Iron Range Conference Championships (rescheduled from 10/18) 2022

Hoyt Lakes, MN

Iron Range Conference Championships (rescheduled from 10/18) 2022 vs Iron Range Conference Championships 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -48 121 169
Overall Average +4.98 22:14.74 22:09.76
1st-10th Place +2.21 17:17.76 17:15.55
1st-25th Place +4.98 17:59.70 17:54.72
1st-50th Place +23.45 19:08.87 18:45.42
1st-100th Place +1:02.74 21:02.82 20:00.08
Common Athletes -- -- 14
Ran Faster 2 8 6
Ran Season Best -- 2 2
Average Time -26.51 21:30.91 21:57.42
Median Time +26.10 22:51.30 22:25.20
Middle 80% Times -25.12 22:17.17 22:42.28
Top 10% Times -34.85 16:53.40 17:28.25
Top 25% Times -1:06.83 17:58.28 19:05.10
Top 50% Times -1:05.89 19:15.14 20:21.03
Bottom 50% Times +12.87 23:46.68 23:33.81
Bottom 25% Times +0.05 24:16.95 24:16.90
Bottom 10% Times +16.85 25:01.65 24:44.80
Average Difference -26.51 -- --
Median Difference -4.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -25.12 -- --
Top 10% Difference -34.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference -54.84 -- --
Top 25% Difference -42.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference -54.84 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1.83 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -27.25 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -8.75 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Cameron Stocke Rock Ridge High School -16.00 15:59.30 16:15.30
John Kendall Rock Ridge High School -53.70 17:47.50 18:41.20
Carter Skelton Mesabi East High School -1:51.90 17:51.10 19:43.00
Matthew Schaaf Deer River High School -1:38.30 20:15.20 21:53.50
Abbi Hutchinson International Falls High School -2:20.90 20:17.10 22:38.00
Wade Harsila Rock Ridge High School -3:32.50 20:44.10 24:16.60
Kaitlin Olson Greenway High School +10.80 21:51.70 21:40.90
Bailey Herberg International Falls High School +2:01.00 24:02.30 22:01.30
Karly Mann Greenway High School +1:10.30 23:22.30 22:12.00
Charlie Thompson Chisholm High School +26.10 22:51.30 22:25.20
Avalynn Westphal Greenway High School +56.30 23:42.20 22:45.90
Nora Sullivan International Falls High School -1:18.20 23:11.10 24:29.30
Amanda Johnson Rock Ridge High School -4.80 23:16.60 23:21.40
Sean Connor Chisholm High School +1:00.70 26:01.00 25:00.30