Albany Purple Pride Invite 2019

Albany, MN

Albany Purple Pride Invite 2019 vs Albany Purple Pride Invite 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +7 157 150
Overall Average +50.85 22:35.27 21:44.42
1st-10th Place +37.79 18:03.76 17:25.97
1st-25th Place +37.69 18:36.60 17:58.91
1st-50th Place +25.01 19:12.27 18:47.26
1st-100th Place +23.43 20:36.36 20:12.93
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster -24 8 32
Ran Season Best -8 4 12
Average Time +52.63 22:11.11 21:18.48
Median Time +27.70 21:43.50 21:15.80
Middle 80% Times +55.16 22:00.83 21:05.67
Top 10% Times +53.72 18:21.25 17:27.53
Top 25% Times +1:02.70 19:03.19 18:00.49
Top 50% Times +48.52 19:52.60 19:04.08
Bottom 50% Times +56.74 24:29.63 23:32.89
Bottom 25% Times +51.62 25:49.12 24:57.50
Bottom 10% Times +31.29 27:23.22 26:51.93
Average Difference +52.63 -- --
Median Difference +47.53 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +54.48 -- --
Top 10% Difference +42.55 -- --
Top 50% Difference +49.88 -- --
Top 25% Difference +57.23 -- --
Top 50% Difference +49.88 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +55.38 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:17.73 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +47.88 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Grant Mayers Albany High School +41.69 17:23.30 16:41.61
Wyatt Baum Little Falls High School +1:04.73 18:03.00 16:58.27
Austin Kelzer Melrose Area High School +1:52.24 19:55.10 18:02.86
Olivia Goebel Albany High School +2:49.61 20:57.00 18:07.39
Will Hoeschen Melrose Area High School +1:03.02 19:12.70 18:09.68
Ben Knopik Little Falls High School +49.84 19:01.50 18:11.66
Isaac Larsen Little Falls High School +1:20.52 19:44.50 18:23.98
Ryan Storkamp Foley High School +1:31.59 19:58.60 18:27.01
Dominic Kerzman Melrose Area High School +1:11.85 19:41.30 18:29.45
Ethan Novak Foley High School +47.20 19:20.20 18:33.00
Zach Kadlec Foley High School +1:22.42 19:57.90 18:35.48
Zack Jennissen Foley High School +13.92 18:57.20 18:43.28
Luke Braun Melrose Area High School +27.26 19:20.80 18:53.54
Mitch Kosiba Foley High School -1:28.40 19:47.40 21:15.80
Isaac Milejczak Foley High School +44.64 20:46.30 20:01.66
Andrew Burnett Albany High School +46.53 21:06.60 20:20.07
Mason Petrowitz Little Falls High School -30.27 20:22.90 20:53.17
Cole Chellgren Melrose Area High School +1:18.97 21:54.70 20:35.73
Kayla Meyer Melrose Area High School +58.52 21:40.90 20:42.38
Rowan Winter Rocori High School -28.32 20:55.50 21:23.82
Maria Hinnenkamp Melrose Area High School +47.53 22:03.10 21:15.57
Vincent St. Marie Albany High School +3:38.65 24:54.40 21:15.75
Thomas Knopik Little Falls High School -1:07.03 21:19.20 22:26.23
Abby Kalla Albany High School +3:09.20 24:41.10 21:31.90
Mya Zawacki Foley High School -37.45 21:43.50 22:20.95
Jazmin Pullins Albany High School +1:24.14 23:15.50 21:51.36
Holly Braun Foley High School +2:24.37 24:20.00 21:55.63
Ty Lieser Rocori High School +1:14.41 23:49.90 22:35.49
Elizabeth Johnson Albany High School -1:14.99 22:53.10 24:08.09
Jadyn Rutten Little Falls High School +4:10.55 27:09.40 22:58.85
Lillian Sachs Foley High School +54.77 23:57.50 23:02.73
Andrew Kron Rocori High School +1:06.18 24:22.30 23:16.12
Raelynn Hennen Albany High School +1:02.59 24:25.30 23:22.71
Hope Goebel Albany High School +38.44 24:09.20 23:30.76
Rachel Heinen Rocori High School -1:11.70 23:34.90 24:46.60
Kayla Braun Foley High School +2:56.20 26:33.20 23:37.00
Kylie Tervo Little Falls High School +10.79 24:23.40 24:12.61
Emily Becker Little Falls High School -2:09.03 25:51.80 28:00.83
Cassidy Boeckermann Albany High School +55.30 27:52.60 26:57.30
Brianna Weber Rocori High School +14.70 27:57.70 27:43.00