Duluth East Twin Ports Invitational 2024

Duluth, MN

Duluth East Twin Ports Invitational 2024 vs Duluth East Lester Park Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -72 158 230
Overall Average -39.38 21:59.69 22:39.07
1st-10th Place -5.09 17:37.13 17:42.22
1st-25th Place -1.62 18:19.91 18:21.54
1st-50th Place +3.46 19:02.62 18:59.16
1st-100th Place +21.59 20:17.12 19:55.53
Common Athletes -- -- 18
Ran Faster 18 18 --
Ran Season Best 5 5 --
Average Time -2:10.56 20:06.59 22:17.15
Median Time -2:40.20 20:05.30 22:45.50
Middle 80% Times -1:56.36 20:15.57 22:11.93
Top 10% Times -1:44.95 17:27.75 19:12.70
Top 25% Times -1:29.88 18:11.76 19:41.64
Top 50% Times -1:41.19 18:49.03 20:30.22
Bottom 50% Times -2:39.92 21:24.16 24:04.08
Bottom 25% Times -2:53.30 22:05.98 24:59.28
Bottom 10% Times -3:54.10 22:59.50 26:53.60
Average Difference -2:10.56 -- --
Median Difference -2:02.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:55.15 -- --
Top 10% Difference -49.20 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:24.06 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:03.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:24.06 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:57.06 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:24.14 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:58.90 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Mark Goettel Duluth East High School -2:16.50 17:09.70 19:26.20
Brady Janezich Hibbing High School -3:55.00 17:45.80 21:40.80
Rory Fischbach Duluth East High School -1:04.70 18:03.10 19:07.80
Lucas Arnhold Hibbing High School -33.70 18:43.90 19:17.60
Jack Bottoms Hibbing High School -4:20.00 19:16.30 23:36.30
Anna-Britta Helmer Duluth East High School -1:30.00 19:31.80 21:01.80
Finn Eskeli Hibbing High School -1:19.70 19:35.90 20:55.60
Silas Langner Hibbing High School -3.90 19:37.10 19:41.00
Gavin Bexell Hibbing High School -1:28.20 19:37.70 21:05.90
Carolina Arvold Duluth East High School -3:06.80 20:05.30 23:12.10
Sasha Wahman Duluth East High School -2:24.70 20:22.10 22:46.80
Stella Powell Duluth East High School -2:02.40 20:43.10 22:45.50
Orien Eamonn Duluth East High School -1:58.90 20:57.00 22:55.90
Siiri Anderson Duluth East High School -8:44.30 21:00.10 29:44.40
Taylor Wood Duluth East High School -1:53.00 21:40.30 23:33.30
Gianna Figueroa Hibbing High School -24.80 21:50.50 22:15.30
Lydia Eaton Duluth East High School -1:13.50 22:49.30 24:02.80
Elsa Jones Duluth East High School -49.90 23:09.70 23:59.60