Metro West Conference Championships 2022 vs Metro West Conference 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +243 388 145
Overall Average +1:00.85 22:07.65 21:06.80
1st-10th Place -51.10 16:35.19 17:26.29
1st-25th Place -48.56 17:06.05 17:54.62
1st-50th Place -53.29 17:35.54 18:28.83
1st-100th Place -1:21.02 18:20.62 19:41.63
Common Athletes -- -- 41
Ran Faster 33 37 4
Ran Season Best -3 14 17
Average Time -1:17.48 19:50.55 21:08.03
Median Time -58.72 19:44.50 20:43.22
Middle 80% Times -1:16.01 19:58.05 21:14.06
Top 10% Times -1:43.47 16:24.84 18:08.31
Top 25% Times -1:40.09 16:58.47 18:38.56
Top 50% Times -1:27.72 17:49.66 19:17.37
Bottom 50% Times -1:03.55 20:54.74 21:58.30
Bottom 25% Times -1:00.62 22:55.34 23:55.96
Bottom 10% Times -52.24 23:45.34 24:37.58
Average Difference -1:17.48 -- --
Median Difference -3:49.52 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:20.13 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:06.04 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:26.61 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:11.10 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:26.61 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:15.59 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:11.70 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:20.38 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nolan Sutter Chaska High School -1:54.97 15:40.90 17:35.87
Adam Lueth Bloomington Jefferson High School -1:26.52 16:01.00 17:27.52
Zach Tapajna Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:36.12 16:36.50 19:12.62
Ian Klein Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:00.29 16:52.10 18:52.39
Miles Bassett Bloomington Jefferson High School -3:49.52 16:53.70 20:43.22
Paxon Myers Saint Louis Park High School -2:20.42 17:10.50 19:30.92
Eric Chapman Chaska High School -1:21.29 17:21.90 18:43.19
Owen Woods Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:14.30 17:22.30 19:36.60
Logan Young Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:19.78 17:30.80 19:50.58
Denly Lindeman Saint Louis Park High School -45.64 17:36.20 18:21.84
Noah Leonard Chaska High School -1:12.51 17:37.30 18:49.81
Forrest Noeske Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:29.34 17:45.70 20:15.04
Casey Schaal Chaska High School -1:56.10 17:57.40 19:53.50
Megan Lee Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:15.04 17:59.30 20:14.34
Ike Stelzer Benilde-Saint Margaret's School +43.07 19:18.30 18:35.23
Will Carpenter Saint Louis Park High School -1:46.07 18:36.80 20:22.87
Joseph Struthers Chanhassen High School -1.80 18:39.30 18:41.10
Isaac Chock Chaska High School -52.96 18:53.50 19:46.46
Maxwell Rain Chaska High School -5.61 19:12.10 19:17.71
Jersey Miller Saint Louis Park High School +5.80 19:32.70 19:26.90
Katelyn Farm Chaska High School -2:45.98 19:44.50 22:30.48
Amelia Borgen Bloomington Jefferson High School +20.54 20:07.70 19:47.16
Noella Ross Chaska High School -2:57.82 20:06.40 23:04.22
Avery Rich Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:04.68 20:28.10 22:32.78
Jamie Drewitz Bloomington Jefferson High School -1:19.44 20:32.70 21:52.14
Caroline Hemann Bloomington Jefferson High School -23.63 20:48.70 21:12.33
Anna Healey Saint Louis Park High School -16.43 20:54.80 21:11.23
Bella Thurston Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:32.28 21:13.90 23:46.18
Mitchell Thueringer Benilde-Saint Margaret's School +2:14.19 23:28.20 21:14.01
Maren Myers Bloomington Jefferson High School -1:35.57 21:16.40 22:51.97
Ruby Massie Saint Louis Park High School -1:47.65 21:32.20 23:19.85
Sidney Dauwalter Chaska High School -2:30.45 21:33.80 24:04.25
Adonai Yidnekachew Chaska High School -29.20 21:55.80 22:25.00
Kaylee Crump Saint Louis Park High School -23.39 22:14.10 22:37.49
Lily Peterson Benilde-Saint Margaret's School -10.86 22:22.40 22:33.26
Yabbi Yidnekachew Chaska High School -1:52.11 22:36.80 24:28.91
Sela Myers Saint Louis Park High School -43.21 22:39.10 23:22.31
Katie Nelson Saint Louis Park High School -39.98 23:03.10 23:43.08
Avery Nientimp Benilde-Saint Margaret's School -49.15 23:11.10 24:00.25
Isabel Garvin Benilde-Saint Margaret's School -52.55 24:16.50 25:09.05
Mallory Romenesko Chaska High School -37.66 24:47.80 25:25.46