Marshall CC Invitational JH Boys 2500m
Sep. 14, 2009
80 degrees, 10 mph wind
Results by Brian Leibfried
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Click here for data on girls
1 Mhs 15 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 6:58.1 0:13.4
2 Redwood Valley 55 6 8 11 13 17 18 19 7:36.5 1:03.2
3 C-M-L 67 10 12 14 15 16 7:55.8 0:48.9
Incomplete Teams: McC, Pipestone, Scm, Swc, Tmb, Windom
1. Mhs
346 1 Wade DeAustin, 8 6:52.4 4:35
342 2 Andrew Bell, 8 6:55.0 4:37
343 3 Cody Bernardy, 8 6:57.1 4:38
359 4 Luke Versaevel, 8 7:00.5 4:40
345 5 Matt Christianson, 8 7:05.7 4:44
355 7 Ryan Schultz, 8 7:14.2 4:49
356 9 John Shaffer, 8 7:15.5 4:50
Total Time = 34:50.6 Total Places = 15
2. Redwood Valley
372 6 Aidan Dirlam, 7 7:11.5 4:48
385 8 Wesley Peyerl, 8 7:15.2 4:50
369 11 Alex Amunrud, 8 7:24.5 4:56
384 13 Josiah Passe, 8 7:56.4 5:18
371 17 Nick Cook, 7 8:14.7 5:30
373 18 Colin Fuhr, 7 8:33.2 5:42
377 19 Bruce Helsper, 7 9:09.4 6:06
Total Time = 38:02.2 Total Places = 55
3. C-M-L
320 10 Mitchel Johansen, 7 7:20.8 4:54
311 12 Quentin Beiningen, 7 7:55.2 5:17
324 14 Cole Regnier, 7 8:05.2 5:23
318 15 Kyler Jelen, 7 8:08.0 5:25
323 16 John Mamer, 7 8:09.6 5:26
Total Time = 39:38.7 Total Places = 67
ID# Place Score Name Grade Time Pace Team
346 1 1 Wade DeAustin 8 6:52.4 4:35 Mhs
342 2 2 Andrew Bell 8 6:55.0 4:37 Mhs
343 3 3 Cody Bernardy 8 6:57.1 4:38 Mhs
359 4 4 Luke Versaevel 8 7:00.5 4:40 Mhs
345 5 5 Matt Christianson 8 7:05.7 4:44 Mhs
372 6 6 Aidan Dirlam 7 7:11.5 4:48 Redwood Valley
355 7 7 Ryan Schultz 8 7:14.2 4:49 Mhs
385 8 8 Wesley Peyerl 8 7:15.2 4:50 Redwood Valley
356 9 9 John Shaffer 8 7:15.5 4:50 Mhs
320 10 10 Mitchel Johansen 7 7:20.8 4:54 C-M-L
369 11 11 Alex Amunrud 8 7:24.5 4:56 Redwood Valley
430 12 Nathan Wieme 7 7:51.2 5:14 Tmb
311 13 12 Quentin Beiningen 7 7:55.2 5:17 C-M-L
384 14 13 Josiah Passe 8 7:56.4 5:18 Redwood Valley
352 15 Jacob Pellegrino 8 7:57.3 5:18 Mhs
329 16 Cody Anderson 8 8:02.3 5:22 McC
324 17 14 Cole Regnier 7 8:05.2 5:23 C-M-L
411 18 Ben Alberg 7 8:07.4 5:25 Tmb
318 19 15 Kyler Jelen 7 8:08.0 5:25 C-M-L
323 20 16 John Mamer 7 8:09.6 5:26 C-M-L
443 21 Justin Jones 7 8:12.4 5:28 Windom
371 22 17 Nick Cook 7 8:14.7 5:30 Redwood Valley
354 23 Jared Schmidt 8 8:15.6 5:30 Mhs
362 24 Jared Carlson 7 8:16.7 5:31 Pipestone
444 25 Taylor Kray 7 8:17.8 5:32 Windom
436 26 Ryan Evers 8 8:18.7 5:32 Windom
332 27 Grant Everson 7 8:19.5 5:33 McC
373 28 18 Colin Fuhr 7 8:33.2 5:42 Redwood Valley
398 29 Collin Daub 7 8:48.0 5:52 Scm
431 30 Aaron Axford 7 8:49.3 5:53 Windom
423 31 Nathaniel Przybilla 7 8:51.8 5:54 Tmb
377 32 19 Bruce Helsper 7 9:09.4 6:06 Redwood Valley
408 33 Brevan Jasper 10 9:15.7 6:10 Swc
361 34 Brady Bobendrier 7 9:23.8 6:16 Pipestone
388 35 Gabriel Rohland 8 9:35.9 6:24 Redwood Valley
426 36 Jacob Schmidt 7 9:51.1 6:34 Tmb
378 37 David Helsper 7 10:17.1 6:51 Redwood Valley
395 38 Izaiah Walker 7 10:27.2 6:58 Redwood Valley