Hibbing Rotary Invite 2002

Hibbing, MN

Hibbing Rotary Invite 2002 vs Hibbing Rotary Invite 2000

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -63 119 182
Overall Average +6.44 20:18.72 20:12.28
1st-10th Place +12.94 17:14.11 17:01.17
1st-25th Place +27.02 17:50.46 17:23.44
1st-50th Place +33.56 18:26.28 17:52.73
1st-100th Place +54.17 19:34.93 18:40.76
Common Athletes -- -- 20
Ran Faster 10 15 5
Ran Season Best -- 4 4
Average Time -43.12 19:14.74 19:57.87
Median Time -1:16.10 18:42.40 19:58.50
Middle 80% Times -51.22 19:00.54 19:51.76
Top 10% Times -1:17.25 16:46.05 18:03.30
Top 25% Times -1:06.74 17:21.44 18:28.18
Top 50% Times -1:02.02 17:57.41 18:59.43
Bottom 50% Times -24.22 20:32.08 20:56.30
Bottom 25% Times +20.62 21:59.92 21:39.30
Bottom 10% Times +55.80 23:37.05 22:41.25
Average Difference -43.12 -- --
Median Difference -1:38.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -51.22 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:17.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference -56.94 -- --
Top 25% Difference -51.10 -- --
Top 50% Difference -56.94 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -29.30 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +15.48 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +55.80 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
John Heitzman Grand Rapids High School -1:47.00 16:12.40 17:59.40
Collin Wagner Rock Ridge High School -47.50 17:19.70 18:07.20
Kyle Schmidt Hermantown High School -1:44.00 17:22.60 19:06.60
Dan Scally Grand Rapids High School -14.60 17:54.50 18:09.10
Ben Wagner Rock Ridge High School -1:08.30 17:58.00 19:06.30
Ryan Pender Chisholm High School -1:39.90 18:15.20 19:55.10
Charlie Smith North Woods High School (Cook HS) -1:38.40 18:34.40 20:12.80
Josh Nyhus Hibbing High School -50.30 18:37.50 19:27.80
Pat Wilson Chisholm High School -1:54.60 18:39.00 20:33.60
Ben Sartori Hibbing High School -18.10 18:40.80 18:58.90
Jon Paul Metsa North Woods High School (Cook HS) -1:31.70 18:42.40 20:14.10
Phillip Hohl Hermantown High School -37.00 18:49.50 19:26.50
Jacob Keppeler Proctor High School -1:21.30 19:08.80 20:30.10
Jeff Niemi Mesabi East High School -22.70 19:14.70 19:37.40
Matt Kelley Hibbing High School -1:14.70 19:25.80 20:40.50
Nate Miller Mesabi East High School +15.60 20:14.10 19:58.50
Tom Maki Rock Ridge High School +27.00 20:38.00 20:11.00
Brent Hill Proctor High School +13.50 21:53.40 21:39.90
Nolan Hauta North Woods High School (Cook HS) +47.10 23:09.80 22:22.70
Patrick Skorjanec Mesabi East High School +1:04.50 24:04.30 22:59.80