Blaze Invitational 2024 vs Burnsville Blaze Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +107 368 261
Overall Average +2:19.38 25:27.09 23:07.71
1st-10th Place +42.09 18:12.55 17:30.46
1st-25th Place +40.44 18:40.71 18:00.27
1st-50th Place +40.58 19:17.14 18:36.56
1st-100th Place +36.02 20:16.41 19:40.39
Common Athletes -- -- 48
Ran Faster 10 29 19
Ran Season Best -4 -- 4
Average Time -28.00 23:07.23 23:35.23
Median Time -13.90 22:37.30 22:51.20
Middle 80% Times -32.04 22:52.53 23:24.57
Top 10% Times -1:19.16 18:23.14 19:42.30
Top 25% Times -1:38.11 19:10.88 20:48.98
Top 50% Times -1:13.83 20:21.56 21:35.39
Bottom 50% Times +17.82 25:52.90 25:35.08
Bottom 25% Times +41.38 28:17.46 27:36.08
Bottom 10% Times +1:07.68 30:50.22 29:42.54
Average Difference -28.00 -- --
Median Difference -1:17.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -44.42 -- --
Top 10% Difference -21.14 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:03.66 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:03.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:03.66 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +7.65 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +37.68 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:27.86 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Peter Anderson Trinity School at River Ridge -1:28.10 17:26.10 18:54.20
Graham Wood Bloomington Kennedy High School -3:57.20 17:52.90 21:50.10
Samuel Kaufman Bloomington Kennedy High School -4:30.10 18:43.10 23:13.20
Jacob Schoenbauer Burnsville High School -9.40 18:50.40 18:59.80
Kai Younglove Lakeville North High School -22.00 19:03.20 19:25.20
Andrew Gravink Lakeville North High School -3:04.10 19:04.10 22:08.20
Hunter Heinz Bloomington Kennedy High School -2:57.90 19:29.20 22:27.10
Cole Hageman Burnsville High School -2:43.60 19:38.60 22:22.20
Gus Hartwell Trinity School at River Ridge -2:20.30 19:49.00 22:09.30
Colin Dunn Trinity School at River Ridge -2:35.50 19:50.60 22:26.10
John White Burnsville High School -3:42.80 19:54.10 23:36.90
Miles Tepley Bloomington Kennedy High School -1:29.70 20:29.20 21:58.90
Adam Durbin Bloomington Kennedy High School +9.10 20:41.20 20:32.10
Cooper Pankratz Saint Croix Lutheran High School -3:46.50 20:37.60 24:24.10
Malik Williams Robbinsdale Cooper High School +4.70 20:44.90 20:40.20
Andrew Kracht Trinity School at River Ridge -52.60 20:50.90 21:43.50
Gwen Vogt Bloomington Kennedy High School +2:20.40 23:13.50 20:53.10
David Barreto Trinity School at River Ridge +51.60 22:03.90 21:12.30
Rebecca Willard Trinity School at River Ridge -1:13.60 21:13.90 22:27.50
Jacob Stella Trinity School at River Ridge -1.00 21:36.20 21:37.20
Oliver Kaardal Saint Agnes High School -45.00 21:54.20 22:39.20
Charles Siesennop Bloomington Kennedy High School -35.00 21:56.20 22:31.20
Andrew Brooks Robbinsdale Cooper High School +1:53.50 23:54.70 22:01.20
Hunter Nelson Farmington High School -1:17.50 22:02.70 23:20.20
Henry Meyers Burnsville High School +31.10 22:38.00 22:06.90
Caleb Cummings Robbinsdale Cooper High School +4:03.30 26:12.40 22:09.10
Samuel Mchugh Minnetonka High School -4.60 22:09.20 22:13.80
Darrius Hubbard Minneapolis Patrick Henry High School -33.40 22:36.00 23:09.40
Dani Dundon Burnsville High School -1:10.90 22:37.30 23:48.20
Kayla Romess Bloomington Kennedy High School +18.40 22:59.30 22:40.90
Sylvie Clark Minneapolis Edison High School -2:10.30 22:49.90 25:00.20
Caprese Meier Farmington High School +1:41.60 24:32.80 22:51.20
Josilyn Tooley Farmington High School +1:32.20 24:27.10 22:54.90
Coonor Aumann Saint Croix Lutheran High School -2:59.20 22:55.20 25:54.40
Rosie Palodichuk Farmington High School +1:05.50 24:12.70 23:07.20
Seamus Boos Burnsville High School -2:26.20 23:08.60 25:34.80
Meredith Gray Bloomington Kennedy High School +2:08.00 25:49.20 23:41.20
Tony Graff Saint Agnes High School +1:44.80 25:27.00 23:42.20
Suvi Aulwes Bloomington Kennedy High School -1:39.90 24:11.00 25:50.90
Tegan Ward-ivey Minnetonka High School +47.00 26:05.10 25:18.10
Audrey Larson Minneapolis Edison High School +1:38.50 27:07.80 25:29.30
Avery Huffman Lakeville North High School -2:09.60 26:20.50 28:30.10
Raegan Brogdon Minneapolis Patrick Henry High School +3:41.30 30:30.50 26:49.20
Nathan Yang Saint Agnes High School +32.80 28:16.40 27:43.60
Lily Hartsock Saint Croix Lutheran High School +3:09.40 31:00.60 27:51.20
Evelyn Biehn Saint Croix Lutheran High School -54.50 28:28.30 29:22.80
Jayden Romero Minnetonka High School -2:38.90 29:00.20 31:39.10
Jada Miskell Bloomington Kennedy High School +4:02.00 35:11.50 31:09.50