Lqpv-Db Invite 2 2024 vs Lac Qui Parle Valley Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -18 219 237
Overall Average +1:04.11 24:24.68 23:20.57
1st-10th Place +30.74 17:43.92 17:13.18
1st-25th Place +38.64 18:34.89 17:56.25
1st-50th Place +48.59 19:30.95 18:42.36
1st-100th Place +48.13 20:42.90 19:54.77
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster 12 26 14
Ran Season Best -9 -- 9
Average Time -26.89 22:04.96 22:31.85
Median Time -2:19.03 21:14.78 23:33.81
Middle 80% Times -51.47 21:47.83 22:39.30
Top 10% Times -17.39 17:05.27 17:22.66
Top 25% Times -21.43 18:02.35 18:23.78
Top 50% Times -52.02 19:05.60 19:57.62
Bottom 50% Times -1.76 25:04.32 25:06.08
Bottom 25% Times +1:21.51 27:25.01 26:03.50
Bottom 10% Times +2:40.26 29:21.71 26:41.44
Average Difference -26.89 -- --
Median Difference -3:01.97 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -57.98 -- --
Top 10% Difference -33.97 -- --
Top 50% Difference -20.90 -- --
Top 25% Difference -7.48 -- --
Top 50% Difference -20.90 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -32.88 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +57.97 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:48.94 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Kilen Cilek Redwood Valley High School -57.13 16:36.91 17:34.04
Will Ahrens Redwood Valley High School -13.95 16:53.67 17:07.62
Cadyn Vanderhal Ortonville High School -0.73 17:23.09 17:23.82
Evan Bumgardner Murray County Central High School +1:12.48 18:37.64 17:25.16
Gavin Carl Lac qui Parle Valley High School -2:55.07 17:27.40 20:22.47
Landyn Nordby Redwood Valley High School -1:04.07 17:33.01 18:37.08
Blake Giese Canby High School +49.79 19:14.87 18:25.08
Tate Remiger Lakeview High School -4:54.01 18:42.03 23:36.04
Jose Cardona Montevideo High School -39.27 18:47.04 19:26.31
Andrews Blake Montevideo High School -1.94 19:10.71 19:12.65
Elway Berg Redwood Valley High School -37.52 19:11.95 19:49.47
Kade Solem Lac qui Parle Valley High School +2:43.33 21:58.77 19:15.44
Cole Remiger Lakeview High School -1:21.42 19:28.35 20:49.77
Aidan Salmon Redwood Valley High School +17.56 19:48.14 19:30.58
Jesse Stranlund Montevideo High School -4:30.41 19:39.63 24:10.04
Thane Matthys Lakeview High School -5:57.63 20:06.21 26:03.84
Addie Thomes Redwood Valley High School -1:27.57 20:14.64 21:42.21
Claire Stoks Canby High School +27.42 20:56.44 20:29.02
Thomas Gerke Redwood Valley High School -3:01.97 20:31.84 23:33.81
Luke Stock Lac qui Parle Valley High School -3:55.80 20:43.41 24:39.21
Gideon Basel Lakeview High School -2:44.86 20:45.05 23:29.91
Zach Kirchner Murray County Central High School -55.37 21:14.78 22:10.15
Andresen Ethan Montevideo High School -29.82 21:31.04 22:00.86
Sophia Nelson Murray County Central High School -2:12.55 21:48.38 24:00.93
Brandon Danielson Canby High School +1:01.37 22:56.16 21:54.79
Madalyn Munsell Redwood Valley High School -1.16 22:24.90 22:26.06
Lillie Wollum Canby High School -2:04.14 23:30.92 25:35.06
Carter Knakmuhs Murray County Central High School -19.01 23:40.17 23:59.18
Heather Panitzke Redwood Valley High School -5.41 23:41.77 23:47.18
Brendan Shurb Lac qui Parle Valley High School +6:21.08 30:43.55 24:22.47
Nohemi Diaz Canby High School +20.77 24:44.85 24:24.08
Summer Labrune Russell-Tyler-Ruthton High School -1:28.94 24:29.48 25:58.42
Olivia Muyskens Southwest Minnesota Christian High School +2:36.38 27:29.97 24:53.59
Alyvia Caskey Pipestone Area High School +2:50.24 28:05.24 25:15.00
Natalie Stoks Canby High School +5.19 25:34.12 25:28.93
Makiah Pust Lac qui Parle Valley High School -1:26.99 25:34.42 27:01.41
Daytona Bissett Lac qui Parle Valley High School +54.94 26:32.73 25:37.79
Clara Pagel Russell-Tyler-Ruthton High School +2:06.34 28:00.37 25:54.03
Gracelyn Malecek Redwood Valley High School +3:58.11 30:37.67 26:39.56
Savanna Louwagie Lakeview High School -13.83 26:47.14 27:00.97