First of all, how did you first start running?
I began running when my family lived in New Zealand for a year when I was 12. It was a required part of gym class for one semester to run every day, and we were the fastest kids in the school. At the end of the semester, we had a cross country race and I took second place to another kid named John. After that race, I fell in love with the sport and have been running ever since.
What are all your personal records, including cross country?
400: 52.1
800: 2:00
1600: 4:30
3200: 10:14
5k: 16:28 (on a course that was .1 mile long)
Do you do, or have you done, any other sports?
I currently am in cross country skiing. I have also played soccer, baseball, and basketball when I was younger (before 7th grade).
How did your family come about to living in New Zealand?
We moved to New Zealand because my mom had always wanted to live there. Dad found a job through an organization that placed family practitioners with hospitals for a year.
What is your favorite or most memorable competition you've ever been in?
My favorite competition that I have been in would have to be the State cross country meet my 10th grade year, because how everyone on our team had to run the best they've ever run before in order for us to win. It was all-in-all just a really fun race and it was super fun competing with the best people in the State. It was very humbling.
Other than your own talented teammates, who are some of your favorite athletes to compete against?
I enjoy running against Tyler Moore of Little Falls. He is a classy, humble, and kind person overall and I enjoy running with and against him. Also, Perham is fun to compete against. I enjoy running against them because they are down-to-earth and quality people.
Your brother said in my interview with him that you tend to be a more aggressive runner while he is more strategic. Would you say that is an accurate assessment?
I would say that that's an accurate statement. Sometimes I tend to go out too hard, and he stays back and waits until later in the race to make his move.
What are your main goals for this upcoming season?
After being disappointed with my last track season due to not setting any personal records (not because of how our 4x800 team performed), I hope to be able to perform at the level that I know I can. I haven't set any exact goals as of right now, but mainly just to PR and run fast.
In light of last track season, how did cross country last fall jive with your individual expectations?
I was nowhere near my expectations, but that's a part of running. There are ups and downs. Sometimes you plateau. I will keep working to become the best runner that I can.
(Photo provided by John Schwinghamer)
As a graduating senior, what things are going going to miss about running (or skiing) with your high school team, and what do you look forward to about college?
The thing that I am going to miss most will be my teammates. It is honestly going to be incredibly hard to replace my team. I've been running and skiing with these guys since 7th grade. We've put in countless miles and kilometers that it is going to be very hard to replace them. I look forward to a new place to explore and learn.
Do you have any college plans yet?
As of right now, I'm not sure whether I want to be a runner or be a skier in college, and my decision there will change where I will attend college.
Do you feel particularly inclined to attend the same school or different school as your brother? Or is that not a significant consideration in making your college choice?
I would love to attend the same school as my brother. I believe that if we both decide on running that we will go to the same colleges, but if I choose to ski we will go separate ways because the skiing schools that I am looking at aren't the same schools as the running schools that we are looking at.
Do you have any rituals, routines, or superstitions either on or off the track?
I always wear the same shirt (that I have 'borrowed' from my cousin James) to warm up in before every athletic event. I also like to chew Run Gum before every race.
When not accumulating miles or taking a left turn, what might we find you doing?
In my spare time I enjoy skiing, lifting, playing soccer or other sports with my friends, watching Futurama, or spending time in Ely with my cousin.
Tell me one bizarre fact about yourself.
I've been snowboarding at Big Sky Montana since I was 6.