Lakeville Applejack Invite 2009

Lakeville, MN

Lakeville Applejack Invite 2009 vs Lakeville Applejack Invite 2006

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +172 604 432
Overall Average -52.85 19:30.54 20:23.38
1st-10th Place -29.67 15:57.32 16:26.99
1st-25th Place -36.32 16:14.84 16:51.16
1st-50th Place -43.36 16:30.85 17:14.21
1st-100th Place -44.50 16:56.01 17:40.51
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster 38 39 1
Ran Season Best -- 5 5
Average Time -2:33.68 18:11.62 20:45.30
Median Time -2:13.30 18:12.60 20:25.90
Middle 80% Times -2:25.45 18:04.64 20:30.09
Top 10% Times -1:53.15 15:56.78 17:49.93
Top 25% Times -1:58.81 16:25.37 18:24.18
Top 50% Times -2:11.89 16:59.46 19:11.35
Bottom 50% Times -2:55.48 19:23.78 22:19.26
Bottom 25% Times -3:27.74 20:10.94 23:38.68
Bottom 10% Times -4:20.08 21:22.30 25:42.38
Average Difference -2:33.68 -- --
Median Difference -55.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:13.51 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:29.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:40.05 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:43.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:40.05 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -3:27.32 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -4:03.24 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -6:19.20 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jacob Sandry Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:44.60 15:32.90 18:17.50
Jon-michel Brandt Winona High School -1:12.60 15:45.60 16:58.20
Kyle Maloney Richfield High School -2:00.50 15:59.00 17:59.50
Mark Gallagher Lakeville South High School -2:52.00 16:29.60 19:21.60
Ben Saxton Lakeville North High School -2:14.00 16:32.00 18:46.00
David Kennedy Coon Rapids High School -2:48.40 16:36.00 19:24.40
Kyle Haugen Lakeville North High School -1:32.50 16:40.20 18:12.70
Dylan Sorman Coon Rapids High School -4:23.30 16:43.70 21:07.00
Ben B. Cox Minnetonka High School -1:12.50 16:56.80 18:09.30
Joe Brenner Lakeville North High School -1:47.80 16:57.90 18:45.70
Calvin Mehrhof Coon Rapids High School -4:06.60 17:05.90 21:12.50
Sam Bach Lakeville North High School -3:16.20 17:09.40 20:25.60
Jake Schneeman Lakeville South High School -4:19.30 17:30.30 21:49.60
Justin Schlitz Prior Lake High School -2:53.10 17:31.40 20:24.50
Joe Hjerpe Robbinsdale Armstrong High School -3:31.30 17:34.40 21:05.70
Erik Chapman Winona High School -52.90 17:38.30 18:31.20
Chad Retterath Farmington High School -3:45.20 17:41.70 21:26.90
Anthony Lutovsky Eagan High School -2:31.20 17:42.40 20:13.60
Adam Nelson Coon Rapids High School -5:37.50 17:43.30 23:20.80
Riley Lovell Lakeville South High School -2:36.90 17:58.40 20:35.30
Matt Blomsness Winona High School -47.50 18:12.60 19:00.10
Nate Peterson Lakeville North High School -3:16.20 18:15.20 21:31.40
Conner Griffen Lakeville North High School -1:42.10 18:19.20 20:01.30
Eric Engen Winona High School -2:44.80 18:24.50 21:09.30
Joe Fleck Prior Lake High School -45.60 18:41.90 19:27.50
Dallas Campbell Park High School -1:13.00 18:43.00 19:56.00
David Hargreaves Robbinsdale Armstrong High School -5:24.70 18:43.70 24:08.40
Jeremy Serreyn Lakeville South High School -2:12.30 18:45.70 20:58.00
Carl Elmer Farmington High School -2:47.50 18:51.30 21:38.80
Calvin Bergen Richfield High School -6:56.80 19:09.00 26:05.80
Daniel Solom Robbinsdale Armstrong High School -3:17.90 19:09.60 22:27.50
Chris Borgen Lakeville South High School -22.00 19:15.30 19:37.30
Bryan Tate Park High School -37.30 19:20.10 19:57.40
Preston Campbell Lakeville North High School -1:01.70 19:24.60 20:26.30
Ben Ryclberg Lakeville North High School -55.70 19:30.20 20:25.90
Davad Holman Bloomington Kennedy High School -2:40.90 19:40.40 22:21.30
Michael Durand Winona High School +4.90 20:22.40 20:17.50
Derek Donnelly Lakeville South High School -1:35.50 20:47.60 22:23.10
Andrew Treadway Park High School -7:17.80 21:56.70 29:14.50
Justin Brickman Bloomington Jefferson High School -34.50 22:22.50 22:57.00