MSHSL Section 3A Championships 2015 vs MSHSL Section 3A Championships 2012

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +184 287 103
Overall Average +2:03.75 21:52.44 19:48.70
1st-10th Place -14.75 17:05.68 17:20.43
1st-25th Place -14.56 17:35.97 17:50.53
1st-50th Place -12.66 18:13.87 18:26.52
1st-100th Place -38.79 19:03.37 19:42.16
Common Athletes -- -- 18
Ran Faster 16 17 1
Ran Season Best -- 8 8
Average Time -1:50.41 18:35.79 20:26.20
Median Time -1:42.40 18:47.50 20:29.90
Middle 80% Times -1:50.15 18:39.27 20:29.42
Top 10% Times -1:38.65 16:51.00 18:29.65
Top 25% Times -1:47.72 17:03.16 18:50.88
Top 50% Times -1:49.23 17:31.18 19:20.41
Bottom 50% Times -1:51.59 19:40.40 21:31.99
Bottom 25% Times -1:58.88 20:18.92 22:17.80
Bottom 10% Times -1:59.90 21:00.60 23:00.50
Average Difference -1:50.41 -- --
Median Difference -1:26.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:50.15 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:38.65 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:39.53 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:47.72 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:39.53 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:01.29 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:10.48 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:45.65 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Kurt Tebeest Montevideo High School -1:50.90 16:44.80 18:35.70
Michael Suda Pipestone Area High School -1:26.40 16:57.20 18:23.60
Jack Erickson Murray County Central High School -2:11.50 17:10.10 19:21.60
Dylan Nachreiner Springfield High School -1:56.90 17:11.70 19:08.60
Keiser Freetly Lac qui Parle Valley High School -1:32.90 17:12.00 18:44.90
John Wagner Lac qui Parle Valley High School -2:22.90 17:42.30 20:05.20
Andrew Nachreiner Springfield High School -3:39.20 17:50.80 21:30.00
Lucas Griebel Pipestone Area High School -1:19.30 18:24.40 19:43.70
Byron Frank BOLD High School -3:30.70 18:27.30 21:58.00
Erik Wohnoutka Luverne High School -1:42.40 18:47.50 20:29.90
Josh Homann Pipestone Area High School -3:11.20 18:48.80 22:00.00
Ethan Clerc Windom Area High School -1:49.60 18:49.40 20:39.00
Blake Helgeson Yellow Medicine East High School -1:26.70 19:03.30 20:30.00
Jae Carlson Windom Area High School -3:13.50 19:16.50 22:30.00
Thomas Froland MACCRAY High School -32.60 19:39.00 20:11.60
Nathanael Przybilla Tracy-Milroy-Balaton High School +59.20 20:48.00 19:48.80
Lance Zeug Springfield High School -2.10 20:37.90 20:40.00
Tyler Illg Tracy-Milroy-Balaton High School -2:17.80 21:13.20 23:31.00