Litchfield Invite 2022

Litchfield, MN

Litchfield Invite 2022 vs Litchfield Invite 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -200 540 740
Overall Average +21.61 22:01.20 21:39.60
1st-10th Place +30.00 16:35.82 16:05.82
1st-25th Place +29.86 17:02.55 16:32.69
1st-50th Place +25.84 17:28.82 17:02.99
1st-100th Place +28.53 18:04.20 17:35.67
Common Athletes -- -- 67
Ran Faster 25 46 21
Ran Season Best -32 29 61
Average Time -20.25 20:53.93 21:14.18
Median Time -9.50 20:43.70 20:53.20
Middle 80% Times -19.14 20:49.51 21:08.65
Top 10% Times -1:03.37 16:43.21 17:46.59
Top 25% Times -1:12.51 17:15.36 18:27.87
Top 50% Times -1:03.24 18:15.55 19:18.79
Bottom 50% Times +23.34 22:55.43 22:32.09
Bottom 25% Times +44.81 25:17.59 24:32.78
Bottom 10% Times +19.14 26:17.26 25:58.11
Average Difference -20.25 -- --
Median Difference -23.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -22.74 -- --
Top 10% Difference -50.30 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:05.28 -- --
Top 25% Difference -51.35 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:05.28 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +24.67 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +59.06 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +33.84 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Salvador (Sal) Wirth Annandale High School -53.30 15:45.50 16:38.80
Justin Zens Delano High School -1:20.90 16:37.30 17:58.20
Owen Hirt Orono High School -56.30 16:46.60 17:42.90
Caden Zens Delano High School -36.40 16:51.70 17:28.10
Henry Lemke Eden Valley-Watkins High School -2:32.00 16:52.70 19:24.70
Tyson Farley Hutchinson High School -4:28.30 17:01.60 21:29.90
Carter Jostock Delano High School -1:18.00 17:07.10 18:25.10
Max Baker Delano High School -2:13.60 17:19.50 19:33.10
Lincoln Morrisette Delano High School -1:49.80 17:21.00 19:10.80
Jack Montgomery Orono High School -3:09.80 17:25.80 20:35.60
Nicholas Lind Maple Lake High School -1:33.30 17:29.10 19:02.40
Dylan Seaberg Dassel-Cokato High School -56.90 17:35.00 18:31.90
Silas Dinger Saint Cloud Christian School -1:01.10 17:39.00 18:40.10
Michael Rascher Orono High School -1:08.60 17:40.30 18:48.90
Henry Ulberg Delano High School -2:54.70 17:54.20 20:48.90
Grant Forliti Delano High School -1:51.20 17:55.00 19:46.20
Isabelle Schmitz Hutchinson High School +9.70 18:07.20 17:57.50
Spencer Greene Orono High School -1:03.10 17:59.80 19:02.90
Soren Olsen Dassel-Cokato High School -2:23.40 18:00.00 20:23.40
Owen Carlson Litchfield High School -18.50 18:14.40 18:32.90
Addison Hoof Lester Prairie High School +1:08.30 19:23.80 18:15.50
John Patrick Otto Delano High School -1:38.80 18:20.60 19:59.40
Ryan Neuman Annandale High School -41.80 18:21.40 19:03.20
Cj Clear Holdingford High School -1:09.80 18:45.90 19:55.70
Cole Bruce Waconia High School -38.40 19:09.00 19:47.40
Chet Jakola Delano High School +19.00 19:28.90 19:09.90
Alan Haglin Maple Lake High School -4:40.40 19:21.20 24:01.60
Olivia Minear Annandale High School -1:19.90 19:31.30 20:51.20
Lucas Johnson Delano High School -1:21.70 19:31.50 20:53.20
Zachary Krueger Delano High School +2:14.80 21:47.90 19:33.10
Imari Herrmann Annandale High School -25.00 19:44.80 20:09.80
Kieran Hixson Sauk Rapids-Rice High School -2.10 19:49.30 19:51.40
Jessa Heimerl Lester Prairie High School +1:40.30 21:29.80 19:49.50
Brookelyn Kuechle Eden Valley-Watkins High School +41.40 20:45.60 20:04.20
Hailey Ness Delano High School +4:22.20 24:30.40 20:08.20
Landon Marketon Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School -2:17.10 20:17.10 22:34.20
Lila Ford Delano High School +1:40.90 22:15.70 20:34.80
Kate Jenkins Dassel-Cokato High School -4:32.80 20:37.30 25:10.10
Sierra Ingle Delano High School -47.60 20:43.70 21:31.30
Parker Sjomeling Delano High School -58.40 20:49.70 21:48.10
Samantha Techel Annandale High School -1:56.40 20:50.20 22:46.60
Lily Montgomery Orono High School +1:40.80 22:34.00 20:53.20
Jason Shelley Waconia High School -3:21.00 20:57.30 24:18.30
Eric Marotte Litchfield High School +3:21.10 24:19.70 20:58.60
Katie Ruhland Eden Valley-Watkins High School +2:36.90 23:48.40 21:11.50
Jocie Wheeler Annandale High School -23.90 21:15.20 21:39.10
Halle Jensen Annandale High School +2:24.40 23:40.90 21:16.50
Shane Koeppe Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School -31.00 21:36.10 22:07.10
Kimberlyn Case Litchfield High School +25.00 22:12.20 21:47.20
Mya Andersen Eden Valley-Watkins High School +3:36.40 25:23.70 21:47.30
Sydney Norgren Annandale High School +3:50.80 25:48.90 21:58.10
Brooke Heimerl Lester Prairie High School +2:40.30 24:52.90 22:12.60
Lily Ekert Annandale High School -50.60 22:15.50 23:06.10
Maya Pena Waconia High School -41.40 22:17.20 22:58.60
Tynisa Lara Litchfield High School -28.50 22:37.80 23:06.30
Caroline Johnson Orono High School -59.90 22:45.30 23:45.20
Evan Johnson Dassel-Cokato High School +1:14.20 24:06.80 22:52.60
Katheryn Donnay Eden Valley-Watkins High School -0.30 22:56.30 22:56.60
Summer Donabauer Waconia High School +1:50.50 24:55.40 23:04.90
Katelyn Utecht Eden Valley-Watkins High School +3:18.30 26:46.90 23:28.60
Kassandra Fynboh Maple Lake High School +3:03.20 27:47.50 24:44.30
Kiera Stommes Eden Valley-Watkins High School -1:00.50 25:08.70 26:09.20
Ella Froning Hutchinson High School -14.60 25:15.70 25:30.30
Ashlynn Schriefels Eden Valley-Watkins High School -49.90 25:19.30 26:09.20
Malorie Thorson Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School -34.80 25:31.70 26:06.50
Emma Huss Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School +13.80 25:58.20 25:44.40
Kyle Ziemetz Holdingford High School -13.20 26:43.90 26:57.10