
Coughlan Fieldhouse (St. Thomas)

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-01-12 Univ. of St, Thomas Indoor Invitational
2022-02-06 USATF Minnesota Indoor Meet #4
2021-03-21 TNHSXC Revolt
2021-02-27 Bethel vs. Hamline and St. Kates
2020-02-15 St. Thomas Showcase
2020-02-02 USATF Minnesota Indoor Meet #4
2020-01-12 USATF Minnesota Indoor Meet #3
2020-01-05 USATF Minnesota Indoor Meet #2
2019-03-27 St. Thomas Time Trials #3
2019-03-26 St. Thomas Time Trials #2
2019-03-25 St. Thomas Time Trials #1
2019-02-08 St. Thomas Showcase
2019-01-18 St. Thomas Invitational
2019-01-13 USATF Minnesota Indoor Meet #3
2019-01-06 USATF Minnesota Indoor Meet #2
2018-03-28 St. Thomas Time Trials #2
2018-03-27 St. Thomas Time Trials #1
2018-02-22 MIAC Indoor Championship
2018-02-09 St. Thomas Showcase
2018-01-21 USATF Minnesota Indoor Meet #3
2018-01-19 St. Thomas Invitational
2018-01-07 USATF Minnesota Indoor Meet #2
2017-03-22 Saint Thomas Time Trials
2017-03-20 Saint Thomas Time Trials
2017-02-23 MIAC Indoor Championship
2017-02-10 St. Thomas Showcase
2017-01-20 St. Thomas Invitational
2016-02-12 St. Thomas Showcase
2016-01-22 St. Thomas Invitational
2015-02-22 USATF Minnesota Indoor Meet #6
2015-02-13 St. Thomas Showcase
2015-01-25 USATF Minnesota Indoor Meet #4
2015-01-23 St. Thomas Invitational
2015-01-18 USATF Minnesota Youth Clinic & Meet #1
2014-02-14 St. Thomas Showcase
2014-01-24 St. Thomas Invitational
2013-03-30 St. Thomas Select Meet
2013-02-08 St. Thomas Showcase
2013-01-25 St. Thomas Showcase
2012-02-10 St. Thomas Showcase
2012-01-20 St. Thomas Invitational
2012-01-13 The Opener
2011-02-11 St. Thomas Showcase
2011-01-21 St. Thomas Invitational
2011-01-14 The Opener

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00