Stewartville Tiger Relays 2019

Stewartville, MN

Complete Results

Licensed to Wayzata Results Inc. - Contractor License     HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                           Tiger Relays - 4/25/2019                            
                           Stewartville High School                            
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Taige Iverson             12 Austin                 16.02      16.55   3   2   
  2 Emma Johnson              10 Byron                  17.41      17.83   3   2.66
  3 Jadyn Olson                9 Stewartville           18.26      17.84   3   1.33
  4 Taylor Dean               10 Byron                  17.63      18.06   3   2.66
  5 Rachel Fode                8 Byron                  18.04      18.07   3   2.66
  6 Hannah Quandt             12 Austin                 18.08      18.34   3   2   
  7 Hanna Hewitt               9 Stewartville           18.64      18.36   3   1.33
  8 Kenai Weinhold            11 Stewartville           19.19      19.12   2   1.33
  9 Taylor Koenen              8 Pine Island                       19.14   1   0.66
 10 Bethany Dick               8 Pine Island                       19.64   1   0.66
 11 Piny Bol                  11 Austin                 19.51      19.79   2   2   
 12 Mia Schmoll                9 Pine Island            21.31      20.24   2   0.66
 13 Brooklyn Radtke            9 Pine Island            19.86      20.33   2 
 14 Claire Graham             10 Byron                  19.00      20.94   3 
 15 Destyni Manthey           10 Stewartville           21.02      21.55   2 
 16 Kendall Hayden             8 Pine Island                       21.79   1 
 17 Jessica Newman            12 Pine Island            21.32      22.47   2 
 18 Makenzie Alberts           9 Pine Island            22.64      23.07   2 
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Hannah Coleman            10 Byron                  52.81      51.30   2   2.66
  2 Claire Graham             10 Byron                  51.19      51.84   2   2.66
  3 Grace Warmsbecker         10 Byron                  54.80      52.46   2   2.66
  4 Gracie Waltman            11 Stewartville           52.18      53.58   2   2   
  5 Ella Waltman               9 Stewartville           53.85      54.83   2   2   
  6 Mia Schmoll                9 Pine Island            57.16      55.27   1   0.66
  7 Megan Heimer              11 Austin                 54.09      56.34   2   1.33
  8 Jadyn Olson                9 Stewartville           58.51      56.43   1   2   
  9 Destyni Manthey           10 Stewartville           58.12      56.78   1 
 10 Kenai Weinhold            11 Stewartville           56.61      56.84   2 
 11 Marina Leigh               8 Byron                             56.90   1 
 12 Piny Bol                  11 Austin               1:01.04    1:00.35   1   1.33
 13 Madelynn Murley            9 Austin                 56.20    1:00.60   2   1.33
 14 Brooklyn Radtke            9 Pine Island          1:02.01    1:01.95   1   0.66
 15 Hanna Hewitt               9 Stewartville         1:01.91    1:04.00   1 
 16 Shiwei Hong                9 Pine Island          1:06.01    1:06.23   1   0.66
 -- Rachel Fode                8 Byron                  57.30        SCR     
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Stewartville  'A'                                   54.49      52.07   2   8   
     1) Jaidyn Brower 10                2) Allie Elliot 9                 
     3) Hailey Lewis 10                 4) Maia Peterson 10               
  2 Byron  'A'                                          52.00      52.32   2   6   
     1) Payton Sampson 11               2) Paige Coleman 11               
     3) Olivia Amundson 9               4) Katie Lambrecht 10             
  3 Austin  'A'                                         55.66      55.66   2   4   
     1) Kendall Gilster 9               2) Briella Wempner 10             
     3) Kiley Kusick 11                 4) Caroline Williams 11           
  4 Pine Island  'A'                                    59.17      56.40   2   2   
     1) Taylor House 11                 2) Kiley House 9                  
     3) Alexis Matzke 10                4) Morgan Van Houten 12           
  5 Pine Island  'B'                                  1:01.75      57.50   2 
     1) Jaci Newman 10                  2) Calli Griggs 10                
     3) Brooke Sinning 11               4) Sawyer Gorman 10               
  6 Austin  'B'                                         58.00      59.88   2 
     1) Eliana Bently 10                2) Samantha Sheldon 12            
     3) Hannah Quandt 12                4) Renata Vaughn 11               
  7 Byron  'B'                                                   1:01.53   1 
     1) Madison Wolesky 9               2) Ellie Brookman 9               
     3) Kaidance Davidson 9             4) Abby Roughsedge 9              
  8 Stewartville  'C'                                            1:04.76   1 
     1) Rita Mohedano 11                2) Hanne Meers 12                 
     3) Izzy Garcia 9                   4) Abigail Dewey 9                
  9 Pine Island  'C'                                             1:11.47   1 
     1) Alyssa Miskowiec 9              2) Rhianna Chubbuck 9             
     3) Jiwon Kim 11                    4) Allison Unverzagt 10           
 -- Stewartville  'B'                                                 DQ   1  1-2 Exchange
     1) Sophie Scruggs 12               2) Ayla Stecher 12                
     3) Madison Rediske 12              4) Ellie Fryer 12                 
 -- Schaeffer Academy  'A'                                           DNS   2 
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Stewartville  'A'                                 1:55.10    1:51.07   2   8   
     1) Jaidyn Brower 10                2) Kailee Malone 11               
     3) Hailey Lewis 10                 4) Maia Peterson 10               
  2 Byron  'A'                                        1:52.00    1:53.82   2   6   
     1) Tegan Boyer 11                  2) Kirsten Nelson 12              
     3) Payton Sampson 11               4) Mallory Dee 9                  
  3 Austin  'A'                                       1:54.70    1:56.66   2   4   
     1) Kendall Gilster 9               2) Madison Herrick 11             
     3) Caroline Williams 11            4) Muye Ojulu 9                   
  4 Pine Island  'A'                                  1:55.00    1:58.56   2   2   
     1) Jaci Newman 10                  2) Avri Kundert 12                
     3) Megan Gerhart 11                4) Sawyer Gorman 10               
  5 Stewartville  'B'                                            2:03.74   1 
     1) Kylee Bro 11                    2) Olivia Quam 11                 
     3) Gabbie Schei 11                 4) Madison Rediske 12             
  6 Pine Island  'B'                                  1:58.78    2:08.97   2 
     1) Morgan Van Houten 12            2) Alexis Matzke 10               
     3) Kendra Kundert 12               4) Brooke Sinning 11              
  7 Byron  'C'                                                   2:11.16   1 
     1) Sarah Ayen 9                    2) Ava Leigh 10                   
     3) Clara Braun 8                   4) Olivia Gartner 10              
  8 Stewartville  'C'                                            2:16.56   2 
     1) Rita Mohedano 11                2) Megan Nosbisch 10              
     3) Walters Ana 9                   4) Abigail Dewey 9                
 -- Byron  'B'                                                        DQ   2  2-3 Out of Zone
     1) Marissa Paredes 10              2) Grace Pereda 9                 
     3) Morgan Bausman 10               4) Macy Akervik 12                
 -- Pine Island  'C'                                                  DQ   1  2-3 Out of Zone
     1) Alyssa Miskowiec 9              2) Rhianna Chubbuck 9             
     3) Jiwon Kim 11                    4) Jessica Newman 12              
 -- Schaeffer Academy  'A'                                           DNS   2 
     1) Michaela Davis 11               2) Izzy Maxwell 11                
     3) Michelle Sauerborn 10           4) Olivia Harris 12               
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Stewartville  'A'                                 4:13.10    4:08.10    8   
     1) Kailee Malone 11                2) Laura Pedelty 12               
     3) Hailey Lewis 10                 4) Maia Peterson 10               
  2 Byron  'A'                                        4:23.80    4:17.43    6   
     1) Taylor Kreitinger 12            2) Olivia Amundson 9              
     3) Hannah Coleman 10               4) Katie Lambrecht 10             
  3 Pine Island  'A'                                  4:36.97    4:26.50    4   
     1) Kendra Kundert 12               2) Avri Kundert 12                
     3) Breanna Ihde 12                 4) Taylor House 11                
  4 Austin  'A'                                       4:33.62    4:31.29    2   
     1) Molly Garry 10                  2) Ava Boverhuis 10               
     3) Megan Heimer 11                 4) Abigail Lewis 12               
  5 Stewartville  'B'                                            4:31.96  
     1) Gracie Waltman 11               2) Olivia Quam 11                 
     3) Ella Quam 9                     4) Ella Waltman 9                 
  6 Byron  'B'                                        4:45.00    4:39.33  
     1) Ella Page 12                    2) Emma Vanbenschoten 11          
     3) Ally Akervik 11                 4) Aubrey Akervik 8               
 -- Pine Island  'B'                                                 DNS  
     1) Emma Ann Oberg 12               2) Hannah Ryan 10                 
     3) Calli Griggs 10                 4) Rachel Schutz 11               
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Stewartville  'A'                                10:27.33   10:25.07    8   
     1) Gracie Waltman 11               2) Isabel Field 11                
     3) Kailee Malone 11                4) Laura Pedelty 12               
  2 Austin  'A'                                      10:37.11   10:33.74    6   
     1) Molly Garry 10                  2) Cassidy Shute 8                
     3) Morgan Hose 12                  4) Abigail Lewis 12               
  3 Byron  'A'                                       10:50.00   10:49.63    4   
     1) Annika Johnson 11               2) Michaela Hamilton 8            
     3) Ally Akervik 11                 4) Ella Page 12                   
  4 Byron  'C'                                       10:55.00   11:41.61  
     1) Hannah Higgins 12               2) Naomi Meek 9                   
     3) Emma Arteaga 9                  4) Paige Halder 7                 
  5 Pine Island  'A'                                 11:03.80   12:57.75    2   
     1) Rachel Applen 10                2) Hannah Ryan 10                 
     3) Emma Ann Oberg 12               4) Rachel Schutz 11               
  6 Byron  'B'                                                  13:13.95  
     1) Makayla Chesney 11              2) Lindsey Dickison 9             
     3) Abbie Halfman 10                4) Megan Scheuer 12               
Girls 1600 Sprint Medley Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Austin  'A'                                       4:41.00    4:34.68    8   
     1) Madison Herrick 11              2) Briella Wempner 10             
     3) Muye Ojulu 9                    4) Molly Garry 10                 
  2 Byron  'A'                                        4:20.00    4:50.13    6   
     1) Olivia Amundson 9               2) Kirsten Nelson 12              
     3) Emma Vanbenschoten 11           4) Annika Johnson 11              
  3 Pine Island  'A'                                             4:54.30    4   
     1) Breanna Ihde 12                 2) Taylor House 11                
     3) Avri Kundert 12                 4) Megan Gerhart 11               
  4 Stewartville  'A'                                 4:46.21    5:15.94    2   
     1) Regan Reker 8                   2) Olivia Quam 11                 
     3) Ella Quam 9                     4) Gloria Nelson 11               
  5 Stewartville  'B'                                            5:23.63  
     1) Walters Ana 9                   2) Kylee Bro 11                   
     3) Megan Nosbisch 10               4) Olivia Field 9                 
 -- Schaeffer Academy  'A'                                           SCR  
     1) Michelle Sauerborn 10           2) Izzy Maxwell 11                
     3) Michaela Davis 11               4) Olivia Harris 12               
Girls High Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Regan Reker                8 Stewartville                    5-00.00    2.66
  2 Jaidyn Brower             10 Stewartville         4-10.00    4-10.00    2.66
  3 Toria Strampe             10 Austin               4-08.00    4-08.00    2   
  3 Renata Vaughn             11 Austin               4-08.00    4-08.00    2   
  5 Megan Heimer              11 Austin               4-06.00    4-06.00    2   
  5 Allie Elliot               9 Stewartville         4-08.00    4-06.00    2.66
  7 Olivia Gartner            10 Byron                4-06.00    4-04.00    1.33
  7 Hanna Hewitt               9 Stewartville         4-04.00    4-04.00  
  7 Sarah Ayen                 9 Byron                4-06.00    4-04.00    1.33
  7 Hannah Coleman            10 Byron                4-08.00    4-04.00    1.33
  7 Clara Braun                8 Byron                4-08.00    4-04.00  
 12 Avri Kundert              12 Pine Island          4-02.00    4-02.00    0.66
 12 Isabelle Erickson          9 Byron                4-06.00    4-02.00  
 14 Allison Unverzagt         10 Pine Island          4-02.00    4-00.00    0.66
 14 Brooke Sinning            11 Pine Island          4-02.00    4-00.00    0.66
 16 Makenzie Alberts           9 Pine Island          4-00.00    3-10.00  
 16 Shiwei Hong                9 Pine Island          4-00.00    3-10.00  
 -- Ava Boverhuis             10 Austin               4-08.00         NH  
 -- Ella Waltman               9 Stewartville         4-06.00         NH  
Girls Pole Vault Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Emma Johnson              10 Byron                9-06.00   10-00.00    2.66
  2 Emily Kruger              11 Stewartville         8-00.00    8-06.00    1.33
  2 Paige Coleman             11 Byron                9-00.00    8-06.00    2.66
  4 Eliana Bently             10 Austin               7-00.00    8-00.00    2   
  4 Mia Schmoll                9 Pine Island          8-03.00    8-00.00    0.66
  4 Micha Weber               10 Austin               7-06.00    8-00.00    2   
  7 Gabbie Schei              11 Stewartville         7-06.00    7-06.00    1.33
  7 Brooke Kovash              9 Byron                7-00.00    7-06.00    2.66
  7 Megan Gerhart             11 Pine Island          8-00.00    7-06.00    0.66
  7 Samantha Sheldon          12 Austin               8-00.00    7-06.00    2   
 11 Emilee Otto               10 Stewartville         6-00.00    7-00.00    1.33
 12 Claire Graham             10 Byron                7-06.00    6-06.00  
 13 Ellie Fryer               12 Stewartville         7-00.00    6-00.00  
 13 Abby Roughsedge            9 Byron                7-06.00    6-00.00  
 15 Grace Pereda               9 Byron                5-06.00    5-00.00  
 15 Grace Sveen               11 Stewartville                    5-00.00  
 15 Liz Ziller                 9 Pine Island          5-00.00    5-00.00    0.66
 -- Izzy Riley                10 Pine Island          6-06.00         NH  
 -- Destyni Manthey           10 Stewartville         6-00.00         NH  
Girls Long Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hailey Lewis              10 Stewartville        15-01.00   15-02.50    2.66
  2 Eliana Bently             10 Austin              15-10.50   15-00.00    0.66
  3 Breanna Ihde              12 Pine Island         13-10.00   14-08.50    1.33
  4 Gabbie Schei              11 Stewartville        14-08.00   14-07.00    2.66
  5 Payton Sampson            11 Byron               15-05.50   14-05.00    2   
  6 Katie Lambrecht           10 Byron               15-03.00   14-03.50    2   
  7 Madison Rediske           12 Stewartville        13-03.50   14-00.00    2.66
  8 Paige Coleman             11 Byron               14-11.00   13-08.00    2   
  9 Abby Roughsedge            9 Byron               13-07.00   13-05.50  
 10 Ella Page                 12 Byron               13-00.50   13-05.00  
 11 Emily Kruger              11 Stewartville        13-06.50   13-04.00  
 11 Allison Unverzagt         10 Pine Island         12-07.50   13-04.00    1.33
 13 Kylee Bro                 11 Stewartville        13-05.00   12-09.00  
 14 Morgan Van Houten         12 Pine Island         13-10.50   12-08.50    1.33
 15 Madison Herrick           11 Austin              13-09.00   12-04.50    0.66
 16 Emma Rosheim              10 Austin              13-01.00   12-03.50    0.66
 17 Kiley Kusick              11 Austin              13-05.25   12-03.00  
 18 Rachel Schutz             11 Pine Island         12-04.00   12-02.00  
 19 Marissa Paredes           10 Byron               11-06.00   11-07.50  
 20 Jiwon Kim                 11 Pine Island         11-05.00   11-04.00  
 21 Lauren Mikkelsen          10 Austin              11-10.00   11-03.50  
 22 Madison Wolesky            9 Byron               11-11.50   10-05.00  
 23 Ava Leigh                 10 Byron               11-06.75    9-10.00  
 -- Jaci Newman               10 Pine Island         16-05.50       FOUL  
 -- Michaela Davis            11 Schaeffer Academ    13-04.75        SCR  
 -- Kaidance Davidson          9 Byron               10-04.25        SCR  
Girls Triple Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Sawyer Gorman             10 Pine Island         34-01.50   33-08.50    2.66
  2 Grace Warmsbecker         10 Byron               33-02.50   32-04.00    2   
  3 Rachel Fode                8 Byron               31-07.75   30-09.00    2   
  4 Breanna Ihde              12 Pine Island         31-01.25   30-08.00    2.66
  5 Ella Quam                  9 Stewartville        28-10.00   30-01.00    1.33
  5 Kendra Kundert            12 Pine Island         31-10.00   30-01.00    2.66
  7 Emily Kruger              11 Stewartville        28-09.00   30-00.00    1.33
  8 Taylor Dean               10 Byron               30-06.75   29-11.00    2   
  9 Toria Strampe             10 Austin              30-02.00   29-10.00    0.66
 10 Clara Braun                8 Byron               29-04.00   29-03.50  
 11 Kiley Kusick              11 Austin              30-05.50   29-02.00    0.66
 12 Emilee Otto               10 Stewartville        28-04.25   29-01.00    1.33
 13 Madison Rediske           12 Stewartville        29-01.00   28-10.00  
 14 Alexis Matzke             10 Pine Island         26-01.25   28-06.00  
 15 Brooklynn Kelley           7 Pine Island         28-05.00   28-04.00  
 16 Emma Rosheim              10 Austin              28-03.00   27-08.00    0.66
 17 Marina Leigh               8 Byron               29-01.50   27-07.00  
 18 Kylee Bro                 11 Stewartville        28-06.00   27-01.00  
 19 Kaylie Doherty             8 Stewartville                   26-02.00  
 20 Morgan Bausman            10 Byron               27-06.00   25-10.50  
 21 Jessica Newman            12 Pine Island                    25-09.00  
 -- Bethany Dick               8 Pine Island                         SCR  
Girls Shot Put Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Makenna Theobald          12 Stewartville        33-11.00   33-02.00    2.66
  1 Maggie Beach              10 Stewartville        35-06.50   33-02.00    2.66
  3 Raina Stecher             10 Stewartville        33-05.00   32-03.50    2.66
  4 Kyra Walters              11 Austin              32-02.50   31-04.50    0.66
  5 Mikkey Noll               11 Pine Island         32-05.75   31-04.00    2   
  6 Megan Quintero            12 Pine Island         28-11.50   30-10.50    2   
  7 Megan Gallagher            9 Byron               27-03.50   30-04.00    1.33
  8 Hazely Pyfferoen           8 Byron               26-01.00   27-09.00    1.33
  9 Mackenzie Markham         11 Pine Island         26-02.00   27-02.00    2   
 10 Brynn Potts               10 Stewartville        26-08.00   26-05.50  
 11 Nyaweng Deng              10 Austin              27-02.25   26-03.00    0.66
 12 Brooke Sinning            11 Pine Island         22-03.50   26-02.00  
 13 Tegan Boyer               11 Byron               26-00.00   25-09.00    1.33
 14 Kacey Falcon              10 Byron               27-08.00   25-04.50  
 15 Jaydyn Moriarty           10 Austin              20-08.00   24-08.00    0.66
 16 Denni Heimer               9 Austin              25-04.00   24-06.50  
 17 Julia Covelski             9 Byron               23-04.00   24-06.00  
 18 Brianna Blohm             12 Stewartville        24-03.00   24-04.00  
 19 Bella Troung Ferreira     12 Austin              23-02.00   24-03.00  
 20 Abby Norstad              10 Pine Island         25-09.50   23-05.00  
 21 Michelle Sauerborn        10 Schaeffer Academ    24-09.50   23-04.00  
 22 Kiya Leisen               10 Byron               25-01.00   23-00.50  
 22 Aubrey Blumers             9 Pine Island         21-04.00   23-00.50  
 24 Calli Griggs              10 Pine Island         20-02.75   22-11.00  
 25 Kaitlyn Ronning           10 Austin              25-09.00   22-07.00  
 26 Kyla Staige               10 Stewartville        20-09.75   22-03.00  
 27 Elise Callahan             9 Austin              23-06.50   22-00.00  
 28 Erin Dewey                10 Stewartville        21-08.00   21-11.00  
 29 Frankie Birch              9 Byron               22-02.00   20-01.00  
 30 Kendra McClure             9 Pine Island         15-06.75   19-10.50  
 31 Dana Scott-Hovland        11 Byron               17-10.50   19-00.00  
 32 Lara Mandoki              11 Stewartville        18-06.00   18-03.00  
 33 Stephanie Holz             9 Byron                          16-01.00  
 -- Izzy Riley                10 Pine Island         26-06.00        SCR  
Girls Discus Throw Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Makenna Theobald          12 Stewartville          114-04     121-05    2.66
  2 Mikkey Noll               11 Pine Island            98-04     102-11    2   
  3 Raina Stecher             10 Stewartville          100-09      96-10    2.66
  4 Megan Gallagher            9 Byron                  83-02      87-07    1.33
  5 Maggie Beach              10 Stewartville           87-11      87-02    2.66
  6 Kyra Walters              11 Austin                 87-07      86-10    0.66
  7 Abby Norstad              10 Pine Island         74-01.50      83-10    2   
  8 Kacey Falcon              10 Byron                  74-10      75-06    1.33
  9 Denni Heimer               9 Austin                 71-08      74-04    0.66
 10 Michelle Sauerborn        10 Schaeffer Academ       61-05      71-03  
 11 Emily Curtis              10 Austin                 73-07      71-00    0.66
 12 Ana Mitchell              11 Austin                 72-01      70-06  
 13 Tegan Boyer               11 Byron                  66-09      70-02    1.33
 14 Mackenzie Markham         11 Pine Island            80-10      68-09    2   
 15 Nyaweng Deng              10 Austin                 80-03      67-06  
 16 Kyla Staige               10 Stewartville           61-03      63-08  
 17 Jaydyn Moriarty           10 Austin                 67-08      63-04  
 18 Brynn Potts               10 Stewartville           75-01      63-02  
 19 Megan Quintero            12 Pine Island            58-00      62-08  
 20 Natalie Haynes            Gr Austin                 59-03      61-02  
 21 Julia Covelski             9 Byron                  69-01      58-01  
 22 Emily Miller               9 Byron                  64-09      57-06  
 23 Hazely Pyfferoen           8 Byron                  54-10      55-09  
 24 Kiya Leisen               10 Byron                  54-07      55-02  
 25 Brianna Blohm             12 Stewartville           58-10      54-09  
 26 Erin Dewey                10 Stewartville           55-00      53-08  
 27 Liz Ziller                 9 Pine Island                       52-00  
 28 Frankie Birch              9 Byron                  48-09      51-08  
 29 Aubrey Blumers             9 Pine Island            48-04      48-04  
 30 Georgia Hauber             9 Byron                  40-03      48-01  
 31 Rachel Applen             10 Pine Island            42-00      44-08  
 32 Lara Mandoki              11 Stewartville           49-09      42-03  
 33 Kendra McClure             9 Pine Island            46-02      41-09  
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Freshman
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Austin  'A'                                       4:45.00    4:51.20  
     1) Molly Berglund 9                2) Emma Dudycha 9                 
     3) Madelynn Murley 9               4) Nadia Vaughn 9                 
  2 Stewartville  'A'                                 4:45.23    5:06.42  
     1) Allie Elliot 9                  2) Lydia Fryer 9                  
     3) Olivia Field 9                  4) Hanna Hewitt 9                 
  3 Byron  'A'                                        4:36.40    5:10.96  
     1) Savannah DeCook 8               2) Lindsey Dickison 9             
     3) Naomi Meek 9                    4) Emma Fink 9                    
  4 Pine Island  'A'                                  4:43.01    5:29.46  
     1) Kiley House 9                   2) Mia Schmoll 9                  
     3) Shiwei Hong 9                   4) Makenzie Alberts 9             
Girls 800 Sprint Medley Freshman
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Byron  'A'                                        2:00.00    2:08.13    8   
     1) Brooke Kovash 9                 2) Isabelle Erickson 9            
     3) Mallory Dee 9                   4) Savannah DeCook 8              
  2 Austin  'A'                                       2:09.90    2:08.24    6   
     1) Marion Weke 9                   2) Kelijah Greene 9               
     3) Emma Dudycha 9                  4) Kendall Gilster 9              
  3 Pine Island  'A'                                             2:17.72    4   
     1) Kiley House 9                   2) Brooklyn Radtke 9              
     3) Makenzie Alberts 9              4) Lauren Wangsness 9             
  4 Stewartville  'A'                                            2:30.12    2   
     1) Izzy Garcia 9                   2) Ronya Sieler 9                 
     3) Lydia Fryer 9                   4) Kaylie Doherty 8               
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Throwers
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Austin  'A'                                       1:05.00    1:01.79    8   
     1) Kyra Walters 11                 2) Denni Heimer 9                 
     3) Anastasia Mitchell 11           4) Emily Curtis 10                
  2 Byron  'A'                                          52.49    1:03.16    6   
     1) Megan Gallagher 9               2) Tegan Boyer 11                 
     3) Kiya Leisen 10                  4) Emily Miller 9                 
  3 Stewartville  'A'                                   54.49    1:04.65    4   
     1) Maggie Beach 10                 2) Makenna Theobald 12            
     3) Brianna Blohm 12                4) Raina Stecher 10               
  4 Pine Island  'A'                                    57.39    1:10.43    2   
     1) Mackenzie Markham 11            2) Megan Quintero 12              
     3) Abby Norstad 10                 4) Kendra McClure 9               
  5 Pine Island  'B'                                             1:10.64  
     1) Rachel Applen 10                2) Liz Ziller 9                   
     3) Aubrey Blumers 9                4) Izzy Riley 10                  
  6 Stewartville  'B'                                            1:12.71  
     1) Kyla Staige 10                  2) Erin Dewey 10                  
     3) Lara Mandoki 11                 4) Brynn Potts 10                 
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Lucas Birch               12 Byron                  16.65      16.50   2   2   
  2 Courtney DeCook           12 Stewartville           17.61      16.75   2   1.33
  3 Will Warneke              11 Pine Island            17.01      16.96   2   2.66
  4 Connor Byram              12 Austin                 16.05      16.99   2   0.66
  5 Dylan Holzer              11 Pine Island            17.58      17.56   2   2.66
  6 Travis Eitel              11 Pine Island            17.64      17.74   2   2.66
  7 Parker Kline              10 Byron                  18.39      18.46   2   2   
  8 Will Laures               10 Stewartville                      19.75   1   1.33
  9 Mathew Rembao             11 Austin                 19.61      19.84   2   0.66
 10 Andrew Steiger            11 Stewartville                      20.08   1   1.33
 11 Isaac Schmoll             11 Pine Island            20.17      20.28   1 
 12 Jack Noll                  9 Pine Island            21.15      20.40   1 
 13 Zach Mchugo                8 Byron                  21.22      20.73   1   2   
 14 Logan Owen                10 Pine Island            21.95      21.53   1 
 15 Brenan Winkels             9 Austin                 22.06      22.58   1   0.66
 -- Zach Snyder                9 Pine Island            20.99        DNS   1 
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Lucas Birch               12 Byron                  45.16      44.12   2   2   
  2 Travis Eitel              11 Pine Island            45.35      44.68   2   2.66
  3 Dylan Holzer              11 Pine Island            46.91      45.12   2   2.66
  4 Courtney DeCook           12 Stewartville           46.15      45.63   2   1.33
  5 Parker Kline              10 Byron                  46.56      46.84   2   2   
  6 Connor Byram              12 Austin                            47.09   1   0.66
  7 Andrew Steiger            11 Stewartville           48.66      47.61   2   1.33
  8 Isaac Schmoll             11 Pine Island            48.35      48.29   2   2.66
  9 Luke Williams              9 Pine Island            49.31      48.36   1 
 10 Josh Petersen              9 Byron                  49.18      49.76   1   2   
 11 Will Laures               10 Stewartville           49.60      50.90   1   1.33
 12 Derick Schmidt            11 Pine Island            57.16      53.77   1 
 13 Brenan Winkels             9 Austin                 53.75      55.68   1   0.66
 14 Mathew Rembao             11 Austin                 48.94      55.71   2   0.66
 15 Jack Nelson               10 Pine Island            57.83      59.06   1 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Stewartville  'A'                                   46.50      45.57   2   8   
     1) Elton Myhre 11                  2) Eddie Becker 10                
     3) Josh Buri 10                    4) Austin Malone 11               
  2 Austin  'A'                                         46.96      46.96   2   6   
     1) Andrew Chesak 11                2) Caleb VanderWeerd 12           
     3) Samuel Misoi 11                 4) Okello Ojulu 11                
  3 Pine Island  'A'                                    46.60      47.52   2   4   
     1) Noah Kneeland 12                2) Cole Groven 11                 
     3) Ethan Dale 10                   4) Mason Pike 10                  
  4 Pine Island  'B'                                               49.02   2 
     1) David Barsness 12               2) Jacob Cain 11                  
     3) Connor Groven 10                4) Logan Harney 11                
  5 Austin  'C'                                                    49.91   1 
     1) Steven Htoo 9                   2) Noe Cano Sanchez 12            
     3) Lucas Evenson 11                4) Thomas Zan 9                   
  6 Austin  'B'                                                    51.22   1 
     1) Nickolas Whalen 11              2) Kyle Murley 11                 
     3) Casey Berg 10                   4) Eric Leichtnam 10              
  7 Pine Island  'C'                                               52.62   1 
     1) Matthew Cain 9                  2) Randy Lange 10                 
     3) Xavier Jiorle 9                 4) Darin Jasper 9                 
  8 Byron  'B'                                                     53.47   1 
     1) Alex Johnson 9                  2) Bennett Welch 10               
     3) Morgan Swanson 9                4) Charlie Blom 8                 
 -- Byron  'A'                                          45.98         DQ   2  3-4 Out of Zone
     1) Dylan Olive 10                  2) Dylan Nickrenz 12              
     3) Mitchell Reynolds 10            4) Austin Freerksen 10            
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Byron  'A'                                        1:38.80    1:35.35   2   8   
     1) Dylan Olive 10                  2) Dylan Nickrenz 12              
     3) Jake Chilson 11                 4) Austin Freerksen 10            
  2 Pine Island  'A'                                  1:38.00    1:37.70   2   6   
     1) Josh Navratil 12                2) Cole Groven 11                 
     3) Mason Pike 10                   4) Jacob Wright 12                
  3 Stewartville  'A'                                 1:36.80    1:38.15   2   4   
     1) Eddie Becker 10                 2) Charles Winch 11               
     3) Bradon Holschlag 11             4) Josh Buri 10                   
  4 Pine Island  'B'                                             1:43.49   1 
     1) James Closner 11                2) Jacob Cain 11                  
     3) Alec Schwendinger 10            4) David Barsness 12              
  5 Austin  'B'                                                  1:44.13   1 
     1) Thomas Zan 9                    2) Kyle Murley 11                 
     3) Joseph Walker 9                 4) Kaden Murley 9                 
  6 Byron  'B'                                                   1:45.06   2 
     1) Andy Lambrecht 11               2) Zach Heimer 11                 
     3) Sajon Page 11                   4) Braeden Dilworth 11            
  7 Austin  'C'                                                  1:49.97   1 
     1) Caleb VanderWeerd 12            2) Damien Benton 9                
     3) Ryan Irvin 9                    4) Carson Blake 9                 
 -- Schaeffer Academy  'A'                                            DQ   2  1-2 Out of Zone
     1) Colton Barnacle 9               2) Will Barnacle 11               
     3) Justin Homme 11                 4) Joe Carter 12                  
 -- Austin  'A'                                       1:37.21         DQ   2  3-4 Out of Zone
     1) Sean Poczos 11                  2) Samuel Misoi 11                
     3) Connor Byram 12                 4) Dongrin Deng 12                
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Pine Island  'A'                                  3:40.10    3:39.85    8   
     1) Logan Andrist 12                2) Eric Wittlief 11               
     3) Jacob Wright 12                 4) Connor Bailey 11               
  2 Stewartville  'A'                                 3:40.32    3:45.62    6   
     1) Noah Stageberg 10               2) Charles Winch 11               
     3) Bradon Holschlag 11             4) Trent Einertson 10             
  3 Byron  'A'                                        3:45.00    3:45.64    4   
     1) Jake Chilson 11                 2) Trent DeCook 9                 
     3) Dylan Olive 10                  4) Jack Kirsch 11                 
  4 Austin  'A'                                       3:46.49    3:48.89    2   
     1) Joshua Belden 12                2) Thomas Walker 11               
     3) Nickolas Whalen 11              4) Casey Berg 10                  
  5 Stewartville  'B'                                            3:52.22  
     1) Scott Boelman 10                2) Christopher Remling 10         
     3) Courtney DeCook 12              4) Ethan Meyer 12                 
  6 Austin  'B'                                       4:04.00    4:05.33  
     1) Carter Neitzell 11              2) Jackson Marsh 10               
     3) Collin Coyle 12                 4) Blake Petrik 10                
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Austin  'A'                                       9:07.12    8:44.16    8   
     1) Raymond Lucero 12               2) Brockdon Lawhead 12            
     3) Henry Hinchcliffe 12            4) Alex Petrik 10                 
  2 Stewartville  'A'                                 9:10.00    8:51.43    6   
     1) Scott Boelman 10                2) Christopher Remling 10         
     3) Alexander Lawrence 12           4) Trent Einertson 10             
  3 Pine Island  'A'                                  9:05.00    8:55.12    4   
     1) Danny Langworthy 12             2) Carter O'Reilly 11             
     3) Jacob Wright 12                 4) Eric Wittlief 11               
  4 Byron  'A'                                        9:05.00    9:13.54    2   
     1) Braeden Dilworth 11             2) Jack Kirsch 11                 
     3) Sajon Page 11                   4) Andy Lambrecht 11              
  5 Pine Island  'B'                                             9:32.88  
     1) Andy Kroll 12                   2) Danny Cote 12                  
     3) Riley Gasser 11                 4) Luke Williams 9                
  6 Schaeffer Academy  'A'                                      10:05.92  
     1) Jesse O'Driscoll 12             2) Joey Lash 9                    
     3) Jonas Tilburt 12                4) Will Barnacle 11               
  7 Austin  'B'                                                 10:06.40  
     1) Collin Coyle 12                 2) Carter Neitzell 11             
     3) Seth Lumley 11                  4) Blake Petrik 10                
  8 Byron  'B'                                                  10:53.40  
     1) Brandon Rolandson 11            2) Spencer Axford 11              
     3) Jayden Midtovne 10              4) Ashton Bateman 9               
  9 Pine Island  'C'                                            10:54.46  
     1) Will Bulau 9                    2) Sam Johnson 9                  
     3) Elijah Kellner 12               4) Torin Schweisberger 9          
 -- Austin  'C'                                                      SCR  
     1) Adam Pike 10                    2) Zachary Smith 10               
     3) Andrew Alberts 10               4) Ryan Irvin 9                   
Boys 1600 Sprint Medley Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Pine Island  'A'                                             3:53.42    8   
     1) Noah Kneeland 12                2) Cole Groven 11                 
     3) Carter O'Reilly 11              4) Connor Bailey 11               
  2 Austin  'A'                                                  3:56.58    6   
     1) Sean Poczos 11                  2) Dongrin Deng 12                
     3) Joshua Belden 12                4) Brockdon Lawhead 12            
  3 Byron  'A'                                        4:10.00    4:06.66    4   
     1) Tyler Carpenter 10              2) Colton Douglas 10              
     3) Nolan Seaberg 10                4) Jake Braaten 10                
  4 Schaeffer Academy  'A'                                       4:16.14    2   
     1) Joe Carter 12                   2) Colton Barnacle 9              
     3) Justin Homme 11                 4) Joey Lash 9                    
  5 Stewartville  'A'                                            4:18.09  
     1) Noah Stageberg 10               2) Ty Smidt 12                    
     3) Ethan Meyer 12                  4) Jakob Ratelle 10               
 -- Byron  'B'                                                        DQ   2-3 Out of Zone
     1) Curt Stemper 11                 2) Luke Lampat 12                 
     3) Ethan Falcon 12                 4) Zach Heimer 11                 
Boys High Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Josh Navratil             12 Pine Island          6-00.00    5-10.00    2.66
  2 Elton Myhre               11 Stewartville         5-08.00    5-08.00    2   
  2 Will Warneke              11 Pine Island          5-08.00    5-08.00    2.66
  2 Ty Smidt                  12 Stewartville         5-08.00    5-08.00    2   
  5 Jacob Venenga             11 Austin               5-06.00    5-06.00    0.66
  5 Colton Douglas            10 Byron                5-11.00    5-06.00    1.33
  5 Nolan Seaberg             10 Byron                5-06.00    5-06.00    1.33
  8 Dylan Holzer              11 Pine Island          5-04.00    5-04.00  
  8 Easton Hulke              10 Byron                5-04.00    5-04.00    1.33
  8 Gabe Northrop              9 Pine Island          5-08.00    5-04.00    2.66
  8 Noah Stageberg            10 Stewartville         5-08.00    5-04.00    2   
 12 Okello Ojulu              11 Austin               5-04.00    5-02.00    0.66
 12 Josh Petersen              9 Byron                5-04.00    5-02.00  
 14 Elijah Johnson            11 Austin               5-08.00    5-00.00    0.66
 -- Dongrin Deng              12 Austin               6-00.00         NH  
 -- Ty Bergner                10 Pine Island                          NH  
 -- Marcel Hart               12 Austin               5-08.00         NH  
Boys Pole Vault Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Trevon Schaefer           11 Stewartville        13-00.00   13-07.00    2.66
  2 Ty Smidt                  12 Stewartville                   10-06.00    2.66
  3 Andrew Steiger            11 Stewartville        10-00.00   10-00.00    2.66
  3 Dylan Olive               10 Byron               11-06.00   10-00.00    2   
  5 Lucas Evenson             11 Austin               9-06.00    9-06.00    2   
  6 Carter O'Reilly           11 Pine Island          9-09.00    9-00.00    2   
  7 Charlie Blom               8 Byron                8-06.00    8-06.00    2   
  8 Matthew Grush              9 Austin               7-00.00    7-06.00    2   
  8 Tyson Dean                12 Byron                8-00.00    7-06.00    2   
 -- Mason Pike                10 Pine Island                          NH  
 -- Ethan Brown               10 Pine Island                          NH  
 -- Travis Eitel              11 Pine Island          9-03.00         NH  
 -- Samuel Keenan             12 Austin              10-00.00        DNS  
 -- Jarod White                9 Pine Island         13-06.00        DNS  
 -- Joshua Belden             12 Austin               9-00.00        DNS  
Boys Long Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Austin Freerksen          10 Byron               21-03.00   20-09.25    2.66
  2 Elijah Johnson            11 Austin              19-10.25   20-00.00    2   
  3 Samuel Misoi              11 Austin              19-00.50   19-01.00    2   
  4 Titus Christofferson      11 Byron               19-06.00   18-09.75    2.66
  5 Collin Dahlback           11 Austin              17-05.00   18-06.50    2   
  6 Sam Connelly              11 Byron               18-06.00   18-01.75    2.66
  7 Joseph Walker              9 Austin              18-08.00   17-08.25  
  8 Elton Myhre               11 Stewartville        18-10.50   17-07.00    1.33
  9 Bradon Holschlag          11 Stewartville                   17-05.25    1.33
 10 Nathan Smidt               9 Stewartville        18-09.00   17-00.50    1.33
 11 Colton Kramer             10 Pine Island         16-10.00   16-10.00    0.66
 12 Tyler Carpenter           10 Byron               15-08.00   15-11.00  
 13 Dylan Yennie               9 Stewartville                   15-04.50  
 14 Logan Harney              11 Pine Island         14-11.00   15-00.50    0.66
 15 James Closner             11 Pine Island         16-00.00   14-01.50    0.66
 16 Dongrin Deng              12 Austin              17-00.00   13-11.00  
 17 Bennett Welch             10 Byron               15-02.00   13-09.25  
 18 Dylan Kubista              9 Pine Island         11-01.50   10-10.00  
 -- Nolan Seaberg             10 Byron                              FOUL  
 -- Jacob Weber               12 Pine Island         19-07.50       FOUL  
 -- Colton Douglas            10 Byron               18-05.25       FOUL  
Boys Triple Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Will Warneke              11 Pine Island         39-11.25   41-03.25    2.66
  2 Samuel Misoi              11 Austin              38-07.25   39-03.00    1.33
  3 Titus Christofferson      11 Byron               37-11.75   38-06.50    2   
  4 Josh Navratil             12 Pine Island                    38-02.25    2.66
  5 Collin Dahlback           11 Austin              38-05.00   37-11.25    1.33
  6 Austin Freerksen          10 Byron                          37-10.00    2   
  7 Jake Braaten              10 Byron               38-01.00   36-11.75    2   
  8 Josh Buri                 10 Stewartville        38-09.25   36-11.00    1   
  9 Ethan Dale                10 Pine Island         32-06.00   36-00.50    2.66
 10 Travis Eitel              11 Pine Island         36-00.50   34-11.00  
 11 Mathew Rembao             11 Austin              33-08.00   34-03.50    1.33
 12 Will Laures               10 Stewartville                   32-05.50    1   
 13 Will Cobb                 10 Pine Island         29-06.50   31-01.50  
 14 Sam Weatherly              9 Byron                          30-06.00  
 15 Lane McDonough             9 Pine Island         27-08.00   30-01.00  
 -- Jacob Weber               12 Pine Island         30-09.00        SCR  
 -- Trent Einertson           10 Stewartville        37-03.00        SCR  
Boys Shot Put Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Shane Byrne               12 Stewartville        50-01.00   50-08.50    2.66
  2 Oliver Andersen           11 Austin              49-06.50   48-06.50    2   
  3 Parker Grotjohn           12 Stewartville        49-02.00   46-11.50    2.66
  4 Thomas Kroymann           12 Austin              48-11.50   45-01.50    2   
  5 Tanner Simon              12 Pine Island         43-04.50   42-01.00    1.33
  6 Parker Theobald           10 Stewartville        38-00.00   41-02.00    2.66
  7 Mason O Connor            10 Austin              39-06.50   40-09.50    2   
  8 Hayven Iverson            12 Byron               39-09.00   40-08.00    0.66
  9 Eddie Becker              10 Stewartville                   39-02.00  
 10 Logan Andrist             12 Pine Island         35-06.00   38-02.50    1.33
 11 Joshua Belden             12 Austin                         36-09.00  
 12 Parker Murray             12 Pine Island         33-05.00   34-04.00    1.33
 13 Zach Mchugo                8 Byron               32-05.00   32-09.50    0.66
 14 Andrew Sayles              9 Austin              28-10.00   28-03.00  
 15 Ryan Covelski             11 Byron               31-00.00   28-02.75    0.66
 16 Clayton Eitel             11 Pine Island         28-01.75   28-00.50  
 17 Logan Mentjes              9 Pine Island         27-08.00   27-03.00  
 18 Alex Parker                9 Stewartville        24-02.00   22-07.00  
 -- Logan O Rourke            10 Austin              40-00.00        SCR  
Boys Discus Throw Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Josh Navratil             12 Pine Island           133-00     152-10    2   
  2 Shane Byrne               12 Stewartville          161-00     152-04    2.66
  3 Will Tschetter            10 Stewartville          132-10     139-01    2.66
  4 Parker Theobald           10 Stewartville          110-04     132-10    2.66
  5 Parker Grotjohn           12 Stewartville          126-07     128-08  
  6 Oliver Andersen           11 Austin                145-07     125-10    1.33
  7 Thomas Kroymann           12 Austin                135-01     120-03    1.33
  8 Tanner Simon              12 Pine Island           122-02     116-09    2   
  9 Hayven Iverson            12 Byron                 110-06     115-00    0.66
 10 Logan Andrist             12 Pine Island            97-03     112-06    2   
 11 Parker Murray             12 Pine Island            93-08      93-01  
 12 Mason O Connor            10 Austin                 90-03      88-10    1.33
 13 Gabe Northrop              9 Pine Island            90-10      83-05  
 14 David Ruiz                12 Austin                 83-05      81-03  
 15 Ryan Covelski             11 Byron                  86-10      80-10    0.66
 16 Logan Mentjes              9 Pine Island            76-08      75-11  
 17 Clayton Eitel             11 Pine Island            61-06      68-02  
 18 Zach Mchugo                8 Byron                  99-02      66-03    0.66
 19 Joseph Oleson             10 Austin                 72-01      64-02  
 20 Alex Parker                9 Stewartville           62-05      59-10  
 21 Xavier Jiorle              9 Pine Island            47-04      50-06  
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Freshman
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Pine Island  'A'                                  3:45.00    3:48.90  
     1) Mark Quintero 9                 2) Zachary Ihde 9                 
     3) Nicholas Honecker 9             4) Jarod White 9                  
  2 Austin  'A'                                       3:46.19    4:03.59  
     1) Kaden Murley 9                  2) Joseph Walker 9                
     3) Kyle Mayer 9                    4) Joseph Hoffmann 9              
  3 Stewartville  'A'                                 3:40.32    4:12.17  
     1) Ethan Flicek 9                  2) Dylan Yennie 9                 
     3) Jonathan Laures 9               4) Nathan Smidt 9                 
  4 Byron  'B'                                                   4:46.70  
     1) Brock Garteski 9                2) Drew Queensland 9              
     3) Sam Weatherly 9                 4) Hunter Paulson 9               
 -- Byron  'A'                                        3:53.22         DQ   2-3 Out of Zone
     1) Cotter Kindschy 9               2) Josh Petersen 9                
     3) Zachary Ellavsky 9              4) Brody Bain 9                   
Boys 800 Sprint Medley Freshman
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Pine Island  'A'                                             1:44.41    8   
     1) Gabe Northrop 9                 2) Zachary Ihde 9                 
     3) Jarod White 9                   4) Mark Quintero 9                
  2 Byron  'A'                                                   1:48.47    6   
     1) Eddie Lopez-Sifontes 9          2) Bradley Pavon 9                
     3) Lukas Thompson 9                4) Trent DeCook 9                 
  3 Austin  'A'                                                  1:48.78    4   
     1) Joseph Hoffmann 9               2) Brenan Winkels 9               
     3) Joseph Walker 9                 4) Kaden Murley 9                 
  4 Stewartville  'A'                                            1:49.13    2   
     1) Ethan Flicek 9                  2) Jonathan Laures 9              
     3) Nathan Smidt 9                  4) Dylan Yennie 9                 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Throwers
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Pine Island  'A'                                    46.65      50.45    8   
     1) Gabe Northrop 9                 2) Parker Murray 12               
     3) Tanner Simon 12                 4) Logan Andrist 12               
  2 Austin  'A'                                         46.96      51.86    6   
     1) Thomas Kroymann 12              2) Oliver Andersen 11             
     3) Mason O Connor 10               4) Logan O Rourke 10              
  3 Stewartville  'A'                                   45.91      56.16    4   
     1) Shane Byrne 12                  2) Parker Grotjohn 12             
     3) Will Tschetter 10               4) Parker Theobald 10             
Boys 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Henry Hinchcliffe         12 Austin               4:44.32    4:48.54    2   
  2 Eric Wittlief             11 Pine Island          4:50.90    4:55.38    1   
  3 Danny Langworthy          12 Pine Island          4:54.97    4:55.80    1   
  4 Alexander Lawrence        12 Stewartville         4:54.52    4:58.96    0.50
  5 Jackson Marsh             10 Austin               4:50.09    5:02.11    2   
  6 Lincoln Stellner          12 Byron                5:06.58    5:02.42    1.50
  7 Aric Jorgensen            11 Byron                5:19.16    5:16.34    1.50
  8 Kyle Mayer                 9 Austin                          5:21.36    2   
 10 Jakob Ratelle             10 Stewartville         5:08.49    5:28.18    0.50
 11 Will Cobb                 10 Pine Island          5:32.91    5:37.48    1   
 12 Ben Deyle                 11 Byron                5:34.77    5:37.56    1.50
 13 Brody Bain                 9 Byron                           5:48.50  
 14 Josh Heinz                11 Byron                5:56.05    5:50.66  
 17 Jonas Tilburt             12 Schaeffer Academ     5:47.15    5:54.94  
 21 Trevor Strain             11 Byron                6:05.51    6:10.94  
 22 Justin Henschel           10 Pine Island          6:14.14    6:11.09    1   

Girls 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  9 Taylor Kreitinger         12 Byron                           5:25.31    1.50
 15 Cassidy Shute              8 Austin                          5:51.08    2   
 16 Michaela Hamilton          8 Byron                5:58.46    5:54.29  
 18 Morgan Hose               12 Austin               5:55.00    5:55.27  
 19 Paige Halder               7 Byron                6:06.62    6:00.61  
 20 Isabel Field              11 Stewartville         6:13.06    6:06.25    0.50
 23 Nadia Vaughn               9 Austin               5:55.63    6:11.27  
 24 Lauren Wangsness           9 Pine Island          6:17.49    6:15.37  
 25 Emma Arteaga               9 Byron                6:37.07    6:17.07  
 26 Gloria Nelson             11 Stewartville         6:18.54    6:29.00    0.50
 27 Olivia Field               9 Stewartville         6:27.63    6:29.19  
 28 Annika Adelsman           11 Pine Island          6:51.53    6:35.12  
 29 Jacy Hansen               12 Austin               6:32.16    6:39.99  
 30 Emma Ann Oberg            12 Pine Island          6:56.56    7:02.21  
 31 Hannah Ryan               10 Pine Island                     7:26.24  
 32 Dyllon Lohmann             9 Stewartville         8:44.55    7:35.16  
               omen - Varsity - Team Rankings - 13 Events Scored
    1) Stewartville                84        2) Byron                      76   
    3) Austin                      54        4) Pine Island                46   
               omen - Freshman - Team Rankings - 1 Events Scored
    1) Byron                        8        2) Austin                      6   
    3) Pine Island                  4        4) Stewartville                2   
               omen - Throwers - Team Rankings - 1 Events Scored
    1) Austin                       8        2) Byron                       6   
    3) Stewartville                 4        4) Pine Island                 2   
                 en - Varsity - Team Rankings - 13 Events Scored
    1) Pine Island                 76        2) Stewartville               68   
    3) Byron                       58        4) Austin                     52   
    5) Schaeffer Academy            2                                           
                 en - Freshman - Team Rankings - 1 Events Scored
    1) Pine Island                  8        2) Byron                       6   
    3) Austin                       4        4) Stewartville                2   
                 en - Throwers - Team Rankings - 1 Events Scored
    1) Pine Island                  8        2) Austin                      6   
    3) Stewartville                 4