Meet Information
Apollo Early Bird Invitational
Saturday, August 25th, 2018
VA Hospital (across the street from Apollo High School)
1000 44th Ave. No.
St. Cloud, MN, 56303
3:45 p.m. Coaches meeting
4:00 p.m. Junior High Girls 3200 m
4:25 p.m. Junior High Boys 3200 m
4:50 p.m. Girls JV 5000 m
5:25 p.m. Boys JV 5000 m
6:00 p.m. Girls Varsity 5000 m
6:30 p.m. Boys Varsity 5000 m
Awards to follow at the finish line
Concessions on site
Restrooms: Portable toilets on site near the course
Parking is available at Apollo High School parking lot or the VA lot by the stoplight.
Coaches: Please bring 1 pin per athlete.
Participating teams in 2018: Sartell-St. Stephen, Sauk Rapids-Rice, St. Cloud Tech, Elk River, St. Cloud Cathedral, Wayzata boys, St. Cloud Apollo.
Entries: A maximum of 7 runners will be allowed in the varsity race. Junior High consists of grades 6, 7, and 8. Entry fee is $100.00. Please send or bring a check to the meet if you have not paid already.
Early Bird T-shirts will be available on race day.
Please complete roster (name and grade) on the website by August 23rd. If you have additions after that please email

Saturday, August 25th, 2018
VA Hospital (across the street from Apollo High School)
1000 44th Ave. No.
St. Cloud, MN, 56303
3:45 p.m. Coaches meeting
4:00 p.m. Junior High Girls 3200 m
4:25 p.m. Junior High Boys 3200 m
4:50 p.m. Girls JV 5000 m
5:25 p.m. Boys JV 5000 m
6:00 p.m. Girls Varsity 5000 m
6:30 p.m. Boys Varsity 5000 m
Awards to follow at the finish line
Concessions on site
Restrooms: Portable toilets on site near the course
Parking is available at Apollo High School parking lot or the VA lot by the stoplight.
* Busses please unload and part in the Apollo lot or bus chute.
* Athletes driving, please park in the Apollo lot.
* Spectators, please park in the lot between the fence and stoplight. Do not park on VA grounds.
Coaches: Please bring 1 pin per athlete.
Participating teams in 2018: Sartell-St. Stephen, Sauk Rapids-Rice, St. Cloud Tech, Elk River, St. Cloud Cathedral, Wayzata boys, St. Cloud Apollo.
Entries: A maximum of 7 runners will be allowed in the varsity race. Junior High consists of grades 6, 7, and 8. Entry fee is $100.00. Please send or bring a check to the meet if you have not paid already.
* The first place team in the varsity races receives a cake.
* The top 15 varsity runners will receive medals.
* In the JV races, the top 10 will receive medals.
* The top junior high runner will receive a medal and places 2-10 will receive ribbons.
Early Bird T-shirts will be available on race day.
Please complete roster (name and grade) on the website by August 23rd. If you have additions after that please email