Mankato East Invite 2019

Mankato, MN

Mankato East Invite 2019 vs Mankato East Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -3 130 133
Overall Average -28.21 23:46.43 24:14.64
1st-10th Place +8.75 18:12.50 18:03.75
1st-25th Place +11.12 19:24.88 19:13.76
1st-50th Place +27.60 20:39.54 20:11.94
1st-100th Place +14.80 22:29.90 22:15.10
Common Athletes -- -- 41
Ran Faster -25 16 41
Ran Season Best -1 -- 1
Average Time +33.58 23:39.90 23:06.33
Median Time +8.10 23:13.00 23:04.90
Middle 80% Times +30.60 23:46.39 23:15.80
Top 10% Times +1:29.80 19:32.60 18:02.80
Top 25% Times +1:21.10 20:31.27 19:10.17
Top 50% Times +54.00 21:27.52 20:33.52
Bottom 50% Times +11.55 24:44.67 24:33.11
Bottom 25% Times +23.23 27:32.55 27:09.32
Bottom 10% Times +18.72 28:58.80 28:40.08
Average Difference +59.36 -- --
Median Difference +10.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +48.37 -- --
Top 10% Difference +31.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:19.62 -- --
Top 25% Difference +50.18 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:19.62 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:14.16 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:11.50 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:09.32 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Emmett Gerres Belle Plaine High School +2:00.70 18:37.00 16:36.30
Mccormick Rohlk Mankato East High School +1:01.20 19:11.00 18:09.80
Edward Nguyen Mankato East High School +4:01.20 22:18.00 18:16.80
Caleb Bentley Mankato East High School +3:43.80 22:06.00 18:22.20
Adam Stiemke Belle Plaine High School +1:47.10 20:36.00 18:48.90
Jose Nevarez Sibley East High School -1:26.70 18:57.00 20:23.70
Ben Potter Springfield High School +2:40.70 22:21.00 19:40.30
Kevin He Belle Plaine High School +48.30 20:29.00 19:40.70
Trevor Parrott Sibley East High School +15.00 20:29.00 20:14.00
Sean Burns Mankato East High School +58.70 21:13.00 20:14.30
Christian Wilmes Mankato East High School +58.10 21:23.00 20:24.90
Zachary Possin Mankato East High School +52.80 21:37.00 20:44.20
Kaiden Akey Mankato East High School +5:10.40 26:17.00 21:06.60
Ava Matejcek Mankato East High School +45.70 22:05.00 21:19.30
Emmy Schulz Mankato East High School -53.20 21:20.00 22:13.20
Malina Koepp Belle Plaine High School -12.20 21:52.00 22:04.20
Sydney Weiland Belle Plaine High School -52.90 22:12.00 23:04.90
Emmett Fahey Belle Plaine High School +55.40 23:17.00 22:21.60
Lillian McCone Springfield High School -3.70 22:26.00 22:29.70
Ethan Edberg Mankato East High School +57.30 23:28.00 22:30.70
Issabella Jeurissen Belle Plaine High School -2:08.00 22:32.00 24:40.00
Mackenzie Murphy Belle Plaine High School -2:50.00 22:48.00 25:38.00
Austin Eyrich Belle Plaine High School -1:20.80 22:53.00 24:13.80
Isaiah Carlovsky Minnesota Valley Lutheran +56.30 23:54.00 22:57.70
Abigail Scholtes Mankato East High School -42.30 23:13.00 23:55.30
Aly Jeurissen Belle Plaine High School -1:03.10 23:23.00 24:26.10
Paul Stoterau Belle Plaine High School +1:38.80 25:20.00 23:41.20
Alexandra Moule Mankato East High School +1:10.00 24:57.00 23:47.00
Garrett Kroells Sibley East High School +10.90 23:58.00 23:47.10
Madison Wolle Mankato East High School -10.40 24:11.00 24:21.40
Bailey Bahr Belle Plaine High School -3:24.30 24:12.00 27:36.30
Ella Schmidt Belle Plaine High School +2:10.00 26:24.00 24:14.00
James Coffland Springfield High School +2:36.00 27:03.00 24:27.00
Cole Javens Mankato East High School +4:06.10 29:52.00 25:45.90
Bethany Pint Belle Plaine High School -48.90 25:49.00 26:37.90
Sydney Hartman Belle Plaine High School +19.50 26:24.00 26:04.50
Violet Hovland Springfield High School -28.80 26:07.00 26:35.80
Sam Halvorson Minnesota Valley Lutheran +1:43.50 28:22.00 26:38.50
Morgan Evans Mankato East High School +2:05.20 29:23.00 27:17.80
Jasmynn Kukacka Mankato East High School -3:36.80 28:30.00 32:06.80
Aria Jamison Belle Plaine High School -54.00 28:47.00 29:41.00