Blooming Prairie Invitational 2024 vs Blooming Prairie Invite 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -5 65 70
Overall Average +20.32 26:09.13 25:48.81
1st-10th Place -30.26 20:27.86 20:58.12
1st-25th Place -10.43 21:58.85 22:09.28
1st-50th Place +24.56 24:17.71 23:53.15
1st-100th Place -1:04.23 16:59.93 18:04.17
Common Athletes -- -- 31
Ran Faster -1 15 16
Ran Season Best 2 2 --
Average Time -21.46 25:04.63 25:26.08
Median Time -1:14.70 24:15.40 25:30.10
Middle 80% Times -26.85 25:16.66 25:43.52
Top 10% Times -11.03 20:36.70 20:47.72
Top 25% Times +0.60 21:38.51 21:37.91
Top 50% Times -28.40 22:31.46 22:59.86
Bottom 50% Times -13.18 26:03.76 26:16.93
Bottom 25% Times -19.11 29:10.89 29:30.00
Bottom 10% Times +13.13 30:41.80 30:28.68
Average Difference -21.46 -- --
Median Difference +16.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -24.10 -- --
Top 10% Difference -28.23 -- --
Top 50% Difference -30.92 -- --
Top 25% Difference +10.66 -- --
Top 50% Difference -30.92 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -9.60 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:04.20 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -24.98 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Yong Achuoth Pacelli High School -12.90 19:05.90 19:18.80
Grayson Bickler Pacelli High School -43.50 20:16.40 20:59.90
Joseph Hora Medford High School -1:04.60 20:47.90 21:52.50
Will Sunde Blooming Prairie High School +1:38.10 22:37.80 20:59.70
Kirsten Koopal Pacelli High School +8.10 22:16.60 22:08.50
Isaac Fort Blooming Prairie High School +27.80 22:45.70 22:17.90
Gloria Hernandez Blooming Prairie High School +24.40 22:56.30 22:31.90
Julieann Wobbrock New Richland-H-E-G High School -1:23.20 22:37.30 24:00.50
Gradyn Taylor Randolph High School -1:19.40 22:40.50 23:59.90
Steven Gillette Hayfield High School +47.90 23:42.00 22:54.10
Cameron Seelig Randolph High School -2:48.90 23:00.70 25:49.60
Clare Bisanti Pacelli High School -2:47.90 23:03.70 25:51.60
Lexi Lewis Pacelli High School -1:27.00 23:10.30 24:37.30
Alex Thurnau Medford High School +22.00 23:42.60 23:20.60
Alec Klingfus Pacelli High School -32.50 23:24.20 23:56.70
Sophia Esplan Blooming Prairie High School -2:34.70 24:15.40 26:50.10
James Schulte Pacelli High School +3:06.40 27:50.70 24:44.30
Collin Almen Randolph High School +1:45.50 26:30.50 24:45.00
Luciana Whaley Randolph High School -5:00.90 24:45.30 29:46.20
Ella Jenno New Richland-H-E-G High School -5:04.30 24:54.40 29:58.70
Avery Arndt Medford High School +1:30.80 27:00.90 25:30.10
Carter Raymond Randolph High School +2:06.10 27:49.70 25:43.60
Liz Frederick Pacelli High School +16.90 26:17.70 26:00.80
Mickolas Swanson Randolph High School +1:04.00 27:08.90 26:04.90
Jacob Hora Medford High School -1:15.00 26:55.30 28:10.30
Erin Nybakke Randolph High School -1:31.10 27:14.70 28:45.80
Jackson Melchert Medford High School -59.10 27:44.80 28:43.90
Amelia Fitzgerald Medford High School +37.40 28:54.70 28:17.30
Lydia Heiderscheidt Medford High School +2:34.20 30:52.50 28:18.30
Clara Thurnau Medford High School +22.60 31:25.50 31:02.90
Chloe Vought Randolph High School +27.60 31:34.50 31:06.90