Northwest Suburban Conference Championships 2011

Elk River, MN

JV Girls 4k


Northwest Suburban Conference Championships JV Girls

Elk River Golf Club

Oct. 13, 2011

Sunny, breezy, 60s
Results by Apple Raceberry JaM

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  1 Coon Rapids              36    2    7    8    9   10   11   17  17:21.3  0:45.7
  2 Maple Grove              40    3    5    6   12   14   20   23  17:22.7  0:43.2
  3 Elk River                91    4   16   18   21   32   44   53  17:55.3  1:32.3
  4 Anoka                   149    1   19   27   43   59   66   67  18:19.1  2:36.4
  5 Andover                 153   15   24   26   42   46   55   61  18:27.8  1:08.4
  6 Park Center             164   28   31   34   35   36   37   50  18:41.5  0:11.5
  7 Centennial              194   29   30   33   39   63   65   73  18:51.4  1:00.9
  8 Robbinsdale Armstrong   198   13   38   41   52   54   68   70  18:41.5  1:30.6
  9 Osseo                   221   22   45   47   51   56   57   62  18:52.1  1:13.2
 10 Champlin Park           259   40   48   49   58   64   69   72  19:09.2  0:50.6
 11 Blaine                  305   25   60   71   74   75   76   77  20:15.4  3:02.3

Incomplete Teams: 
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Coon Rapids
    2  Elise Weimholt, 9          16:50.3  
    7  Amanda Anderson, 10        17:21.1  
    8  Allyssa Hyde, 10           17:24.4  
    9  Katie Kiecker, 10          17:34.8  
   10  Sydney Thomson, 9          17:36.0  
   11  Ali Knauss, 10             17:36.6  
   17  Sydney Dills, 9            17:56.0  
Total Time = 1:26:46.5     Total Places = 36

2. Maple Grove
    3  Jordan Quale, 8            16:58.8  
    5  Lauren Scheidler, 8        17:14.6  
    6  Kaia Carlson, 12           17:17.1  
   12  Nicole Rademacher, 12      17:40.8  
   14  Brenna Funfar, 11          17:42.0  
   20  Bridget Bergstrom, 8       17:58.3  
   23  Leah Peterson, 8           18:12.6  
Total Time = 1:26:53.1     Total Places = 40

3. Elk River
    4  Lydia Carr, 8              17:06.5  
   16  Jordyn Sohns, 11           17:52.4  
   18  Hannah Griaf, 9            17:57.9  
   21  Colette Woyke, 9           18:00.8  
   32  Mallory Adams, 10          18:38.8  
   44  Kallie Peterson, 10        18:51.3  
   53  Holly Skalsky, 11          19:00.2  
Total Time = 1:29:36.2     Total Places = 91

4. Anoka
    1  Isabella Brezinka, 7       16:50.3  
   19  Mareesa Roo, 11            17:58.0  
   27  Emma Steffens, 8           18:29.8  
   43  Shelby Wilcox, 11          18:50.7  
   59  Jewel Bertzyk, 12          19:26.6  
   66  Alexandra Stevens, 12      19:42.3  
   67  Nicole Pexa, 11            19:53.2  
Total Time = 1:31:35.2     Total Places = 149

5. Andover
   15  Sidney Barnette, 10        17:46.8  
   24  Katelyn McEnelly, 9        18:18.4  
   26  Carly Haskins, 11          18:29.0  
   42  Alexis Pearson, 9          18:49.6  
   46  Adamski Kay, 11            18:55.1  
   55  Olivia Head, 11            19:15.6  
   61  Jamie Pedin, 11            19:34.3  
Total Time = 1:32:18.7     Total Places = 153

6. Park Center
   28  Caitlyn Stefani, 10        18:34.7  
   31  Cindy Finnvik, 9           18:38.6  
   34  Renae Metzger, 12          18:41.8  
   35  Grace Arel, 8              18:46.0  
   36  Irene Otieno, 8            18:46.2  
   37  Rebekah Ehlert, 10         18:46.3  
   50  Kaitlin Ruth, 10           18:57.3  
Total Time = 1:33:27.1     Total Places = 164

7. Centennial
   29  Abby Cafferty, 11          18:35.9  
   30  Katherine Underwood, 10    18:38.0  
   33  Alison Robichaud, 9        18:39.2  
   39  Bri Ziegler, 9             18:47.3  
   63  Megan Hanson, 9            19:36.7  
   65  Abby Pederson, 9           19:39.3  
   73  Courtney Kueppers, 12      20:40.3  
Total Time = 1:34:17.0     Total Places = 194

8. Robbinsdale Armstrong
   13  Destiny Young, 9           17:41.4  
   38  Katherine Schoff, 9        18:47.1  
   41  Kaaren Bucka, 11           18:47.8  
   52  Kara Andersen, 8           18:59.4  
   54  Sarah Bliss, 10            19:12.0  
   68  Ashley Zagaros, 8          20:24.9  
   70  Hannah Reisner, 12         20:30.4  
Total Time = 1:33:27.5     Total Places = 198

9. Osseo
   22  Alliana Houfek, 7          18:10.2  
   45  Maren Strootman, 7         18:54.5  
   47  Breana Johnson, 11         18:55.2  
   51  Kyla Berges, 11            18:57.6  
   56  Kaitlin Anderson, 9        19:23.3  
   57  Morgan Bialke, 12          19:23.6  
   62  Emily Schoenrock, 12       19:36.7  
Total Time = 1:34:20.6     Total Places = 221

10. Champlin Park
   40  Shannon Wald, 10           18:47.7  
   48  Hannah Rorvick, 10         18:56.5  
   49  Michelle Weber, 12         18:57.2  
   58  Anne Atkins, 10            19:26.2  
   64  Ashley Holman, 12          19:38.3  
   69  Kendra Smith, 12           20:25.5  
   72  Rachel Baarson, 12         20:37.3  
Total Time = 1:35:45.7     Total Places = 259

11. Blaine
   25  Hannah Habermann, 8        18:26.0  
   60  Allie Vanderleest, 11      19:33.1  
   71  Olivia Landborg, 11        20:35.5  
   74  Rachel Helin, 10           21:14.3  
   75  Kayla Newberg, 9           21:28.2  
   76  Julia Hoffman, 10          21:52.2  
   77  Marissa Paether, 10        23:11.9  
Total Time = 1:41:17.0     Total Places = 305
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Isabella Brezinka, 7       16:50.3    Anoka                
    2     2  Elise Weimholt, 9          16:50.3    Coon Rapids          
    3     3  Jordan Quale, 8            16:58.8    Maple Grove          
    4     4  Lydia Carr, 8              17:06.5    Elk River            
    5     5  Lauren Scheidler, 8        17:14.6    Maple Grove          
    6     6  Kaia Carlson, 12           17:17.1    Maple Grove          
    7     7  Amanda Anderson, 10        17:21.1    Coon Rapids          
    8     8  Allyssa Hyde, 10           17:24.4    Coon Rapids          
    9     9  Katie Kiecker, 10          17:34.8    Coon Rapids          
   10    10  Sydney Thomson, 9          17:36.0    Coon Rapids          
   11    11  Ali Knauss, 10             17:36.6    Coon Rapids          
   12    12  Nicole Rademacher, 12      17:40.8    Maple Grove          
   13    13  Destiny Young, 9           17:41.4    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
   14    14  Brenna Funfar, 11          17:42.0    Maple Grove          
   15    15  Sidney Barnette, 10        17:46.8    Andover              
   16    16  Jordyn Sohns, 11           17:52.4    Elk River            
   17    17  Sydney Dills, 9            17:56.0    Coon Rapids          
   18        Hanna Wallmow, 11          17:57.1    Coon Rapids          
   19    18  Hannah Griaf, 9            17:57.9    Elk River            
   20    19  Mareesa Roo, 11            17:58.0    Anoka                
   21    20  Bridget Bergstrom, 8       17:58.3    Maple Grove          
   22        Katlyn Woitas, 10          17:59.6    Coon Rapids          
   23        Jerlie Jensen, 11          17:59.9    Coon Rapids          
   24        Megan Przybilla, 10        18:00.4    Coon Rapids          
   25    21  Colette Woyke, 9           18:00.8    Elk River            
   26        Christina Truong, 11       18:03.1    Coon Rapids          
   27    22  Alliana Houfek, 7          18:10.2    Osseo                
   28    23  Leah Peterson, 8           18:12.6    Maple Grove          
   29        Lauren Stille, 11          18:16.4    Maple Grove          
   30        Allie Stalboerger, 9       18:18.4    Coon Rapids          
   31    24  Katelyn McEnelly, 9        18:18.4    Andover              
   32        Shayla Huffman, 10         18:21.1    Coon Rapids          
   33        Kelly Olzenak, 11          18:25.4    Maple Grove          
   34    25  Hannah Habermann, 8        18:26.0    Blaine               
   35        Nicole Nelson, 8           18:27.7    Coon Rapids          
   36        Anika Henschel, 12         18:28.6    Coon Rapids          
   37        Britta Dahl, 10            18:28.8    Maple Grove          
   38    26  Carly Haskins, 11          18:29.0    Andover              
   39    27  Emma Steffens, 8           18:29.8    Anoka                
   40        Victoria Weimholt, 8       18:30.8    Coon Rapids          
   41        Nicole Christianson, 12    18:34.1    Coon Rapids          
   42    28  Caitlyn Stefani, 10        18:34.7    Park Center          
   43        Taylor Rosacker, 7         18:35.7    Maple Grove          
   44    29  Abby Cafferty, 11          18:35.9    Centennial           
   45        Anna Truong, 11            18:37.0    Coon Rapids          
   46    30  Katherine Underwood, 10    18:38.0    Centennial           
   47    31  Cindy Finnvik, 9           18:38.6    Park Center          
   48    32  Mallory Adams, 10          18:38.8    Elk River            
   49    33  Alison Robichaud, 9        18:39.2    Centennial           
   50        Lauren Bright, 8           18:41.4    Maple Grove          
   51    34  Renae Metzger, 12          18:41.8    Park Center          
   52    35  Grace Arel, 8              18:46.0    Park Center          
   53    36  Irene Otieno, 8            18:46.2    Park Center          
   54    37  Rebekah Ehlert, 10         18:46.3    Park Center          
   55        Ashliegh Carstensen, 10    18:47.0    Maple Grove          
   56        Cora Nieson, 11            18:47.1    Maple Grove          
   57    38  Katherine Schoff, 9        18:47.1    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
   58    39  Bri Ziegler, 9             18:47.3    Centennial           
   59    40  Shannon Wald, 10           18:47.7    Champlin Park        
   60    41  Kaaren Bucka, 11           18:47.8    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
   61        Juhyun Kwon, 11            18:48.0    Maple Grove          
   62    42  Alexis Pearson, 9          18:49.6    Andover              
   63    43  Shelby Wilcox, 11          18:50.7    Anoka                
   64    44  Kallie Peterson, 10        18:51.3    Elk River            
   65    45  Maren Strootman, 7         18:54.5    Osseo                
   66        Marah Nightingale, 9       18:54.6    Maple Grove          
   67    46  Adamski Kay, 11            18:55.1    Andover              
   68    47  Breana Johnson, 11         18:55.2    Osseo                
   69    48  Hannah Rorvick, 10         18:56.5    Champlin Park        
   70    49  Michelle Weber, 12         18:57.2    Champlin Park        
   71    50  Kaitlin Ruth, 10           18:57.3    Park Center          
   72    51  Kyla Berges, 11            18:57.6    Osseo                
   73    52  Kara Andersen, 8           18:59.4    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
   74    53  Holly Skalsky, 11          19:00.2    Elk River            
   75        Ellie Kania, 10            19:01.1    Maple Grove          
   76        Abby Beaver, 7             19:01.8    Park Center          
   77        Becca Beyer, 9             19:04.8    Coon Rapids          
   78        Katie Boden, 11            19:09.9    Coon Rapids          
   79    54  Sarah Bliss, 10            19:12.0    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
   80        Rachael Ernst, 10          19:12.3    Park Center          
   81    55  Olivia Head, 11            19:15.6    Andover              
   82        Heather Burt, 9            19:16.2    Coon Rapids          
   83        Molly Caven, 8             19:16.4    Maple Grove          
   84        Maddi Williams, 10         19:17.3    Coon Rapids          
   85        Kenzie Lundstrom, 9        19:17.6    Park Center          
   86        Cydney Evert, 11           19:18.8    Elk River            
   87        Kezlie Pollmann, 10        19:21.3    Park Center          
   88    56  Kaitlin Anderson, 9        19:23.3    Osseo                
   89    57  Morgan Bialke, 12          19:23.6    Osseo                
   90    58  Anne Atkins, 10            19:26.2    Champlin Park        
   91        Rachel Haller, 10          19:26.4    Elk River            
   92    59  Jewel Bertzyk, 12          19:26.6    Anoka                
   93        Erica Edstrom, 8           19:27.3    Park Center          
   94        Wendy Richards, 10         19:29.6    Maple Grove          
   95        Maggie Milless, 10         19:30.7    Coon Rapids          
   96        Emily Hughes, 11           19:31.9    Maple Grove          
   97        Mandy Sailor, 10           19:32.6    Elk River            
   98    60  Allie Vanderleest, 11      19:33.1    Blaine               
   99        Neary Men, 11              19:34.2    Coon Rapids          
  100    61  Jamie Pedin, 11            19:34.3    Andover              
  101        Kayla Kaiser, 10           19:34.5    Maple Grove          
  102    62  Emily Schoenrock, 12       19:36.7    Osseo                
  103    63  Megan Hanson, 9            19:36.7    Centennial           
  104        Michelle Perri, 10         19:36.9    Osseo                
  105    64  Ashley Holman, 12          19:38.3    Champlin Park        
  106    65  Abby Pederson, 9           19:39.3    Centennial           
  107        Jill Vieau, 12             19:39.6    Osseo                
  108        Mariah Wetzel, 8           19:40.1    Osseo                
  109        Catherine Dang, 11         19:40.7    Park Center          
  110        Melinda Novak, 11          19:41.9    Coon Rapids          
  111    66  Alexandra Stevens, 12      19:42.3    Anoka                
  112        Jenny Aarons, 10           19:42.6    Maple Grove          
  113        Ellie Kust, 10             19:51.6    Park Center          
  114    67  Nicole Pexa, 11            19:53.2    Anoka                
  115        Alesha Petersen, 9         19:55.9    Anoka                
  116        Abigail Skaalerud, 9       19:57.3    Anoka                
  117        Nicole Gruba, 11           19:57.7    Elk River            
  118        Jenna Hughes, 9            19:58.5    Maple Grove          
  119        Teresa Lancette, 8         20:03.6    Coon Rapids          
  120        Sarah Fish, 11             20:05.8    Coon Rapids          
  121        Allison Vatne, 11          20:12.7    Andover              
  122        Emma Hohlen, 11            20:13.3    Elk River            
  123    68  Ashley Zagaros, 8          20:24.9    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
  124    69  Kendra Smith, 12           20:25.5    Champlin Park        
  125        Melissa Truong, 9          20:27.9    Coon Rapids          
  126        Lauren Erie, 12            20:28.3    Coon Rapids          
  127    70  Hannah Reisner, 12         20:30.4    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
  128    71  Olivia Landborg, 11        20:35.5    Blaine               
  129    72  Rachel Baarson, 12         20:37.3    Champlin Park        
  130        Emma Crane, 9              20:39.2    Elk River            
  131    73  Courtney Kueppers, 12      20:40.3    Centennial           
  132        Dorothy Otieno, 11         20:40.9    Park Center          
  133        Emily Quist, 8             20:49.0    Anoka                
  134        Allison Diesting, 10       20:55.3    Maple Grove          
  135        Madi Johnson, 10           20:57.1    Maple Grove          
  136        Madeline Johnston, 7       20:58.3    Anoka                
  137        Maddie Johnson, 10         20:58.4    Maple Grove          
  138        Jaclyn Studniski, 9        20:58.6    Elk River            
  139        Natalie Skoglund, 12       20:58.7    Champlin Park        
  140        Somer Soli, 11             21:00.9    Champlin Park        
  141        Alysa Cross, 11            21:02.6    Anoka                
  142        Lexy Herrmann, 8           21:09.7    Coon Rapids          
  143        Hannah Hempe, 10           21:12.7    Maple Grove          
  144    74  Rachel Helin, 10           21:14.3    Blaine               
  145        Mary Roban, 12             21:15.6    Osseo                
  146        Sara Duric, 11             21:16.5    Coon Rapids          
  147        Nicole Stalboerger, 10     21:16.9    Coon Rapids          
  148        Shaina Nelson, 11          21:18.5    Anoka                
  149        Sara Kleba, 11             21:21.1    Coon Rapids          
  150        Karly Schuman, 12          21:25.0    Champlin Park        
  151        Charlotte Port, 11         21:25.3    Centennial           
  152        Laura Soderstrom, 10       21:25.4    Osseo                
  153    75  Kayla Newberg, 9           21:28.2    Blaine               
  154        Rachel Holt, 11            21:42.3    Andover              
  155        Brianna Ruth, 8            21:51.1    Park Center          
  156    76  Julia Hoffman, 10          21:52.2    Blaine               
  157        Susanna Strom, 11          21:58.5    Maple Grove          
  158        Emily Owens, 10            22:00.5    Coon Rapids          
  159        Becca Kopplin, 10          22:02.6    Coon Rapids          
  160        Anna Schmitz, 11           22:06.1    Champlin Park        
  161        Katie Herron, 12           22:10.1    Champlin Park        
  162        Kalie Manke, 10            22:12.4    Anoka                
  163        Abigail Renner, 11         22:13.9    Maple Grove          
  164        Bri Maki, 11               22:14.6    Anoka                
  165        Kelsey Jonason, 9          22:16.6    Champlin Park        
  166        Gabbi Horsford, 10         22:41.3    Osseo                
  167        Hannah Lornetzen, 11       22:44.9    Champlin Park        
  168        Gabby Ockuly, 11           22:49.1    Champlin Park        
  169        Katie Mendenhall, 9        22:59.1    Centennial           
  170    77  Marissa Paether, 10        23:11.9    Blaine               
  171        Maddie Heie, 11            23:15.2    Champlin Park        
  172        Amy Thompson, 12           23:19.7    Blaine               
  173        Lauren Berg, 11            23:26.8    Maple Grove          
  174        Shelby Larson, 9           24:08.0    Coon Rapids          
  175        Kayo Hussein, 9            26:25.6    Robbinsdale Armstrong 
  176        Rylie Yaeger, 10           26:39.2    Maple Grove          

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