St. Olaf H.S. Showcase 2024 vs St. Olaf High School Showcase 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -705 765 1470
Overall Average +22.38 23:54.11 23:31.73
1st-10th Place +12.83 16:24.01 16:11.18
1st-25th Place +20.45 16:56.87 16:36.42
1st-50th Place +23.12 17:24.14 17:01.02
1st-100th Place +29.88 18:03.29 17:33.40
Common Athletes -- -- 15
Ran Faster 15 15 --
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time -4:49.76 20:11.19 25:00.95
Median Time -4:45.80 19:47.80 24:33.60
Middle 80% Times -5:00.82 20:05.09 25:05.91
Top 10% Times -4:25.95 17:17.65 21:43.60
Top 25% Times -4:56.30 17:23.90 22:20.20
Top 50% Times -5:18.36 17:57.30 23:15.66
Bottom 50% Times -3:44.94 19:53.68 23:38.61
Bottom 25% Times -4:04.32 24:11.58 28:15.90
Bottom 10% Times -3:19.90 26:28.10 29:48.00
Average Difference -4:49.76 -- --
Median Difference -6:18.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -5:00.82 -- --
Top 10% Difference -4:25.95 -- --
Top 50% Difference -4:47.36 -- --
Top 25% Difference -4:13.10 -- --
Top 50% Difference -4:47.36 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -5:03.23 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -4:28.63 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:19.90 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Leo Lohnes Winona High School -4:12.80 17:08.00 21:20.80
Brady Benedict Winona High School -4:39.10 17:27.30 22:06.40
Landon Bannerman Mankato West High School -6:22.60 17:28.80 23:51.40
Tyler Kirchoff Mankato West High School -6:41.90 17:31.50 24:13.40
Rylan Bennyhoff Red Wing High School -4:29.30 17:42.90 22:12.20
Max Nguyen Rochester John Marshall -6:18.30 18:15.30 24:33.60
Norah Hushagen Forest Lake Area High School -6:58.50 18:16.80 25:15.30
Jacob Sheridan Winona High School -5:26.60 19:47.80 25:14.40
David Lexvold Red Wing High School -3:31.20 20:10.20 23:41.40
Samantha Mermelstein Roseville Area High School -5:49.90 20:58.20 26:48.10
Sidney Fuhr Chaska High School -5:24.80 21:14.70 26:39.50
Josh Sheridan Winona High School -3:47.90 21:47.70 25:35.60
Annika Johnson Red Wing High School -2:03.70 22:02.40 24:06.10
Sidney Dauwalter Chaska High School -3:15.10 25:44.80 28:59.90
Matalyn Tuil Forest Lake Area High School -3:24.70 27:11.40 30:36.10