Pierz Pioneer Stampede (postponed from 9/20) 2021

Pierz, MN

Pierz Pioneer Stampede (postponed from 9/20) 2021 vs Pierz Rey Zimney Stampede 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +1 527 526
Overall Average -36.85 23:39.18 24:16.03
1st-10th Place -19.01 17:14.90 17:33.91
1st-25th Place -22.04 17:40.32 18:02.36
1st-50th Place -20.67 18:12.50 18:33.17
1st-100th Place -21.75 18:56.91 19:18.66
Common Athletes -- -- 276
Ran Faster -14 131 145
Ran Season Best 19 22 3
Average Time +0.94 23:11.09 23:10.15
Median Time -14.20 22:27.40 22:41.60
Middle 80% Times +0.68 22:53.87 22:53.18
Top 10% Times +14.84 18:30.97 18:16.13
Top 25% Times +15.68 19:28.77 19:13.09
Top 50% Times +12.09 20:37.41 20:25.32
Bottom 50% Times -10.21 25:44.77 25:54.98
Bottom 25% Times -10.32 27:50.38 28:00.70
Bottom 10% Times -10.58 30:17.33 30:27.90
Average Difference +0.94 -- --
Median Difference +3:21.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -0.50 -- --
Top 10% Difference +9.23 -- --
Top 50% Difference +12.92 -- --
Top 25% Difference +13.74 -- --
Top 50% Difference +12.92 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -11.04 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -12.04 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2.25 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Mark Swanson Northwest Nighthawks +6.70 17:05.80 16:59.10
Wyatt Baum Little Falls High School -30.20 17:20.50 17:50.70
Henry Lemke Eden Valley-Watkins High School +8.90 17:31.70 17:22.80
Charlie Ausmus Pine City High School -54.50 17:24.30 18:18.80
Griffen Ward Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +49.90 18:14.80 17:24.90
Henry Ebel Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +16.50 17:43.30 17:26.80
Zach Meyer Saint John's Preparatory School +58.20 18:30.30 17:32.10
Joel Bouley Zimmerman High School -40.60 17:36.50 18:17.10
Nathan Tax Pierz High School +1:15.20 19:14.30 17:59.10
Dawson Hofer Holdingford High School +47.80 18:50.30 18:02.50
Zach Brueder Osakis High School +34.20 18:40.60 18:06.40
Ben Stadum Brainerd High School +1:00.90 19:10.30 18:09.40
Benjamin Suo Saint John's Preparatory School +18.90 18:30.70 18:11.80
Weston Clementson Pine City High School +2:21.90 20:34.70 18:12.80
Joseph Guthrie Holdingford High School -18.80 18:16.00 18:34.80
Benjamin Fromelt Saint Cloud Cathedral High School -11.60 18:21.60 18:33.20
Silas Dinger Saint Cloud Christian School +25.70 18:47.40 18:21.70
Nicholas Lind Maple Lake High School +14.70 18:41.60 18:26.90
Connor Grant Little Falls High School +21.60 18:51.40 18:29.80
Connor Hanson Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +1:13.70 19:43.70 18:30.00
Ryan Neuman Annandale High School -29.30 18:34.50 19:03.80
William Vix Saint John's Preparatory School +1:32.70 20:11.40 18:38.70
Ethan Aagaard Pine City High School +1:07.50 19:48.80 18:41.30
Ethan Novak Foley High School -28.40 18:43.00 19:11.40
Nolan Thiesse Brainerd High School +15.80 19:01.60 18:45.80
Alex Williams Mora High School +43.50 19:30.50 18:47.00
Leif Hoffman Brainerd High School +18.60 19:09.50 18:50.90
Weston Harris Foley High School -7.70 18:51.80 18:59.50
Alex Jennissen Foley High School -4.50 18:53.00 18:57.50
Jonathan Skeate Saint Cloud Christian School +9.50 19:09.80 19:00.30
Charlie Gundale Northwest Nighthawks +22.50 19:23.20 19:00.70
Noah Cameron Little Falls High School -28.10 19:03.10 19:31.20
Eliott Swanson Zimmerman High School +2.70 19:06.80 19:04.10
Guy Clemons-virnig Pierz High School -29.00 19:06.40 19:35.40
Hailee Zimpel Zimmerman High School -4.80 19:10.70 19:15.50
Roman Mckinney Pine City High School +31.10 19:42.60 19:11.50
Marcus Hayes Royalton High School +2.90 19:17.60 19:14.70
Ryan Storkamp Foley High School -29.90 19:17.50 19:47.40
Corbin Vaale Zimmerman High School +1:05.80 20:23.80 19:18.00
Eli Fromm Pine City High School +59.50 20:17.60 19:18.10
William Kopka Saint Cloud Cathedral High School + 19:26.90 19:26.90
Lane Olson Royalton High School +38.50 20:09.90 19:31.40
Hannah Drietz Brainerd High School +23.70 19:56.40 19:32.70
Rolland Steinbrecher Milaca High School +4.40 19:37.40 19:33.00
Clara Schad Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +14.20 19:51.90 19:37.70
Leo Kramer Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +3:21.40 22:59.30 19:37.90
Ted Anderson Mora High School -54.00 19:42.30 20:36.30
Wyatt Betsinger Pierz High School -1:04.10 19:45.30 20:49.40
Tyler Wick Zimmerman High School +22.30 20:07.70 19:45.40
Ella Voit Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +27.10 20:13.30 19:46.20
Curtis McClain East Central High School +1:57.60 21:46.80 19:49.20
Kale Drevlow Osakis High School +55.30 20:45.80 19:50.50
George Vedder Saint John's Preparatory School -1:14.60 19:50.60 21:05.20
Joseph Neumann Brainerd High School -1:08.40 19:55.50 21:03.90
Owen Anderson Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +1:25.40 21:22.60 19:57.20
Gabe Hallgren Brainerd High School +1:00.00 21:04.70 20:04.70
Bohdan Valvoda Pine City High School +37.60 20:42.90 20:05.30
Addie Mondloch Saint Cloud Cathedral High School -1:00.30 20:06.80 21:07.10
Isaac Milejczak Foley High School +34.00 20:42.40 20:08.40
Ben Mulford Mora High School +2:34.60 22:45.90 20:11.30
AJ Westin Crosby-Ironton High School +1:48.80 22:00.30 20:11.50
Ayla Anez Little Falls High School -2:56.00 20:14.60 23:10.60
Gabriel Jergens Milaca High School -1:23.70 20:14.60 21:38.30
Everett Coran Saint Cloud Christian School +58.30 21:14.60 20:16.30
Brooke Wenz Brainerd High School +1:04.50 21:21.20 20:16.70
Axton Svir Brainerd High School +1:30.50 21:47.80 20:17.30
Cody Sneller Annandale High School +14.30 20:31.90 20:17.60
Noah Mix Foley High School +38.50 20:56.70 20:18.20
Tanner Berry Mora High School -49.40 20:18.50 21:07.90
Madelyn Miller Brainerd High School -2:39.30 20:21.60 23:00.90
Adon Ripple Royalton High School -1:12.70 20:24.20 21:36.90
Jimmy Jenson Holdingford High School +27.40 20:53.40 20:26.00
Cj Clear Holdingford High School -21.50 20:28.30 20:49.80
James Rabasco Brainerd High School +1:01.80 21:30.10 20:28.30
Gavin Jacobson Brainerd High School +1:25.00 21:56.10 20:31.10
Blake Bowen Mora High School -3.20 20:31.60 20:34.80
Antonio Becker Little Falls High School +20.10 20:53.40 20:33.30
Cole Hofstad Royalton High School +1:03.60 21:40.70 20:37.10
Noah McDaniel Pine City High School +6:08.50 26:45.90 20:37.40
Bryce Mcclain East Central High School -4:14.50 20:39.90 24:54.40
Sawyer Mcdaniel Pine City High School +41.30 21:21.30 20:40.00
Carson Wendler Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School +3:14.70 23:54.70 20:40.00
Brennen Gustafson Osakis High School -41.50 20:40.30 21:21.80
Emma Jamison Saint Cloud Cathedral High School -51.60 20:41.30 21:32.90
Kaleb Poser Pierz High School +1:19.00 22:00.30 20:41.30
Reese Hartl Hinckley-Finlayson High School -2:00.00 20:41.60 22:41.60
Emily Baker Zimmerman High School -3.50 20:42.10 20:45.60
Milo Rydberg Pine City High School -42.40 20:46.30 21:28.70
Owen Szoka Mora High School -21.00 20:46.90 21:07.90
Cooper Flaherty Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +52.50 21:41.10 20:48.60
Jamison Penticuff Saint Cloud Cathedral High School -1:08.40 20:48.70 21:57.10
Olivia Minear Annandale High School +17.40 21:06.60 20:49.20
Lilly Jamison Saint Cloud Cathedral High School -39.50 20:53.40 21:32.90
Grant Cvancara Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +1:24.20 22:18.60 20:54.40
Carissa Andres Pierz High School +55.80 21:56.90 21:01.10
James Lukach Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School +1:45.80 22:52.20 21:06.40
Owen Schleper Saint John's Preparatory School +59.00 22:05.80 21:06.80
William Lange Milaca High School +17.60 21:24.60 21:07.00
Jackie Tepley Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School -2:39.20 21:07.10 23:46.30
Devon Sheffield Rush City High School +1:17.60 22:25.60 21:08.00
Eva Johnson Pine City High School +43.60 21:51.90 21:08.30
Wyatt Tschida Zimmerman High School -35.30 21:08.50 21:43.80
Jack Lind Mora High School -2:06.10 21:11.60 23:17.70
Logan Anglin Maple Lake High School +1:00.50 22:12.90 21:12.40
Carson Schmaltz Eden Valley-Watkins High School -1:10.10 21:13.00 22:23.10
Liam Christopherson Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School +1:06.80 22:22.10 21:15.30
Imari Herrmann Annandale High School +54.70 22:11.60 21:16.90
Bret Penk Saint John's Preparatory School +1:08.30 22:25.20 21:16.90
Braden Mckinnon Mora High School +6.00 21:23.30 21:17.30
Chloe Lochner Pierz High School -9.30 21:17.90 21:27.20
Jemi Keranen East Central High School -16.50 21:20.40 21:36.90
Samantha Techel Annandale High School +42.40 22:04.50 21:22.10
Peyton Hooper Eden Valley-Watkins High School -25.00 21:22.50 21:47.50
Alan Haglin Maple Lake High School -48.10 21:27.00 22:15.10
Carter Mielke Brainerd High School +17.70 21:47.20 21:29.50
Owen Klisch Holdingford High School -10.40 21:30.90 21:41.30
Damian Skwira Holdingford High School +2:25.20 23:57.40 21:32.20
Bridget Collins Brainerd High School +54.40 22:30.00 21:35.60
Ben Boyd Royalton High School -1:23.20 21:36.70 22:59.90
Phillip Lampert Holdingford High School -27.50 21:37.90 22:05.40
Rachel Brown Pine City High School +57.90 22:37.00 21:39.10
Julia Rademacher Brainerd High School -12.60 21:39.70 21:52.30
Marcus Wolf Osakis High School +46.90 22:26.70 21:39.80
Claire Swanson Zimmerman High School -53.40 21:41.50 22:34.90
Grace Wamre Little Falls High School +39.70 22:22.60 21:42.90
Colton Froehling Hinckley-Finlayson High School -1:17.70 21:44.00 23:01.70
Bella Hernandez Eden Valley-Watkins High School -1:39.90 21:44.10 23:24.00
Alex Lietha Zimmerman High School +2:17.50 24:02.70 21:45.20
Brookelyn Kuechle Eden Valley-Watkins High School +14.50 22:03.50 21:49.00
Andrew Hennen Eden Valley-Watkins High School +1:42.50 23:32.40 21:49.90
Loretta Mrosla Holdingford High School +15.10 22:09.60 21:54.50
Dakota Sand Mora High School -17.70 21:58.20 22:15.90
Eden Andres Pierz High School -43.40 21:58.40 22:41.80
Jackson Fink Eden Valley-Watkins High School +27.60 22:26.30 21:58.70
Ivan Rivard Mora High School +22.50 22:22.70 22:00.20
Emma Belsheim Pine City High School -39.00 22:04.90 22:43.90
Jack Bouley Zimmerman High School +4.70 22:09.70 22:05.00
Luke Westphal Zimmerman High School -32.40 22:05.90 22:38.30
Avila Burch East Central High School -33.50 22:07.00 22:40.50
Lily Winters Northwest Nighthawks -47.30 22:07.30 22:54.60
Annelise Baird Brainerd High School -10.20 22:07.50 22:17.70
Jocie Wheeler Annandale High School -1:53.20 22:08.20 24:01.40
Cooper Addicks Rush City High School +40.50 22:48.80 22:08.30
Andrew Hayes Royalton High School +1:54.50 24:05.40 22:10.90
Spencer Novitzki Royalton High School -17.80 22:14.20 22:32.00
Thomas Leom Milaca High School +29.00 22:46.00 22:17.00
Cal Hardin Annandale High School -33.20 22:17.90 22:51.10
Hayden Dodge Pierz High School -42.80 22:20.90 23:03.70
Nathan Chaussee Brainerd High School -4:06.60 22:21.30 26:27.90
David Herath Brainerd High School -31.00 22:22.50 22:53.50
Kyler Carlson Brainerd High School -16.80 22:23.10 22:39.90
Ledgyn Nelson Mora High School +4.80 22:30.70 22:25.90
Emma Kowalczyk Pierz High School +1:06.60 23:32.60 22:26.00
Liz Felix Saint Cloud Cathedral High School -1:19.00 22:27.40 23:46.40
Colin Burggraff Saint John's Preparatory School +45.70 23:17.00 22:31.30
Cade Kuznia Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School -51.00 22:31.50 23:22.50
Mariah Klippenes Annandale High School -1:09.50 22:31.90 23:41.40
Brayden Mack Holdingford High School -22.50 22:31.90 22:54.40
Gabriel Cathy Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School +0.60 22:41.20 22:40.60
Anna Westin Crosby-Ironton High School -13.10 22:40.80 22:53.90
Valerie Tenold Little Falls High School +1:32.80 24:17.20 22:44.40
Ellie Kuechle Eden Valley-Watkins High School +1:01.70 23:47.00 22:45.30
Ella Heen Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +3.70 22:50.20 22:46.50
Patrick Duffy Saint John's Preparatory School +45.20 23:32.40 22:47.20
Dalton Hosna Hinckley-Finlayson High School -15.60 22:49.00 23:04.60
Robert Dorn Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +42.50 23:33.40 22:50.90
Aliza Kresha Little Falls High School -38.80 22:53.10 23:31.90
Josh Brinker Pine City High School +30.30 23:24.40 22:54.10
Mya Zawacki Foley High School -1:50.10 22:56.80 24:46.90
Alayna Haag Eden Valley-Watkins High School -2.20 22:57.40 22:59.60
Damien Bishop Royalton High School -1:47.60 22:57.40 24:45.00
Holly Braun Foley High School -20.70 23:00.10 23:20.80
Izzie Wheeler Annandale High School +3:05.80 26:11.00 23:05.20
Jacob Kent Annandale High School +0.40 23:06.40 23:06.00
Autumn Painovich Hinckley-Finlayson High School -52.00 23:09.90 24:01.90
Annika De Garcia Mora High School +30.30 23:48.60 23:18.30
Haley Geiger Hinckley-Finlayson High School +27.90 23:48.80 23:20.90
Lindsay Minear Annandale High School +33.30 23:57.20 23:23.90
Alyssa Young Holdingford High School -1:28.10 23:26.50 24:54.60
Lance Nathan Albany High School -31.10 23:33.80 24:04.90
Katheryn Donnay Eden Valley-Watkins High School -51.90 23:35.40 24:27.30
Adam Carlier Hinckley-Finlayson High School +6:15.00 29:52.90 23:37.90
Alyssa Kent Annandale High School -2:54.20 23:39.70 26:33.90
Ruby Westin Crosby-Ironton High School -10.10 23:44.20 23:54.30
Connor Kruse Pierz High School -1:26.70 23:46.40 25:13.10
Annalise Jennissen Foley High School -1:52.70 23:51.20 25:43.90
Lily Ekert Annandale High School +1:25.10 25:17.20 23:52.10
Gracie Larson Pine City High School -57.70 23:52.30 24:50.00
Lillian Sachs Foley High School -2:00.10 23:55.10 25:55.20
Logan Nundahl Royalton High School -1:23.40 23:55.20 25:18.60
Ava Johnson Braham High School +1:01.30 24:57.00 23:55.70
Avery Smieja Little Falls High School +10.10 24:06.50 23:56.40
Peyton Perreault Pine City High School -12.60 24:01.20 24:13.80
Gabby Rosecrans Crosby-Ironton High School +1:18.40 25:20.50 24:02.10
Sylvie Bechtold Saint John's Preparatory School -1:04.30 24:04.20 25:08.50
Issac Ruegemer Osakis High School -2:49.10 24:04.70 26:53.80
Claire Arvig Holdingford High School +14.30 24:22.50 24:08.20
Levi Armstrong Rush City High School +51.80 25:03.70 24:11.90
Brooke Niedzielski Annandale High School -2:19.80 24:13.00 26:32.80
Daimien Lord Pine City High School -1:31.20 24:14.50 25:45.70
Noah Long Saint Cloud Christian School +12.50 24:30.90 24:18.40
Paige Gray Pine City High School -15.60 24:20.30 24:35.90
Ava Ekert Annandale High School -2:14.10 24:21.80 26:35.90
Brooklyn Molitor Eden Valley-Watkins High School -1:51.50 24:24.10 26:15.60
Karla Qual Mora High School -1:26.40 24:25.40 25:51.80
Olivia Klasin Holdingford High School -22.70 24:32.70 24:55.40
Alayna Neu Little Falls High School +1:30.50 26:03.70 24:33.20
Ethan Albright Royalton High School -1:26.10 24:33.40 25:59.50
Gracelyn Gerads Holdingford High School +2:23.00 26:57.70 24:34.70
Annika Gearey Brainerd High School -1:20.90 24:34.90 25:55.80
Erin Thesing Pierz High School +1:04.10 25:42.40 24:38.30
Henry Fisher Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School +28.60 25:08.50 24:39.90
Collin Friedrich Holdingford High School -1:34.90 24:44.30 26:19.20
Katie Ruhland Eden Valley-Watkins High School +2:30.90 27:18.80 24:47.90
Ben Ogram Maple Lake High School -2.80 24:49.20 24:52.00
Evie Aleckson Holdingford High School +1.70 24:51.60 24:49.90
Arabella Presley East Central High School +25.00 25:17.60 24:52.60
Bryan Blowers Hinckley-Finlayson High School +26.90 25:21.70 24:54.80
Grace Hutchinson Northwest Nighthawks +46.90 25:45.80 24:58.90
Lauren Thom Hinckley-Finlayson High School -37.70 25:00.90 25:38.60
Lukas Jendro Holdingford High School +26.60 25:27.70 25:01.10
Frank Betters Pine City High School +1:42.50 26:45.20 25:02.70
Ainsley Kresha Little Falls High School +10.80 25:17.50 25:06.70
Elizabeth Kerzman Zimmerman High School -39.00 25:06.90 25:45.90
Tristin Stoeber Maple Lake High School -1:43.30 25:18.60 27:01.90
Silas Osborne Brainerd High School -2.70 25:19.20 25:21.90
Ashlynn Schriefels Eden Valley-Watkins High School -2:04.00 25:20.70 27:24.70
Kaitlyn Foster Foley High School +0.90 25:21.80 25:20.90
Brittany Carlson Milaca High School -4:06.30 25:27.90 29:34.20
Peter Lee Saint John's Preparatory School +1:31.20 27:04.40 25:33.20
Madison Burris Saint John's Preparatory School -3:02.60 25:33.60 28:36.20
Melanie Schultz Saint Cloud Cathedral High School +1:54.90 27:31.20 25:36.30
Bailey Gorsegner Mora High School +58.20 26:39.60 25:41.40
Cameron Thompson Saint John's Preparatory School +4:03.80 29:46.20 25:42.40
Kate Ehnes Zimmerman High School -53.60 25:43.40 26:37.00
Kiera Stommes Eden Valley-Watkins High School -1:25.80 25:53.40 27:19.20
Lily Ludwig East Central High School +39.70 26:39.20 25:59.50
Harrison Hultman Milaca High School +35.10 26:34.90 25:59.80
Annaliese Vignieri Crosby-Ironton High School +2.10 26:03.40 26:01.30
Elaina Fink Eden Valley-Watkins High School -32.90 26:03.80 26:36.70
Mackenna Wetch Maple Lake High School -1:31.70 26:06.60 27:38.30
Abby Gindele Maple Lake High School -1:19.80 26:08.30 27:28.10
Emma Huss Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School -1:55.70 26:13.80 28:09.50
Liam Connelly Mora High School +1:45.30 28:01.20 26:15.90
Malorie Thorson Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School -1:07.80 26:27.70 27:35.50
Alison Shockman Braham High School -1.80 26:33.50 26:35.30
Will Reisinger Saint John's Preparatory School +57.80 27:34.90 26:37.10
Isaac Jahnz Pine City High School +4.90 27:04.20 26:59.30
Ella Long Milaca High School +1:15.50 28:15.30 26:59.80
Jordyn Theis Eden Valley-Watkins High School +3:39.30 30:46.10 27:06.80
Lindsey Schwinghamer Zimmerman High School -47.20 27:07.00 27:54.20
Anja Storbakken Brainerd High School -50.90 27:20.40 28:11.30
Matthew Masterson Hinckley-Finlayson High School +2:24.10 29:51.90 27:27.80
Chrisob Sadlemyer Osakis High School +1:08.50 28:52.90 27:44.40
Katelyn Utecht Eden Valley-Watkins High School -48.70 27:51.50 28:40.20
Raina Zaudtke East Central High School -1:01.70 27:55.00 28:56.70
Isaac Loverink Osakis High School -1:12.50 27:56.70 29:09.20
Lauren Swanson Zimmerman High School -1:15.00 28:01.60 29:16.60
Jack Thompson Saint John's Preparatory School -4:00.60 28:12.90 32:13.50
Morgan Streit Eden Valley-Watkins High School -1:36.20 28:22.90 29:59.10
Jordyn Donnay Eden Valley-Watkins High School -3:32.40 28:31.50 32:03.90
Kassandra Fynboh Maple Lake High School +2:17.80 30:56.00 28:38.20
Theresa Kalthoff Albany High School -13.00 28:41.70 28:54.70
Callie Jensen Annandale High School -41.30 28:52.20 29:33.50
Ava Nicoll Saint Cloud Cathedral High School -1:12.10 28:57.50 30:09.60
Adison Gorres Maple Lake High School -1:20.20 29:35.40 30:55.60
Emma Schmitz Eden Valley-Watkins High School -27.00 29:41.70 30:08.70
London Eastwood Crosby-Ironton High School +34.90 30:33.40 29:58.50
Kyle Ziemetz Holdingford High School +1:25.10 32:20.30 30:55.20
Nordica Dodge Pierz High School -2:22.90 31:02.10 33:25.00
Isaac Holland Mora High School +5:30.80 36:54.40 31:23.60
Megan Ferrie Rush City High School +21.80 32:15.60 31:53.80
Stephy Marthaler Osakis High School +2:19.60 34:29.30 32:09.70
Ari Williams Hinckley-Finlayson High School -4:52.70 32:44.50 37:37.20
Aubree Allen Annandale High School +0.80 33:07.20 33:06.40
Ronan Smith Saint John's Preparatory School -15.90 33:26.70 33:42.60