Byron Invitational 2023

Byron, MN

Byron Invitational 2023 vs Byron Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +3 58 55
Overall Average +8.38 26:02.41 25:54.03
1st-10th Place +1:05.44 21:47.55 20:42.11
1st-25th Place +42.08 22:58.14 22:16.06
1st-50th Place +3.10 24:56.74 24:53.65
1st-100th Place +51.48 15:06.20 14:14.72
Common Athletes -- -- 24
Ran Faster -8 8 16
Ran Season Best -7 -- 7
Average Time +48.18 27:03.76 26:15.57
Median Time +10.72 25:52.92 25:42.20
Middle 80% Times +35.01 27:08.45 26:33.44
Top 10% Times +1:16.59 22:43.12 21:26.53
Top 25% Times +1:02.81 23:18.29 22:15.48
Top 50% Times +31.15 24:02.76 23:31.61
Bottom 50% Times +1:05.22 30:04.76 28:59.53
Bottom 25% Times +1:51.52 32:57.50 31:05.98
Bottom 10% Times +3:09.90 36:02.27 32:52.37
Average Difference +48.18 -- --
Median Difference +22.97 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +38.79 -- --
Top 10% Difference +20.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference +21.33 -- --
Top 25% Difference +41.79 -- --
Top 50% Difference +21.33 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:15.04 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:48.83 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:09.90 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jack Horob Stewartville High School +3:41.60 24:19.30 20:37.70
Mason Stucky Kasson-Mantorville High School +9.19 21:52.79 21:43.60
Luke White Kasson-Mantorville High School +2:23.59 24:21.89 21:58.30
Seth Fawson Byron High School +1:00.98 23:43.28 22:42.30
Tessa Nigon Byron High School -1:07.04 23:04.76 24:11.80
Evan Lujan Byron High School +34.11 23:45.21 23:11.10
Truitt Nelson Kasson-Mantorville High School -8.09 23:11.81 23:19.90
Blake Pingel Kasson-Mantorville High School +1:59.42 26:02.42 24:03.00
Sophia Peikert Rochester Lourdes High School -1:38.09 24:11.91 25:50.00
Adalyn Rice Byron High School -20.97 24:21.43 24:42.40
Jenna Kime Stewartville High School -1:02.92 24:39.28 25:42.20
Macy Behringer Byron High School +27.30 25:33.70 25:06.40
Gretchen Tucker Byron High School +16.30 25:27.70 25:11.40
Alexander Holmseth Byron High School +22.97 25:54.37 25:31.40
Dayne Huebert Byron High School -1:03.48 25:52.92 26:56.40
Mara Booth Byron High School +1:04.41 27:18.61 26:14.20
Caden Hanna Byron High School +1:45.35 29:48.65 28:03.30
Gracie Morarie Byron High School +1:19.72 29:52.12 28:32.40
Michelle Oftedahl Stewartville High School -1.19 28:48.01 28:49.20
Cadance Ristau Stewartville High School +1:05.64 29:57.44 28:51.80
MaKenna Nigon Byron High School -1:02.08 29:15.72 30:17.80
Maddie Scruggs Stewartville High School +3:10.89 33:49.59 30:38.70
Katrina Brinkman Byron High School +5:18.63 38:31.73 33:13.10
Joseph Palomino-Ward Byron High School +1:00.18 35:45.48 34:45.30