Mayo Invite 2007

Rochester, MN

Boys Varsity 5000

Mayo Invitational Varsity Boys 5k

Oak Summit GC, Rochester

Sep. 13, 2007

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  1 Eastview                61   5  11  13  14  18  19  38  17:25.1  0:50.1

  2 Red Wing               132  12  16  22  35  47  59  63  17:56.3  1:02.6

  3 Owatonna               135  17  24  25  28  41  43  73  17:54.4  0:41.7

  4 Rochester Century      176   3   7  32  66  68  76  78  17:56.8  2:26.3

  5 Byron                  177  10  15  21  62  69  84 113  18:07.5  1:38.1

  6 Hastings               183   6   8  20  64  85 102      18:05.1  2:44.9

  7 St. Paul Central       200  26  30  45  46  53  56  58  18:18.5  0:58.1

  8 Austin                 208  27  39  44  48  50  60  74  18:21.1  0:46.1

  9 Zumbrota-Mazappa       229   2  33  34  67  93 105 112  18:18.7  3:28.1

 10 Plainview              244   4  23  49  79  89  97      18:27.6  3:05.0

 11 Rochester Jo           290  36  40  54  61  99 104 115  18:51.6  1:47.8

 12 Rochester Mayo         313  42  55  70  71  75  77  88  18:53.8  0:55.3

 13 Rochester Lourdes      343  29  52  72  94  96  98 100  19:08.6  1:55.6

 14 Albert Lea Area        349   9  51  83  92 114 118 121  19:14.1  3:46.7

 15 Winona Cotter          363   1  82  86  87 107 123      19:09.5  4:25.0

 16 Dover Eyota            382  31  65  90  95 101 109 116  19:22.3  2:01.9

 17 Simley                 423  37  81  91 106 108 119 122  19:45.2  2:23.4

 18 Pine Island            467  57  80 103 110 117 120 124  20:05.4  2:12.3

 19 Cannon Falls           617 111 125 126 127 128          23:25.0  4:38.3

Incomplete Teams: Hayfield


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Eastview

    5  Travis Burkstrand, 12      16:48.0  

   11  Jeff Debele, 12            17:31.2  

   13  Martin Maloney, 12         17:33.6  

   14  Brian Griepp, 12           17:34.5  

   18  Matt Brennan, 12           17:38.1  

   19  Paul Thompson, 10          17:39.5  

   38  Andrw Kump, 12             18:17.2  

Total Time = 1:27:05.3     Total Places = 61

2. Red Wing

   12  Matt Riley, 11             17:32.5  

   16  Bryant Blahnik, 9          17:35.7  

   22  Alex Nelson, 11            17:44.8  

   35  Kyle Engen, 10             18:13.4  

   47  Bryan Horvat, 12           18:35.1  

   59  Casey Murnane, 11          18:52.2  

   63  Gabe Wyland, 11            18:56.9  

Total Time = 1:29:41.4     Total Places = 132

3. Owatonna

   17  Spencer Smith, 11          17:36.9  

   24  Leif Peterson, 9           17:48.2  

   25  Reid Peterson, 11          17:49.3  

   28  Justin Velzke, 9           17:58.8  

   41  Dan Carlson, 12            18:18.6  

   43  Ryan Emanuelson, 8         18:19.8  

   73  Griffin Anderson, 12       19:12.1  

Total Time = 1:29:31.6     Total Places = 135

4. Rochester Century

    3  Shane Steele, 12           16:35.4  

    7  Brian Wille, 12            16:59.6  

   32  Joshua Wold, 11            18:06.2  

   66  Andrew Weckwerth, 12       19:01.2  

   68  Jason Post, 12             19:01.6  

   76  Ryan Kelly, 12             19:15.5  

   78  Daniel Testa, 11           19:21.0  

Total Time = 1:29:43.8     Total Places = 176

5. Byron

   10  Alex Thornton, 12          17:23.7  

   15  Ali Khalili, 12            17:34.9  

   21  Thomas Thornton, 12        17:40.6  

   62  Eric Anderson, 9           18:56.6  

   69  Kyle Johnson, 9            19:01.8  

   84  Henry Hartzler, 7          19:38.8  

  113  Aaron Nepstad, 11          20:54.0  

Total Time = 1:30:37.5     Total Places = 177

6. Hastings

    6  Gunner Dancer, 12          16:57.2  

    8  Alex Zeien, 12             17:07.8  

   20  Michael Rough, 9           17:40.2  

   64  Tim O'Brien, 11            18:58.3  

   85  Matthew Rogness, 10        19:42.1  

  102  Michael Schutt, 11         20:12.3  

Total Time = 1:30:25.4     Total Places = 183

7. St. Paul Central

   26  Kelin Dunfee, 11           17:49.6  

   30  Sam Smith, 11              18:04.1  

   45  Jonathan Ryss, 12          18:22.9  

   46  Ben Swanson-Hysell, 10     18:28.5  

   53  Thomas Coben, 12           18:47.6  

   56  Steve Klutho, 11           18:49.3  

   58  Kemal Jarso, 10            18:51.7  

Total Time = 1:31:32.5     Total Places = 200

8. Austin

   27  Kyle Dammen, 11            17:51.9  

   39  Kevin Dammen, 11           18:17.4  

   44  Brad Weiss, 12             18:21.0  

   48  Christian Folken, 10       18:37.2  

   50  Tim Erickson, 10           18:37.9  

   60  Ben Bachmeier, 10          18:55.3  

   74  Thomas Gerber, 12          19:12.8  

Total Time = 1:31:45.2     Total Places = 208

9. Zumbrota-Mazappa

    2  Travis Beniak, 12          16:22.5  

   33  Logan Langley, 11          18:09.2  

   34  Jake Nystuen, 11           18:09.7  

   67  David Hodgman, 12          19:01.4  

   93  Nathan Lexvold, 12         19:50.5  

  105  Nathan Warneke, 8          20:30.9  

  112  Jake Losen, 10             20:51.3  

Total Time = 1:31:33.2     Total Places = 229

10. Plainview

    4  Tom Pesch, 12              16:40.5  

   23  Aaron Haley, 9             17:45.6  

   49  Paul Alness, 11            18:37.4  

   79  Gabe Theil, 10             19:29.1  

   89  Cody Kitzman, 10           19:45.5  

   97  Andrew LeBeau, 9           19:56.4  

Total Time = 1:32:18.1     Total Places = 244

11. Rochester Jo

   36  Nate Dobbins, 11           18:14.1  

   40  Robby McGuire, 12          18:18.0  

   54  Hal Iverson, 11            18:48.5  

   61  Craig Reneson, 12          18:55.7  

   99  Michael Zarling, 11        20:01.9  

  104  Travis Perry, 11           20:24.6  

  115  Paul Johnson, 11           20:56.5  

Total Time = 1:34:18.0     Total Places = 290

12. Rochester Mayo

   42  Thomas Currier, 11         18:19.5  

   55  Keaton Wendroth, 10        18:48.8  

   70  Andrew Matsumoto, 11       19:02.5  

   71  Herbert Rosen, 12          19:03.5  

   75  Clayton Thomas, 11         19:14.8  

   77  Robert Macon, 8            19:18.1  

   88  Will Hoffman, 12           19:44.2  

Total Time = 1:34:29.0     Total Places = 313

13. Rochester Lourdes

   29  Mark Freund, 11            18:00.3  

   52  Tom Carr, 10               18:42.5  

   72  Mike Resman, 12            19:11.9  

   94  Josh Wildt, 11             19:52.3  

   96  Michael Bannon, 10         19:55.9  

   98  John Lane, 12              19:57.2  

  100  Kevin Wells, 12            20:03.9  

Total Time = 1:35:42.7     Total Places = 343

14. Albert Lea Area

    9  Ethan Marquardt, 11        17:08.7  

   51  Steve Kreun, 9             18:38.7  

   83  Joe Daniels, 9             19:38.2  

   92  Judd Bonnerup, 10          19:49.5  

  114  Chris Dorman, 12           20:55.4  

  118  Eric Bowron, 12            21:03.3  

  121  Josh Klapperick, 12        21:15.5  

Total Time = 1:36:10.4     Total Places = 349

15. Winona Cotter

    1  Donny Wasinger, 12         16:11.6  

   82  Sean O'Reilly, 11          19:32.5  

   86  Andrew Fricke, 12          19:43.2  

   87  Greg Gernes, 9             19:43.7  

  107  Ross Heymans, 12           20:36.5  

  123  Scott Malotka, 10          21:32.7  

Total Time = 1:35:47.4     Total Places = 363

16. Dover Eyota

   31  Scott Dick, 11             18:04.9  

   65  Justin Kramer, 10          19:00.5  

   90  Ben Roos, 10               19:45.9  

   95  Tony LeClair, 10           19:53.3  

  101  Drew Ferrier, 9            20:06.7  

  109  Frisch Michael, 8          20:43.5  

  116  Ty Stroope, 10             21:01.3  

Total Time = 1:36:51.1     Total Places = 382

17. Simley

   37  Kayse Ali, 12              18:14.9  

   81  David Tacke, 12            19:30.6  

   91  Chris Bruzda, 12           19:46.9  

  106  Justin Nordstrom, 11       20:35.4  

  108  Zach Gill, 11              20:38.3  

  119  John Prokopowicz, 12       21:10.4  

  122  Andy Smith, 12             21:21.4  

Total Time = 1:38:45.8     Total Places = 423

18. Pine Island

   57  John Pilla, 12             18:50.5  

   80  Nick Walters, 12           19:30.1  

  103  Andrew Kriske, 12          20:15.6  

  110  Aaron Bye, 11              20:48.3  

  117  Alex Walters, 11           21:02.7  

  120  Damian Smith, 12           21:15.1  

  124  Harry Moore, 12            22:04.1  

Total Time = 1:40:27.1     Total Places = 467

19. Cannon Falls

  111  Justin Kruse, 12           20:49.0  

  125  Alex Growette, 12          22:57.3  

  126  Paul Weidner, 9            23:24.3  

  127  Matt Duff, 9               24:27.3  

  128  Marek Haggerty, 9          25:27.2  

Total Time = 1:57:05.0     Total Places = 617


 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


	Place	Score	Name	Grade	Time	Team
	1	1	Donny Wasinger	12	16:11.6	Winona Cotter		
	2	2	Travis Beniak	12	16:22.5	Zumbrota-Mazappa	
	3	3	Shane Steele	12	16:35.4	Rochester Century	
	4	4	Tom Pesch	12	16:40.5	Plainview	
	5	5	Travis Burkstrand	12	16:48.0	Eastview	
	6	6	Gunner Dancer	12	16:57.2	Hastings	
	7	7	Brian Wille	12	16:59.6	Rochester Century	
	8	8	Alex Zeien	12	17:07.8	Hastings	
	9	9	Ethan Marquardt	11	17:08.7	Albert Lea Area	
	10	10	Alex Thornton	12	17:23.7	Byron	
	11	11	Jeff Debele	12	17:31.2	Eastview	
	12	12	Matt Riley	11	17:32.5	Red Wing	
	13	13	Martin Maloney	12	17:33.6	Eastview	
	14	14	Brian Griepp	12	17:34.5	Eastview	
	15	15	Ali Khalili	12	17:34.9	Byron	
	16	16	Bryant Blahnik	9	17:35.7	Red Wing	
	17	17	Spencer Smith	11	17:36.9	Owatonna	
	18	18	Matt Brennan	12	17:38.1	Eastview	
	19	19	Paul Thompson	10	17:39.5	Eastview	
	20	20	Michael Rough	9	17:40.2	Hastings	
	21	21	Thomas Thornton	12	17:40.6	Byron	
	22	22	Alex Nelson	11	17:44.8	Red Wing	
	23	23	Aaron Haley	9	17:45.6	Plainview	
	24	24	Leif Peterson	9	17:48.2	Owatonna	
	25	25	Reid Peterson	11	17:49.3	Owatonna	
	26	26	Kelin Dunfee	11	17:49.6	St. Paul Central	
	27	27	Kyle Dammen	11	17:51.9	Austin	
	28	28	Justin Velzke	9	17:58.8	Owatonna	
	29	29	Mark Freund	11	18:00.3	Rochester Lourdes	
	30	30	Sam Smith	11	18:04.1	St. Paul Central	
	31	31	Scott Dick	11	18:04.9	Dover Eyota	
	32	32	Joshua Wold	11	18:06.2	Rochester Century	
	33	33	Logan Langley	11	18:09.2	Zumbrota-Mazappa	
	34	34	Jake Nystuen	11	18:09.7	Zumbrota-Mazappa	
	35	35	Kyle Engen	10	18:13.4	Red Wing	
	36	36	Nate Dobbins	11	18:14.1	Rochester Jo	
	37	37	Kayse Ali	12	18:14.9	Simley	
	38	38	Andrw Kump	12	18:17.2	Eastview	
	39	39	Kevin Dammen	11	18:17.4	Austin	
	40	40	Robby McGuire	12	18:18.0	Rochester Jo	
	41	41	Dan Carlson	12	18:18.6	Owatonna	
	42	42	Thomas Currier	11	18:19.5	Rochester Mayo	
	43	43	Ryan Emanuelson	8	18:19.8	Owatonna	
	44	44	Brad Weiss	12	18:21.0	Austin	
	45	45	Jonathan Ryss	12	18:22.9	St. Paul Central	
	46	46	Ben Swanson-Hysell	10	18:28.5	St. Paul Central	
	47	47	Bryan Horvat	12	18:35.1	Red Wing	
	48	48	Christian Folken	10	18:37.2	Austin	
	49	49	Paul Alness	11	18:37.4	Plainview	
	50	50	Tim Erickson	10	18:37.9	Austin	
	51	51	Steve Kreun	9	18:38.7	Albert Lea Area	
	52	52	Tom Carr	10	18:42.5	Rochester Lourdes	
	53	53	Thomas Coben	12	18:47.6	St. Paul Central	
	54	54	Hal Iverson	11	18:48.5	Rochester Jo	
	55	55	Keaton Wendroth	10	18:48.8	Rochester Mayo	
	56	56	Steve Klutho	11	18:49.3	St. Paul Central	
	57	57	John Pilla	12	18:50.5	Pine Island	
	58	58	Kemal Jarso	10	18:51.7	St. Paul Central	
	59	59	Casey Murnane	11	18:52.2	Red Wing	
	60	60	Ben Bachmeier	10	18:55.3	Austin	
	61	61	Craig Reneson	12	18:55.7	Rochester Jo	
	62	62	Eric Anderson	9	18:56.6	Byron	
	63	63	Gabe Wyland	11	18:56.9	Red Wing	
	64	64	Tim O'Brien	11	18:58.3	Hastings	
	65	65	Justin Kramer	10	19:00.5	Dover Eyota	
	66	66	Andrew Weckwerth	12	19:01.2	Rochester Century	
	67	67	David Hodgman	12	19:01.4	Zumbrota-Mazappa	
	68	68	Jason Post	12	19:01.6	Rochester Century	
	69	69	Kyle Johnson	9	19:01.8	Byron	
	70	70	Andrew Matsumoto	11	19:02.5	Rochester Mayo	
	71	71	Herbert Rosen	12	19:03.5	Rochester Mayo	
	72	72	Mike Resman	12	19:11.9	Rochester Lourdes	
	73	73	Griffin Anderson	12	19:12.1	Owatonna	
	74		Nathan Conroy	10	19:12.3	Hayfield	
	75	74	Thomas Gerber	12	19:12.8	Austin	
	76	75	Clayton Thomas	11	19:14.8	Rochester Mayo	
	77	76	Ryan Kelly	12	19:15.5	Rochester Century	
	78	77	Robert Macon	8	19:18.1	Rochester Mayo	
	79	78	Daniel Testa	11	19:21.0	Rochester Century	
	80	79	Gabe Theil	10	19:29.1	Plainview	
	81	80	Nick Walters	12	19:30.1	Pine Island	
	82	81	David Tacke	12	19:30.6	Simley	
	83	82	Sean O'Reilly	11	19:32.5	Winona Cotter		
	84	83	Joe Daniels	9	19:38.2	Albert Lea Area	
	85	84	Henry Hartzler	7	19:38.8	Byron	
	86	85	Matthew Rogness	10	19:42.1	Hastings	
	87	86	Andrew Fricke	12	19:43.2	Winona Cotter		
	88	87	Greg Gernes	9	19:43.7	Winona Cotter		
	89	88	Will Hoffman	12	19:44.2	Rochester Mayo	
	90	89	Cody Kitzman	10	19:45.5	Plainview	
	91	90	Ben Roos	10	19:45.9	Dover Eyota	
	92	91	Chris Bruzda	12	19:46.9	Simley	
	93	92	Judd Bonnerup	10	19:49.5	Albert Lea Area	
	94	93	Nathan Lexvold	12	19:50.5	Zumbrota-Mazappa	
	95	94	Josh Wildt	11	19:52.3	Rochester Lourdes	
	96	95	Tony LeClair	10	19:53.3	Dover Eyota	
	97	96	Michael Bannon	10	19:55.9	Rochester Lourdes	
	98	97	Andrew LeBeau	9	19:56.4	Plainview	
	99	98	John Lane	12	19:57.2	Rochester Lourdes	
	100		Clint Freiheit	10	19:59.9	Hayfield	
	101	99	Michael Zarling	11	20:01.9	Rochester Jo	
	102	100	Kevin Wells	12	20:03.9	Rochester Lourdes	
	103	101	Drew Ferrier	9	20:06.7	Dover Eyota	
	104	102	Michael Schutt	11	20:12.3	Hastings	
	105	103	Andrew Kriske	12	20:15.6	Pine Island	
	106	104	Travis Perry	11	20:24.6	Rochester Jo	
	107	105	Nathan Warneke	8	20:30.9	Zumbrota-Mazappa	
	108	106	Justin Nordstrom	11	20:35.4	Simley	
	109	107	Ross Heymans	12	20:36.5	Winona Cotter		
	110	108	Zach Gill	11	20:38.3	Simley	
	111		Michael Kuehn	9	20:40.6	Hayfield	
	112	109	Frisch Michael	8	20:43.5	Dover Eyota	
	113	110	Aaron Bye	11	20:48.3	Pine Island	
	114	111	Justin Kruse	12	20:49.0	Cannon Falls	
	115	112	Jake Losen	10	20:51.3	Zumbrota-Mazappa	
	116	113	Aaron Nepstad	11	20:54.0	Byron	
	117	114	Chris Dorman	12	20:55.4	Albert Lea Area	
	118	115	Paul Johnson	11	20:56.5	Rochester Jo	
	119	116	Ty Stroope	10	21:01.3	Dover Eyota	
	120	117	Alex Walters	11	21:02.7	Pine Island	
	121	118	Eric Bowron	12	21:03.3	Albert Lea Area	
	122	119	John Prokopowicz	12	21:10.4	Simley	
	123	120	Damian Smith	12	21:15.1	Pine Island	
	124	121	Josh Klapperick	12	21:15.5	Albert Lea Area	
	125	122	Andy Smith	12	21:21.4	Simley	
	126	123	Scott Malotka	10	21:32.7	Winona Cotter		
	127	124	Harry Moore	12	22:04.1	Pine Island	
	128	125	Alex Growette	12	22:57.3	Cannon Falls	
	129	126	Paul Weidner	9	23:24.3	Cannon Falls	
	130		Jared Franke	11	23:38.0	Hayfield	
	131	127	Matt Duff	9	24:27.3	Cannon Falls	
	132	128	Marek Haggerty	9	25:27.2	Cannon Falls