Lakeview Invitational 2022

Cottonwood, MN

Lakeview Invitational 2022 vs Lakeview Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -34 108 142
Overall Average -1:40.59 23:57.49 25:38.08
1st-10th Place -4.90 17:58.00 18:02.90
1st-25th Place -13.52 19:14.84 19:28.36
1st-50th Place -11.32 20:41.72 20:53.04
1st-100th Place +10.56 23:23.03 23:12.47
Common Athletes -- -- 71
Ran Faster 9 40 31
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time -9.52 24:06.56 24:16.08
Median Time +3.00 24:14.00 24:11.00
Middle 80% Times -9.82 24:10.89 24:20.72
Top 10% Times +19.88 18:09.75 17:49.88
Top 25% Times +7.78 19:17.28 19:09.50
Top 50% Times -1.78 20:52.97 20:54.75
Bottom 50% Times -17.00 26:39.97 26:56.97
Bottom 25% Times -17.39 29:17.56 29:34.94
Bottom 10% Times -35.50 30:53.50 31:29.00
Average Difference -9.52 -- --
Median Difference -25.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -5.54 -- --
Top 10% Difference +19.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference +0.64 -- --
Top 25% Difference +5.89 -- --
Top 50% Difference +0.64 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -20.11 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -4.39 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:08.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Will Ahrens Redwood Valley High School +19.00 16:58.00 16:39.00
Kilen Cilek Redwood Valley High School +41.00 17:35.00 16:54.00
Landyn Nordby Redwood Valley High School +1:43.00 18:59.00 17:16.00
Zach Ourada Canby High School -27.00 17:20.00 17:47.00
Logan Roelofs Russell-Tyler-Ruthton High School +38.00 18:21.00 17:43.00
Blake Giese Canby High School -30.00 18:08.00 18:38.00
Timothy Brouwer Central Minnesota Christian School +12.00 19:03.00 18:51.00
Aidan Salmon Redwood Valley High School +1:20.00 20:11.00 18:51.00
Aidan Johnson Russell-Tyler-Ruthton High School -1.00 18:54.00 18:55.00
Cole Remiger Lakeview High School +1:06.00 20:25.00 19:19.00
Hunter Danielson Canby High School -54.00 19:36.00 20:30.00
Elway Berg Redwood Valley High School +2:22.00 22:04.00 19:42.00
Ruether Colton Canby High School -1:25.00 19:44.00 21:09.00
Carter Sweetman Tracy-Milroy-Balaton High School -17.00 19:59.00 20:16.00
Sam Skorczewski Canby High School -1:12.00 20:14.00 21:26.00
Braeleyn Merritt Canby High School -25.00 20:16.00 20:41.00
Jackson Marcus Central Minnesota Christian School -3.00 20:19.00 20:22.00
Mason Anderson Redwood Valley High School -22.00 20:29.00 20:51.00
Carson Becker Canby High School -28.00 20:40.00 21:08.00
Addie Thomes Redwood Valley High School +39.00 21:22.00 20:43.00
Lola Luze Redwood Valley High School +1:00.00 21:53.00 20:53.00
Kaiden Ruis Central Minnesota Christian School -26.00 21:01.00 21:27.00
Claire Stoks Canby High School -1:51.00 21:08.00 22:59.00
Tavyn Larson Wabasso High School -21.00 21:09.00 21:30.00
Thomas Gerke Redwood Valley High School +1:18.00 22:53.00 21:35.00
Madalyn Munsell Redwood Valley High School +3.00 21:41.00 21:38.00
Sidney Duininck Central Minnesota Christian School -1:51.00 21:55.00 23:46.00
Brandon Danielson Canby High School -43.00 21:56.00 22:39.00
Annaliese Wood Central Minnesota Christian School -1:13.00 22:30.00 23:43.00
Riley Nelson Canby High School -4:25.00 22:34.00 26:59.00
Connor Olson Yellow Medicine East High School -1:56.00 23:00.00 24:56.00
Gideon Basel Lakeview High School +2:09.00 25:16.00 23:07.00
Owen Horeisi Redwood Valley High School +1:02.00 24:14.00 23:12.00
Nicolas Full Canby High School -11.00 23:13.00 23:24.00
Joe Gerke Redwood Valley High School +47.00 24:04.00 23:17.00
Hannah Fadness Canby High School -28.00 23:51.00 24:19.00
Noah Harms Canby High School +41.00 24:33.00 23:52.00
Nohemi Diaz Canby High School +41.00 24:38.00 23:57.00
Cooper Pesek Canby High School -25.00 24:08.00 24:33.00
Selby Anderson Lakeview High School +5.00 24:16.00 24:11.00
Jackson Bawden Redwood Valley High School +6:04.00 30:25.00 24:21.00
Ming Lin Redwood Valley High School -2:39.00 24:47.00 27:26.00
Ian Taylor Lakeview High School -20.00 24:49.00 25:09.00
Anjali Pullan Yellow Medicine East High School -34.00 24:58.00 25:32.00
Lillie Wollum Canby High School +15.00 25:14.00 24:59.00
Noah Pope Wabasso High School +1.00 25:03.00 25:02.00
Peyton Jenniges Wabasso High School -56.00 25:09.00 26:05.00
Logan Petersen Tracy-Milroy-Balaton High School +1:38.00 26:50.00 25:12.00
Annabelle Struntz Wabasso High School -1:34.00 25:18.00 26:52.00
Isabel Plaetz Wabasso High School +41.00 26:30.00 25:49.00
Marin Knott Tracy-Milroy-Balaton High School -1:22.00 26:07.00 27:29.00
Natalie Stoks Canby High School -55.00 26:20.00 27:15.00
Paige Kaupang Redwood Valley High School +2:27.00 28:56.00 26:29.00
Izabelle Hulzebos Canby High School -26.00 26:31.00 26:57.00
Ashlyn Brouwer Central Minnesota Christian School -38.00 26:35.00 27:13.00
Tarin Bingham Russell-Tyler-Ruthton High School -1:07.00 26:39.00 27:46.00
Heather Panitzke Redwood Valley High School -1:08.00 26:47.00 27:55.00
Jaeryn Buchert Russell-Tyler-Ruthton High School -57.00 27:06.00 28:03.00
Karsyn Ramey Redwood Valley High School +1:05.00 28:24.00 27:19.00
Gracelyn Malecek Redwood Valley High School -4:00.00 27:52.00 31:52.00
Gabby Pederson Central Minnesota Christian School -1:25.00 27:55.00 29:20.00
Kiannalee Olson Lakeview High School +1:09.00 29:11.00 28:02.00
Savanna Louwagie Lakeview High School +24.00 28:45.00 28:21.00
Lucie Schwankl Lakeview High School -3:15.00 28:26.00 31:41.00
Tabitha Sanderson Russell-Tyler-Ruthton High School +2:45.00 31:41.00 28:56.00
Evelyn Martin Yellow Medicine East High School -1:49.00 29:07.00 30:56.00
Martin Kaden Redwood Valley High School +1:13.00 30:42.00 29:29.00
Ashlee Schueller Redwood Valley High School +1:20.00 31:01.00 29:41.00
Mandie Pond Tracy-Milroy-Balaton High School -1:53.00 29:50.00 31:43.00
Mallorie Hicks Tracy-Milroy-Balaton High School +34.00 32:25.00 31:51.00
Kelsey Vanderplaats Russell-Tyler-Ruthton High School -2:46.00 31:53.00 34:39.00