Mankato East Invite 2016

Mankato, MN

Mankato East Invite 2016 vs Mankato East Invite 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -19 116 135
Overall Average +21.39 25:21.43 25:00.04
1st-10th Place +20.80 19:05.00 18:44.20
1st-25th Place +0.16 20:05.04 20:04.88
1st-50th Place +10.18 21:37.98 21:27.80
1st-100th Place +51.94 24:13.56 23:21.62
Common Athletes -- -- 65
Ran Faster -25 20 45
Ran Season Best -- -- --
Average Time +47.49 25:21.78 24:34.29
Median Time +1:16.00 25:08.00 23:52.00
Middle 80% Times +52.79 25:20.75 24:27.96
Top 10% Times +36.57 19:06.29 18:29.71
Top 25% Times +32.88 20:23.65 19:50.76
Top 50% Times +47.58 22:10.79 21:23.21
Bottom 50% Times +45.97 27:46.67 27:00.70
Bottom 25% Times +46.65 30:46.18 29:59.53
Bottom 10% Times +28.71 32:37.00 32:08.29
Average Difference +47.49 -- --
Median Difference +2:04.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +53.81 -- --
Top 10% Difference +24.29 -- --
Top 50% Difference +40.24 -- --
Top 25% Difference +34.06 -- --
Top 50% Difference +40.24 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +57.06 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +51.24 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +50.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Grant Strukel Blue Earth Area High School +41.00 18:41.00 18:00.00
Drew Hastings Belle Plaine High School +1:03.00 19:18.00 18:15.00
Luke Lehne Mankato East High School +2:52.00 21:12.00 18:20.00
Mitchell Buerkle Springfield High School +36.00 19:11.00 18:35.00
Jett Oachs Mankato East High School +2:19.00 20:55.00 18:36.00
Elijah Kirschstein Springfield High School +1:12.00 19:56.00 18:44.00
Kyle Siemon Belle Plaine High School -26.00 18:46.00 19:12.00
Caleb Caflisch Mankato East High School -30.00 18:50.00 19:20.00
Carter Roles Mankato East High School +14.00 19:12.00 18:58.00
Justin Hoeper Mankato East High School +2:10.00 21:39.00 19:29.00
Brady Olsen Blue Earth Area High School -2:14.00 19:46.00 22:00.00
Noah Surprenant Mankato East High School +1:00.00 20:59.00 19:59.00
Tristan Cruz Belle Plaine High School -1:52.00 20:30.00 22:22.00
Noah Hastings Belle Plaine High School -12.00 20:44.00 20:56.00
Alex Maclean Mankato East High School +1:17.00 22:10.00 20:53.00
Hunter Schmidt Belle Plaine High School +1:11.00 22:42.00 21:31.00
Colton Bahr Belle Plaine High School +1:29.00 23:45.00 22:16.00
Lizzy Schmidt Belle Plaine High School +2:02.00 24:21.00 22:19.00
Gunnar Fering Blue Earth Area High School -1:50.00 22:22.00 24:12.00
Cassie Stolt Belle Plaine High School +2:00.00 24:24.00 22:24.00
Noah Stiemke Belle Plaine High School +18.00 22:43.00 22:25.00
Tommy Sullivan Belle Plaine High School +2:39.00 25:08.00 22:29.00
Jay Sabatka Mankato East High School -1:32.00 22:31.00 24:03.00
Connor Mulroy Belle Plaine High School +4:30.00 27:03.00 22:33.00
McKenna Herrmann Belle Plaine High School +1:11.00 23:53.00 22:42.00
Adam Glade Mankato East High School +1:30.00 24:21.00 22:51.00
Derek Weisensel Minnesota Valley Lutheran +17.00 23:08.00 22:51.00
Micah Scherer Sibley East High School +2:41.00 25:55.00 23:14.00
Andrew Black Minnesota Valley Lutheran +2:24.00 25:39.00 23:15.00
Emily Berger Belle Plaine High School +11.00 23:27.00 23:16.00
Lillian McCone Springfield High School +2:04.00 25:27.00 23:23.00
Miranda Groebner Springfield High School +39.00 24:06.00 23:27.00
Jordyn Williams Belle Plaine High School +2:11.00 25:49.00 23:38.00
Davis Wibstad Sibley East High School +1:27.00 25:08.00 23:41.00
Jacob Dikken Blue Earth Area High School -11.00 23:52.00 24:03.00
Alex Meger Belle Plaine High School +2:26.00 26:18.00 23:52.00
Ahn Enright Mankato East High School +52.00 24:57.00 24:05.00
Melissa Hagedon Blue Earth Area High School +2:33.00 26:52.00 24:19.00
Callie Stevermer Blue Earth Area High School +1:09.00 25:36.00 24:27.00
Kincaid Diersen Minnesota Valley Lutheran -19.00 24:38.00 24:57.00
Max Nerland Minnesota Valley Lutheran +6:46.00 31:26.00 24:40.00
Eric Becker Blue Earth Area High School -3:14.00 24:41.00 27:55.00
Elizabeth Alejandro Sibley East High School +35.00 25:31.00 24:56.00
Treselia Greiner Mankato East High School -2:31.00 25:38.00 28:09.00
Cole Himmer Mankato East High School +2:22.00 28:12.00 25:50.00
Micah Roux Minnesota Valley Lutheran -2:18.00 26:04.00 28:22.00
Sam Muske Minnesota Valley Lutheran +51.00 27:07.00 26:16.00
Emily Sellner Mankato East High School +32.00 27:12.00 26:40.00
Thea Iverson Belle Plaine High School -10:03.00 26:41.00 36:44.00
Matthew Hillesheim Springfield High School -1:06.00 26:43.00 27:49.00
Magdala Diersen Minnesota Valley Lutheran +2:08.00 29:27.00 27:19.00
Blake Townsend Blue Earth Area High School -35.00 27:37.00 28:12.00
Jessica Brueggemeier Belle Plaine High School +1:55.00 30:03.00 28:08.00
Lauren Zeug Springfield High School -5.00 28:12.00 28:17.00
Emma Germain Blue Earth Area High School +3:51.00 32:04.00 28:13.00
Arianna Nagel Blue Earth Area High School +4:04.00 32:23.00 28:19.00
Katelyn Wilde Mankato East High School +5:53.00 34:14.00 28:21.00
Kendall Kelly Springfield High School -31.00 28:57.00 29:28.00
Hannah Witt Belle Plaine High School +14.00 29:39.00 29:25.00
Josie Fredricksen Mankato East High School +2:05.00 31:36.00 29:31.00
Emma Sullivan Springfield High School +3:14.00 33:04.00 29:50.00
Jamie Zahn Belle Plaine High School -1:27.00 30:07.00 31:34.00
Kailey Noll Belle Plaine High School -6.00 31:12.00 31:18.00
Amanda Jacobson Blue Earth Area High School -1:32.00 31:20.00 32:52.00
Logan Peterson Belle Plaine High School +23.00 33:32.00 33:09.00