Metro West Conference Championships 2023

Bloomington, MN

Metro West Conference Championships 2023 vs Metro West Conference 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +19 386 367
Overall Average -24.06 22:48.46 23:12.53
1st-10th Place -5.65 16:46.21 16:51.86
1st-25th Place -11.87 17:21.06 17:32.93
1st-50th Place -12.33 17:57.60 18:09.93
1st-100th Place -10.35 18:51.62 19:01.97
Common Athletes -- -- 10
Ran Faster 6 8 2
Ran Season Best -- -- --
Average Time -1:21.05 20:45.38 22:06.43
Median Time -1:26.30 20:33.30 21:59.60
Middle 80% Times -1:27.81 20:24.59 21:52.40
Top 10% Times -4:03.90 15:36.80 19:40.70
Top 25% Times -2:52.30 17:00.93 19:53.23
Top 50% Times -2:12.76 17:56.44 20:09.20
Bottom 50% Times -29.34 23:34.32 24:03.66
Bottom 25% Times -4.73 25:15.90 25:20.63
Bottom 10% Times +2:15.90 28:40.30 26:24.40
Average Difference -1:21.05 -- --
Median Difference -46.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:33.23 -- --
Top 10% Difference -4:03.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:30.00 -- --
Top 25% Difference -2:21.37 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:30.00 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -12.10 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -39.63 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:59.20 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nolan Sutter Chaska High School -4:03.90 15:36.80 19:40.70
Ian Klein Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:35.20 17:12.20 19:47.40
Nathan Bellmont Chaska High School -2:19.10 18:13.80 20:32.90
Marissa Long Chanhassen High School -3:06.80 18:52.80 21:59.60
Jersey Miller Saint Louis Park High School -25.00 19:46.60 20:11.60
Maren Myers Bloomington Jefferson High School -3:23.10 20:33.30 23:56.40
Ruby Massie Saint Louis Park High School +1:44.60 22:18.00 20:33.40
Hayden Long Saint Louis Park High School -46.20 21:30.60 22:16.80
Amanda Siemienas Chaska High School -1:35.00 24:49.40 26:24.40
Ayelel Meyen Saint Louis Park High School +2:59.20 28:40.30 25:41.10