miranda Hanson 9 28:35.9 Proctor