2010 Lions CC Meet Tuesday, September 14th Norwood-Young America (Baylor Park) Teams: Belle Plaine, Dassel-Cokato, Delano, GFW, GSL, Holy Family, Jordan, LCWM, LSH, Manato Loyola, Mayer Lutheran, Montevideo, Montgomery-Lonsdale, Mound-Westonka, Norwood-Young America, Rockford, STMA, Sibley East, St. Peter, Waconia, Watertown-Mayer Lane Assignments were randomly chosen. Lane Assignments for all races: 1. Mankato Loyola 2. St. Peter 3. Belle Plaine 4. Dassel-Cokato 5. Montevideo 6. Watertown-Mayer 7. Mayer Lutheran 8. Jordan 9. Holy Family 10. Montgomery-Lonsdale 11. Sibley East 12. Rockford 13. St. Michael-Albertville 14. Glencoe-Silver Lake 15. Mound Westonka 16. Waconia 17. LeSueur-Henderson 18. Gibbon-Fairfax-Winthrop 19. Norwood-Young America 20. Lake Crystal Welcome Memorial 21. Delano Coaches: Please hand out bib numbers and chips to the assigned athlete. INSURE THAT YOUR ATHLETES PUT ON THE CORRECT CHIP AND THE BIB ASSIGNED TO THEM. Chips may be attached to either shoe, and bib numbers NEED to be worn on the front of the athlete’s jersey. Changes in athletes’ names – Pickle Events has a special form to fill out, which is available at the registration area. All chips need to be counted, placed in the manila envelope, and returned to the registration table at the conclusion of the meet. There is a $30.00 charge for a lost/missing chip. Your school will be billed. Time schedule: We will try to stay on the time schedule as best as possible. Times are posted and are below: Schedule of Races 3:45 PM – COACHES’ MEETING 4:00 PM - JV Girls 4000 m 4:05 PM - JV Boys 5000 m 4:40 PM - Varsity Girls 4000 m 5:10 PM - Varsity Boys 5000 m 5:40 PM - MS Boys 1600 m 5:43 PM - MS Girls 1600 m 6:00 PM - Awards Results will NOT be mailed out. Results of all races will be posted and will be available online later this evening at http://www.pickleevents.com. Awards JV (Boys’ & Girls’): Medals – 1st Place Winner Ribbons – 2nd – 30th Place Winners JH (Boys’ & Girls”): Medals – 1st Place Winner Ribbons – 2nd – 30th Place Winners Varsity (Boys’ & Girls’): 1st and 2nd place Varsity Team Plaques Medals – 1st – 15 Place Winners Ribbons – 16th – 30th Place Winners Ribbons will be available for pick up at the conclusion of the meet. When coaches turn in their “chips,” they can receive their awards packet. Medals and team PLAQUES will be given out during the awards ceremony. Tom Konrady or Carol Thurson (from Ridgeview Sports Medicine) is here if you have medical issues. Please thank THE LIONS CLUB for the awards and the water for the athletes after the races. Please thank Carver County Parks – course is in excellent shape – please police your camp after the races. Please thank also the Carver County Runners Association – they are volunteering their time. The course (boys/girls/JH) is the same as last year. It is extremely well marked. Concessions will be available (candy, Gatorade, bottled water). Limited number of t-shirts (cost $10.00) will be available. Entry fee ($125.00 for boys and girls teams)($65.00 if only ONE team) – please mail your check ASAP if you have not done so! Please mail to: Central Public Schools 531 Morse Street Norwood Young America, MN 55368 ATT: Dona Herrmann, Athletic Secretary Thanks for participating and have a great school year. See you next year. Mark L. Lagergren Meet Manager/HeadCC Coach Norwood-Young America From Brad Pickle (www.pickleevents.com) Coaches’ procedures to enter their roster: 1. Go to this link: http://theendresultco.com/xc 2. Enter Username and Password if you have already setup an account this year. If not: Create an account. Click the "continue sign-up" button on the login page. 3. Create your rosters. Click the male/female roster icons under the "Your Rosters" heading. After you've entered ALL your athletes’ information including classes, click "save changes". Then click the "return to main page" link. You must complete the NEXT step in order to register for a specific meet! 4. Sign up for meets. Click the male/female icons to the left of the meets you will be attending. After you've selected which athletes will be attending a meet, click "save changes". 5. Be aware that the Entry deadline is listed as Eastern Time, not Central time, so don’t wait until the last minute!
Norwood Young America Lions Invitational 2010
Meet History
Meet Records
Venue Records