Hawley Dale Skallerud Memorial Meet 2022

Hawley, MN

Hawley Dale Skallerud Memorial Meet 2022 vs Hawley Dale Skallerud Memorial Meet 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -260 89 349
Overall Average -26.06 22:29.31 22:55.37
1st-10th Place +1:15.43 18:08.31 16:52.88
1st-25th Place +1:38.15 19:09.60 17:31.46
1st-50th Place +2:10.02 20:23.82 18:13.79
1st-100th Place +49.78 20:00.89 19:11.10
Common Athletes -- -- 43
Ran Faster -31 6 37
Ran Season Best -- -- --
Average Time +1:16.82 22:19.66 21:02.83
Median Time +44.60 21:37.80 20:53.20
Middle 80% Times +1:20.83 22:29.62 21:08.79
Top 10% Times +1:09.02 18:03.74 16:54.72
Top 25% Times +1:07.19 18:47.16 17:39.97
Top 50% Times +1:13.00 19:57.29 18:44.29
Bottom 50% Times +1:17.15 23:41.13 22:23.98
Bottom 25% Times +1:16.05 26:15.11 24:59.05
Bottom 10% Times +57.70 27:11.36 26:13.66
Average Difference +1:16.82 -- --
Median Difference -1:05.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:16.35 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:06.82 -- --
Top 50% Difference +58.05 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:05.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference +58.05 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:29.10 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:35.29 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:44.86 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Keaton Olson Kindred High School +1:03.90 17:22.10 16:18.20
Owen Winter Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +1:14.10 17:59.00 16:44.90
Thor Erickson Lake Park-Audubon High School +57.60 18:03.70 17:06.10
Lucas Dahl Kindred High School +1:13.40 18:24.60 17:11.20
Elija Deck Kindred High School +1:36.30 18:49.50 17:13.20
Bridger Larson Hawley High School +1:05.10 18:29.30 17:24.20
Landon Bakke Hawley High School +1:11.00 18:49.20 17:38.20
Isaac Gifford Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +1:57.00 20:20.60 18:23.60
Aiden Eilertson Hawley High School +1:44.70 20:24.90 18:40.20
Carter Julin Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +7.10 18:48.30 18:41.20
Jonah Sharp Frazee High School +45.10 19:43.80 18:58.70
Louis Gaytan Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +49.20 19:48.70 18:59.50
Jed Toms Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +2:27.30 21:34.10 19:06.80
Chester Retz Lake Park-Audubon High School +1:40.50 20:55.10 19:14.60
Sebastian Gaytan Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +4:13.10 23:28.40 19:15.30
Cael Pausch Frazee High School +1:21.20 20:45.30 19:24.10
Brady Borah Frazee High School +1:08.40 20:42.60 19:34.20
Hunter Harman Lake Park-Audubon High School +3:07.70 22:48.30 19:40.60
Lily Olson Hawley High School +49.70 21:17.00 20:27.30
Nicholas Dahl Kindred High School +1:00.10 21:37.80 20:37.70
Mikayla Jelinek Hawley High School +2:43.80 23:25.10 20:41.30
Drew Martin Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +2:25.90 23:19.10 20:53.20
Tripp Eiter Lake Park-Audubon High School -1:05.90 20:57.00 22:02.90
Peyton Gette Kindred High School -28.30 21:01.80 21:30.10
Ivy Tickel Hawley High School +24.10 21:29.30 21:05.20
Taryn Roesler Kindred High School +15.50 21:36.60 21:21.10
Brooklyn Grubb Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +1:48.30 23:17.50 21:29.20
Tyden Schaefer Frazee High School +3:23.00 24:53.10 21:30.10
Wyatt Hahn Kindred High School +33.00 22:06.90 21:33.90
Alexx Helmers Frazee High School +1:37.70 23:40.90 22:03.20
Allyson Goodmanson Kindred High School -6.30 22:11.80 22:18.10
Sophie Cook Hawley High School +3:50.90 26:55.10 23:04.20
Rachel Swan Hawley High School +2:11.80 25:18.00 23:06.20
Dru Dauner Hawley High School +27.40 23:46.70 23:19.30
Lola Hoehne Frazee High School +2:36.10 26:23.50 23:47.40
Laura Schauer Lake Park-Audubon High School -32.60 24:14.00 24:46.60
Isabel Toms Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +1:16.30 25:33.60 24:17.30
Olivia Solhjem Kindred High School +2:14.50 26:39.00 24:24.50
Schmitz Elyanna Kindred High School -25.70 25:06.80 25:32.50
Gabby Gaytan Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +1:33.00 26:48.10 25:15.10
Mia Varriano Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School -17.60 25:34.40 25:52.00
Daniel Winn Frazee High School +41.10 27:32.20 26:51.10
Brooklyn Blankenstaff Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School +24.80 28:02.40 27:37.60