Meet Information
Meet Information
Course:The 2018 Cross Country Showcase course will be the same 5K course that will be used for both the Girls and Boys at the 2018 MSHSL Cross Country Championship Meet. (Map attached)
Race Times: Girls 5K - 10:00 am Boys 5K - 11:00 am
Entry Fees: $200 for the Girls raceand$200 for the Boys race ($400 if entering both teams). Checks should be made out to: St. Olaf College Cross Country. Entry fees are due at packet pickup. If you prefer, please mail your check to:
Chris Daymont
St. Olaf College Showcase
1520 St. Olaf Ave
Northfield, MN 55057
Race Entry Procedure:TheDirect Athleticsentry site for the 8/30/18St. Olaf Show case isOPENnow and will close on Monday, August 27 at 6:00pm.
This entry link can also be found at thefastfinishresults.comsite. Once on the site, click on theBLUEregistration button and then find the St. Olaf Showcase on the list of events and it will take you to the Direct Athletics entry site.
PLEASE GET ON THE SITENOWAND REGISTER TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NO PROBLEMS GETTING SET UP.If your team raced last year (or entered any races through Direct Athletics you already have an account). If you have not used the site before, click on thecreate an accountbutton. If you have any problems or questions getting into or creating your account please contactBob Ertl (612-804-5308) (
Entries are due no later thanMonday, August 27 at 6:00 pm.Chip timing will be limited to 35 runners for your girls team and 35 runners for your boys team. Additional runners may compete in the race but will not receive an official place/time.You can add, edit and change your entries up until Monday, August 27 at 6:00pm.Substitutions to your list of 35 runners will not be permitted after the 6:00 pm Monday deadline
Awards:The top 2 boys and girls teams will receive a Championship plaque. Championship T-shirts will be awarded to the top 30 finishers in each race.
Meet T-shirtswill be available to purchase for $20. Please tell your athletes.
Medical/First-Aid Services:We will have a minimum of two certified athletic trainers on site (at the finish area). In addition, we will have several workers at the finish line to hand out water to runners upon completion of their race. A gator will follow the last runner to the finish.You are responsible for bringing your own training modalities (tape, etc.) and an ice chest - FULL OF ICE FOR YOUR TEAM'S USE.