Personal Records:
Shot Put: 38'6"
Discus: 134'9"
How do you pronounce your last name?
{Mon-tie-full} I don't have a lot of nicknames, but many people call me Becky.
Tell us a little about your sports participation when you were younger. What things helped you to develop as a top thrower?
When I was younger I participated in Basketball, Volleyball, and one year of Softball. I stuck with Volleyball in high school until my sophomore year and then I quit my junior year to focus on my studies. One of the biggest things that has helped me become a thrower is having practices every day that I don't have meets, and working at home on my family's farm. I especially appreciate all the time and energy my coaches have put into me throughout these 4 years, without them I would not be where I am today.
Who are your coaches and how does each one help you?
My throws coach is Megan Polzin, she is a new addition to our coaching staff this year. She has put so much time into me and my fellow teammates this year. She has planned hard workouts that help us with our form and technique and all in all make us stronger and better at what we do. Our head coach is Joe Aurich, he has been very supportive to not only me but everyone on the team. I have been blessed with great coaches who have sacrificed so much time and energy so that I can be the best thrower possible. Our jumps coach, Brian Lundgren, and our distance coach, Kelly Ecklund, have also been very supportive in all that I do and they continue to push me to do my best.
What is your daily training regimen? What things do your coaches emphasize?
A normal day of practice consists of 30 minutes of technique, 45 minutes of lifting or working out, and about an hour of throwing. My coach emphasizes getting our rhythm down and making sure we know the technique before we focus too much on lifting. Throwing takes a lot of technique, and once you get the footwork and form down you can start getting stronger and lifting hard in the weight room. Many people think that throwers are good at throwing because they are big and strong, but honestly to be a good thrower size doesn't matter, it all comes down to how well you learned the technique and well you execute it.
Who else has encouraged your throwing? Which teammates help you the most?
Both of my parents have been very supportive and really encouraged me to try track as an incoming freshman. I have been blessed with such amazing parents who believe in me and support me in all that I do. As a freshman coming into track and field, Mark Esser, a senior at the time, was very helpful to me and took me under his wings and expanded some of his wisdom and understanding of the sport on to me. I was given such an amazing family when I joined the track team my freshman year.
Another fellow teammate who helped me a lot by pushing me to do my best was Kaden Lilienthal, who graduated last year. He always beat me in shot put but when it came to discus we liked to "compete" against each other for the furthest mark at practices, I would say that friendly competition and support helped both of us to achieve our goals of going to the state meet last year. I have had many great teammates throughout the years and they have all helped me tremendously whether they know it or not.
What years did you go to the state meet in track & field? What place did you get?
I went to state every year of my high school career 2014, 2015, 2016, and now 2017. As a freshman in 2014 I was just happy to go to the state meet, and I was very surprised that I ended up taking 14th place for the discus throw.
(Photo provided by Rebecca Manteuffel)
Have you attended workshops on throwing or do you watch videos of great throwers?
I personally have not attended any workshops, but I have watched videos on YouTube from the Olympics and other technique videos, those have helped me tremendously.
How about other sports? If you don't play other sports, how do you stay fit for the track & field season?
During my freshman and sophomore years I stayed active playing volleyball in the fall, but after quitting that sport, I found myself becoming more active on our family farm. I have always been very active in our family operation and I think growing up in a farming community has given me the strength and endurance to be a thrower. Working on the farm helps me to stay active year-round and allows me to use my body in similar ways I use it to throw shot put and discus.
Have you signed up for a college? Why did you choose the one you did and do you expect to compete?
Next year I will be attending Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall, MN. I chose this school because they have an awesome elementary education program. While their education program is great, the track program is what really got me. The coaches are great and I am so excited to be a thrower at SMSU next year!
Do you follow or admire any college or professional athletes? Why do you like them?
No I really don't follow any athletes, but I do admire all the energy and time that athletes put into their designated sports, and I hope to do the same next year when I am a college thrower.
What other things are you involved in at Mayer Lutheran or you community?
I am involved in 4-H and have been for pretty much my whole life. I am also very active in my church's youth group, and at my job at Lake Minnetonka Regional Park. One big thing for me this summer is that I am a Carver Country Dairy Princess, so I will be making appearances at banks and camps and various other places where I will be advocating for the dairy industry, along with that I will be in many parades this summer.