RaceTab 3 by MileSplit Registered to: Teri Durbin, mntrackxc
Swain Meet - 10/1/2011
Western Waterfront Trail, Duluth, MN
Varsity Boys A 5000 Meter Run
Name Yr Team Time Pts
1 Brandon Clark 12 Blake School 16:03.10 1
2 Charlie Lawrence 11 Foley 16:07.90 --
3 Romeo Benish 12 Proctor 16:08.00 2
4 Matt Welch 11 Proctor 16:08.30 3
5 Nick Golebiowski 10 St. Cloud Cathedral 16:29.80 4
6 Jake Burr 12 Glencoe-Silver Lake 16:30.10 5
7 Patrick Reinschmidt 11 Plainview-Elgin-Millville 16:30.90 6
8 Jackson Lindquist 12 Esko 16:45.10 7
9 Ryan Lind 11 Northwestern 16:46.90 8
10 Drew Johnson 12 Mesabi East 16:47.70 9
11 Mike Destache 9 St. Paul Academy and Summ 16:53.10 10
12 Nick Carignan 11 Perham 16:54.20 11
13 Cole Wintheiser 11 St. Cloud Cathedral 16:57.10 12
14 Daniel Taylor 12 Rush City 17:00.20 --
15 Carston Dammann 11 Lake City 17:00.80 --
16 Thomas Friebe 12 St. Cloud Cathedral 17:05.50 13
17 Brady Speicher 11 Perham 17:11.20 14
18 Beau Gerding 11 St. Cloud Cathedral 17:15.00 15
19 Matt Mcfarland 12 Blake School 17:15.20 16
20 Jayden Cullen 10 Perham 17:15.50 17
21 Billy Beseman 9 Perham 17:22.40 18
22 Mason Lombard 10 Northwestern 17:25.60 19
23 Derek Warner 10 Long Prairie 17:35.30 20
24 Joey Johnson 11 Esko 17:36.00 21
25 Jeremiah Letourneau 11 Hinckley-Finlayson 17:37.60 --
26 Dalton Dahms 11 Perham 17:38.30 22
27 Zach Edinburgh 11 Blake School 17:38.50 23
28 Simon Holmes 11 Virginia 17:39.00 24
29 Jalen Metcalf 11 Glencoe-Silver Lake 17:39.80 25
30 Kyle Rautio 11 Northwestern 17:41.10 26
31 Owen Duncan 12 Blake School 17:41.40 27
32 Jesse Beulke 12 Montgomery-Lonsdale 17:42.80 28
33 Quinn Coyle 11 Blake School 17:43.10 29
34 Sam Johnson 10 Mesabi East 17:44.10 30
35 Ben Hanson 11 Esko 17:45.70 31
36 Sam Johnson 10 Mora 17:46.70 32
37 Bennett Maki 12 Mesabi East 17:49.00 33
38 Danny Radtke 9 Mesabi East 17:54.00 34
39 Casey Fails 11 Watertown-Mayer 17:54.30 35
40 Eli Stark-Haws 9 St. Cloud Cathedral 17:54.70 36
41 Matthew Mcdermott 11 St. Croix Schools 17:57.60 37
42 Phil Dvorak 12 Belle Plaine 17:59.10 38
43 Lachlin Hinwood 11 Colfax 18:00.50 39
44 Dillion Clark 10 Plainview-Elgin-Millville 18:00.90 40
45 Austin Lick 12 Mora 18:01.90 41
46 Tony Nikodym 12 Mora 18:01.90 42
47 Zachary Richards 12 South Ridge 18:03.10 --
48 Hunter Peterson 10 St. Cloud Cathedral 18:03.60 43
49 Thomas Mcmanus 11 Blake School 18:03.70 44
50 Matt Bostrom 12 Mora 18:05.40 45
51 Dominic Bennett 9 Carlton 18:06.70 46
52 Chris Knutson 10 Perham 18:07.20 47
53 Aaron Timm 11 Plainview-Elgin-Millville 18:09.60 48
54 Daniel Rodriguez 10 Eveleth-Gilbert 18:11.80 49
55 Devin Hanson 12 Plainview-Elgin-Millville 18:12.30 50
56 Seth Korhonen 12 Northwestern 18:13.40 51
57 Alex Herkert 11 Blake School 18:13.50 52
58 David Rautio 9 Northwestern 18:14.40 53
59 Jonathan Chalupsky 12 St. Cloud Cathedral 18:14.90 54
60 Brandon Channell 11 Marshall 18:16.50 55
61 Brent Nelson 12 Mora 18:17.40 56
62 Jacob Welch 9 Proctor 18:17.90 57
63 Wyatt Becicka 9 Virginia 18:18.10 58
64 Tyler Hoffman 12 Plainview-Elgin-Millville 18:20.10 59
65 Chase Austvold 12 New London-Spicer 18:20.60 60
66 Kanyon Edvall 9 Perham 18:20.90 61
67 Adam Blomgren 11 Mountain Lake 18:21.00 62
68 Michael Larson 11 Colfax 18:21.20 63
69 Matt Rengo 10 Esko 18:21.90 64
70 Steve Olson 11 St. Paul Academy and Summ 18:22.30 65
71 Austin Stefanich 11 Greenway/Nashwak- 18:23.40 --
72 Nathan Dukes 12 Mountain Lake 18:23.90 66
73 Jacob Schaffer 11 Belle Plaine 18:24.30 67
74 Matt Neururer 11 Pillager 18:25.20 --
75 Andrew Buccanero 12 Virginia 18:27.10 68
76 Brian Radtke 12 Mesabi East 18:27.40 69
77 Ben Palmer 12 St. Paul Academy and Summ 18:27.70 70
78 Matthew Almquist 11 Colfax 18:29.00 71
79 Andreas Geist 11 East Grand Forks 18:29.30 --
80 Ben Mattinen 8 Esko 18:30.80 72
81 James Tichy 10 Glencoe-Silver Lake 18:30.90 73
82 Matt Muhich 11 Eveleth-Gilbert 18:34.90 74
83 Neil Janson 12 Wadena Deer Creek 18:35.60 --
84 Alex Wischnack 9 Norwood 18:38.10 75
85 Cade Mackay 11 International Falls 18:38.30 76
86 Kyle Blomgren 11 Mountain Lake 18:38.50 77
87 Boston Gilderman 10 Proctor 18:38.70 78
88 Ike Johnson 12 Rush City 18:39.90 --
89 John Martinson 10 Eveleth-Gilbert 18:41.50 79
90 Marco Griffith 11 International Falls 18:42.60 80
91 Trenton Menor 8 Esko 18:43.10 81
92 Nolan Schroeder 12 Belle Plaine 18:47.30 82
93 Josiah Vik 10 Northwestern 18:48.80 83
94 Timothy Emery 11 Virginia 18:50.40 84
95 Brandon Richter 9 Glencoe-Silver Lake 18:50.70 85
96 Kyle Thiessen 12 Mountain Lake 18:51.50 86
97 Jakob Stucky 10 Plainview-Elgin-Millville 18:53.10 87
98 Casey Baker 12 Mesabi East 18:55.90 88
99 Ty Rankin 11 Northwestern 18:57.90 89
100 Nate Magnuson 11 East Central 18:58.70 90
101 David Bachmeier 9 Long Prairie 18:59.70 91
102 Chris Lagergren 12 Norwood 19:00.00 92
103 Zach Smith 10 Proctor 19:00.10 93
104 Clayton Friemuth 9 Kingsland 19:00.60 94
105 Joey Lucas 12 Glencoe-Silver Lake 19:01.00 95
106 Ben Pichotta 11 Montgomery-Lonsdale 19:01.30 96
107 Kyle Gjerde 11 New London-Spicer 19:01.40 97
108 Bryant Pfingsten 11 New London-Spicer 19:01.80 98
109 Derek Vonberge 12 Glencoe-Silver Lake 19:03.30 99
110 Caleb Fails 11 Watertown-Mayer 19:03.90 100
111 Tyler Vanwatermulen 12 Watertown-Mayer 19:04.60 101
112 Nick Klonne 9 Rockford 19:05.40 --
113 Zach Smith 12 Mora 19:06.50 102
114 Dan Weber 12 Rush City 19:07.80 --
115 Matt Miller 12 Hinckley-Finlayson 19:07.90 --
116 Garrett Miller 11 Colfax 19:09.80 103
117 Michael Wagner 12 Eveleth-Gilbert 19:10.30 104
118 Jeremiah Harder 11 Colfax 19:10.40 105
119 Ben Seaton 11 Cook County-Two 19:10.60 106
120 Alex Rebholz 10 Virginia 19:12.80 107
121 Kris Coral 9 Belle Plaine 19:13.50 108
122 Matthew Schneider 12 Colfax 19:14.20 109
123 Austin Sowers 12 Mesabi East 19:14.50 110
124 Reed Melicher 9 Eveleth-Gilbert 19:15.70 111
125 Joey Pate 11 Wadena Deer Creek 19:18.70 --
126 Charlie Gordon 12 International Falls 19:19.00 112
127 Peter Huber 9 Plainview-Elgin-Millville 19:19.20 113
128 Jay Boerner 11 Watertown-Mayer 19:19.60 114
129 Pentti Hanlon 9 Marshall 19:19.70 115
130 Gavin Johnson 12 Proctor 19:21.10 116
131 Brendan Johnson 10 Mora 19:24.20 117
132 Jake Spartz 12 Deer River-Northland 19:28.00 118
133 Ike Erickson 10 Virginia 19:29.40 119
134 Connor Sullivan 12 Norwood 19:31.00 120
135 Mick Mcguire 10 Montgomery-Lonsdale 19:31.40 121
136 Shane White 12 Pillager 19:31.70 --
137 Chris Breuer 12 Lake City 19:31.80 --
138 Joshua Connor 8 Long Prairie 19:31.90 122
139 Wyatt Ulrich 10 International Falls 19:32.60 123
140 Marty Mcguire 10 Montgomery-Lonsdale 19:32.90 124
141 Nathan Sheneberger 10 Long Prairie 19:33.60 125
142 Brandon Bast 12 Belle Plaine 19:37.50 126
143 Nick Zurn 12 Belle Plaine 19:39.50 127
144 Nick Ambrosius 10 Long Prairie 19:42.50 128
145 Jared Dooley 9 Montgomery-Lonsdale 19:43.90 129
146 Elliot Eckhoff 12 New London-Spicer 19:45.60 130
147 Isaac Jacobson 12 Pillager 19:47.60 --
148 Adam Latour 9 Maple Lake 19:51.20 --
149 Tony Dvorak 9 Belle Plaine 19:51.60 131
150 Josh Muhich 12 Eveleth-Gilbert 19:53.20 132
151 Logan Veillieux 11 International Falls 19:53.70 133
152 Michael Burns 9 Watertown-Mayer 19:56.30 134
153 Tim Jasken 10 Long Prairie 19:56.40 135
154 Derek Bauer 10 Carlton 19:58.40 136
155 Aaron Geiss 12 International Falls 20:02.30 137
156 Cole Sauter 10 Norwood 20:05.00 138
157 Zach Sandquist 12 Watertown-Mayer 20:06.20 139
158 Peter Boehlke 11 St. Croix Schools 20:08.10 140
159 Alex Kayser 10 Norwood 20:10.70 141
160 Nathan Rosier 12 Montgomery-Lonsdale 20:15.10 142
161 Avery Thaler 11 Foley 20:16.30 --
162 Ryan Middendorf 10 Long Prairie 20:20.20 143
163 Ben Bisell 11 Esko 20:22.20 144
164 Connor Rieschl 11 New London-Spicer 20:22.20 145
165 Dallin Dahnke 12 Colfax 20:25.60 146
166 Chase Rueger 12 Hinckley-Finlayson 20:26.20 --
167 Josh Warren 12 Pillager 20:29.30 --
168 Joe Hodge 11 Marshall 20:31.60 147
169 Marcus Virginia 9 Wrenshall 20:34.90 --
170 Nico Van Danacker 9 Rockford 20:35.50 --
171 Tory Gritzmacher 12 Eveleth-Gilbert 20:35.50 148
172 Daniel Nelson 9 Mountain Lake 20:38.60 149
173 Dakota Ruelle 11 International Falls 20:39.40 150
174 Mike Hare 9 East Central 20:40.40 151
175 Tony Belsito 12 Marshall 20:42.00 152
176 Patrick Anderson 12 Virginia 20:43.80 153
177 Cory Fast 12 Mountain Lake 20:44.30 154
178 Devon Dvorak 8 Norwood 20:45.60 155
179 Austin Achtelik 10 Rockford 20:46.80 --
180 Dane Gillespie 9 Kingsland 20:47.30 156
181 Taylor Smith 11 Deer River-Northland 20:47.30 157
182 Stephan Prouty 12 Proctor 20:48.20 158
183 Mark Lehet 11 Carlton 20:49.40 159
184 Gary Hultman 12 Indus 20:49.80 --
185 Aaron Peters 10 St. Croix Schools 20:52.70 160
186 Nick Johnson 10 Marshall 20:54.50 161
187 Jordon Hyland 11 Lake City 20:55.50 --
188 Travis Billmeyer 9 Montgomery-Lonsdale 20:57.20 162
189 Duncan Fox 11 Carlton 20:57.70 163
190 Spencer Walton 11 Carlton 20:58.20 164
191 James Mcdaniel 10 St. Croix Schools 20:58.20 165
192 Will Seaton 8 Cook County-Two 21:04.40 166
193 Jim Hilgedick 12 Greenway/Nashwak- 21:06.50 --
194 Chase Heuer 9 Norwood 21:08.20 167
195 Jeremiah Ondieki 11 Kingsland 21:11.00 168
196 Pete Summers 8 Cook County-Two 21:12.60 169
197 Jacob Wandersee 11 Watertown-Mayer 21:13.90 170
198 Sean Macdonell 8 Cook County-Two 21:21.70 171
199 Nate Schumacher 9 Rockford 21:25.40 --
200 John Engesser 11 Kingsland 21:27.10 172
201 Erik Van Gulijk 11 New London-Spicer 21:30.90 173
202 Thomas Engesser 9 Kingsland 21:33.10 174
203 Ian Sussna 9 St. Paul Academy and Summ 21:34.50 175
204 Dylan Thompson 9 Deer River-Northland 21:34.60 176
205 Lawson Campbell 12 Kingsland 21:36.10 177
206 Levi Jahnke 9 Mountain Lake 21:41.90 178
207 Gunnar Roadfeldt 10 Marshall 21:42.90 179
208 Peter Daigle 10 Deer River-Northland 21:48.10 180
209 Jerome Glass 11 Deer River-Northland 22:01.30 181
210 Alex Ditmanson 12 Cook County-Two 22:05.30 182
211 Christopher Jarocki 11 Marshall 22:16.50 183
212 Jordan Perkins 10 Deer River-Northland 22:16.90 184
213 Phil Mcphail 11 Carlton 22:19.40 185
214 Peter Granholm 11 Wrenshall 22:27.70 --
215 Luke Raymond 12 East Central 22:30.40 186
216 Charlie Roseburg 10 St. Paul Academy and Summ 22:30.80 187
217 Troy Stitt 8 East Central 22:34.70 188
218 Nicolas Beck 11 East Central 22:37.80 189
219 Kyle Aune 12 East Grand Forks 22:53.40 --
220 Mitch Frank 11 Wrenshall 23:03.40 --
221 Adam Jude 10 Maple Lake 23:13.90 --
222 Roman Schnobrich 8 Cook County-Two 23:26.10 190
223 Ben Daminani 12 Greenway/Nashwak- 23:46.30 --
224 Mike Goranson 11 Carlton 23:49.70 191
225 Benjamin Johnson 9 St. Croix Schools 24:44.10 192
226 Tyler Kaster 11 Kingsland 24:46.50 193
227 Ethan Klovstad 12 Mesabi East 26:27.00 --
Varsity Boys A 5000 Meter Run Team Scores
Team Pts 1 2 3 4 5 (6) (7)
1 St. Cloud Cathedral 80 4 12 13 15 36 43 54
Total Time: 1:25:42 Average: 17:08.42 1-5 Split: 1:25
2 Perham 82 11 14 17 18 22 47 61
Total Time: 1:26:22 Average: 17:16.32 1-5 Split: 44
3 Blake School 96 1 16 23 27 29 44 52
Total Time: 1:26:21 Average: 17:16.26 1-5 Split: 1:40
4 Northwestern 157 8 19 26 51 53 83 89
Total Time: 1:28:21 Average: 17:40.28 1-5 Split: 1:28
5 Mesabi East 175 9 30 33 34 69 88 110
Total Time: 1:28:42 Average: 17:44.44 1-5 Split: 1:40
6 Esko 195 7 21 31 64 72 81 144
Total Time: 1:28:60 Average: 17:47.90 1-5 Split: 1:46
7 Plainview-Elgin-Millville 203 6 40 48 50 59 87 113
Total Time: 1:29:14 Average: 17:50.76 1-5 Split: 1:49
8 Mora 216 32 41 42 45 56 102 117
Total Time: 1:30:13 Average: 18:02.66 1-5 Split: 31
9 Proctor 233 2 3 57 78 93 116 158
Total Time: 1:28:13 Average: 17:38.60 1-5 Split: 2:52
10 Glencoe-Silver Lake 283 5 25 73 85 95 99 -
Total Time: 1:30:33 Average: 18:06.50 1-5 Split: 2:31
11 Virginia 341 24 58 68 84 107 119 153
Total Time: 1:32:27 Average: 18:29.48 1-5 Split: 1:34
12 Colfax 381 39 63 71 103 105 109 146
Total Time: 1:33:11 Average: 18:38.18 1-5 Split: 1:010
13 Eveleth-Gilbert 417 49 74 79 104 111 132 148
Total Time: 1:33:54 Average: 18:46.84 1-5 Split: 1:04
14 Belle Plaine 421 38 67 82 108 126 127 131
Total Time: 1:34:02 Average: 18:48.34 1-5 Split: 1:38
15 Mountain Lake 440 62 66 77 86 149 154 178
Total Time: 1:34:54 Average: 18:58.70 1-5 Split: 2:18
16 Watertown-Mayer 484 35 100 101 114 134 139 170
Total Time: 1:35:19 Average: 19:03.74 1-5 Split: 2:02
17 Long Prairie 486 20 91 122 125 128 135 143
Total Time: 1:35:23 Average: 19:04.60 1-5 Split: 2:07
18 Montgomery-Lonsdale 498 28 96 121 124 129 142 162
Total Time: 1:35:32 Average: 19:06.46 1-5 Split: 2:01
19 St. Paul Academy and Summ 507 10 65 70 175 187 - -
Total Time: 1:37:48 Average: 19:33.68 1-5 Split: 5:38
20 International Falls 524 76 80 112 123 133 137 150
Total Time: 1:36:06 Average: 19:13.24 1-5 Split: 1:15
21 New London-Spicer 530 60 97 98 130 145 173 -
Total Time: 1:36:32 Average: 19:18.32 1-5 Split: 2:02
22 Norwood 566 75 92 120 138 141 155 167
Total Time: 1:37:25 Average: 19:28.96 1-5 Split: 1:33
23 Marshall 630 55 115 147 152 161 179 183
Total Time: 1:39:44 Average: 19:56.86 1-5 Split: 2:38
24 Carlton 668 46 136 159 163 164 185 191
Total Time: 1:40:50 Average: 20:10.08 1-5 Split: 2:52
25 St. Croix Schools 694 37 140 160 165 192 - -
Total Time: 1:44:41 Average: 20:56.14 1-5 Split: 6:47
26 Kingsland 764 94 156 168 172 174 177 193
Total Time: 1:43:59 Average: 20:47.82 1-5 Split: 2:33
27 Cook County-Two 794 106 166 169 171 182 190 -
Total Time: 1:44:55 Average: 20:58.92 1-5 Split: 2:55
28 East Central 804 90 151 186 188 189 - -
Total Time: 1:47:22 Average: 21:28.40 1-5 Split: 3:39
29 Deer River-Northland 812 118 157 176 180 181 184 -
Total Time: 1:45:39 Average: 21:07.86 1-5 Split: 2:33