Big 9 Conference Championships 2011 vs Big 9 Conference Championships 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -460 312 772
Overall Average -2:37.48 19:51.59 22:29.07
1st-10th Place -33.47 16:17.17 16:50.64
1st-25th Place -31.49 16:38.32 17:09.82
1st-50th Place -21.12 17:07.37 17:28.49
1st-100th Place -10.14 17:44.69 17:54.83
Common Athletes -- -- 8
Ran Faster -8 -- 8
Ran Season Best 7 8 1
Average Time +3:03.45 21:25.97 18:22.53
Median Time +2:37.60 21:20.40 18:42.80
Middle 80% Times +3:07.59 21:39.43 18:31.84
Top 10% Times +2:34.50 19:51.80 17:17.30
Top 25% Times +2:38.35 20:00.75 17:22.40
Top 50% Times +2:32.65 20:13.03 17:40.38
Bottom 50% Times +3:34.25 22:38.93 19:04.67
Bottom 25% Times +4:16.65 23:41.90 19:25.25
Bottom 10% Times +4:47.40 24:25.40 19:38.00
Average Difference +3:03.45 -- --
Median Difference +2:37.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +3:24.04 -- --
Top 10% Difference +39.30 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:53.00 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:01.80 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:53.00 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +4:13.90 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4:51.90 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +6:23.40 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ross Stevenson Owatonna High School +4:34.20 21:51.50 17:17.30
Andrew Gathje Rochester Mayo High School +3:02.90 20:30.40 17:27.50
Yousef Almatrok Winona High School +2:25.50 20:20.20 17:54.70
Logan Swenson Winona High School +6:23.40 24:25.40 18:02.00
Jared Baudoin Rochester Mayo High School +2:37.60 21:20.40 18:42.80
Erik Krenz Mankato West High School +1:24.30 20:09.70 18:45.40
Joseph Kroymann Austin High School +39.30 19:51.80 19:12.50
Samuel Rowekamp Rochester Mayo High School +3:20.40 22:58.40 19:38.00