Milaca Mega Meet 2007

Milaca, MN

Boys 8th Grade 3200

Milaca Mega Meet 8th Grade Boys 3200m

Milaca Golf Course

Sep. 22, 2007

Sunny. 60s, breezy
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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  1 Grand Forks Central     87   3  12  13  29  30  38  60  12:12.0  1:04.2

  2 Forest Lake             92   4   5  15  23  45  51  63  12:12.9  1:23.8

  3 Edina                   99   2  19  20  21  37  53      12:19.9  1:17.3

  4 Bemidji                133   7  11  26  42  47  49  88  12:29.1  1:14.2

  5 Moorhead               178   6  10  48  55  59  95 111  12:42.2  1:38.8

  6 Red Wing               187   8  32  44  46  57  71  85  12:48.0  1:28.5

  7 Eveleth-Gilbert        198   9  31  34  54  70  77      12:52.5  1:49.1

  8 Mesabi East            202  16  22  35  62  67  94      12:53.5  1:17.9

  9 Prior Lake             237  18  33  36  64  86  99      13:14.4  2:20.9

 10 Mora                   239  24  28  41  72  74  76  91  13:09.4  1:33.0

 11 Big Lake               279  40  50  58  65  66  69  83  13:18.2  0:38.7

 12 Owatonna               288   1  56  68  81  82  98      13:27.6  3:23.9

 13 Minot (Nd)             326  14  27  87  97 101          14:04.6  3:34.9

 14 Benilde-St Margaret's  362  17  43  93 104 105 113      14:28.1  3:40.7

 15 St. Cloud Cathedral    375  39  52  90  92 102 103 108  14:21.6  2:55.7

 16 MarshallSchoolDuluth   388  25  75  80  96 112          14:36.8  4:24.0

 17 Math&Science Academy   436  61  73  89 106 107 110      14:54.2  2:46.9

 18 Milaca                 450  78  79  84 100 109          15:05.0  1:52.4

Incomplete Teams: Adrian, Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Braham, Centennial, Chisago Lakes

Cook County, Duluth East, East Grand Forks, Fridley, Hill-Murray, Hinckley/ Finlayson

HowardLk-Wavrly-Winst, Lcwm/N, LongPrairieGreyEagle, Mankato Loyola, Maple Grove

Minnehaha Academy, Montgomery-Lonsdale, Morris Area, Mound Westonka, New London-Spicer

North Branch, Northfield, Orono, Osseo, Paynesville, Pequot Lakes, Pierz, Pine City

Princeton, Redwood Valley, Royalton, Rush City, Sauk Centre, South St. Paul, St Cloud Tech

St. James, St. Mary's-Sleepy Eye, Trinity, Virginia, Wadena-Deer Creek, Watertown - Mayer

St. Cloud Apollo, Elk River


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Grand Forks Central

    3  Paul Shafer, 8             11:33.8  

   12  Alex Torrey, 8             12:05.9  

   13  Ben Houska, 8              12:09.0  

   29  Tom Fisher, 8              12:33.6  

   30  Zach Kraft, 8              12:38.0  

   38  Andrew Torrey, 7           12:51.1  

   60  Justin Gerzewski, 8        13:23.9  

Total Time = 1:01:00.1     Total Places = 87

2. Forest Lake

    4  Joe Jackson, 8             11:38.3  

    5  Ben Long, 8                11:42.9  

   15  Eric Herbert, 8            12:13.2  

   23  Andrew Wright, 7           12:28.0  

   45  nate merrier, 8            13:02.1  

   51  eric pierson, 8            13:10.2  

   63  nate riedemann, 8          13:26.7  

Total Time = 1:01:04.5     Total Places = 92

3. Edina

    2  Michael Murney, 8          11:32.3  

   19  Matt Rock, 8               12:24.5  

   20  Elliot Stoltz, 8           12:26.3  

   21  Tarey Hamilton-Hill, 8     12:27.1  

   37  Michael Green, 8           12:49.5  

   53  David Fogg, 8              13:19.8  

Total Time = 1:01:39.5     Total Places = 99

4. Bemidji

    7  Ben Kramka, 8              11:49.5  

   11  Ryan Erickson, 8           12:04.1  

   26  Devin Danielson, 8         12:31.0  

   42  Darren Chock, 8            12:57.2  

   47  Scott Hulsebus, 8          13:03.6  

   49  Daniel Clemenson, 8        13:06.4  

   88  Brandon Supalla, 8         14:46.4  

Total Time = 1:02:25.1     Total Places = 133

5. Moorhead

    6  Aaron Wilmar, 8            11:44.0  

   10  Ezra Olson, 7              11:57.8  

   48  Jacob Geraghty, 8          13:05.8  

   55  Myles Nicolai, 8           13:20.8  

   59  Glen Ellingson, 7          13:22.7  

   95  Ben SuitsBear, 8           15:08.3  

  111  Jason Blanshan, 8          16:49.5  

Total Time = 1:03:30.9     Total Places = 178

6. Red Wing

    8  Christian Leitner, 8       11:53.1  

   32  Jon Novak, 8               12:41.8  

   44  Trent VanLoon, 8           13:00.4  

   46  Jordan Hassemer, 8         13:03.3  

   57  Sam Schrick, 8             13:21.6  

   71  Andrew Berg, 8             13:43.3  

   85  Alex Streff, 8             14:42.7  

Total Time = 1:04:00.1     Total Places = 187

7. Eveleth-Gilbert

    9  Michael Wagner, 8          11:53.7  

   31  Matt Muhich, 7             12:41.3  

   34  Josh Muhich, 8             12:43.9  

   54  Andrew Haglund, 8          13:20.8  

   70  Tory Gritzmacher, 8        13:42.8  

   77  Zach Wood, 7               14:06.8  

Total Time = 1:04:22.3     Total Places = 198

8. Mesabi East

   16  Drew Johnson, 8            12:15.8  

   22  Casey Baker, 8             12:28.0  

   35  Brian Radtke, 8            12:44.0  

   62  Bennett Maki, 8            13:26.2  

   67  Austin Sowers, 8           13:33.6  

   94  Matt Gaul, 8               15:06.7  

Total Time = 1:04:27.5     Total Places = 202

9. Prior Lake

   18  Thomas Cunningham, 8       12:22.8  

   33  Josh Scheffer, 8           12:43.7  

   36  Ben Brockway, 8            12:49.5  

   64  Tyler Stunkel, 8           13:32.2  

   86  Zach Heuer, 8              14:43.7  

   99  Andrew Dybvik, 8           15:32.0  

Total Time = 1:06:11.7     Total Places = 237

10. Mora

   24  Brent Schroeder, 8         12:29.6  

   28  Goodwin Amundson, 8        12:33.5  

   41  Cody Cottingham, 7         12:54.6  

   72  Austin Lick, 8             13:46.7  

   74  Matthew Bostrom, 8         14:02.6  

   76  Wil Halstrom, 8            14:06.5  

   91  Ezekial Enyart, 8          14:59.0  

Total Time = 1:05:46.8     Total Places = 239

11. Big Lake

   40  Justin Benker, 8           12:54.6  

   50  Connor Blasing, 8          13:09.2  

   58  Justin Prosser, 8          13:21.8  

   65  Ryan Norton, 8             13:32.4  

   66  Austin Buchholz, 8         13:33.2  

   69  Alex Kringen, 8            13:42.0  

   83  Doug Borchert, 7           14:38.4  

Total Time = 1:06:31.1     Total Places = 279

12. Owatonna

    1  Ryan Emanuelson, 8         11:13.8  

   56  Hunter Oeltjenbruns, 8     13:21.0  

   68  Jake Tveite, 8             13:34.6  

   81  Jack Leon, 8               14:30.9  

   82  Nick Miller, 8             14:37.6  

   98  Taylor James, 8            15:23.4  

Total Time = 1:07:17.6     Total Places = 288

13. Minot (Nd)

   14  Karl Joyner, 8             12:09.2  

   27  Ryley Bercier, 8           12:32.3  

   87  Mathew Olson, 8            14:45.3  

   97  Mason Schmidt, 8           15:12.4  

  101  Peder Kunnanz, 8           15:44.0  

Total Time = 1:10:22.9     Total Places = 326

14. Benilde-St Margaret's

   17  Chris Sather, 8            12:20.1  

   43  Nick Lemieux, 8            13:00.3  

   93  Dan Kretsch, 8             15:04.7  

  104  Scott Quinby, 8            15:54.5  

  105  Andy Helms, 8              16:00.7  

  113  Connor Reis, 8             17:49.2  

Total Time = 1:12:20.1     Total Places = 362

15. St. Cloud Cathedral

   39  Jonathon Chalupsky, 8      12:51.5  

   52  Cullen McAnally, 8         13:19.2  

   90  Brandon Kresky, 8          14:49.5  

   92  Charles Lenzmeier, 8       15:00.5  

  102  Roman Schmid, 8            15:47.2  

  103  Will Reisdorf, 8           15:49.4  

  108  Mike Schnettler, 8         16:15.7  

Total Time = 1:11:47.6     Total Places = 375

16. MarshallSchoolDuluth

   25  John Goltz, 8              12:29.9  

   75  Eric Miklausich, 8         14:02.6  

   80  Nate Lafond, 8             14:28.8  

   96  Tony Belsito, 8            15:08.6  

  112  Daniel Obermiller, 8       16:53.9  

Total Time = 1:13:03.7     Total Places = 388

17. Math&Science Academy

   61  Pete Kircher, 8            13:26.2  

   73  Brady Hannula, 8           13:55.6  

   89  Daniel Ortmann, 7          14:48.6  

  106  Anish Chandak, 7           16:07.6  

  107  Jack Mockenhaupt, 7        16:13.1  

  110  Jonathan Campbell, 8       16:32.8  

Total Time = 1:14:30.8     Total Places = 436

18. Milaca

   78  Troy Ostman, 8             14:24.6  

   79  Adam Shipman, 8            14:24.7  

   84  Zach Smithers, 8           14:42.1  

  100  Cody Huntington, 8         15:36.6  

  109  Matt Uderman, 8            16:16.9  

Total Time = 1:15:24.7     Total Places = 450


 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


	Place	Score	Name	Grade	Time	Team
	1	1	Ryan Emanuelson	8	11:13.8	Owatonna	
	2		Jesse Beulke	8	11:25.6	Montgomery-Lonsdale	
	3		Nick Jackson	8	11:27.5	Hill-Murray	
	4	2	Michael Murney	8	11:32.3	Edina	
	5	3	Paul Shafer	8	11:33.8	Grand Forks Central	
	6	4	Joe Jackson	8	11:38.3	Forest Lake	
	7	5	Ben Long	8	11:42.9	Forest Lake	
	8	6	Aaron Wilmar	8	11:44.0	Moorhead	
	9		Ike Johnson	8	11:49.5	Rush City	
	10	7	Ben Kramka	8	11:49.5	Bemidji	
	11		Joe Iker	8	11:51.4	Fridley	
	12	8	Christian Leitner	8	11:53.1	Red Wing	
	13	9	Michael Wagner	8	11:53.7	Eveleth-Gilbert	
	14	10	Ezra Olson	7	11:57.8	Moorhead	
	15		Tony Nikodym	8	11:59.6	Andover	
	16		Jacob Gerhartz	8	12:01.9	Sauk Centre	
	17	11	Ryan Erickson	8	12:04.1	Bemidji	
	18	12	Alex Torrey	8	12:05.9	Grand Forks Central	
	19	13	Ben Houska	8	12:09.0	Grand Forks Central	
	20	14	Karl Joyner	8	12:09.2	Minot (Nd)	
	21		Anthony Poepping	8	12:10.4	Paynesville	
	22		Austin Barnes	8	12:10.4	South St. Paul	
	23		Neil Janson	8	12:10.5	Wadena-Deer Creek	
	24		David Johnson	8	12:11.4	Osseo	
	25	15	Eric Herbert	8	12:13.2	Forest Lake	
	26	16	Drew Johnson	8	12:15.8	Mesabi East	
	27		Patrick Hoeft	8	12:18.4	Paynesville	
	28	17	Chris Sather	8	12:20.1	Benilde-St Margaret's 
	29		Zach Christenson	8	12:21.6	St. James	
	30	18	Thomas Cunningham	8	12:22.8	Prior Lake	
	31	19	Matt Rock	8	12:24.5	Edina	
	32		Sam Headlee	8	12:25.2	Pequot Lakes	
	33		Dan Borash	8	12:26.2	Royalton	
	34	20	Elliot Stoltz	8	12:26.3	Edina	
	35	21	Tarey Hamilton-Hill	8	12:27.1	Edina	
	36	22	Casey Baker	8	12:28.0	Mesabi East	
	37	23	Andrew Wright	7	12:28.0	Forest Lake	
	38		Caleb Janson	8	12:28.4	Pierz	
	39	24	Brent Schroeder	8	12:29.6	Mora	
	40	25	John Goltz	8	12:29.9	MarshallSchoolDuluth 
	41		Chad Hewitt	8	12:30.2	Mound Westonka	
	42	26	Devin Danielson	8	12:31.0	Bemidji	
	43		Austin Tintes	8	12:31.4	HowardLk-Wavrly-Winst 
	44	27	Ryley Bercier	8	12:32.3	Minot (Nd)	
	45		T J Payzant	8	12:32.6	Hill-Murray	
	46	28	Goodwin Amundson	8	12:33.5	Mora	
	47	29	Tom Fisher	8	12:33.6	Grand Forks Central	
	48	30	Zach Kraft	8	12:38.0	Grand Forks Central	
	49	31	Matt Muhich	7	12:41.3	Eveleth-Gilbert	
	50	32	Jon Novak	8	12:41.8	Red Wing	
	51	33	Josh Scheffer	8	12:43.7	Prior Lake	
	52	34	Josh Muhich	8	12:43.9	Eveleth-Gilbert	
	53		Andrew Sevenich	8	12:43.9	South St. Paul	
	54	35	Brian Radtke	8	12:44.0	Mesabi East	
	55		Joe Britven	8	12:47.7	Fridley	
	56		Ben Neyers	8	12:49.0	Mankato Loyola	
	57	36	Ben Brockway	8	12:49.5	Prior Lake	
	58	37	Michael Green	8	12:49.5	Edina	
	59	38	Andrew Torrey	7	12:51.1	Grand Forks Central	
	60	39	Jonathon Chalupsky	8	12:51.5	St. Cloud Cathedral	
	61		Daniel Taylor	8	12:53.3	Rush City	
	62		Jonny Dill	8	12:54.3	Maple Grove	
	63	40	Justin Benker	8	12:54.6	Big Lake	
	64	41	Cody Cottingham	7	12:54.6	Mora	
	65		Donovan Lura	9	12:56.4	Paynesville	
	66	42	Darren Chock	8	12:57.2	Bemidji	
	67		JonElliot Brubaker	8	12:58.0	Trinity	
	68	43	Nick Lemieux	8	13:00.3	Benilde-St Margaret's 
	69	44	Trent VanLoon	8	13:00.4	Red Wing	
	70		Blake Degerstrom	8	13:02.0	North Branch	
	71	45	nate merrier	8	13:02.1	Forest Lake	
	72	46	Jordan Hassemer	8	13:03.3	Red Wing	
	73	47	Scott Hulsebus	8	13:03.6	Bemidji	
	74	48	Jacob Geraghty	8	13:05.8	Moorhead	
	75		Austin Graw	8	13:05.9	New London-Spicer	
	76	49	Daniel Clemenson	8	13:06.4	Bemidji	
	77		Jon Amundson	8	13:06.7	North Branch	
	78		Brady Ryan	8	13:07.8	Minnehaha Academy	
	79		Jase Pater	8	13:07.9	Adrian	
	80	50	Connor Blasing	8	13:09.2	Big Lake	
	81		Brandon Weidert	8	13:10.0	Adrian	
	82	51	eric pierson	8	13:10.2	Forest Lake	
	83		Curtis Makela	8	13:11.9	Royalton	
	84		Jerimiah Smith	8	13:12.8	Rush City	
	85		Jack Inglis	8	13:13.3	Mound Westonka	
	86	52	Cullen McAnally	8	13:19.2	St. Cloud Cathedral	
	87	53	David Fogg	8	13:19.8	Edina	
	88		Cameron Ubel	8	13:20.0	Minnehaha Academy	
	89		Tyler VanWatermulen	8	13:20.0	Watertown - Mayer	
	90	54	Andrew Haglund	8	13:20.8	Eveleth-Gilbert	
	91	55	Myles Nicolai	8	13:20.8	Moorhead	
	92	56	Hunter Oeltjenbruns	8	13:21.0	Owatonna	
	93		Kody Henning	8	13:21.4	Adrian	
	94	57	Sam Schrick	8	13:21.6	Red Wing	
	95	58	Justin Prosser	8	13:21.8	Big Lake	
	96	59	Glen Ellingson	7	13:22.7	Moorhead	
	97		Jacob Rajkowski	8	13:23.3	Braham	
	98	60	Justin Gerzewski	8	13:23.9	Grand Forks Central	
	99		John Fries	8	13:24.5	South St. Paul	
	100	61	Pete Kircher	8	13:26.2	Math&Science Academy 
	101	62	Bennett Maki	8	13:26.2	Mesabi East	
	102	63	nate riedemann	8	13:26.7	Forest Lake	
	103		Conor Kiely	8	13:26.9	Northfield	
	104		Justin Hruby	8	13:28.2	Lcwm/N	
	105		Joe Kalka	8	13:29.5	Grand Forks Central	
	106		Llogan Salokar	8	13:30.7	Fridley	
	107		Victor Pilon	8	13:31.3	Duluth East	
	108		David Bergstrom	8	13:32.0	Cook County	
	109	64	Tyler Stunkel	8	13:32.2	Prior Lake	
	110	65	Ryan Norton	8	13:32.4	Big Lake	
	111	66	Austin Buchholz	8	13:33.2	Big Lake	
	112	67	Austin Sowers	8	13:33.6	Mesabi East	
	113		Tyler Cross	8	13:34.2	St. James	
	114	68	Jake Tveite	8	13:34.6	Owatonna	
	115		Will Sperduto	8	13:36.5	Orono	
	116		Josh Magnuson	7	13:40.8	Chisago Lakes		
	117	69	Alex Kringen	8	13:42.0	Big Lake	
	118	70	Tory Gritzmacher	8	13:42.8	Eveleth-Gilbert	
	119	71	Andrew Berg	8	13:43.3	Red Wing	
	120		Anders Evenson	8	13:44.0	Osseo	
	121	72	Austin Lick	8	13:46.7	Mora	
	122		Jack Heichel	8	13:48.0	East Grand Forks	
	123		Nathan Welberg	8	13:52.1	Sauk Centre	
	124		Chris Brown	8	13:52.3	Maple Grove	
	125		Tyler Boock	8	13:53.4	St. Cloud Apollo	
	126		Jared Freeberg	8	13:54.2	South St. Paul	
	127	73	Brady Hannula	8	13:55.6	Math&Science Academy 
	128		Michael Bisping	8	13:57.0	Virginia	
	129		Zach Sandquist	8	13:58.3	Watertown - Mayer	
	130		Reed Duncan	8	13:59.5	Sauk Centre	
	131		Wes Hendrickson	8	14:00.0	Centennial	
	132		Joel Ruby	8	14:01.9	LongPrairieGreyEagle 
	133	74	Matthew Bostrom	8	14:02.6	Mora	
	134	75	Eric Miklausich	8	14:02.6	MarshallSchoolDuluth 
	135		Matt Miller	8	14:06.2	Hinckley/ Finlayson	
	136	76	Wil Halstrom	8	14:06.5	Mora	
	137	77	Zach Wood	7	14:06.8	Eveleth-Gilbert	
	138		Mitchell Ringness	8	14:10.4	Pine City	
	139		Joe Meemken	8	14:13.2	North Branch	
	140		Michael Sprenger	8	14:15.9	St. Mary's-Sleepy Eye 
	141		Tom Crawford	8	14:16.4	Princeton	
	142		Michael Gustafson	8	14:16.7	Elk River	
	143		Austin Kielty	8	14:19.4	LongPrairieGreyEagle 
	144		Tyler Makela	8	14:23.0	Royalton	
	145	78	Troy Ostman	8	14:24.6	Milaca	
	146		Spencer Nelson	8	14:24.6	Blaine	
	147	79	Adam Shipman	8	14:24.7	Milaca	
	148		Peter Tengwall	8	14:27.6	Chisago Lakes		
	149	80	Nate Lafond	8	14:28.8	MarshallSchoolDuluth 
	150		Noah Chapin	8	14:29.8	Virginia	
	151		Chris Diefenderfer	8	14:30.5	Lcwm/N	
	152		Dakota Yarger	8	14:30.6	Lcwm/N	
	153	81	Jack Leon	8	14:30.9	Owatonna	
	154	82	Nick Miller	8	14:37.6	Owatonna	
	155	83	Doug Borchert	7	14:38.4	Big Lake	
	156	84	Zach Smithers	8	14:42.1	Milaca	
	157	85	Alex Streff	8	14:42.7	Red Wing	
	158	86	Zach Heuer	8	14:43.7	Prior Lake	
	159		Zack Synstelien	8	14:44.3	HowardLk-Wavrly-Winst 
	160		Liam Coulter	8	14:44.7	Chisago Lakes		
	161		Marcus Smith	7	14:44.7	Grand Forks Central	
	162	87	Mathew Olson	8	14:45.3	Minot (Nd)	
	163	88	Brandon Supalla	8	14:46.4	Bemidji	
	164		Jesse Trutwin	8	14:46.6	Royalton	
	165		Seth Eastwood	8	14:48.0	North Branch	
	166	89	Daniel Ortmann	7	14:48.6	Math&Science Academy 
	167		Adam Clark	8	14:49.0	Big Lake	
	168	90	Brandon Kresky	8	14:49.5	St. Cloud Cathedral	
	169	91	Ezekial Enyart	8	14:59.0	Mora	
	170	92	Charles Lenzmeier	8	15:00.5	St. Cloud Cathedral	
	171		Jordan Bohn	8	15:02.4	Hinckley/ Finlayson	
	172		Carl Wold	8	15:03.3	Princeton	
	173	93	Dan Kretsch	8	15:04.7	Benilde-St Margaret's 
	174	94	Matt Gaul	8	15:06.7	Mesabi East	
	175		Nick Zimmerman	7	15:08.0	Big Lake	
	176	95	Ben SuitsBear	8	15:08.3	Moorhead	
	177	96	Tony Belsito	8	15:08.6	MarshallSchoolDuluth 
	178		Zach Rickers	8	15:10.3	Bemidji	
	179	97	Mason Schmidt	8	15:12.4	Minot (Nd)	
	180		Jacob Erickson	8	15:17.2	Morris Area	
	181		Sam Christenson	8	15:18.4	Princeton	
	182		Alex Hartkoph	8	15:20.2	Big Lake	
	183		Kyle Aune	8	15:22.5	East Grand Forks	
	184	98	Taylor James	8	15:23.4	Owatonna	
	185		Eli Rassler	8	15:26.0	Bemidji	
	186		Dustin Gransee	8	15:28.8	Redwood Valley	
	187	99	Andrew Dybvik	8	15:32.0	Prior Lake	
	188		Rylan Erickson	8	15:33.1	Princeton	
	189		Jared Morford	8	15:34.6	St. Cloud Apollo	
	190	100	Cody Huntington	8	15:36.6	Milaca	
	191	101	Peder Kunnanz	8	15:44.0	Minot (Nd)	
	192	102	Roman Schmid	8	15:47.2	St. Cloud Cathedral	
	193	103	Will Reisdorf	8	15:49.4	St. Cloud Cathedral	
	194	104	Scott Quinby	8	15:54.5	Benilde-St Margaret's 
	195		Seth Crider	8	15:59.7	Mora	
	196	105	Andy Helms	8	16:00.7	Benilde-St Margaret's 
	197		Sean Keenan	8	16:06.3	St Cloud Tech		
	198	106	Anish Chandak	7	16:07.6	Math&Science Academy 
	199	107	Jack Mockenhaupt	7	16:13.1	Math&Science Academy 
	200	108	Mike Schnettler	8	16:15.7	St. Cloud Cathedral	
	201	109	Matt Uderman	8	16:16.9	Milaca	
	202	110	Jonathan Campbell	8	16:32.8	Math&Science Academy 
	203		Joe Jaye	8	16:41.8	St. Cloud Cathedral	
	204	111	Jason Blanshan	8	16:49.5	Moorhead	
	205	112	Daniel Obermiller	8	16:53.9	MarshallSchoolDuluth 
	206		Michael Spiering	8	17:00.4	Anoka	
	207		Jonathon Zarling	8	17:07.3	Blaine	
	208		Adam Johnson	8	17:07.9	Anoka	
	209		Ted Johnson	8	17:21.8	St. Cloud Cathedral	
	210		Jordan Horst	8	17:22.7	Bemidji	
	211		Joe Wolf	8	17:37.7	Pine City	
	212	113	Connor Reis	8	17:49.2	Benilde-St Margaret's 
	213		Alex Pagel	8	18:08.4	Mankato Loyola	
	214		Andrew Jarvis	8	18:24.3	Morris Area