Hayfield Invitational 2024 vs Hayfield Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +9 210 201
Overall Average +1:33.46 24:57.17 23:23.71
1st-10th Place +5.07 17:59.11 17:54.04
1st-25th Place +19.45 18:47.50 18:28.05
1st-50th Place +38.32 19:46.08 19:07.76
1st-100th Place +57.94 21:12.90 20:14.96
Common Athletes -- -- 30
Ran Faster -2 14 16
Ran Season Best 12 14 2
Average Time +16.59 23:07.28 22:50.69
Median Time -55.40 21:58.60 22:54.00
Middle 80% Times +3.49 22:27.69 22:24.21
Top 10% Times -52.27 18:06.83 18:59.10
Top 25% Times -40.89 18:49.97 19:30.86
Top 50% Times -44.09 19:54.31 20:38.39
Bottom 50% Times +1:17.26 26:20.25 25:02.99
Bottom 25% Times +2:28.61 29:07.09 26:38.47
Bottom 10% Times +3:10.23 33:24.37 30:14.13
Average Difference +16.59 -- --
Median Difference -4:13.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -8.54 -- --
Top 10% Difference -50.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference -15.10 -- --
Top 25% Difference -33.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference -15.10 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +48.27 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:08.21 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +4:44.73 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nolan Pfeilsticker Plainview-Elgin-Millville High School -1:55.80 17:56.60 19:52.40
Jacob Karl New Richland-H-E-G High School -1:07.30 18:08.90 19:16.20
Carter Glynn Grand Meadow High School -55.20 18:15.00 19:10.20
Bo Rosane Pine Island High School -29.10 18:15.90 18:45.00
Jamison Rosane Pine Island High School +44.40 19:46.50 19:02.10
Timothy Jurgenson Plainview-Elgin-Millville High School -4:13.20 19:09.10 23:22.30
Grayson Bickler Pacelli High School -29.80 19:21.00 19:50.80
Aiden Johnsrud Chatfield High School -31.70 19:46.80 20:18.50
Teague Alden Grand Meadow High School +16.30 20:08.00 19:51.70
Henry Morgan Pine Island High School -4:05.60 20:27.60 24:33.20
Kirsten Koopal Pacelli High School +52.30 21:45.50 20:53.20
Grayson Fister Chatfield High School -2:40.50 20:53.20 23:33.70
Alex Kleve Waterville-Elysian-Morristown High School -52.50 21:11.80 22:04.30
Lexi Lewis Pacelli High School +24.00 21:56.20 21:32.20
Ashley Pederson Pine Island High School -2:19.00 21:32.50 23:51.50
Steven Gillette Hayfield High School +1:14.20 22:54.00 21:39.80
River Weissgerber Pine Island High School +2:46.50 24:27.90 21:41.40
Luke Gelner Plainview-Elgin-Millville High School -49.90 21:58.60 22:48.50
Charlotte Oeltjen Chatfield High School -32.40 22:49.30 23:21.70
Kwynn Krause Waterville-Elysian-Morristown High School +3:22.60 26:12.20 22:49.60
Naomi Warmka Grand Meadow High School +26.00 23:20.00 22:54.00
Lily Peterson Goodhue High School +35.80 23:38.00 23:02.20
Kaelynn Ryan Goodhue High School +22.10 23:32.90 23:10.80
Ben Bloxham Pine Island High School +3:10.40 26:28.90 23:18.50
Kylie Meyer Kingsland High School +26.70 23:54.20 23:27.50
Macy Buck Goodhue High School +7:22.50 31:50.20 24:27.70
Theo Kivamagi Chatfield High School -2:42.30 25:47.80 28:30.10
Holly Bartness New Richland-H-E-G High School +4:45.10 30:44.40 25:59.30
Claire Mettler Kingsland High School +3:06.40 29:46.80 26:40.40
Lydia Huelsnitz Waterville-Elysian-Morristown High School +2:06.60 37:38.50 35:31.90