North Suburban Championships Junior High Boys
The Ponds Golf Course St. Francis, MN
Oct. 18, 2011
Cloudy, 40's
Results by Apple Raceberry Jam
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1 Irondale 6 1 2 3 5 19 9:51.1 0:13.7
2 North Branch 22 4 8 10 17 18 10:31.8 0:40.7
3 Chisago Lakes Area 26 6 7 13 10:40.8 0:29.8
4 Benilde St Margaret's 34 9 11 14 15 16 10:52.9 0:23.9
5 St Francis 54 12 20 22 11:43.3 1:25.2
6 Fridley 68 21 23 24 25 12:23.5 0:37.7
Incomplete Teams: SpringLkPk/St Anthony
1. Irondale
1 Tim Axberg, 8 9:45.8
2 McEwan Rodefeld, 7 9:48.1
3 Joey Jankowski, 8 9:59.5
5 Marcus Schultz, 8 10:26.8
19 Mann Connor, 7 11:44.8
Total Time = 29:33.2 Total Places = 6
2. North Branch
4 Scott Ramberg, 8 10:06.6
8 Jake Bear, 8 10:41.6
10 Dominic Hufford, 8 10:47.3
17 Ben Huberty, 7 11:28.7
18 Leo Cornelius, 7 11:39.4
Total Time = 31:35.4 Total Places = 22
3. Chisago Lakes Area
6 Dustin Kluge, 8 10:30.0
7 Phil LaPlante, 8 10:32.8
13 Jake Wenthe, 8 10:59.7
Total Time = 32:02.4 Total Places = 26
4. Benilde St Margaret's
9 Matt Lynch, 8 10:43.6
11 Peter Valerius, 8 10:47.6
14 Bryan Johnson, 8 11:07.5
15 Andrew Scherer, 8 11:09.8
16 Tony Valerius, 7 11:15.7
Total Time = 32:38.7 Total Places = 34
5. St Francis
12 Nick Gunstrom, 8 10:54.6
20 Andrew Miller, 7 11:55.5
22 Landon Henjum, 7 12:19.7
Total Time = 35:09.8 Total Places = 54
6. Fridley
21 Jakob Hofstad, 8 12:05.1
23 Mark Phetteplace, 7 12:22.6
24 David Cullen, 7 12:42.8
25 Keanan Allen, 8 15:15.0
Total Time = 37:10.3 Total Places = 68
1 1 Tim Axberg, 8 9:45.8 Irondale
2 2 McEwan Rodefeld, 7 9:48.1 Irondale
3 3 Joey Jankowski, 8 9:59.5 Irondale
4 4 Scott Ramberg, 8 10:06.6 North Branch
5 5 Marcus Schultz, 8 10:26.8 Irondale
6 6 Dustin Kluge, 8 10:30.0 Chisago Lakes Area
7 7 Phil LaPlante, 8 10:32.8 Chisago Lakes Area
8 8 Jake Bear, 8 10:41.6 North Branch
9 9 Matt Lynch, 8 10:43.6 Benilde St Margaret's
10 10 Dominic Hufford, 8 10:47.3 North Branch
11 11 Peter Valerius, 8 10:47.6 Benilde St Margaret's
12 12 Nick Gunstrom, 8 10:54.6 St Francis
13 13 Jake Wenthe, 8 10:59.7 Chisago Lakes Area
14 14 Bryan Johnson, 8 11:07.5 Benilde St Margaret's
15 15 Andrew Scherer, 8 11:09.8 Benilde St Margaret's
16 16 Tony Valerius, 7 11:15.7 Benilde St Margaret's
17 17 Ben Huberty, 7 11:28.7 North Branch
18 18 Leo Cornelius, 7 11:39.4 North Branch
19 19 Mann Connor, 7 11:44.8 Irondale
20 Connor Drazan, 7 11:47.8 Benilde St Margaret's
21 20 Andrew Miller, 7 11:55.5 St Francis
22 21 Jakob Hofstad, 8 12:05.1 Fridley
23 22 Landon Henjum, 7 12:19.7 St Francis
24 23 Mark Phetteplace, 7 12:22.6 Fridley
25 Dion Peterson, 7 12:26.7 SpringLkPk/St Anthony
26 24 David Cullen, 7 12:42.8 Fridley
27 Nathaniel Howe, 7 13:55.1 SpringLkPk/St Anthony
28 25 Keanan Allen, 8 15:15.0 Fridley