Lakeville Applejack Invitational 2011

Lakeville, MN

Lakeville Applejack Invitational 2011 vs Lakeville Applejack Invite 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -250 354 604
Overall Average -4.87 19:25.67 19:30.54
1st-10th Place +6.68 16:04.00 15:57.32
1st-25th Place +9.56 16:24.39 16:14.84
1st-50th Place +20.41 16:51.26 16:30.85
1st-100th Place +27.14 17:23.15 16:56.01
Common Athletes -- -- 82
Ran Faster 72 77 5
Ran Season Best 72 82 10
Average Time -1:23.10 18:15.05 19:38.15
Median Time -1:20.50 17:59.30 19:19.80
Middle 80% Times -1:21.97 18:14.94 19:36.91
Top 10% Times -46.43 16:03.81 16:50.24
Top 25% Times -51.95 16:29.45 17:21.40
Top 50% Times -56.46 17:02.69 17:59.15
Bottom 50% Times -1:49.75 19:27.41 21:17.16
Bottom 25% Times -1:53.06 20:21.50 22:14.56
Bottom 10% Times -2:08.28 21:01.84 23:10.12
Average Difference -1:23.10 -- --
Median Difference -1:50.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:16.27 -- --
Top 10% Difference -40.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference -46.43 -- --
Top 25% Difference -35.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference -46.43 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:59.78 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:33.58 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:18.39 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jan Ketterson Bloomington Jefferson High School -50.10 15:36.50 16:26.60
Sidney Speir Eagan High School -1:00.00 15:53.40 16:53.40
Mitch Fisher Andover High School -2:03.90 16:00.70 18:04.60
Nathan Rock Rosemount High School -16.20 16:04.10 16:20.30
Chandler Dye Rosemount High School -35.90 16:09.30 16:45.20
Calvin Lehn Rosemount High School -55.30 16:09.70 17:05.00
Jacob Siekmeier Math & Science Academy -32.50 16:10.70 16:43.20
Caleb Leclaire Rogers High School -36.00 16:14.80 16:50.80
Steven Cotter Andover High School -1:46.30 16:15.10 18:01.40
Trevor Capra Rosemount High School -1:05.00 16:16.80 17:21.80
Christopher Meados Andover High School -2:11.10 16:17.10 18:28.20
Ricardo Celleri Minnetonka High School -1:00.80 16:30.80 17:31.60
Jake Schneeman Lakeville South High School -51.80 16:38.50 17:30.30
Jason Dawson Lakeville North High School -57.70 16:45.00 17:42.70
Calvin Mehrhof Coon Rapids High School -15.20 16:50.70 17:05.90
Kyle Hellman Andover High School -42.50 16:54.90 17:37.40
Spencer Castillo Lakeville North High School -2:28.00 16:59.90 19:27.90
Cash Rodamaker Lakeville South High School -56.70 17:02.80 17:59.50
Nate Johnson Eagan High School -40.90 17:04.40 17:45.30
Nathan Herman Coon Rapids High School -1:21.80 17:09.10 18:30.90
Ted Vaala Minnetonka High School -1:35.40 17:14.20 18:49.60
Parks Wagner Minnetonka High School -40.70 17:16.80 17:57.50
Tim Sampers Rosemount High School -30.30 17:19.50 17:49.80
Jason Windhorn Lakeville North High School -2:31.20 17:21.80 19:53.00
Corey Peterson Lakeville North High School -32.60 17:22.30 17:54.90
Tj Scott Rogers High School -3:26.40 17:23.20 20:49.60
Jay Evans Minnetonka High School -23.90 17:26.60 17:50.50
Noah Hanson Lakeville South High School -1:50.80 17:29.00 19:19.80
Michael Coughlin Coon Rapids High School -20.70 17:31.90 17:52.60
Ted Mcgee Bloomington Jefferson High School +18.30 17:51.90 17:33.60
Jackson Holmstad Prior Lake High School -56.00 17:34.80 18:30.80
Paul Evans Prior Lake High School -40.90 17:36.90 18:17.80
Stephen Coughlin Coon Rapids High School -51.50 17:39.70 18:31.20
Jack Brenner Lakeville North High School -1:58.10 17:41.00 19:39.10
Aaron Nelson Rogers High School -5:01.20 17:43.40 22:44.60
Ramsey Green Minnetonka High School -5.90 17:45.10 17:51.00
Ryan Gould Rosemount High School -28.70 17:46.00 18:14.70
Perry Smith Lakeville North High School -1:22.00 17:54.30 19:16.30
Joey Machaj Lakeville South High School -2:47.00 17:55.10 20:42.10
Adam Wallenta Farmington High School -3:12.60 17:55.80 21:08.40
Kalvin Moschkau Lakeville South High School -57.30 17:56.70 18:54.00
Jordan Lugowski Farmington High School -3:20.20 17:59.30 21:19.50
Brady Hannula Math & Science Academy -22.90 17:59.60 18:22.50
Shawn Ramberg Math & Science Academy -1:40.60 18:01.70 19:42.30
Tyler Haar Lakeville South High School -53.00 18:02.00 18:55.00
Justin Burt Rogers High School -47.10 18:03.90 18:51.00
Ben Ritter Lakeville South High School -4:04.20 18:11.10 22:15.30
Lucas Kivimaki Andover High School -1:54.30 18:13.30 20:07.60
Justin Hendricks Bloomington Jefferson High School -2:45.60 18:15.30 21:00.90
Lewis Kunik Lakeville North High School -24.20 18:17.10 18:41.30
Ian Macdonald Lakeville South High School -50.10 18:18.00 19:08.10
Dillon Walker Andover High School -38.70 18:23.80 19:02.50
Connor Day Lakeville South High School -2:52.00 18:29.80 21:21.80
Caleb Eiffert Farmington High School -2:28.80 18:39.30 21:08.10
Ben Olson Farmington High School -1:59.70 18:54.90 20:54.60
Justin Feiock Eagan High School -1.70 18:56.70 18:58.40
Montana Davis Bloomington Kennedy High School -3:01.30 18:58.10 21:59.40
Caleb Ayers Eagan High School -51.50 18:58.10 19:49.60
Joe Anderson Coon Rapids High School -1:51.30 19:02.50 20:53.80
Kyle Synowczynski Andover High School -5:07.40 19:11.00 24:18.40
Cole Peterson Heritage Christian Academy -2:52.50 19:16.70 22:09.20
Matt Swanson Coon Rapids High School +1.30 19:19.20 19:17.90
Andrew Heitzman Bloomington Jefferson High School -5:15.30 19:20.50 24:35.80
David Killam Bloomington Jefferson High School -42.50 19:21.70 20:04.20
Austin Long Farmington High School -1:55.80 19:30.30 21:26.10
Jackson Baril Minnetonka High School +1:17.50 20:50.70 19:33.20
Brian Lafrance Prior Lake High School -45.30 19:42.30 20:27.60
Steve Mueggenberg Coon Rapids High School -1:20.00 19:42.80 21:02.80
Han Yong Wunrow Math & Science Academy -1:30.20 19:53.90 21:24.10
Nate Vikeras Prior Lake High School -15.80 19:55.50 20:11.30
Evan Keil Lakeville South High School -2:06.50 20:09.10 22:15.60
Erik Trelstad Bloomington Jefferson High School +31.50 20:52.00 20:20.50
Zach Gelineau Lakeville South High School -30.70 20:26.00 20:56.70
Jake Leclaire Rogers High School -15.80 20:26.70 20:42.50
Zach Batta Farmington High School -1:08.00 20:27.00 21:35.00
David Rickheim Bloomington Jefferson High School -1:47.00 20:53.60 22:40.60
Trevor Breezley Farmington High School -51.40 20:55.20 21:46.60
Jeremy Vought Bloomington Jefferson High School +20.80 21:22.20 21:01.40
Tim Siepmaun Math & Science Academy -1:15.20 21:01.50 22:16.70
Andy Morris Farmington High School -1:07.70 21:06.00 22:13.70
Paul Gustafson Bloomington Jefferson High School -3:59.70 21:07.40 25:07.10
Aaron Dworshak Coon Rapids High School -1:09.00 21:08.00 22:17.00